Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Seriously Coyote, whom are you trying to fool?

The first thing you said when you entered this thread was how outraged you were at this "hate Muslim" thread and that "this is one of the most disgusting threads you've seen". Why? Because people dared to be upset at innocent non Muslims being slaughtered in the name of Islam. Because people dared to question whether Islam is as peaceful as advertised, or Muslims are as tolerant as they keep telling us they are. DESPITE THEIR BEHAVIOR TO THE CONTRARY.

The biggest problem with the Muslim world today is not that you have Islamic terrorist savages killing people like animals, it's people like you that don't stand up to minimize and marginalize the violence and intolerance. Instead we'd have heard everything but that. And that's what you always do.
I am not responsible for every post on this thread, only my own.

And those which you post defend Islam in such a way as to excuse terrorism.

Surely you can find a post where I'm specifically defending terrorism. Should be that hard to do.

This one will do.

Be honest.

Are you mentally retarded?

Literate people infer from what you write.

You are the unabashed defender of Islam. If anyone so much as whisper a question of Islam, there you are to engage. You don't defend and promote Islam because you oppose the goals.

But you don't - just as you do with the terrorist, you try to weasel and slither around what you say.

Weak, even for you.

Utter bullshit.

Over a third of Muslims openly support violence against civilians in the promotion of Islam. over 80% seek to impose Sharia as international law.


In the case of Islam - it is an apt comparison - which is why you slither and slime in an attempt to deflect.

Let's look again, less than 1% of Nazi Party Members were engaged in the Holocaust, yet rational people abhor Nazism.

YOU and other Muslims demand that since only 2% of Muslims engage in terrorism, Islam should be given a pass. Why was Nazism not given a pass? Why have decent people RIGHTFULLY condemned Nazism as a creed of evil?

Of course you will deflect and avoid - such is the way of internet Jihadists.

Oh, I almost forgot, do you even admit that there WAS a Holocaust?

Demand in one hand, shit in the other, see which fills faster.

That's what the anti-semites said about the Jews.:doubt:

Not even close. Those who attack Jews, including Muslims, claim a genetic basis.

But Islam is not a race - despite your attempts to make it so. Islam is a belief system - just as Nazism is. It is a system based on the domination of others, world domination.

What does left/right have to do with bigotry?

What does bigotry have to do with your incessant apologetics for terrorism?
:clap: :clap:
Seriously Coyote, whom are you trying to fool?

The first thing you said when you entered this thread was how outraged you were at this "hate Muslim" thread and that "this is one of the most disgusting threads you've seen". Why? Because people dared to be upset at innocent non Muslims being slaughtered in the name of Islam. Because people dared to question whether Islam is as peaceful as advertised, or Muslims are as tolerant as they keep telling us they are. DESPITE THEIR BEHAVIOR TO THE CONTRARY.

Seriously Roudy.

I have no issue with being outraged over innocent people murdered in a terrorist attack. I'm totally outraged by it and despite being anti-death penalty I'd support Al Shabob being shot on sight. I do not support that "outrage" leading to calls for hatred of any religious group due to the actions of it's extremists.

My "outrage", as you put it - or rather my disgust with the attitudes expressed on this thread is right in the OP:

Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Muslims blow up a Christian church in Pakistan killing more than 100 people who have done nothing wrong other than practice a religion other than Islam.

Muslims attack a mall in Kenya, killing over 80 non Muslims and counting. Running around like wild animals asking innocent shoppers taken as hostages if they are Muslims, and if so to prove it by reciting prayers, before they murder them.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?

It's all our fault, WE MADE THEM DO IT.

Most of which is devoted to not sympathy, outrage, or discussion over the attack or the groups in particular but Islam as a entire relgion and people. You've made it clear that you don't believe it's just "fanatics" - it's all of them.

The biggest problem with the Muslim world today is not that you have Islamic terrorist savages killing people like animals, it's people like you that don't stand up to minimize and marginalize the violence and intolerance. Instead we'd have heard everything but that. And that's what you always do.

I don't minimalize terrorism or extremism.

I do not, however, support hate mongering, religious intolerance or broad brushing towards innocent people of any religion or calls strip them of their rights and humanity. It's people that refuse to speak up against hate who open the door to genocide.
There ya go, this time with outright lies. Making Shariah look like its something "complex" and good. Shariah law is pure evil and barbarism and has no place in modern civilized society. If any Western society wants to survive, it should be banish and outlaw Shariah law. It is the cause of most of the problems with the Muslim world today.
Incorrect retard Roudy...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Other than it legislates persecution of women and minorities, and other barbaric backwards ass anti freedom, anti democracy rules established by 7th century Arabian savages, what else does it do?

