Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

There is no Jewish law, idiot.

There are no Jewish laws?

There is no code of Jewish ethics and civil law????

There is no such thing as Kashrut and Halakha???

Halakha isn't enforced by American civil courts through binding arbitration???

my God you're stupid.
No there are no Jewish set of laws, like there are Shariah laws, idiot.

Kashrut laws are just like Hallal laws, and nobody is proposing a ban those because they are not in conflict with civil laws. Shariah law commands that women be and minorities be treated as second class citizens. That men be allowed to marry four wives.
No there are no Jewish set of laws, like there are Shariah laws, idiot.

Kashrut laws are just like Hallal laws, and nobody is proposing a ban those because they are not in conflict with civil laws. Shariah law commands that women be and minorities be treated as second class citizens. That men be allowed to marry four wives.

Yes there are Jewish laws, you idiot.


Halakha (Hebrew: הֲלָכָה) (Sephardic: [halaˈχa]) —also transliterated Halocho (Ashkenazic: [haˈloχo]), or Halacha—is the collective body of religious laws for Jews, including biblical law (the 613 mitzvot) and later talmudic and rabbinic law, as well as customs and traditions.

don't speak when you know soo little.
Seriously Coyote, whom are you trying to fool?

The first thing you said when you entered this thread was how outraged you were at this "hate Muslim" thread and that "this is one of the most disgusting threads you've seen". Why? Because people dared to be upset at innocent non Muslims being slaughtered in the name of Islam. Because people dared to question whether Islam is as peaceful as advertised, or Muslims are as tolerant as they keep telling us they are. DESPITE THEIR BEHAVIOR TO THE CONTRARY.

The biggest problem with the Muslim world today is not that you have Islamic terrorist savages killing people like animals, it's people like you that don't stand up to minimize and marginalize the violence and intolerance. Instead we'd have heard everything but that. And that's what you always do.

You're using a pretty broad brush there, buddy. There are extremists in every religion and you want to blame the entire religion for the actions of of the extremists.
Yes Islam is a more violent and intolerant religion. No doubt about it. And the actions of it's followers and the silence of the rest prove it.
Yes Islam is a more violent and intolerant religion. No doubt about it. And the actions of it's followers and the silence of the rest prove it.

for every violent Muslim, there are tens of thousands of peaceful Muslims.
And you know what the Israelis know or don't know? Ha ha ha. What is this, comedy hour?

The Israelis state for the record that Iran has not yet developed a nuke.

You remind me of the idiots who said before the Iraq Invasion, that Saddam had a nuke.
Yes Islam is a more violent and intolerant religion. No doubt about it. And the actions of it's followers and the silence of the rest prove it.

for every violent Muslim, there are tens of thousands of peaceful Muslims.
Ya okay, so the non Muslims should just sit there and take it on the chin every day, while you guys clap for them and blame the Jews. LOL
Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Muslims blow up a Christian church in Pakistan killing more than 100 people who have done nothing wrong other than practice a religion other than Islam.

Muslims attack a mall in Kenya, killing over 80 non Muslims and counting. Running around like wild animals asking innocent shoppers taken as hostages if they are Muslims, and if so to prove it by reciting prayers, before they murder them.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?

It's all our fault, WE MADE THEM DO IT.

No there are no Jewish set of laws, like there are Shariah laws, idiot.

Kashrut laws are just like Hallal laws, and nobody is proposing a ban those because they are not in conflict with civil laws. Shariah law commands that women be and minorities be treated as second class citizens. That men be allowed to marry four wives.

Yes there are Jewish laws, you idiot.


