Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Rational people look at the big picture. They look at the fact that there are over 1.6 billion Muslims world wide. They look at the fact that opinion polls show little support for extremism. They look at the number of terrorist incidents and compare that to 1.6 billion and draw conclusions from that. That is what rational people do. That is why bigots prefer to call them "terrorist apologists".

Roudy the liar. Or maybe you have no clue what it is you are talking about. Do some research. In fact - read the Pew report on Muslim attitudes around the world. There is a good deal in that about Sharia and what it means to different communities. You might notice there are split opinions between what constitutes Sharia and what portions of Sharia they want implimented. Many of the countries that incorporate Sharia do not use it for their penal code. You bring up the most barbaric examples - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and ignore the others.

Why is that? Because it would demonstrate that Sharia isn't one monolithic thing? Even Islamic scholars (and we're well aware you aren't one) aren't in total agreement on what constitutes Sharia and how it should be applied in a modern state and that is the focus of ongoing disputes between modernists and fundamentalists.

Describing something accurately not "defending" it. I don't defend any religious law - whether Sharia or Mosaic.

Yup. That exists under some systems of Sharia.

Who's arguing for that? Who's defending it?

What is Sharia? Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It
You're arguing against banning it. Are you having a hard time keeping up with your own BS?

Nice attempt at redirection.

I'm arguing against laws in the US which single out one religion. I'm arguing it because our system of secular constitutional law and our rights of freedom of religion, means that imposing any religious system of law is going to be unconstitutional. Are you, a conservative and presumably a proponent of less government - seriously supporting needless laws? Or, is this an example of your double standard?

The only reason in this country to ban "Sharia" and not any other form of religious law - is bigotry and just plain ignorance.
Excuse me, so you think Shariah law, which is incompatible with the constitution, freedom, humanity, and morality, should not be banned because it singles out a religion?
and how many non Muslims have Muslims killed? Tens of millions. Some estimate it to be 280 million. What's your point?


this is a lie which you of course have no evidence for.

tell is, since you ONLY post against Muslims & Arabs and pro-Israel, we can assume that you are in fact an agent for Israel, yes?

Seriously Coyote, whom are you trying to fool?

The first thing you said when you entered this thread was how outraged you were at this "hate Muslim" thread and that "this is one of the most disgusting threads you've seen". Why? Because people dared to be upset at innocent non Muslims being slaughtered in the name of Islam. Because people dared to question whether Islam is as peaceful as advertised, or Muslims are as tolerant as they keep telling us they are. DESPITE THEIR BEHAVIOR TO THE CONTRARY.

The biggest problem with the Muslim world today is not that you have Islamic terrorist savages killing people like animals, it's people like you that don't stand up to minimize and marginalize the violence and intolerance. Instead we'd have heard everything but that. And that's what you always do.

You're using a pretty broad brush there, buddy. There are extremists in every religion and you want to blame the entire religion for the actions of of the extremists.
You're using a pretty broad brush there, buddy. There are extremists in every religion and you want to blame the entire religion for the actions of of the extremists.

his entire agenda on this forum is to attack Arabs and Muslims, and to blindly support Israel.

its all he posts about. nothing else.

he can't rationally or logically explain why the acts of maybe .001% of Muslims should be used to attack all Muslims.
You're arguing against banning it. Are you having a hard time keeping up with your own BS?

Nice attempt at redirection.

I'm arguing against laws in the US which single out one religion. I'm arguing it because our system of secular constitutional law and our rights of freedom of religion, means that imposing any religious system of law is going to be unconstitutional. Are you, a conservative and presumably a proponent of less government - seriously supporting needless laws? Or, is this an example of your double standard?

The only reason in this country to ban "Sharia" and not any other form of religious law - is bigotry and just plain ignorance.
Excuse me, so you think Shariah law, which is incompatible with the constitution, freedom, humanity, and morality, should not be banned because it singles out a religion?

We are a nation in which freedom of religion is a specified right. We are also a nation with a constitutional system of law which trumps any other.

Frankly, why do you propose unnecessary discrimmination, particularly when there is no support for Sharia in America's Muslim community?
Hoffwit: "Jews Jews Jews, oink oink oink." Muslims massacre hundreds of innocent people and all he can think of is Jews.

Last I checked the bombing in Pakistan and the Kenyan mall terrorists had nothing to do with Jews.

the mall is owned by Israelis, you Nazi asshole.
Nazi asshole?