Shariah also says any Muslim that converts out of his or her religion shall be killed, adulterers are to be stoned. If a woman gets raped, then she must have four MALE witnesses to prove it, otherwise she faces imprisonment and death penalty for false accusation. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the shit and filth Muslims call Shariah. It goes on and on with Shariah.

You already flipped your hand before, and told everybody you want America to live under Shariah law, including Muslim Americans to be able to legally have four wives because it's Shariah. Now who's the retard. Take a look in the mirror.
Seriously Coyote, whom are you trying to fool?

The first thing you said when you entered this thread was how outraged you were at this "hate Muslim" thread and that "this is one of the most disgusting threads you've seen". Why? Because people dared to be upset at innocent non Muslims being slaughtered in the name of Islam. Because people dared to question whether Islam is as peaceful as advertised, or Muslims are as tolerant as they keep telling us they are. DESPITE THEIR BEHAVIOR TO THE CONTRARY.

Seriously Roudy.

I have no issue with being outraged over innocent people murdered in a terrorist attack. I'm totally outraged by it and despite being anti-death penalty I'd support Al Shabob being shot on sight. I do not support that "outrage" leading to calls for hatred of any religious group due to the actions of it's extremists.

My "outrage", as you put it - or rather my disgust with the attitudes expressed on this thread is right in the OP:

Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Muslims blow up a Christian church in Pakistan killing more than 100 people who have done nothing wrong other than practice a religion other than Islam.

Muslims attack a mall in Kenya, killing over 80 non Muslims and counting. Running around like wild animals asking innocent shoppers taken as hostages if they are Muslims, and if so to prove it by reciting prayers, before they murder them.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?

It's all our fault, WE MADE THEM DO IT.

Most of which is devoted to not sympathy, outrage, or discussion over the attack or the groups in particular but Islam as a entire relgion and people. You've made it clear that you don't believe it's just "fanatics" - it's all of them.

The biggest problem with the Muslim world today is not that you have Islamic terrorist savages killing people like animals, it's people like you that don't stand up to minimize and marginalize the violence and intolerance. Instead we'd have heard everything but that. And that's what you always do.

I don't minimalize terrorism or extremism.

I do not, however, support hate mongering, religious intolerance or broad brushing towards innocent people of any religion or calls strip them of their rights and humanity. It's people that refuse to speak up against hate who open the door to genocide.
I don't see anything in this that post that blames ALL MUSLIMS. It is simply stating the truth. Muslims are constantly slaughtering non Muslims in the name of Islam, AND THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME.

Look, why don't you face the music, the jig is up. You constantly defend Islam and Islamic barbarism, as observed by many in this thread. And you've done that not only in this thread, but anytime the word Islam or Muslims is used, your ears pop up.

Plus, you just gave barbaric Shariah a standing ovation. That says it all.
Seriously Coyote, whom are you trying to fool?

The first thing you said when you entered this thread was how outraged you were at this "hate Muslim" thread and that "this is one of the most disgusting threads you've seen". Why? Because people dared to be upset at innocent non Muslims being slaughtered in the name of Islam. Because people dared to question whether Islam is as peaceful as advertised, or Muslims are as tolerant as they keep telling us they are. DESPITE THEIR BEHAVIOR TO THE CONTRARY.

Seriously Roudy.

I have no issue with being outraged over innocent people murdered in a terrorist attack. I'm totally outraged by it and despite being anti-death penalty I'd support Al Shabob being shot on sight. I do not support that "outrage" leading to calls for hatred of any religious group due to the actions of it's extremists.

My "outrage", as you put it - or rather my disgust with the attitudes expressed on this thread is right in the OP:

Most of which is devoted to not sympathy, outrage, or discussion over the attack or the groups in particular but Islam as a entire relgion and people. You've made it clear that you don't believe it's just "fanatics" - it's all of them.

The biggest problem with the Muslim world today is not that you have Islamic terrorist savages killing people like animals, it's people like you that don't stand up to minimize and marginalize the violence and intolerance. Instead we'd have heard everything but that. And that's what you always do.

I don't minimalize terrorism or extremism.

I do not, however, support hate mongering, religious intolerance or broad brushing towards innocent people of any religion or calls strip them of their rights and humanity. It's people that refuse to speak up against hate who open the door to genocide.
I don't see anything in this that post that blames ALL MUSLIMS. It is simply stating the truth. Muslims are constantly slaughtering non Muslims in the name of Islam, AND THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME.