Halakha (Hebrew: &#1492;&#1458;&#1500;&#1464;&#1499;&#1464;&#1492;) (Sephardic: [hala&#712;&#967;a]) —also transliterated Halocho (Ashkenazic: [ha&#712;lo&#967;o]), or Halacha—is the collective body of religious laws for Jews, including biblical law (the 613 mitzvot) and later talmudic and rabbinic law, as well as customs and traditions.

don't speak when you know soo little.
"Laws" which detail the proper way to practice your religion, idiot. Holding Sabbath, not eating pork, etc. NOT "non Muslims have no rights" or "women must have four male witnesses in a court of law to prove rape" or "men are allowed to marry four wives".

Jewish laws:

Murder is forbidden.
Theft is forbidden.
Sexual immorality is forbidden.
Eating flesh cut from a still-living animal is forbidden.
Belief in and worship of, or prayer to, "idols" is forbidden.
Blaspheming against God is forbidden.
Society must establish a fair system of legal justice to administer law honestly.

Just like Christians and Catholics have their "laws"

Catechism of the Catholic Church - The moral law

Canon law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Canon law is the body of laws and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority (Church leadership), for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members. It is the internal ecclesiastical law governing the Catholic Church (both Latin Rite and Eastern Catholic Churches), the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches, and the Anglican Communion of churches.[1] The way that such church law is legislated, interpreted and at times adjudicated varies widely among these three bodies of churches. In all three traditions, a canon was originally a rule adopted by a council; these canons formed the foundation of canon law.
And you know what the Israelis know or don't know? Ha ha ha. What is this, comedy hour?

The Israelis state for the record that Iran has not yet developed a nuke.

You remind me of the idiots who said before the Iraq Invasion, that Saddam had a nuke.
Never said either. I said we don't know what Iran really has. Pay attention. What states say publicly is very different than what they know in private.

Congratulations...New swastika tattoo on your forehead? It's very "you".
Murder is forbidden.
Theft is forbidden.
Sexual immorality is forbidden.
Eating flesh cut from a still-living animal is forbidden.
Belief in and worship of, or prayer to, "idols" is forbidden.
Blaspheming against God is forbidden.
Society must establish a fair system of legal justice to administer law honestly.


These aren't Jewish laws, dumbass.

These laws are for Gentiles.

meanwhile, there are hundreds of laws that govern the lives of Orthodox Jews.

THEY consider them laws, that govern their religious lives and their everyday activities.

THEY govern how they deal with everyday people, how they work, how they play, how they handle their finances.

YOU clearly don't know shit about Jews.
Never said either. I said we don't know what Iran really has. Pay attention. What states say publicly is very different than what they know in private.

Congratulations...New swastika tattoo on your forehead? It's very "you".

There is no evidence that Iran currently possesses a nuclear weapon.

But here, I found your flag.

Last edited:
Murder is forbidden.
Theft is forbidden.
Sexual immorality is forbidden.
Eating flesh cut from a still-living animal is forbidden.
Belief in and worship of, or prayer to, "idols" is forbidden.
Blaspheming against God is forbidden.
Society must establish a fair system of legal justice to administer law honestly.


These aren't Jewish laws, dumbass.

These laws are for Gentiles.

meanwhile, there are hundreds of laws that govern the lives of Orthodox Jews.

THEY consider them laws, that govern their religious lives and their everyday activities.

THEY govern how they deal with everyday people, how they work, how they play, how they handle their finances.

YOU clearly don't know shit about Jews.
Yes, of course. Not to eat pork or hold Sabbath, or fast on Yom Kippur are "laws" for gentiles too. And Christians have laws how to lead their daily lives, . Like I said those are laws pertaining how to practice your religion. You're dismissed Nazi boy, now Shoooooo!

