Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Link please...

This thread.

I am not responsible for every post on this thread, only my own.

Surely you can find a post where I'm specifically defending terrorism. Should be that hard to do.

Or you can keep dodging.

because strangely enough the mantra of those that can't discuss issues seems to be "you're defending terrorism".

The deceit you spread is supporting terrorism.

Can't find that link eh?

Oh, on the surface you offer some flaccid, off the cuff remark about how you wish they would use a different method - but the bottom line is that you agree with their goals. While their methods may be distasteful, they get results.

Where did I say anything about methods? Where have I agreed with their goals? I think you are inserting your own thoughts into my posts.

A suggestion: don't. Take responsibility for your own views and I will take responsibility for my words.

And this is the Muslim world in general, particularly among the Sunni - I assume you are Sunni, correct? You feign mild disapproval of terrorism, but the goal is to subjugate infidel, all that moves the world closer to a global Caliphate is embraced.

Your psychic powers are failing you miserably.

Muslims love to claim that only a tiny minority engage in terrorism, which is true. But the majority supports that minority - as you do - politicking to distract from the fact that terrorism exists to promote the evil that is Islam.

According to public opinion polls such as what I quoted earlier in this thread, the majority does not support terrorism. That's a "Fail" on your part.

Less than 1% of Nazi PARTY MEMBERS were involved in the Holocaust - yet rational people condemn Nazism as a whole.

And failures always end up resorting to Nazi comparisons. A small political party is not a world religion that contains numerous sects and is practiced differently around the world.

But YOU demand that Islam be different, that a creed of evil, which produces death, slavery, and misery, every place it exists, not only be tolerated, but embraced.

What have you been smoking? I demand? :eusa_eh:

No, Islam should be, MUST BE, shunned by decent people. Evil cannot be invited into the company of virtue.

That's what the anti-semites said about the Jews.:doubt:

I realize that you are here to defend Islam, including Islamic terrorists - but do at least TRY to engage your brain.

Why? With your marvelous mind reading powers you shouldn't need that. :)

Don't want to call me a "racist?" Isn't opposition to terrorism and evil "racism?"

What does race have to do with religious bigotry?
So you can't find anything where I've defended terrorism?

So, you just can't be honest under any circumstances?

Allah smiles at your faithfulness.

I didn't think a simple straight forward question could be so hard for a mind reader like you.

Give it a try - just one statement by me where I'm defending terrorism :)
The great majority of Muslims are NOT Arabs - that is NOT semites if you want to think in racist terms.

I repeat: I do not 'hate' Muslims, I detest and despise Islam.

that's like saying: I don't hate Jews, I just hate Judaism.

Now it's a matter of validity.

In studying any belief system...

If belief-system A is absolutely saturated with operative Permissions to Engage in War and Violence and to Lie to Nonbelievers - no matter the specificity, which can always be twisted to one's purpose - and if belief-system A has a long bloody history of multi-regional, multi-national conquest in fulfillment of such long-standing operative Permissions...

If belief-system B only has a handful of historical Permissions along those lines and if NONE of those Permissions are considered operative in modern times and if belief-system B does NOT have a history of multi-regional, multi-national conquest, then...

Throwing rocks at belief-system A is probably far more valid than throwing rocks at belief-system B...

Especially when do-it-yourself street-corner mullahs and re-interpreters are utilizing their sacred texts to incite war and bloodshed in the name of the godhead in modern times, much as they did in their now-long-gone never-to-be-repeated Conquest and Glory Days...

Never-to-be-repeated... so long as The West remembers who and what it is, and who and what Islam is, and stands guard against the slow, creeping encroachments of Islam as well as its glaring bursts of violence... so long as Men of The West retain their Courage...

Islam is a poison to The West - it is a Johnny-come-lately spin-off or knock-off hybrid of Judaism, Christianity and Muhammed's Tolkien-like fevered Arab brain...

Tossing in a Lord-of-the-Black-Rock undercurrent to the fantasy-novel, and changing the direction for prayers from Jerusalem to Mecca, just to make the old black-stone-worshipping pagans of the Arab towns happy, so that they'd be more inclined to convert...

An alien and incompatible belief-system that slowly encroaches and ingratiates itself until it reaches a stronger position in society, after which it begins making strident demands and becoming violent when it does not get its way, or until it gets its way...

