Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Like any cancer: high doses of RADIATION therapy. They want a holy war, maybe it's time to give them one.

you and what army?

the anti-Muslim hate in this thread reminds me of this:

You got that wrong:



Damn Roudy, you are slaying these Jew hating shit dicks. Nice work.
You mean not that YOU really care...."truther" are ya? Here's some truth. Different muslim sects attack each other's mosques with relish. Look at what Zarqawi and al-Masri did to shia mosques in Iraq. Tell me when Methodists have ever burned and looted a Baptist church? Well, it's common practice in the ME....of course with U.S. ROEs we couldn't even approach a mosque unless there was an active sniper inside and then only to use minimal force. Sanctuary except from each other....they love shooting each other on the pilgramage to Mecca....getting the picture yet? They have no respect for each other, no tolerance for the tiniest slight, barbaric attitudes toward women and slavery etc etc etc. What should we expect from a society that still wipes it's ass with a stone and worships a child-molestor named "Mo"?

Some Jewish Rabbis suck the dicks of babies during circumcision.

Most Jews refuse to condemn this disgusting practise.

Some Jews stone and spit at Christians in Jerusalem

does this also bother you?

or is your feigned outrage only directed to Muslims aka the new Juden?

Just for everyone's benefit I thought I would add some reference material which explains the above post.

"In addition to milah (the actual circumcision) and p'riah, mentioned above, the Talmud (Mishnah Shabbat 19:2) mentions a third step, metzitzah, translated as suction, as one of the steps involved in the circumcision rite. The Talmud writes that a "Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck, should be dismissed from practice".Rashi on that Talmudic passage explains that this step is in order to squeeze some blood from deep inside the wound to prevent danger to the baby, and current medical knowledge confirms the benefits of the practice"

Brit milah

Thanks. It is an ancient practice that was used instead of disinfection as well as stopping blood flow.

And what it has to do with a thread about Muslims blowing up a church in Pakistan and attacking a mall in Kenya? Only a sucker like Hoffstra can explain that. :dunno:
Like any cancer: high doses of RADIATION therapy. They want a holy war, maybe it's time to give them one.

you and what army?

the anti-Muslim hate in this thread reminds me of this:



Just ask the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem...


...or his Bosnian-Muslim SS Division hosts during one of his Euro-visits...


...or his hero-worshipper...


...or the various Devil's Spawn organizations that proceeded from those days, with the Grand Mufti as their Spiritual Godfather...





Calling-out Militant Islam (including its Palestinian knockoffs) is Nazi-like?

Yeah, yeah... that's the ticket !


Goose... meet Gander.


:clap: :clap:
oh great, another irrational hate-Muslims thread.

As an impartial observer I would say that the thread is about the deeds inspired by Islam not about hating Muslims. What, pray, is 'irrational' about condemning the murder,in Pakistan, of 100 people leaving a Catholic church? Should the fact that it was committed by Islamic fanatics be ignored?

Nope. Extremists are a serious problem.

Should the fact that Muslims as a whole are being demonized be ignored?

You assert that Muslims, as a whole, are being demonised. But is this true? I have never seen, in the media or on boards, ANYONE say "All Muslims are terrorists". What I have read is versions of "Islamic terror is rooted in Islam" which I think is undeniable.
Really now? I'd like to see some evidence to support that claim.

Not holding my breath though.

you know, many folks consider anti-Muslim hatred to be "anti-Semitism".

I used to disagree. Now I'm not so sure.

The great majority of Muslims are NOT Arabs - that is NOT semites if you want to think in racist terms.

I repeat: I do not 'hate' Muslims, I detest and despise Islam.
Bullshit, people all over the Muslim world stomped on, and burned American flags and passed out sweets in celebration.

the 50% idea, is a filthy lie and you know it.

I know Israel wants us to believe this lie, but its still a lie.

I've been told by a British teacher that British Muslim children in her school jumped for joy as news of the 9/11 murders came through. They thought that video clips of people jumping to their deaths from the Towers were funny.
The great majority of Muslims are NOT Arabs - that is NOT semites if you want to think in racist terms.

I repeat: I do not 'hate' Muslims, I detest and despise Islam.

that's like saying: I don't hate Jews, I just hate Judaism.
The great majority of Muslims are NOT Arabs - that is NOT semites if you want to think in racist terms.

I repeat: I do not 'hate' Muslims, I detest and despise Islam.

that's like saying: I don't hate Jews, I just hate Judaism.

Which is like comparing Judaism to Islam.

When was the last time 19 Jews took over 4 planes and used them to murder over 3000 innocent Americans?
Bigotry gets old Roudy.

And defense of terrorism doesn't?

No one defends terrorism.

You do.

But god forbid that they should have the audacity to see Muslims as human beings.

I see Nazis and the Khmer Rouge as human biengs.

Humans are capable of depraved evil. Certain belief systems, such as Nazism and Islam, are based on depraved evil
Link please...

This thread.

because strangely enough the mantra of those that can't discuss issues seems to be "you're defending terrorism".

The deceit you spread is supporting terrorism.

Oh, on the surface you offer some flaccid, off the cuff remark about how you wish they would use a different method - but the bottom line is that you agree with their goals. While their methods may be distasteful, they get results.

And this is the Muslim world in general, particularly among the Sunni - I assume you are Sunni, correct? You feign mild disapproval of terrorism, but the goal is to subjugate infidel, all that moves the world closer to a global Caliphate is embraced.