Canon law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Catholic canon law as legal system[edit source]
It is a fully developed legal system, with all the necessary elements: courts, lawyers, judges, a fully articulated legal code[10] principles of legal interpretation, and coercive penalties, though it lacks civilly-binding force in most secular jurisdictions. The academic degrees in canon law are the J.C.B. (Juris Canonici Baccalaureatus, Bachelor of Canon Law, normally taken as a graduate degree), J.C.L. (Juris Canonici Licentiatus, Licentiate of Canon Law) and the J.C.D. (Juris Canonici Doctor, Doctor of Canon Law). Because of its specialized nature, advanced degrees in civil law or theology are normal prerequisites for the study of canon law.
(Current Canon Law from Vatican Website)[11]

Presbyterian and Reformed churches[edit source]

Main article: Presbyterian polity
In Presbyterian and Reformed churches, canon law is known as "practice and procedure" or "church order", and includes the church's laws respecting its government, discipline, legal practice and worship.
Roman canon law had been criticized by the Presbyterian as early as 1572 in the Admonition to Parliament. The protest centered around the standard defense that canon law could be retained so long as it did not contradict the civil law. According to Polly Ha, the Reformed Church Government refuted this claiming that the bishops had been enforcing canon law for 1500 years.[21]
Yes, of course. Not to eat pork or hold Sabbath, or fast on Yom Kippur are "laws" for gentiles too. And Christians have laws how to lead their daily lives, . Like I said those are laws pertaining how to practice your religion. You're dismissed Nazi boy, now Shoooooo!..

No dumbass, YOU quoted the Noachide Laws, which are for Gentiles...NOT Jews!!!

No, Christians do not have laws that govern their daily lives.

Christians do not have religious courts that govern their civil disputes.

But Jews and Muslims do.

Damn, you are a stupid!!!

enjoy your flag.

Never said either. I said we don't know what Iran really has. Pay attention. What states say publicly is very different than what they know in private.

Congratulations...New swastika tattoo on your forehead? It's very "you".

There is no evidence that Iran currently possesses a nuclear weapon.

But here, I found your flag.

I believe it's highly possible Iran may already have the components of a nuclear bomb, but haven't weaponized it. And as soon as they start weaponizing, that's when they will get whacked. And these negotiations now are all efforts to prevent that from happening. Let's hope they aren't stupid enough to play more games.
Yes, of course. Not to eat pork or hold Sabbath, or fast on Yom Kippur are "laws" for gentiles too. And Christians have laws how to lead their daily lives, . Like I said those are laws pertaining how to practice your religion. You're dismissed Nazi boy, now Shoooooo!..

No dumbass, YOU quoted the Noachide Laws, which are for Gentiles...NOT Jews!!!

No, Christians do not have laws that govern their daily lives.

Christians do not have religious courts that govern their civil disputes.

But Jews and Muslims do.

Damn, you are a stupid!!!

enjoy your flag.

But of course dipstick ignores the truth and spews whatever he feels like.

Catholic canon law as legal system[edit source]
It is a fully developed legal system, with all the necessary elements: courts, lawyers, judges, a fully articulated legal code[10] principles of legal interpretation, and coercive penalties, though it lacks civilly-binding force in most secular jurisdictions. The academic degrees in canon law are the J.C.B. (Juris Canonici Baccalaureatus, Bachelor of Canon Law, normally taken as a graduate degree), J.C.L. (Juris Canonici Licentiatus, Licentiate of Canon Law) and the J.C.D. (Juris Canonici Doctor, Doctor of Canon Law). Because of its specialized nature, advanced degrees in civil law or theology are normal prerequisites for the study of canon law.
(Current Canon Law from Vatican Website)[11]
Much of the legislative style was adapted from the Roman Law Code of Justinian. As a result, Roman ecclesiastical courts tend to follow the Roman Law style of continental Europe with some variation, featuring collegiate panels of judges and an investigative form of proceeding, called "inquisitorial", from the Latin "inquirere", to enquire. This is in contrast to the adversarial form of proceeding found in the common law system of English and U.S. law, which features such things as juries and single judges.

Ha ha ha. Like I said, douche, you're dismissed.
But of course dipstick ignores the truth and spews whatever he feels like.