Uber-Leftists and other naive world-without-borders and wanna-buy-the-world-a-coke and campfire-kumbya-singing types vehemently protest that it Islam is no better nor worse than any other belief-system...

The Europeans are beginning to figure-out just how wrong that perspective is...

To the point where the British Prime Minister and the French President have confessed that MultiCulturalism (codespeak for letting Muslims have a degree of autonomy within their European countries) just isn't working...

There are good and demonstrable reasons behind such statements...

Islam is poison to The West...

Let it stay in The East... where it's been retarding progress for much of the past 1,000 years since the passing of their brief Glory Days...

We don't need to erase the past 1000 years of social and cultural progress...

We don't need that shit here...
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It seems that the component of Peaceful Inner Strugglers in Pakistan with the greatest strength of numbers (and largest caliber weapons), has taken upon itself the task of purging the islam of those deemed not to be “real moslems”.

Moslems – they’re so islamophobic.

Ahmadi persecution: Police bow to clerics to tear down minarets ? The Express Tribune

LAHORE:police demolished minarets at an Ahmadi place of worship in Sialkot on Saturday, after a group of protesters threatened to do so themselves, The Express Tribune has learnt.

The police approached the community on Friday after a local cleric complained that three worship places for Ahmadis had features that resembled mosques, namely minarets and verses from the Quran written on the walls.

The minarets and verses were covered up, apparently to the police’s satisfaction, but a baying mob gathered at one worship place the next day and demanded that the minarets be torn down. The police did so. The group of protesters is now demanding that similar action be taken against two other worship places within a couple of days
I am not responsible for every post on this thread, only my own.

And those which you post defend Islam in such a way as to excuse terrorism.

Surely you can find a post where I'm specifically defending terrorism. Should be that hard to do.

This one will do.

Or you can keep dodging.

Be honest.

Can't find that link eh?

Where did I say anything about methods? Where have I agreed with their goals? I think you are inserting your own thoughts into my posts.

Are you mentally retarded?

Literate people infer from what you write.

You are the unabashed defender of Islam. If anyone so much as whisper a question of Islam, there you are to engage. You don't defend and promote Islam because you oppose the goals.

A suggestion: don't. Take responsibility for your own views and I will take responsibility for my words.

But you don't - just as you do with the terrorist, you try to weasel and slither around what you say.

Your psychic powers are failing you miserably.

Weak, even for you.

According to public opinion polls such as what I quoted earlier in this thread, the majority does not support terrorism. That's a "Fail" on your part.

Utter bullshit.

Over a third of Muslims openly support violence against civilians in the promotion of Islam. over 80% seek to impose Sharia as international law.


And failures always end up resorting to Nazi comparisons. A small political party is not a world religion that contains numerous sects and is practiced differently around the world.

In the case of Islam - it is an apt comparison - which is why you slither and slime in an attempt to deflect.

Let's look again, less than 1% of Nazi Party Members were engaged in the Holocaust, yet rational people abhor Nazism.

YOU and other Muslims demand that since only 2% of Muslims engage in terrorism, Islam should be given a pass. Why was Nazism not given a pass? Why have decent people RIGHTFULLY condemned Nazism as a creed of evil?

Of course you will deflect and avoid - such is the way of internet Jihadists.

Oh, I almost forgot, do you even admit that there WAS a Holocaust?

What have you been smoking? I demand? :eusa_eh:

Demand in one hand, shit in the other, see which fills faster.

That's what the anti-semites said about the Jews.:doubt:

Not even close. Those who attack Jews, including Muslims, claim a genetic basis.

But Islam is not a race - despite your attempts to make it so. Islam is a belief system - just as Nazism is. It is a system based on the domination of others, world domination.

What does left/right have to do with bigotry?

What does bigotry have to do with your incessant apologetics for terrorism?
It seems that the component of Peaceful Inner Strugglers in Pakistan with the greatest strength of numbers (and largest caliber weapons), has taken upon itself the task of purging the islam of those deemed not to be “real moslems”.

Moslems – they’re so islamophobic.
Ahmadi persecution: Police bow to clerics to tear down minarets ? The Express Tribune

LAHORE:police demolished minarets at an Ahmadi place of worship in Sialkot on Saturday, after a group of protesters threatened to do so themselves, The Express Tribune has learnt.

The police approached the community on Friday after a local cleric complained that three worship places for Ahmadis had features that resembled mosques, namely minarets and verses from the Quran written on the walls.

