Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

"...Adolf Eichmann said that if he was a Jew, he would have been a Zionist..."
Doesn't matter what some bottom-feeder Nazi said before the Jews stretched his neck...

The point is...

Muslims have a history of strong, widespread collaboration with, and admiration of, the Nazis...
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"...Adolf Eichmann said that if he was a Jew, he would have been a Zionist..."
Doesn't matter what some bottom-feeder Nazi said before the Jews stretched his neck...

when leading Nazis say they admire your political movement, you SHOULD be concerned.
Well, when someone is about to sentence you to death by hanging, it's understandable that they might say something to flatter the culture represented by the court, and thereby hope to soften their sentence.

Didn't work though... Eichmann got his necktie-party right on schedule.

One insincere murderous Nazi bastard less in the world.

Here's hoping they pissed on his ashes.
Sad part is, they have to kill a lot of people for it to be news.

they can't go a month w/o murdering in the name of evil.

How many wars is America involved in? How many innocent people does America kill almost every day? What about our president planning to bomb Syria and kill more innocent people? How is it you people can be so self righteous when your own country kills innocent people almost daily every day of the year, year in and year out and has done so for decades? Ever since the end of the second world war, we have been engaged in one war after another, killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, selling arms to people who are doing the ame thing, policing and bullying the rest of the world. We really are not in any position to point the finger at others.
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This is one of the most disgusting threads I've seen. It's taking a tragedy, still unfolding and using it as a vehicle to launch anti-Muslim hate. If people were talking about killing all Jews, we would rightfully call it anti-semitism. When it's aimed at Muslims, it seems acceptable.

It isn't.

No one is talking about killing all Moslems.
Moslems generally talk about killing all Jews( odd how you fanatics remain silent on that).

Islam does not mean peace, it means submission.
Mo islam( Moslem) is one who submits.

Strange how fanatics speak about Islam yet have no knowledge of the 3 books !!!!!

Israel kills far more Muslims than the reverse. The loathing Muslims have for Israel is justified.
This is one of the most disgusting threads I've seen. It's taking a tragedy, still unfolding and using it as a vehicle to launch anti-Muslim hate. If people were talking about killing all Jews, we would rightfully call it anti-semitism. When it's aimed at Muslims, it seems acceptable.

It isn't.

No one is talking about killing all Moslems.
Moslems generally talk about killing all Jews( odd how you fanatics remain silent on that).

Islam does not mean peace, it means submission.
Mo islam( Moslem) is one who submits.

Strange how fanatics speak about Islam yet have no knowledge of the 3 books !!!!!

Israel kills far more Muslims than the reverse. The loathing Muslims have for Israel is justified.

If you take the time to actually review the numbers, you will find that moslems are by far the greatest killers of other moslems.
No, you are lying. If I wasn't busy at work, id post a link to polls that show enormous muslim support for terrorists world wide.

Please do before accusing others of lying.

World Public Opinion:
61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.

Plenty of links to plenty of polls right here... Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth

...and a thorough Pew research poll here... Where Terrorism Finds Support in the Muslim World | Pew Global Attitudes Project

There are ENORMOUS populations of muslims world wide that are vile shit bags. Islam is not a religion of peace; its a religion of hate and murder.

Why do you think these people approve of attacks on Americans? Don't you realize that America kills hundreds, even thousands of Muslims every year? And if Americans are not doing that directly, they support Israel, which also kills Muslims. Your blindness is incredible.
This is one of the most disgusting threads I've seen. It's taking a tragedy, still unfolding and using it as a vehicle to launch anti-Muslim hate. If people were talking about killing all Jews, we would rightfully call it anti-semitism. When it's aimed at Muslims, it seems acceptable.

It isn't.

No one is talking about killing all Moslems.
Moslems generally talk about killing all Jews( odd how you fanatics remain silent on that).

Islam does not mean peace, it means submission.
Mo islam( Moslem) is one who submits.

Strange how fanatics speak about Islam yet have no knowledge of the 3 books !!!!!

Israel kills far more Muslims than the reverse. The loathing Muslims have for Israel is justified.

link bitch and link it's justified
I understand you feel threatened by the shia tribes which are asserting their ideology across the Persian (not "Arabian") Gulf. See. The shia took even that away from you.
Incorrect bozo. .. :cuckoo:

Shia's are only 15% of all the world's muslims and they only control 1 country.....Iran.

All of the other muslims countries are controlled by the 85% majority Sunni muslims. .. :thup:

Sunni...Shia...who gives a fuck? It's like comparing a cesspool & a septic tank: yep, they're a bit different, but when you get right down to it, both are full of SHIT.

No one is talking about killing all Moslems.
Moslems generally talk about killing all Jews( odd how you fanatics remain silent on that).