Catholic canon law as legal system[edit source]
It is a fully developed legal system, with all the necessary elements: courts, lawyers, judges, a fully articulated legal code[10] principles of legal interpretation, and coercive penalties, though it lacks civilly-binding force in most secular jurisdictions. The academic degrees in canon law are the J.C.B. (Juris Canonici Baccalaureatus, Bachelor of Canon Law, normally taken as a graduate degree), J.C.L. (Juris Canonici Licentiatus, Licentiate of Canon Law) and the J.C.D. (Juris Canonici Doctor, Doctor of Canon Law). Because of its specialized nature, advanced degrees in civil law or theology are normal prerequisites for the study of canon law.
(Current Canon Law from Vatican Website)[11]
Much of the legislative style was adapted from the Roman Law Code of Justinian. As a result, Roman ecclesiastical courts tend to follow the Roman Law style of continental Europe with some variation, featuring collegiate panels of judges and an investigative form of proceeding, called "inquisitorial", from the Latin "inquirere", to enquire. This is in contrast to the adversarial form of proceeding found in the common law system of English and U.S. law, which features such things as juries and single judges.

Ha ha ha. Like I said, douche, you're dismissed.

Roman Catholics in the USA go to religious courts to deal with civil matters????

that's a lie and you know it.

but Jews and Muslims do.

..here's your flag, bro.

"Democracy now!"? That reeks of activism. Try pulling that crap on someone else, dubiousgeorge.
Amaze me with your power to refute content as opposed to pissing blood over context, terrible-templar:

"AMY GOODMAN: Dahr, I wanted to ask you about the issue of depleted uranium. In 2004, a special investigation by Democracy Now! co-host Juan González of the New York Daily News found four of nine soldiers of the 442nd Military Police Company of the New York Army National Guard returning from Iraq tested positive for depleted uranium contamination.

"They were the first confirmed cases of inhaled depleted uranium exposure from the Iraq conflict. One of the people affected was Sergeant Agustin Matos, who was deployed in Iraq with the 442nd Military Police. Speaking on Democracy Now!, he described his health problems.

SGT. AGUSTIN MATOS: I, myself, while I was out there, experienced a couple—a fever one night, unexplained. I was fine during the day, and then it just hit me. It just totally knocked me out. I was in bed. I couldn’t get out. I can’t remember exactly what the fevers were. But also I had—I was urinating blood while I was out there. It wasn’t good. It was just a place not to be when you were sick like that."

Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq with Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers | Democracy Now!

When it is a partner with PBS, one of the more liberal public access stations out there, there is no need to "refute" anything.
True or False?

"Overall, the country has seen a massive increase in cancer rates from the 1991 Gulf War up to present, even according to official Iraqi government statistics. In 1991, for example, there were 40 registered cases of cancer out of 100,000 Iraqis. By 1995, four years after that war, that number had jumped to 800 out of 100,000 Iraqis. And then—by 2005, that number had doubled..."

"The most recent statistic, I’ll end with, before I get into Fallujah. And what these images are showing is that in 2005 we saw 1,600 Iraqis with cancer out of 100,000, so a massive escalation that continues."

Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq with Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers | Democracy Now!
"...here's your flag, bro."


I don't know about Jews playing nice with Nazis and adopting their symbology...

But we DO know that Muslims play nice with Nazis, and adopt their symbology...


...and that their Leaders and Holy Men dig up on it.

Their flag, as I recall...


Hope that helps to separate the REAL from the IMAGINARY...

Modern-day adaptations of the Muslim-Nazi connection available at the touch of a button...
Last edited:
I don't know about Jews playing nice with Nazis and adopting their symbology...

But we DO know that Muslims play nice with Nazis, and adopt their symbology...


...and that their Leaders and Holy Men dig up on it.

Their flag, as I recall...


Hope that helps to separate the REAL from the IMAGINARY...

Modern-day adaptations of the Muslim-Nazi connection available at the touch of a button...

Adolf Eichmann said that if he was a Jew, he would have been a Zionist. The most extreme Zionist possible.

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