Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Bullshit, people all over the Muslim world stomped on, and burned American flags and passed out sweets in celebration.

the 50% idea, is a filthy lie and you know it.

I know Israel wants us to believe this lie, but its still a lie.
"All these men were Nazis. All these men, were Jews..."
Better a handful of Nazis here-and-there than hundreds of thousands belonging to Hezbollah and Hamas...

Oh, BTW, you DO realize that that was just about the lamest and weakest mojo-as-counterpoint that's been served-up here recently, yes?

You're not doing too well, are you?

It would help if you had believable material and if logic and reality were on your side in the matter.

But that's not the case here.
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I'm not white washing anything Roudy. I'm pointing out that Muslims were also killed because Al Shabab are extremists.

On NPR they were broadcasting interviews of people who survived the attack and one lady who was a Muslim, had lost 10 relatives. One of them was a child was shot in the hip (he survived) but his mother and 15 year old sister were shot. The excuse given for their execution was that they were not wearing a Hijab.

As I pointed out Al shabab is a pack of rabid dogs. I hope they are shot down on sight for what they've done.

No one is defending them. I just refuse to jump on your Muslim-Hate Bandwagon.
And I refuse the concept of any and all threads pointing out Islamic atrocities to be diverted, and then attacked and flamed as "Muslim hate bandwagons". All you ever do 24/7 is apologize and misrepresent in defense of Islam. We get it.

Bigotry gets old Roudy.

No one defends terrorism. But god forbid that they should have the audacity to see Muslims as human beings.
The first thing you did when you entered this thread was you claimed that the Kenyan attack wasn't directed at non Muslims, which proved to be a total misrepresentation. Then you proceeded to tell everybody that this thread is "disgusting" because it expresses hatred towards all Muslims. Despite there being no evidence whatsoever.

Islamic terrorism is real, and is based on Muslim intolerance towards non Muslims. They express this religious intolerance by murdering non Muslims on a daily basis all over the world. If it's really hatred and bigotry that upsets you then you should perhaps be focusing on the worst haters the world has seen since the Nazis aka today's Islamists. But of course we know that's not what it's about.

You'll defend anything and everything Muslims do, through misrepresentations and false comparisons. We've seen this behavior exhibited in thread after thread. At this point the cat is out of the bag and everybody knows what your game is. When are you going to come clean?
The first thing you did when you entered this thread was you claimed that the Kenyan attack wasn't directed at non Muslims, which proved to be a total misrepresentation. Then you proceeded to tell everybody that this thread is "disgusting" because it expresses hatred towards all Muslims. Despite there being no evidence whatsoever.

Islamic terrorism is real, and is based on Muslim intolerance towards non Muslims. They express this religious intolerance by murdering non Muslims on a daily basis all over the world. If it's really hatred and bigotry that upsets you then you should perhaps be focusing on the worst haters the world has seen since the Nazis aka today's Islamists. But of course we know that's not what it's about.

You'll defend anything and everything Muslims do, through misrepresentations and false comparisons. We've seen this behavior exhibited in thread after thread. At this point the cat is out of the bag and everybody knows what your game is. When are you going to come clean?

He mostly combats vile hatred against Muslims.

when are you going to come clean that you work for the Mossad?
"...when are you going to come clean that you work for the Mossad?"

It's all a Worldside Jooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya...!!!

The first thing you did when you entered this thread was you claimed that the Kenyan attack wasn't directed at non Muslims, which proved to be a total misrepresentation. Then you proceeded to tell everybody that this thread is "disgusting" because it expresses hatred towards all Muslims. Despite there being no evidence whatsoever.

Islamic terrorism is real, and is based on Muslim intolerance towards non Muslims. They express this religious intolerance by murdering non Muslims on a daily basis all over the world. If it's really hatred and bigotry that upsets you then you should perhaps be focusing on the worst haters the world has seen since the Nazis aka today's Islamists. But of course we know that's not what it's about.

You'll defend anything and everything Muslims do, through misrepresentations and false comparisons. We've seen this behavior exhibited in thread after thread. At this point the cat is out of the bag and everybody knows what your game is. When are you going to come clean?

He mostly combats vile hatred against Muslims.

when are you going to come clean that you work for the Mossad?