Look, why don't you face the music, the jig is up. You constantly defend Islam and Islamic barbarism, as observed by many in this thread. And you've done that not only in this thread, but anytime the word Islam or Muslims is used, your ears pop up.

Plus, you just gave barbaric Shariah a standing ovation. That says it all.

All that says is that you are a liar Roudy.

Fess up to your own words.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?
Seriously Roudy.

I have no issue with being outraged over innocent people murdered in a terrorist attack. I'm totally outraged by it and despite being anti-death penalty I'd support Al Shabob being shot on sight. I do not support that "outrage" leading to calls for hatred of any religious group due to the actions of it's extremists.

My "outrage", as you put it - or rather my disgust with the attitudes expressed on this thread is right in the OP:

Most of which is devoted to not sympathy, outrage, or discussion over the attack or the groups in particular but Islam as a entire relgion and people. You've made it clear that you don't believe it's just "fanatics" - it's all of them.

I don't minimalize terrorism or extremism.

I do not, however, support hate mongering, religious intolerance or broad brushing towards innocent people of any religion or calls strip them of their rights and humanity. It's people that refuse to speak up against hate who open the door to genocide.
I don't see anything in this that post that blames ALL MUSLIMS. It is simply stating the truth. Muslims are constantly slaughtering non Muslims in the name of Islam, AND THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME.

Look, why don't you face the music, the jig is up. You constantly defend Islam and Islamic barbarism, as observed by many in this thread. And you've done that not only in this thread, but anytime the word Islam or Muslims is used, your ears pop up.

Plus, you just gave barbaric Shariah a standing ovation. That says it all.

All that says is that you are a liar Roudy.

Fess up to your own words.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?
Yes, those are the kind of statements terrorist apologists like you repeat, right after Muslims slaughter in the name of Islam. "Oh, all religions have fanatics or extremists". True they do, but to the extent that Islam has today? To those of us with clear rational thought and moral clarity, the answer is a resounding NO. And then you wonder why people call you Islam or terrorist apologist? Ha ha, you gotta be kidding me.

As far as Islam being at war with us, or we being at war with Islam, again, it's pretty evident and self explanatory. Islam and it's followers are at war with us, and we are in total denial and appeasement mode.

I fess up.

Coyote, defending barbaric Islamic Shariah law:

Keep in mind - Sharia isn't one monolithic thing, it's a complex and lengthy system of codes that are interpreted in different ways in different areas. It has civil and penal codes - not all of which are applied. It includes, for example - dietary regulations in how meat is prepared (like Kosher) and rules on money and business transactions as well as marriage, divorce, and custody. Many civil matters amongst religious people - of all religious - are decided the rules of their particular religion through an agreement. These kind of "anti-Sharia" laws are grossly ignorant and discriminnatory in that religious laws are always trumped by state and federal laws and the Constitution and they single out one religion for such legislation.

Highlights of "Shariah Law":

Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
A girl is eligible for marriage as soon as a girl begins her first period, or before.
Homosexuals are executed.
Rape victims are punished.
Conversion from Islam to other religions is punishable by death.
"Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
Women cannot vote or get elected.
Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
Women cannot get custody of their children.
Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
There is no such thing as separation of the church and state, or between the state and morality, in Islam. The church IS the state IS morality.
Women are worth half a Muslim man.
Non Muslims aren't worth anything.
Last edited:
I understand you feel threatened by the shia tribes which are asserting their ideology across the Persian (not "Arabian") Gulf. See. The shia took even that away from you.
Incorrect bozo. .. :cuckoo:

Shia's are only 15% of all the world's muslims and they only control 1 country.....Iran.

All of the other muslims countries are controlled by the 85% majority Sunni muslims. .. :thup:
Yes, those are the kind of statements terrorist apologists like you repeat, right after Muslims slaughter in the name of Islam. "Oh, all religions have fanatics or extremists". True they do, but to the extent that Islam has today? To those of us with clear rational thought and moral clarity, the answer is a resounding NO. And then you wonder why people call you Islam or terrorist apologist? Ha ha, you gotta be kidding me.

As far as Islam being at war with us, or we being at war with Islam, again, it's pretty evident and self explanatory. Islam and it's followers are at war with us, and we are in total denial and appeasement mode.

I fess up.

Rational people look at the big picture. They look at the fact that there are over 1.6 billion Muslims world wide. They look at the fact that opinion polls show little support for extremism. They look at the number of terrorist incidents and compare that to 1.6 billion and draw conclusions from that. That is what rational people do. That is why bigots prefer to call them "terrorist apologists".