Muslims love to claim that only a tiny minority engage in terrorism, which is true. But the majority supports that minority - as you do - politicking to distract from the fact that terrorism exists to promote the evil that is Islam.

Less than 1% of Nazi PARTY MEMBERS were involved in the Holocaust - yet rational people condemn Nazism as a whole.

But YOU demand that Islam be different, that a creed of evil, which produces death, slavery, and misery, every place it exists, not only be tolerated, but embraced.

No, Islam should be, MUST BE, shunned by decent people. Evil cannot be invited into the company of virtue.

Yet they can never supply a single case where that is true.

Please provide it or admit you're a liar.

Huh? Where'd you come up with that delusional piece of crap?

So you are saying we should judge an entire group by the actions of a minority? hmmm....

Like we did the Nazis, or the Khmer Rouge? Or a billion other cults of evil?

Seriously dude - what hole did you pull that one out of?

I realize that you are here to defend Islam, including Islamic terrorists - but do at least TRY to engage your brain.

What does left/right have to do with bigotry?

Don't want to call me a "racist?"

Isn't opposition to terrorism and evil "racism?"
So what are you going to do about American Muslims since they are "all terrorists"? Round them up? Put them into camps? Tattoo numbers on them?

I realize that you are here to promote and defend Islam, including the terrorists - but does the above stupidity ever actually work?

I think your Imams should come up with a new line for you....
As an impartial observer I would say that the thread is about the deeds inspired by Islam not about hating Muslims. What, pray, is 'irrational' about condemning the murder,in Pakistan, of 100 people leaving a Catholic church? Should the fact that it was committed by Islamic fanatics be ignored?

Nope. Extremists are a serious problem.

Should the fact that Muslims as a whole are being demonized be ignored?

You assert that Muslims, as a whole, are being demonised. But is this true? I have never seen, in the media or on boards, ANYONE say "All Muslims are terrorists". What I have read is versions of "Islamic terror is rooted in Islam" which I think is undeniable.

In this thread we had a poster claim all Muslims are terrorists. "Demonization" is not simply claiming they are all terrorists - it's a lot broader then that.

Sites like Atlas Shrugs (Pam Geller) and politicians like Geert Wilders, for example make little distinction between Muslims and extremists and call for banning the Koran, limiting Muslim immigration, expelling Muslims from western countries and banning the building of Mosques based on the idea that all Muslims are potential terrorists by virtue of their religion.

Some examples:

David Yerushalmi is the founder of an influential think tank called Society of Americans for
National Existence.

His group proposed legislation in 2007 to make adherence to Sharia “a felony punishable by 20 years in prison”. Keep in mind - Sharia isn't one monolithic thing, it's a complex and lengthy system of codes that are interpreted in different ways in different areas. It has civil and penal codes - not all of which are applied. It includes, for example - dietary regulations in how meat is prepared (like Kosher) and rules on money and business transactions as well as marriage, divorce, and custody. Many civil matters amongst religious people - of all religious - are decided the rules of their particular religion through an agreement. These kind of "anti-Sharia" laws are grossly ignorant and discriminnatory in that religious laws are always trumped by state and federal laws and the Constitution and they single out one religion for such legislation.

Or consider "Wake up America" - one of the many groups Pam Gellar promotes. Here's what the ADL has to say about it:

"Wake up America!" With this cautionary phrase, Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) has sought to rouse public fears about a vast Islamic conspiracy to destroy American values.

The organization, created in 2009, warns of the encroachment of Shariah, or Islamic law, in the U.S. and encourages Muslims to renounce and leave the "falsity" of Islam. "The U.S. constitution is under attack from fundamentalist Islam and Shariah," reads SIOA's mission statement.

Consistently vilifying the Islamic faith under the guise of fighting radical Islam, the group has introduced a growing number of Americans to its conspiratorial anti-Muslim agenda.
Headed by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, SIOA operates under the auspices of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). It is modeled after a European organization with the same agenda, Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE).

Through their blogs, books, ad campaigns and public events, Geller and Spencer promote the organization's goal of challenging a powerful and dangerous "Islamic machine" that threatens the security and cultural fabric of the United States.

The challenge facing America, as explained by Geller in her book, also called Stop the Islamization of America, "is not just immigrant Muslims, the problem is the doctrine of jihad and the ideology of Islamic supremacism, which any Muslim anywhere can hold."

Their ability to cultivate relationships with other like-minded anti-Muslim bigots and organizations internationally and domestically, including radical Dutch politician Geert Wilders and David Yerushalmi, has further enabled them to reach broader audiences and expand their activity. Yerushalmi is one of the driving forces behind Shariah related conspiracy theories.

Furthermore, any organization or individual that opposes their efforts is dismissed as part of this Islamic conspiracy or compared to Nazi collaborators

These groups are well funded and have the ear of certain media outlets and elected officials. Frankly, their efforts are reminiscent of the darkest episodes in our history in which religious, ethnic, and racial minorities were discriminated against and persecuted
So what are you going to do about American Muslims since they are "all terrorists"? Round them up? Put them into camps? Tattoo numbers on them?

I realize that you are here to promote and defend Islam, including the terrorists - but does the above stupidity ever actually work?

I think your Imams should come up with a new line for you....

Can't answer a simple question?

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