Islam does not mean peace, it means submission.
Mo islam( Moslem) is one who submits.

Strange how fanatics speak about Islam yet have no knowledge of the 3 books !!!!!

Israel kills far more Muslims than the reverse. The loathing Muslims have for Israel is justified.

link bitch and link it's justified

You really think I'm going to respond positively to someone who calls me a bitch? If you can't discuss something civily, there is no reason I should or would be civil to you. You are as low and depraved as anyone you might profess to hate. You're not worthy of any civility.
I understand you feel threatened by the shia tribes which are asserting their ideology across the Persian (not "Arabian") Gulf. See. The shia took even that away from you.
Incorrect bozo. .. :cuckoo:

Shia's are only 15% of all the world's muslims and they only control 1 country.....Iran.

All of the other muslims countries are controlled by the 85% majority Sunni muslims. .. :thup:

Sunni...Shia...who gives a fuck? It's like comparing a cesspool & a septic tank: yep, they're a bit different, but when you get right down to it, both are full of SHIT.

Go easy on Sunni, the convert wannabe. He's in such a perpetual stupor that he doesn't understand the events taking place in Syria. The Sunni vs. shia kill-fest that has been flaring up for the last 800 years is boiling over into an internecine war of attrition.

The convert wannabe must be so proud of what the Sunni/salafi/wahabbi death cultists have accomplished as part of their majority numbers.

From a sidebar found at Post-Gazette.com:

The United Nations Development Program, in a report published last year, described in often painful detail some of the factors that have contributed to the decline of science and the rise of extremism in Arab societies. Among them are:

- Increases in average income have been lower in the Arab world than anywhere else for 20 years, except for the poorest African countries. "If such trends continue...it will take the average Arab citizen 140 years to double his or her income, whole other regions are set to achieve that level in a matter of less than 10 years," the report noted. One in 5 Arabs lives on less than $2 a day.

- Arab unemployment is the highest in the developing world.

- Surveys show more than half of young Arabs want to leave their countries and live in the United States or other industrialized countries where opportunities are better.

- The Arab brain drain is the world's worst, with about 25 percent of new graduates in science, medicine and engineering emigrating each year.

- About 1 in 4 Arab adults can neither read nor write. This is a particular problem among Arab women, 50 per cent of whom are illiterate. Many children do not attend school.

- The quality of education has declined, with many schools teaching mainly interpretations of the Koran, rather than other knowledge or skills.

- Less than 0.6 per cent of Arabs use the Internet and barely 1.2 percent have access to a personal computer. There are 18 computers per 1,000 Arabs, compared to the global average of 78.3.

- During the entire 20th century, fewer than 10,000 books were translated into Arabic --equivalent to the number translated into Spanish in a single year. Religious books account for 17 per cent of new publications in Arab countries, compared to a world average of 5 per cent.

- Censorship stifles ideas, information and innovation. Numerous censors review book manuscripts, each with the power to edit text or demand revisions.

Most impressive. The convert wannabe has aligned with those lowlifes who have managed to keep the Middle East as a yet another islamist backwater.

Go team.
But of course dipstick ignores the truth and spews whatever he feels like.

Catholic canon law as legal system[edit source]
It is a fully developed legal system, with all the necessary elements: courts, lawyers, judges, a fully articulated legal code[10] principles of legal interpretation, and coercive penalties, though it lacks civilly-binding force in most secular jurisdictions. The academic degrees in canon law are the J.C.B. (Juris Canonici Baccalaureatus, Bachelor of Canon Law, normally taken as a graduate degree), J.C.L. (Juris Canonici Licentiatus, Licentiate of Canon Law) and the J.C.D. (Juris Canonici Doctor, Doctor of Canon Law). Because of its specialized nature, advanced degrees in civil law or theology are normal prerequisites for the study of canon law.
(Current Canon Law from Vatican Website)[11]
Much of the legislative style was adapted from the Roman Law Code of Justinian. As a result, Roman ecclesiastical courts tend to follow the Roman Law style of continental Europe with some variation, featuring collegiate panels of judges and an investigative form of proceeding, called "inquisitorial", from the Latin "inquirere", to enquire. This is in contrast to the adversarial form of proceeding found in the common law system of English and U.S. law, which features such things as juries and single judges.

Ha ha ha. Like I said, douche, you're dismissed.

Roman Catholics in the USA go to religious courts to deal with civil matters????

that's a lie and you know it.

but Jews and Muslims do.

..here's your flag, bro.

Jews don't dipstick. But you'd expect a neo Nazi Islamo terrorist worshiper to say they do. Because of course they are always trying to desperately compare Islam and Muslims to other faiths. That's an old, failed shtick.
Jews don't dipstick. But you'd expect a neo Nazi Islamo terrorist worshiper to say they do. Because of course they are always trying to desperately compare Islam and Muslims to other faiths. That's an old, failed shtick.