Coyote, defending barbaric Islamic Shariah law:

Keep in mind - Sharia isn't one monolithic thing, it's a complex and lengthy system of codes that are interpreted in different ways in different areas. It has civil and penal codes - not all of which are applied. It includes, for example - dietary regulations in how meat is prepared (like Kosher) and rules on money and business transactions as well as marriage, divorce, and custody. Many civil matters amongst religious people - of all religious - are decided the rules of their particular religion through an agreement. These kind of "anti-Sharia" laws are grossly ignorant and discriminnatory in that religious laws are always trumped by state and federal laws and the Constitution and they single out one religion for such legislation.

Roudy the liar. Or maybe you have no clue what it is you are talking about. Do some research. In fact - read the Pew report on Muslim attitudes around the world. There is a good deal in that about Sharia and what it means to different communities. You might notice there are split opinions between what constitutes Sharia and what portions of Sharia they want implimented. Many of the countries that incorporate Sharia do not use it for their penal code. You bring up the most barbaric examples - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and ignore the others.

Why is that? Because it would demonstrate that Sharia isn't one monolithic thing? Even Islamic scholars (and we're well aware you aren't one) aren't in total agreement on what constitutes Sharia and how it should be applied in a modern state and that is the focus of ongoing disputes between modernists and fundamentalists.

Describing something accurately not "defending" it. I don't defend any religious law - whether Sharia or Mosaic.

Highlights of "Shariah Law":

Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
A girl is eligible for marriage as soon as a girl begins her first period, or before.
Homosexuals are executed.
Rape victims are punished.
Conversion from Islam to other religions is punishable by death.
"Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
Women cannot vote or get elected.
Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
Women cannot get custody of their children.
Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
There is no such thing as separation of the church and state, or between the state and morality, in Islam. The church IS the state IS morality.
Women are worth half a Muslim man.
Non Muslims aren't worth anything.

Yup. That exists under some systems of Sharia.

Who's arguing for that? Who's defending it?

What is Sharia? Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It
Which is like comparing Judaism to Islam.

When was the last time 19 Jews took over 4 planes and used them to murder over 3000 innocent Americans?

when's the last time Muslims working for the DOD stole sensitive secrets and sold them to our enemies?

when's the last time Muslims gave American nuclear secrets to our sworn enemies to help them build a nuclear weapon?
Yes, those are the kind of statements terrorist apologists like you repeat, right after Muslims slaughter in the name of Islam. "Oh, all religions have fanatics or extremists". True they do, but to the extent that Islam has today? To those of us with clear rational thought and moral clarity, the answer is a resounding NO. And then you wonder why people call you Islam or terrorist apologist? Ha ha, you gotta be kidding me.

As far as Islam being at war with us, or we being at war with Islam, again, it's pretty evident and self explanatory. Islam and it's followers are at war with us, and we are in total denial and appeasement mode.

I fess up.

Rational people look at the big picture. They look at the fact that there are over 1.6 billion Muslims world wide. They look at the fact that opinion polls show little support for extremism. They look at the number of terrorist incidents and compare that to 1.6 billion and draw conclusions from that. That is what rational people do. That is why bigots prefer to call them "terrorist apologists".

Coyote, defending barbaric Islamic Shariah law:

Roudy the liar. Or maybe you have no clue what it is you are talking about. Do some research. In fact - read the Pew report on Muslim attitudes around the world. There is a good deal in that about Sharia and what it means to different communities. You might notice there are split opinions between what constitutes Sharia and what portions of Sharia they want implimented. Many of the countries that incorporate Sharia do not use it for their penal code. You bring up the most barbaric examples - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and ignore the others.

Why is that? Because it would demonstrate that Sharia isn't one monolithic thing? Even Islamic scholars (and we're well aware you aren't one) aren't in total agreement on what constitutes Sharia and how it should be applied in a modern state and that is the focus of ongoing disputes between modernists and fundamentalists.

Describing something accurately not "defending" it. I don't defend any religious law - whether Sharia or Mosaic.

Highlights of "Shariah Law":

Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
A girl is eligible for marriage as soon as a girl begins her first period, or before.
Homosexuals are executed.
Rape victims are punished.
Conversion from Islam to other religions is punishable by death.
"Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
Women cannot vote or get elected.
Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
Women cannot get custody of their children.
Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
There is no such thing as separation of the church and state, or between the state and morality, in Islam. The church IS the state IS morality.
Women are worth half a Muslim man.
Non Muslims aren't worth anything.

Yup. That exists under some systems of Sharia.

Who's arguing for that? Who's defending it?

