Just wondering why a lot of blacks cannot speak English

Well, a lot of English people are like "Why can't Americans speak English properly?"
I had an argument with one of my English professors in college, I stated that American and English were at least different dialects and possibly even different languages. He disagreed so I spent the rest of the quarter writing all my papers using English grammar, idioms and spelling, it drove him completely bananas.
I had an argument with one of my English professors in college, I stated that American and English were at least different dialects and possibly even different languages. He disagreed so I spent the rest of the quarter writing all my papers using English grammar, idioms and spelling, it drove him completely bananas.

Yes, there are differences, but very small differences.

The issue is that some dialects are not understandable to other dialects. Whereas most American English is understandable to English English speakers.
Yes it is.

I've seen an Irish guy try and teach English with his "Tank you". Could I tell him it's not "proper English"? No. But that people often want American or English English.

So, back to the topic, do black people in the US not speak English properly? Well, they speak what they speak. Is it proper? Well, they communicate, I guess.

What I am trying to point out is that both people are not hearing the same thing.
You hear what your brain was been trained or designed to hear.
We think we are hearing accurately, but we are not.
Trying to be serious here.

Why is it a lot of American born blacks cannot speak English?
They hear the words spoken correctly on TV and in movies and by school teachers. They see the words written in magazines, comic books, and school books. They hear other people speaking the words correctly...........so WHY is it THEY cannot speak correct English?

Axed instead of ASK
Sposibly instead of SUPPOSEDLY
Prolly instead of PROBABLY
and many more words I've yet to decypher.

I was talking to one black I.T. guy at work and I could BARELY understand anything he was saying. And he kept saying "deckstop" instead of DESKTOP!! He slurred his words together, and sounded like verbal mashed potatoes.

So why is it they can't speak proper English, when they are around it all the time and taught it in school?

They coined their own language....remember 'ebonics?' That's the redefined term for 'ghetto speak.'
if that were so all of them would talk stupid. They are raised that way to project their differences and to show all the rest of us how profoundly stupid they are.
I don't know why but that is just fucking stupid and hateful for no reason
if that were so all of them would talk stupid. They are raised that way to project their differences and to show all the rest of us how profoundly stupid they are.
Good point. The ebonics crowd have been groomed by racist Democrats just as the 'woke' crowd are groomed by Marxist Democrats. It is getting so insane that a black conservative candidate for CA Governor (Larry Elder) was labeled a 'white supremacist.'
Good point. The ebonics crowd have been groomed by racist Democrats just as the 'woke' crowd are groomed by Marxist Democrats. It is getting so insane that a black conservative candidate for CA Governor (Larry Elder) was labeled a 'white supremacist.'
Yes and the redneck crowd have been groomed by the Jesus freaks right?
Yes and the redneck crowd have been groomed by the Jesus freaks right?
Unlike your position of protecting and making excuses for uneducated minorities, I have no problem with calling a redneck a redneck. And if Bubba is also too stupid to speak properly, I will call him to task also. I also freely admit that I could have paid more attention in school too so call me what you want.
Good point. The ebonics crowd have been groomed by racist Democrats just as the 'woke' crowd are groomed by Marxist Democrats. It is getting so insane that a black conservative candidate for CA Governor (Larry Elder) was labeled a 'white supremacist.'
I guess non of these idiots here wonder why Elder can speak normally? Or do they think he was left in the woods and raised by Mormons?
Unlike your position of protecting and making excuses for uneducated minorities, I have no problem with calling a redneck a redneck. And if Bubba is also too stupid to speak properly, I will call him to task also. I also freely admit that I could have paid more attention in school too so call me what you want.
I wasn't talking to you. Nor do you know me and have no reason to talk to me as if you do.


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