Justice Alito just telegraphed that red states could go after Biden for releasing money to Iran

It means 'death' to America's aggression and 'death' to Zionism, which isn't Israel.

And the entire world is with it, except America.

Iran is ready for peaceful relations and their position on the genocide is in sync with the rest of the world now.
Iran’s position on Israel is to kill all of the Jews. Are you fucking retarded?
You are fucking mentally ill.

Jury AT TRIAL would find plausable that Biden in his advanced age forgot something.

Thats not mental illness retard.
Yes, which is why Trump campaign members could not be possibly tried for treason.

Considering nobody colluded with Russia, that idea is a non starter anyway, but it doesn’t stop lefty’s from calling him a traitor anyway..
No, Iran is NOT at all an "enemy country" and it was illegal to NOT return the Iranian funds to Iran.
Really? So what would you say our relationship with Iran is? Because there are websites and polls that show Iran is an enemy and that people think they are.

But, a society that chants death to America…those people are fine?
America's foreign policy of support for the evils of the Zionist regime, is the great Satan for Iran.

There's really nothing else standing in the way of peace.
What "evils"? The Jews will not walk into the ovens??

Considering nobody colluded with Russia, that idea is a non starter anyway, but it doesn’t stop lefty’s from calling him a traitor anyway..
Collusion is not a legal concept.

Trump campaign has certainly given aid to Kremlin during 2020 campaign. Every other day Trump was defending Putin's regime out in the open and was publicly opposing Russian sanctions. Never mind meetings in Trump tower, sharing of internal campaign data, collaboration on release of stolen emails and policy deal making with Russians behind Obama admin's back.
Nobody walks into ovens whether they are gas ovens or coal fired ovens. Those were crematoriums. You might be thinking of 'gas chambers'?
Go visit a couple of the concentration camps and school yourself, duck. You once again have proudly exhibited your extreme ignorance. STFU.
Go visit a couple of the concentration camps and school yourself, duck. You once again have proudly exhibited your extreme ignorance. STFU.
I think he was trying to say 'gas chambers' instead of ovens. This is worth pointing out because it's been such an elementary mistake made by so many Americans. I just can't believe you could make the same mistake.

Fwiw, if you or he is going to say something more on the topic you might want to refer to homicidal gas chambers as opposed to gas chambers used for delousing.

It's believed that both were present in the concentration camps in Poland.

So glad that we can agree with each other once again my friend, on what the meaning of the word 'ovens' means and also the meaning of the words, 'gas ovens' obviously being crematoriums.
I really DGAF what you "think he was trying to say" duck. Does he have his hand up your ass making your lips move? Have you ever been to one of those camps? I have.
Yes, I've been to A2 or AB, and I have a polish friend who was a child living in sight of A1. If you dont gaf about the gas/coalfired ovens or crematoriums or the homicidal gas chambers then I'm good with that my friend.

I doubt if any American on this board would be able to add anything to a discussion anyway. Take care in walkways! You only have on exoskeleton!
Go visit a couple of the concentration camps and school yourself, duck. You once again have proudly exhibited your extreme ignorance. STFU.
What could be gained by me returning to Poland to visit one of the death camps again.
Any tall chimneys still standing in A2 are obviously crematorium chimneys. Nobody has ever suggested they are anything else! You're terribly confused my friend.

This has nothing to do with homicidal gas chambers.
Who do you think is arming the Houthis?
Did we declare war on the Soviets or China when they were arming N. Vietnam with SAM's that were killing our airmen?
So what? We released their money to be used for humanitarian purposes, which of course freed up resources for them to further fund Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Under Biden's watch, the entire Middle East has become even less stable and Iran will become a nuclear power. Biden is a first class traitor and/or a complete idiot.
We know Netenyahoo supported the direct funding of Hamas. Besides, by refusing aid to Israel, Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP is telegraphing support for Hamas today, along with their support for Russia and China, opening the border even wider while hoping the American economy crashes before the election.......America First?
We know Netenyahoo supported the direct funding of Hamas. Besides, by refusing aid to Israel, Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP is telegraphing support for Hamas today, along with their support for Russia and China, opening the border even wider while hoping the American economy crashes before the election.......America First?

The GOP isn't refusing to aid Israel you dope. That should be in a separate bill as should the aid to Ukraine. The border issue wasn't an issue until the idiotic border bill surfaced and now all of a sudden it is Trump's fault that Biden can't secure the border. Biden does everything he can to help China. Try to keep up.

Democrats are first-class idiots. I'm not sure how you guys survive on a daily basis.

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