Said the spokesman for Al Qaeda :cuckoo:
Muslims have been attacking non-Muslims across the planet (Philippines, Thailand, China, Russia, India, Spain, Netherlands, United States, France, England, Myanmar, Indonesia, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Brunei, Comoros, Sudan, Libya, et cetera).
Any Muslim who considers him/herself to be very devout, considers Muhammads latter teachings to supercede his earlier teachings and that every word in the Quran to be true. As Muhammad's latter teachings were about hating and killing all who do not convert to Islam, one can see the source of the problem (the Quran and its false prophet). If there were a deity and a devil, Islam could easily be considered of the devil, as the latter teachings are about hate and killing non-believers. A true deity could get rid of anyone without puny humans doing it for the thing.
Bullshit, people all over the Muslim world stomped on, and burned American flags and passed out sweets in celebration.

the 50% idea, is a filthy lie and you know it.

I know Israel wants us to believe this lie, but its still a lie.

Care to spew more lies about Israel? I'm game. Shoot. I'll knock each one out of the park. This is batting practice.
It saddens me to see Jews fan the flames of anti-Muslim hatred (anti-Semitism).

They think that by making Christians hate Muslims more, they will hate Jews less.

...what will these fools do when Christians realize what's going on?

the Jews will once again, reap the eternal flame.

Who on here is a Jew?

And how do you know their motive(s)?

"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests."
This psycho-sock mental case tries to bring up Jews and Israel in almost every post.
Who on here is a Jew?

And how do you know their motive(s)?

"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests."

who else but a right-wing Jew, would so obsessively rant and rave against Arabs and Muslims on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis?
Who else but an IslamoNazi worshiping troll would try to change the subject to Jews with each and every post when it has absolutely nothing to do with it?
Non-right-wing non-Jews who see the need to counterpoint those advancing the Muslim agenda as it pertains to America and its allies and its policies?

There is more to this country than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio.

listen Felatio, I'm not trying to advance any Muslim agenda.
NOoooooo. Now why would anybody think that? :rofl:
In a further escalation of internecine Islamic violence, Sunni insurgents were blamed with targeting another Shiite mosque.

It bears repeating for those who don't yet know: The Sunni and Shia loathe each other. Even though both groups are Moslem, the shia are considered by the sunni to be a heretical sect.

This latest suicide bombing in Iraq continues the savage, 1,400 year old Sunni/Shia internecine murder-fest.

The ferocity results from the sunni claiming the shia are committing that most grievous of sins: shirk.

It is expressly stated in the koran, the sunnah, and the sharia that there is no valid law but allah's. Islam is religion, politics, law, and personal comportment. Everything—complete and not subject to questioning.

Iraq witnesses one of the worst attacks this year, 39 killed

Iraq witnesses one of the worst attacks this year, 39 killed - News Oneindia

Baghdad, Sept 12: A suicide bombing against a Shiite mosque as worshipers streamed out was the bloodiest of attacks across Iraq that left at least 39 people dead on Wednesday, officials said.
Hoffstra: "It's the Jews' fault!" Ha ha ha. What a psycho.
I can assure you there is nothing "feigned" about my feelings about islam. When you've seen the results in broken skin and bone from our former timidity toward that filthy brainwashed herd, any normal man would feel mudereous impulses toward them. Coyote wants to bait me into revealing I plan to kill American muslims. A strange tactic coming from a person who won't reveal if he is or is not muslim or a he or a she for that matter. No worries....I feel avenged for our Fallen. Should this continue much past what's on our plate at the moment, an example will have to made. Flattening Tehran for instance would do my heart good. "Feigned"? Marines don't feign anything, boy.

oh, Im sure you hate Muslims.

but your ability to even break their fingernails, is what's feigned.

internet tough guys are a dime a dozen.

"break their fingernails"? What's cheaper than internet tough guys are internet jews like yourself. No mensch would say what you've said, Sally.....a nickel a dozen at best.
The "thing" is not a Jew. but rather a dedicated Jew hater and perhaps a convert to radical Islam, who has made it his career to defend all the hate, evil, and violence that Muslims commit.
Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Muslims blow up a Christian church in Pakistan killing more than 100 people who have done nothing wrong other than practice a religion other than Islam.

Muslims attack a mall in Kenya, killing over 80 non Muslims and counting. Running around like wild animals asking innocent shoppers taken as hostages if they are Muslims, and if so to prove it by reciting prayers, before they murder them.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?

It's all our fault, WE MADE THEM DO IT.
Have you noticed any spike in your local birth defect rate?
(Aside from yourself.)

"In part two of our interview, Al Jazeera reporter Dahr Jamail discusses how the U.S. invasion of Iraq has left behind a legacy of cancer and birth defects suspected of being caused by the U.S. military’s extensive use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus.

"Noting the birth defects in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, Jamail says: 'They’re extremely hard to bear witness to. But it’s something that we all need to pay attention to ... What this has generated is, from 2004 up to this day, we are seeing a rate of congenital malformations in the city of Fallujah that has surpassed even that in the wake of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that nuclear bombs were dropped on at the end of World War II.'

