Just wondering why a lot of blacks cannot speak English

Only some brain dead idiot would want to speak so poorly they can't be understood.
Only some brain dead idiot would want to speak so poorly they can't be understood.
I talk mad shit all the time. Both here and with friends. They all understand me. Then I have an entirely different dialect for delicate fucktards who can't handle people different from themselves, not unlike you.

The best part? I get the struggling poor blacks that hire me as fast as the rich whites. So who does that say more about?
Trying to be serious here.

Why is it a lot of American born blacks cannot speak English?
They hear the words spoken correctly on TV and in movies and by school teachers. They see the words written in magazines, comic books, and school books. They hear other people speaking the words correctly...........so WHY is it THEY cannot speak correct English?

Axed instead of ASK
Sposibly instead of SUPPOSEDLY
Prolly instead of PROBABLY
and many more words I've yet to decypher.

I was talking to one black I.T. guy at work and I could BARELY understand anything he was saying. And he kept saying "deckstop" instead of DESKTOP!! He slurred his words together, and sounded like verbal mashed potatoes.

So why is it they can't speak proper English, when they are around it all the time and taught it in school?

I had a friend in the Army who was looking for one of his friend. she shoulded
Trying to be serious here.

Why is it a lot of American born blacks cannot speak English?
They hear the words spoken correctly on TV and in movies and by school teachers. They see the words written in magazines, comic books, and school books. They hear other people speaking the words correctly...........so WHY is it THEY cannot speak correct English?

Axed instead of ASK
Sposibly instead of SUPPOSEDLY
Prolly instead of PROBABLY
and many more words I've yet to decypher.

I was talking to one black I.T. guy at work and I could BARELY understand anything he was saying. And he kept saying "deckstop" instead of DESKTOP!! He slurred his words together, and sounded like verbal mashed potatoes.

So why is it they can't speak proper English, when they are around it all the time and taught it in school?

a black guy in the Army was looking for one of his friends so he shouted loudly. WHERE GLENN AT. a guy there told him. hey man learn to speak English
I talk mad shit all the time. Both here and with friends. They all understand me. Then I have an entirely different dialect for delicate fucktards who can't handle people different from themselves, not unlike you.

The best part? I get the struggling poor blacks that hire me as fast as the rich whites. So who does that say more about?
Sorry, you make no sense.
Trying to be serious here.

Why is it a lot of American born blacks cannot speak English?
They hear the words spoken correctly on TV and in movies and by school teachers. They see the words written in magazines, comic books, and school books. They hear other people speaking the words correctly...........so WHY is it THEY cannot speak correct English?

Axed instead of ASK
Sposibly instead of SUPPOSEDLY
Prolly instead of PROBABLY
and many more words I've yet to decypher.

I was talking to one black I.T. guy at work and I could BARELY understand anything he was saying. And he kept saying "deckstop" instead of DESKTOP!! He slurred his words together, and sounded like verbal mashed potatoes.

So why is it they can't speak proper English, when they are around it all the time and taught it in school?

/-----/ They don't want to sound too White. I worked with educated Blacks who spoke the King's English at work and spoke the Hood with his family and friends.

Some people of the ethnicity under discussion fail to use the "s" in third-person present tense sentences. They fail, for example, to say something like "My teacher speaks five languages."

I once read this explanation: As slaves in the South, they naturally imitated the speech of their Caucasian owners. And some of their owners (or their ancestors who had come over to America earlier) spoke a version of English (in England) that did not use the "s" ending.
/-----/ They don't want to sound too White. I worked with educated Blacks who spoke the King's English at work and spoke the Hood with his family and friends.
Many people can use language appropriate to their audience. When I was in the Army, my wife came on base and heard me using the language I used in my unit. She was astonished at the level of profanity that I used since I never cussed in polite company. I was taught to tailor my language to be appropriate to the company I was keeping.
Many people can use language appropriate to their audience. When I was in the Army, my wife came on base and heard me using the language I used in my unit. She was astonished at the level of profanity that I used since I never cussed in polite company. I was taught to tailor my language to be appropriate to the company I was keeping.
Everyone does it. Often unconsciously.
Trying to be serious here.

Why is it a lot of American born blacks cannot speak English?
They hear the words spoken correctly on TV and in movies and by school teachers. They see the words written in magazines, comic books, and school books. They hear other people speaking the words correctly...........so WHY is it THEY cannot speak correct English?

Axed instead of ASK
Sposibly instead of SUPPOSEDLY
Prolly instead of PROBABLY
and many more words I've yet to decypher.
I sort of like Prolly.
If you're going that route, then all languages other than Latin are racist.
That's it! That's it!! Finally, a justification for my studies.

(Just don't read the parts about the slaves and throwing the Christians to the lions. They didn't really mean that, see.)
I have no idea. Their lips, hair, facial structure & noses are all different so why not internal organs as well?

And why does it matter. I have a couple buddies with stiff southern accents and it's not a big deal
Between dialects and those masks (lots of blacks wear them in Maryland: I suppose they want to never be recognized so they can steal stuff and do other crimes) it's very hard to understand anyone. I've about decided not to have conversations started by masked people. They can go talk to someone else. I can just say, loudly, "I can't understand you because you have a big thing over your face," and move on.
Ach mon, I dinna ken ya knew, Dina fash yerself
Yeah, Scots is the one dialect I won't listen to on audiobooks. (I've heard it used twice!!) It's really incomprehensible and I say so who has such a Scottish maiden name no one is more Scottish. I don't know why English went off in so many directions.
Many people can use language appropriate to their audience. When I was in the Army, my wife came on base and heard me using the language I used in my unit. She was astonished at the level of profanity that I used since I never cussed in polite company. I was taught to tailor my language to be appropriate to the company I was keeping.
I remember, trying to head out the door, and asking my PJ where I had laid my garrison cap while her mother was standing there next to her. She did not know what I was talking about until I said the flat one. They light went off in her head and she said "Oh, your **** cap", never knowing it had another name. Boy, was she pissed when I said, Well, it's actually called a garrison cap", and finding it out with her mother standing there.

US Army Garrison cap

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