Well, if there's anybody who would know about Nazis, it's Islamo-Fascists and their Apologists...

Roudy... re: this 'Nazi asshole' business...

You may be fast-approaching a 'Fuck You' moment...

Keep a good hold on your temper, and let the Islam propaganda shill lose his-hers-its...

Then see if the Code of Conduct comes into play for such unprovoked personal attacks...

Patience... patience... patience...
"...That must be why Sunni's keep blowing up Shia's so often. That is, after they run out of non Muslims to kill. First the Friday Saturday people, then the Sunday people..."

Hell, as long as the Muslims keep blowing each other up, they'll have less time to focus upon the Infidels... so, let's do whatever we can, to keep 'em pissed-off at each other, and slaughtering each other, rather than others...
Nazi asshole?

Well, if there's anybody who would know about Nazis, it's Islamo-Fascists and their Apologists...

Roudy... re: this 'Nazi asshole' business...

You may be fast-approaching a 'Fuck You' moment...

Keep a good hold on your temper, and let the Islam propaganda shill lose his-hers-its...

Then see if the Code of Conduct comes into play for such unprovoked personal attacks...

Patience... patience... patience...

this thread attacks all Muslims as being responsible for the crimes of .001% of their population.

only a hateful Nazi asshole, would create such a thread with such pathetic generalizations and stereotyping.

don't like it? sue me.
The .001 argument is threadbare, and few people who are either (1) not heavily vested in the answer or (2) possessing more than a few brain cells, really buy into that argument any longer...
The .001 argument is threadbare, and few people who are either (1) not heavily vested in the answer or (2) possessing more than a few brain cells, really buy into that argument any longer...

250,000 violent Muslim extremists is .015% of the Muslim population.

Judging all Muslims by this .015%, is disgusting racism and bigotry.

shame that Jews could express such bigotry, considering the suffering they have felt from bigotry.
I was not aware that Islam was a 'race'.

I know of the Negroid race.

I know of the Mongoloid race.

I know of the Cacausian race.

I know of the Red race.

...and all of the admixtures and readmixtures and variants and re-labelings identified in recent decades.

But I missed the designation 'Islam race' or 'Muslim race'.

Silly me.
I was not aware that criticizing Islam - because it is peculiarly and uniquely vulnerable and prone to spin-doctoring to utilize its godhead as the justifying basis for war and violence and deception - was Bigotry.

First time I've seen Truth and Accuracy labeled as Bigotry, but, then again, ya learn sumfin' new every day, I guess...
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I was not aware that it was the Jews who were behind all the anti-Islam sentiment in the United States.

Silly, rascally Jooooooos.

"Oh... bad, naughty, wicked Jooooooos!"


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[As they say in sheep dogging, "that'll do" :lol: You can't find it so you're running in circles like a twit without a purpose trying to make something up.

Well, romantic liaisons and sheep are not my forte'... But the post I'm replying to is yet another example of your continued apologetics for Islamic extremism.

Yup. :)

Brilliant come back. You need to work on your creativity a bit though.

Well, we can't all be "brilliant" enough to call others "twit.."


There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy.....

Then I suggest you join the literacy club.

Keep up with your mind reading classes...someday...you might get lucky ;)

I don't mind a bit of ad hom, but could you at least TRY to engage a bit of wit, corky?

Did you even read your own source?:eusa_eh:

80% do NOT seek to impose Sharia as "international" law - but as the law in their own country. Big difference. Not only that - the percentages vary according to the country from 12% to 99% with no distinction made in what parts of Sharia.

Ah, more bullshitting.

{Sharia, literally the “path” or “way,” is the body of Islamic law developed to deal with all aspects of life for a Muslim. It spans everything from business and contract law to marriage and inheritance to sin and personal hygiene}

Sharia Law in the International Legal Sphere | Yale Undergraduate Law Review

Hmm, so despite your little exercise in prevarication, Sharia is in fact NOT specific to a state, tribe, or country, and is in FACT international and binding to Muslims regardless of nation.

It's okay, no one expects integrity from internet Jihadists..

From the source:

It also states:

Now, as to the claim that: Over a third of Muslims openly support violence against civilians in the promotion of Islam....

Is suicide bombing justified - % of Muslims who say attacks against civilians in defense of Islam can be often/sometimes justified - numbers range from 1% to 49% with the majority being in the single digits, most of the remainder being below 20%. The few outliers: Palestinian Terr. 40%, Afghanistan 39%, Egypt 29%. (Not to surprising).