"Jamail has also reported on the refugee crisis of more than one million displaced Iraqis still inside the country, who are struggling to survive without government aid, a majority of them living in Baghdad."

Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq with Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers | Democracy Now!

Since 1991 the US and its puppets have maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslim who posed no threat to the US homeland (or Israel). Why would any sensible person be surprised when some Muslims blame the US for the current level of misery in Iraq and Syria and Libya and Jerusalem?
And here comes another Islam apologist with a totally irrelevant post about guess what, something having to do with Israel. Ha ha ha.
For those of you thinking Zionism is racist:

In 1975 the UN General assembly adopted a resolution slandering Zionism by equating it with racism. Zionism is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, which holds that Jews, like any other nation, are entitled to a homeland.

History has demonstrated the need to ensure Jewish security through a national homeland. Zionism recognizes that Jewishness is defined by shared origin, religion, culture and history. The realization of the Zionist dream is exemplified by more than 5 million Jews from more than 100 countries, who are Israeli citizens.

Israel's Law of Return grants automatic citizenship to Jews. But non Jews are also eligible to become citizens under naturalization procedures similar to those in other countries. More than one million Muslims and Christian Arabs, Druze, Baha'is, Circassians and other ethnic groups are also represented in Israel's population. The presence in Israel of thousands of dark-skinned Jews from Ethiopia, Yemen and India is the best refutation of the calumny against Zionism. In a series of airlifts, labeled Moses (1984), Joshua (1985) and Solomon (1991), Israel rescued more than 20,000 members of the ancient Ethiopian Jewish Community.

Zionism does not discriminate against anyone. Israel's open and democratic character, and it's scrupulous protection of the religious and political rights of Christians and Muslims, rebut the charge of exclusivity. Moreover anyone--Jew or non-Jew, Israeli, American, or Saudi, black, white, yellow or purple--can be a Zionist.

Writing after "Operation Moses" was revealed, William Safire noted:

"...For the first time in history, thousands of black people are being brought to a country not in chains, but in dignity, not as slaves but as citizens."

By contrast, Arab states define citizenship strictly by native parentage. It is almost impossible to become a naturalized citizen in many Arab states, especially Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Several Arab nations have laws that facilitate the naturalization of foreign Arabs with the specific exception of Palestinians. Jordan, on the other hand, instituted it's own "law of return" in 1954, according citizenship to all former residents of Palestine except for Jews.

To single out Jewish self-determination for condemnation is itself a form of racism. When approached by a student at Harvard in 1968 who attacked Zionism, Martin Luther King responded: "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking about anti-Semitism."

The 1975 UN resolution was part of a the Soviet-Arab Cold War anti-Israel campaign. Almost all the former non-Arab supporters of the resolution have apologized and changed their positions. When the General Assembly voted to repeal the resolution in 1991, only some Arab and Muslim states, as well as Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam were opposed.

--pp 6-7, Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab Israeli Conflict, by Mitchell G. Bard
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You mean not that YOU really care...."truther" are ya? Here's some truth. Different muslim sects attack each other's mosques with relish. Look at what Zarqawi and al-Masri did to shia mosques in Iraq. Tell me when Methodists have ever burned and looted a Baptist church? Well, it's common practice in the ME....of course with U.S. ROEs we couldn't even approach a mosque unless there was an active sniper inside and then only to use minimal force. Sanctuary except from each other....they love shooting each other on the pilgramage to Mecca....getting the picture yet? They have no respect for each other, no tolerance for the tiniest slight, barbaric attitudes toward women and slavery etc etc etc. What should we expect from a society that still wipes it's ass with a stone and worships a child-molestor named "Mo"?

Some Jewish Rabbis suck the dicks of babies during circumcision.

Most Jews refuse to condemn this disgusting practise.

Some Jews stone and spit at Christians in Jerusalem

does this also bother you?

or is your feigned outrage only directed to Muslims aka the new Juden?

Just for everyone's benefit I thought I would add some reference material which explains the above post.

"In addition to milah (the actual circumcision) and p'riah, mentioned above, the Talmud (Mishnah Shabbat 19:2) mentions a third step, metzitzah, translated as suction, as one of the steps involved in the circumcision rite. The Talmud writes that a "Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck, should be dismissed from practice".Rashi on that Talmudic passage explains that this step is in order to squeeze some blood from deep inside the wound to prevent danger to the baby, and current medical knowledge confirms the benefits of the practice"

Brit milah

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