What is Sharia? Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It
You're arguing against banning it. Are you having a hard time keeping up with your own BS?
You're arguing against banning it. Are you having a hard time keeping up with your own BS?

do you really hate Muslims this much, or is this really just part of a Neo-Zionist agenda to redirect anti-Semitism onto Muslims?
Which is like comparing Judaism to Islam.

When was the last time 19 Jews took over 4 planes and used them to murder over 3000 innocent Americans?

when's the last time Muslims working for the DOD stole sensitive secrets and sold them to our enemies?

when's the last time Muslims gave American nuclear secrets to our sworn enemies to help them build a nuclear weapon?
Hoffwit: "Jews Jews Jews, oink oink oink." Muslims massacre hundreds of innocent people and all he can think of is Jews.

Last I checked the bombing in Pakistan and the Kenyan mall terrorists had nothing to do with Jews.
Hoffwit: "Jews Jews Jews, oink oink oink." Muslims massacre hundreds of innocent people and all he can think of is Jews.

Last I checked the bombing in Pakistan and the Kenyan mall terrorists had nothing to do with Jews.

the mall is owned by Israelis, you Nazi asshole.
I understand you feel threatened by the shia tribes which are asserting their ideology across the Persian (not "Arabian") Gulf. See. The shia took even that away from you.
Incorrect bozo. .. :cuckoo:

Shia's are only 15% of all the world's muslims and they only control 1 country.....Iran.

All of the other muslims countries are controlled by the 85% majority Sunni muslims. .. :thup:
That must be why Sunni's keep blowing up Shia's so often. That is, after they run out of non Muslims to kill. First the Friday Saturday people, then the Sunday people...
Hoffwit: "Jews Jews Jews, oink oink oink." Muslims massacre hundreds of innocent people and all he can think of is Jews.

Last I checked the bombing in Pakistan and the Kenyan mall terrorists had nothing to do with Jews.

the mall is owned by Israelis, you Nazi asshole.
Oh OK. That's why they separated all the Christians and killed them then. Makes total sense.
Yes, those are the kind of statements terrorist apologists like you repeat, right after Muslims slaughter in the name of Islam. "Oh, all religions have fanatics or extremists". True they do, but to the extent that Islam has today? To those of us with clear rational thought and moral clarity, the answer is a resounding NO. And then you wonder why people call you Islam or terrorist apologist? Ha ha, you gotta be kidding me.

As far as Islam being at war with us, or we being at war with Islam, again, it's pretty evident and self explanatory. Islam and it's followers are at war with us, and we are in total denial and appeasement mode.

I fess up.

Rational people look at the big picture. They look at the fact that there are over 1.6 billion Muslims world wide. They look at the fact that opinion polls show little support for extremism. They look at the number of terrorist incidents and compare that to 1.6 billion and draw conclusions from that. That is what rational people do. That is why bigots prefer to call them "terrorist apologists".

Roudy the liar. Or maybe you have no clue what it is you are talking about. Do some research. In fact - read the Pew report on Muslim attitudes around the world. There is a good deal in that about Sharia and what it means to different communities. You might notice there are split opinions between what constitutes Sharia and what portions of Sharia they want implimented. Many of the countries that incorporate Sharia do not use it for their penal code. You bring up the most barbaric examples - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and ignore the others.

Why is that? Because it would demonstrate that Sharia isn't one monolithic thing? Even Islamic scholars (and we're well aware you aren't one) aren't in total agreement on what constitutes Sharia and how it should be applied in a modern state and that is the focus of ongoing disputes between modernists and fundamentalists.

Describing something accurately not "defending" it. I don't defend any religious law - whether Sharia or Mosaic.

Highlights of "Shariah Law":

Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
A girl is eligible for marriage as soon as a girl begins her first period, or before.
Homosexuals are executed.
Rape victims are punished.
Conversion from Islam to other religions is punishable by death.
"Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
Women cannot vote or get elected.
Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
Women cannot get custody of their children.
Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
There is no such thing as separation of the church and state, or between the state and morality, in Islam. The church IS the state IS morality.
Women are worth half a Muslim man.
Non Muslims aren't worth anything.

Yup. That exists under some systems of Sharia.

Who's arguing for that? Who's defending it?

What is Sharia? Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It
You're arguing against banning it. Are you having a hard time keeping up with your own BS?

Nice attempt at redirection.

I'm arguing against laws in the US which single out one religion. I'm arguing it because our system of secular constitutional law and our rights of freedom of religion, means that imposing any religious system of law is going to be unconstitutional. Are you, a conservative and presumably a proponent of less government - seriously supporting needless laws? Or, is this an example of your double standard?

The only reason in this country to ban "Sharia" and not any other form of religious law - is bigotry and just plain ignorance.

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