That would be convincing - if suicide bombing were the only form of violence, but since IED's and so many other forms are present - your chicanery is irrelevant.

This is a really interesting report that shows how complex many of these issues are in the Muslim world, it breaks down Sharia into it's components and polls on that, and it also indicates that there is quite a concern about religious extremists (variable according to region). I've never seen one so comprehensive, so I really need to thank you for that link.

Your welcome, I deal in facts.

Nazism isn't abhored simply becuase of the Holocaust but because of the underlying platform of eugencis and racial superiority. INazism was also a monolithic ideology who's membership numbered in the "thousands" as opposed to a world religion of multiple sects and views which numbers in the billions. It's an ignorant analogy.


Islam isn't abhorred simply because of the genocidal demands of the the Religion, but because of the underlying platform of ecumenical and cultural superiority. Islam is also a monolithic ideology who's membership numbered in the millions and who impose their views on others through the force of arms and the use of terror.

It's a dead nuts analogy - and you know it.

I don't demand any terrorist activities be given a pass - no matter who initiates it.

zatt rite?

This thread says different.

:lol: and on to your next ASSumption! Mind reading is not your forte ;)

Old, tired, impotent..

But hey, you're desperate in defending the indefensible - so absurd contortions are expected...

They attack Jews based on both a "racial" aspect and a "religious" aspect. Take a look at the most common conspiracy theories that have led to the demonization of Jews. Most are based on religion.

The attacks of JOOOZZZZ come mostly from Muslims.

No. It's not a race. I have never said it was. :lol:

You attempt to paint opposition to a creed that is based on conquest, enslavement, and murder, in the same light as racial hatred. It's disingenuous - but what's a Muslim to do? :dunno:

I just provide the fact M'am.

You are as short on fact as you are on perception.

I doubt any other poster on this board would assume me female...

Oh, did you ever answer? Are you Sunni?
Nice attempt at redirection.

I'm arguing against laws in the US which single out one religion. I'm arguing it because our system of secular constitutional law and our rights of freedom of religion, means that imposing any religious system of law is going to be unconstitutional. Are you, a conservative and presumably a proponent of less government - seriously supporting needless laws? Or, is this an example of your double standard?

The only reason in this country to ban "Sharia" and not any other form of religious law - is bigotry and just plain ignorance.
Excuse me, so you think Shariah law, which is incompatible with the constitution, freedom, humanity, and morality, should not be banned because it singles out a religion?

We are a nation in which freedom of religion is a specified right. We are also a nation with a constitutional system of law which trumps any other.

Frankly, why do you propose unnecessary discrimmination, particularly when there is no support for Sharia in America's Muslim community?
There is no law that should supersede the civil law in any free democratic nation. The constitution is the law of the land and Shariah law is incompatible with not only the Constitution, but laws of all Western nations that are free, democratic, with equal rights for all.

Again, are you arguing for Muslims to be able to live by a set of laws that are the direct opposite of the laws of the land?
"...That must be why Sunni's keep blowing up Shia's so often. That is, after they run out of non Muslims to kill. First the Friday Saturday people, then the Sunday people..."

Hell, as long as the Muslims keep blowing each other up, they'll have less time to focus upon the Infidels... so, let's do whatever we can, to keep 'em pissed-off at each other, and slaughtering each other, rather than others...
As long as their busy killing each other they'll have less time, energy, and money to kill the infidels.

That must be very upsetting to you.
Excuse me, so you think Shariah law, which is incompatible with the constitution, freedom, humanity, and morality, should not be banned because it singles out a religion?

We are a nation in which freedom of religion is a specified right. We are also a nation with a constitutional system of law which trumps any other.

Frankly, why do you propose unnecessary discrimmination, particularly when there is no support for Sharia in America's Muslim community?

There is no law that should supersede the civil law in any free democratic nation. The constitutions the law of the land and Shariah law is incompatible with not only the Constitution, but laws of all Western nations that are free, democratic, with equal rights for all.

Exactly. So why do we need a law banning a law that will never happen?

Again, are you arguing for Muslims to be able to live by a set of laws that are the direct opposite of the laws of the land?

Again: Why do you propose unnecessary discrimmination particularly when there is no support for Sharia in America's Muslim community

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