The minarets and verses were covered up, apparently to the police’s satisfaction, but a baying mob gathered at one worship place the next day and demanded that the minarets be torn down. The police did so. The group of protesters is now demanding that similar action be taken against two other worship places within a couple of days

Ahmadis are heretics and Not muslims. .. :cool:
It seems that the component of Peaceful Inner Strugglers in Pakistan with the greatest strength of numbers (and largest caliber weapons), has taken upon itself the task of purging the islam of those deemed not to be “real moslems”.

Moslems – they’re so islamophobic.
Ahmadi persecution: Police bow to clerics to tear down minarets ? The Express Tribune

LAHORE:police demolished minarets at an Ahmadi place of worship in Sialkot on Saturday, after a group of protesters threatened to do so themselves, The Express Tribune has learnt.

The police approached the community on Friday after a local cleric complained that three worship places for Ahmadis had features that resembled mosques, namely minarets and verses from the Quran written on the walls.

The minarets and verses were covered up, apparently to the police’s satisfaction, but a baying mob gathered at one worship place the next day and demanded that the minarets be torn down. The police did so. The group of protesters is now demanding that similar action be taken against two other worship places within a couple of days

Ahmadis are heretics and Not muslims. .. :cool:

And the ascendancy of the Shia Crescent will allow the shia to purge the Islam of the mushrikeen sunni apostates.

.... True story

....... :cool:
His group proposed legislation in 2007 to make adherence to Sharia “a felony punishable by 20 years in prison”. Keep in mind - Sharia isn't one monolithic thing, it's a complex and lengthy system of codes that are interpreted in different ways in different areas. It has civil and penal codes - not all of which are applied. It includes, for example - dietary regulations in how meat is prepared (like Kosher) and rules on money and business transactions as well as marriage, divorce, and custody. Many civil matters amongst religious people - of all religious - are decided the rules of their particular religion through an agreement. These kind of "anti-Sharia" laws are grossly ignorant and discriminnatory in that religious laws are always trumped by state and federal laws and the Constitution and they single out one religion for such legislation.

There ya go, this time with outright lies. Making Shariah look like its something "complex" and good. Shariah law is pure evil and barbarism and has no place in modern civilized society. If any Western society wants to survive, it should be banish and outlaw Shariah law. It is the cause of most of the problems with the Muslim world today.

For you to even HINT that Shariah law can be a positive thing, is very revealing.

Thanks for coming out of the closet.
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There ya go, this time with outright lies. Making Shariah look like its something "complex" and good. Shariah law is pure evil and barbarism and has no place in modern civilized society. If any Western society wants to survive, it should be banish and outlaw Shariah law. It is the cause of most of the problems with the Muslim world today.
Incorrect retard Roudy...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
I am not responsible for every post on this thread, only my own.

And those which you post defend Islam in such a way as to excuse terrorism.

Surely you can find a post where I'm specifically defending terrorism. Should be that hard to do.

This one will do.

As they say in sheep dogging, "that'll do" :lol: You can't find it so you're running in circles like a twit without a purpose trying to make something up.

Be honest.

Yup. :)

Are you mentally retarded?

Brilliant come back. You need to work on your creativity a bit though.

Literate people infer from what you write.

Then I suggest you join the literacy club.

You are the unabashed defender of Islam. If anyone so much as whisper a question of Islam, there you are to engage. You don't defend and promote Islam because you oppose the goals.

Keep up with your mind reading classes...someday...you might get lucky ;)

Over a third of Muslims openly support violence against civilians in the promotion of Islam. over 80% seek to impose Sharia as international law.


Did you even read your own source?:eusa_eh:

80% do NOT seek to impose Sharia as "international" law - but as the law in their own country. Big difference. Not only that - the percentages vary according to the country from 12% to 99% with no distinction made in what parts of Sharia.

From the source:
Overwhelming percentages of Muslims in many countries want Islamic law (sharia) to be
the official law of the land, according to a worldwide survey by the Pew Research Center.
But many supporters of sharia say it should apply only to their country’s Muslim population.

Moreover, Muslims are not equally comfortable with all aspects of sharia: While most favor using religious law in family and property disputes, fewer support the application of severe punishments – such as whippings or cutting off hands – in criminal cases. The survey also shows that Muslims differ widely in how they interpret certain aspects of sharia, including whether divorce and family planning are morally acceptable.