I would appreciate you cease lying about Judaism.

Orthodox Jews do indeed have many laws and regulation that govern their religious and civil lives.

They are codified in the Talmud, Mishnah, Gemorah, and other Rabbinical writings.

Jews have Rabbinical courts, called Beit Din, which decide civil disputes for Jews, based on Jewish law and Halacha.

To say otherwise, is to lie about Judaism.

I don't know about Jews playing nice with Nazis and adopting their symbology...

But we DO know that Muslims play nice with Nazis, and adopt their symbology...


...and that their Leaders and Holy Men dig up on it.

Their flag, as I recall...


Hope that helps to separate the REAL from the IMAGINARY...

Modern-day adaptations of the Muslim-Nazi connection available at the touch of a button...

Adolf Eichmann said that if he was a Jew, he would have been a Zionist. The most extreme Zionist possible.
Wrong again Nazi boy. Let's listen to what your leader Hitler said:


During a meeting with a delegation of distinguished Arab figures, Hitler learned of how Islam motivated the Umayyad Caliphate during the Islamic invasion of Gaul and was now convinced that "the world would be Mohammedan today" if the Arab regime had successfully taken France during the Battle of Tours,[187] while also suggesting to Speer that "ultimately not Arabs, but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire."[187] Hitler expressed admiration for the Muslim military tradition[citation needed] and later directed Himmler to initiate Muslim SS Divisions as a matter of policy.

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[187] Speer also stated that when he was discussing with Hitler events which might have occurred had Islam absorbed Europe:

Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire."

— Albert Speer[187]
Wrong again Nazi boy. Let's listen to what your leader Hitler said....



listen you Fascist Nazi pig, I am rarely wrong:

Adolf Eichmann said in his memoirs shortly before being captured by the Israelis:

"In the years that followed I often said to Jews with whom I had dealings with that, had I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist. I could not imagine being anything else. In fact, I would have been the most fanatical Zionist possible."

LIFE - Google Books

page 22
Jews don't dipstick. But you'd expect a neo Nazi Islamo terrorist worshiper to say they do. Because of course they are always trying to desperately compare Islam and Muslims to other faiths. That's an old, failed shtick.

I would appreciate you cease lying about Judaism.

Orthodox Jews do indeed have many laws and regulation that govern their religious and civil lives.

They are codified in the Talmud, Mishnah, Gemorah, and other Rabbinical writings.

Jews have Rabbinical courts, called Beit Din, which decide civil disputes for Jews, based on Jewish law and Halacha.

To say otherwise, is to lie about Judaism.

Au contraire, Nazi boy, I would appreciate it if you stopped lying about Jews and Judaism. Not that you don't have a shining history of doing so. Your link is worthless as you are.

What was the topic of this thread again? Ya right, daily barrage of Muslim atrocities against non Muslims. What's your opinion on that, dipweed? Or can you talk about anything other than Jews? <LOL>
Wrong again Nazi boy. Let's listen to what your leader Hitler said....



listen you Fascist Nazi pig, I am rarely wrong:

Adolf Eichmann said in his memoirs shortly before being captured by the Israelis:

"In the years that followed I often said to Jews with whom I had dealings with that, had I been a Jew, I would have been a fanatical Zionist. I could not imagine being anything else. In fact, I would have been the most fanatical Zionist possible."

LIFE - Google Books

page 22
LOL another worthless link. You are rarely right. But it is a fact that Hitler thought Islam would be the best match for Nazism. Match made in hell. Coincidence? I think not.

Again: Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
LOL another worthless link. You are rarely right. But it is a fact that Hitler thought Islam would be the best match for Nazism. Match made in hell. Coincidence? I think not...

worthless link?

its a link to the interview of Adolf Eichmann before he was captured by the Mossad.

he details his knowledge of and involvement in the Holocaust.

and his justification for and acceptance of the Holocaust.

its a extremely valuable piece of literature to be used against Neo-Nazis and other Holocaust deniers.

.....your petty and flippant disregarding of such an important document, shows what a pathetic troll you are.

<------- Roudy
Islamists, Nazis, Palestinians, you...eh what's the difference?





LOL another worthless link. You are rarely right. But it is a fact that Hitler thought Islam would be the best match for Nazism. Match made in hell. Coincidence? I think not...

worthless link?

its a link to the interview of Adolf Eichmann before he was captured by the Mossad.

he details his knowledge of and involvement in the Holocaust.

and his justification for and acceptance of the Holocaust.

its a extremely valuable piece of literature to be used against Neo-Nazis and other Holocaust deniers.

.....your petty and flippant disregarding of such an important document, shows what a pathetic troll you are.

<------- Roudy
Worthless garbage link.




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