It also states:
Within regions, support for enshrining sharia as official law is particularly high in some
countries with predominantly Muslim populations, such as Afghanistan and Iraq.1 But support for sharia is not limited to countries where Muslims make up a majority of the population. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, Muslims constitute less than a fifth of the population in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia,Mozambique and Uganda; yet in each of these countries, at least half of Muslims (52%-74%) say they want sharia to be the official law of the land.

Conversely, in some countries where Muslims make up more than 90% of the population, relatively few want their government to codify Islamic law; this is the case in Tajikistan (27%), Turkey (12%) and Azerbaijan (8%).

Now, as to the claim that: Over a third of Muslims openly support violence against civilians in the promotion of Islam....

Is suicide bombing justified - % of Muslims who say attacks against civilians in defense of Islam can be often/sometimes justified - numbers range from 1% to 49% with the majority being in the single digits, most of the remainder being below 20%. The few outliers: Palestinian Terr. 40%, Afghanistan 39%, Egypt 29%. (Not to surprising).

This is a really interesting report that shows how complex many of these issues are in the Muslim world, it breaks down Sharia into it's components and polls on that, and it also indicates that there is quite a concern about religious extremists (variable according to region). I've never seen one so comprehensive, so I really need to thank you for that link.

In the case of Islam - it is an apt comparison - which is why you slither and slime in an attempt to deflect.

Let's look again, less than 1% of Nazi Party Members were engaged in the Holocaust, yet rational people abhor Nazism.

Nazism isn't abhored simply becuase of the Holocaust but because of the underlying platform of eugencis and racial superiority. INazism was also a monolithic ideology who's membership numbered in the "thousands" as opposed to a world religion of multiple sects and views which numbers in the billions. It's an ignorant analogy.

YOU and other Muslims demand that since only 2% of Muslims engage in terrorism, Islam should be given a pass. Why was Nazism not given a pass? Why have decent people RIGHTFULLY condemned Nazism as a creed of evil?

I don't demand any terrorist activities be given a pass - no matter who initiates it.

Of course you will deflect and avoid - such is the way of internet Jihadists.

Oh, I almost forgot, do you even admit that there WAS a Holocaust?

:lol: and on to your next ASSumption! Mind reading is not your forte ;)

Not even close. Those who attack Jews, including Muslims, claim a genetic basis.

They attack Jews based on both a "racial" aspect and a "religious" aspect. Take a look at the most common conspiracy theories that have led to the demonization of Jews. Most are based on religion.

But Islam is not a race - despite your attempts to make it so. Islam is a belief system - just as Nazism is. It is a system based on the domination of others, world domination.

No. It's not a race. I have never said it was. :lol:

I thought I was pretty clear on my terminology but...maybe you need to work on your literacy :)

What does bigotry have to do with your incessant apologetics for terrorism?

I just provide the fact M'am.
There ya go, this time with outright lies. Making Shariah look like its something "complex" and good. Shariah law is pure evil and barbarism and has no place in modern civilized society. If any Western society wants to survive, it should be banish and outlaw Shariah law. It is the cause of most of the problems with the Muslim world today.

For you to even HINT that Shariah law can be a positive thing, is very revealing.

Thanks for coming out of the closet.

I'm not making Sharia either "good" or "bad", just stating the facts about it. I suggest you read the report Uncensored didn't read - it explains Sharia and Muslim's views about it far better than anything you've presented. ;)

For the record - I'm 100% for secular law - no religious law of any kind, being the predominant law of my country. If citizens wish to use religious or tribal laws for civil matters in the US - I don't have an issue as long as Constitutional law always trumps it. That's the way it is in this country and that is why these anti-Sharia laws are nothing more than an exercise in bigotry and fear mongering.
And the ascendancy of the Shia Crescent will allow the shia to purge the Islam of the mushrikeen sunni apostates.
Never gonna happen nitwit......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Oh, you poor dear.

I understand you feel threatened by the shia tribes which are asserting their ideology across the Persian (not "Arabian") Gulf. See. The shia took even that away from you.

But look, as a goofy convert safely ensconced in the West, you're just a pom pom flailer who can spend time on a kafir innovated message board, using the kafir innovated and maintained web by way of a kafir innovated PC using kafir innovated software.

As a suggestion, you could convert to a real religion such as Judaism or Christianity.

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