Justice Department Tells Ferguson Police To Stop Wearing Bracelets

His actions with the family and going to Ferguson to begin with were intimidation tactics.
He's a race-baiter.

Eric Holder Good riddance to a race baiting divider

He'll likely join the ranks with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, touring the nation, stirring up shit, speaking out for the poor little black thugs that get themselves killed by white policemen, ignoring instances where black policemen kill white men...rather than decrying the black on black murders in the neighborhoods of liberal-run cities.
What first amendment?

Who said you have a First Amendment right on your employer's time?

holder is not their employer

No, the Police Department is the employer.

right and the doj demanded them not to allow the arm bands

No, the DOJ asked the police department to command its officers not to wear them.

they didnt ask they demanded it
This is the Obama/HOLDER legacy folks.
vote them out or have them run over you and your state you live in


Christy E. Lopez... is a deputy chief of the Special Litigation Section in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. She leads efforts to enforce a law giving the attorney general standing to investigate and bring suit to remedy patterns or practices of law enforcement misconduct. She has supervised investigations of the New Orleans Police Department and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department;formulated the DOJ statement of interest in the Floyd litigation challenging the NewYork Police Department's stop-and-frisk practices; and investigated the law enforcement response to a sexual assault in Montana. In 2013, Ms. Lopez was a recipient of the John Marshall Award, the DOJ’s highest award for attorneys, for her work on the New Orleans case. She served as a federal court monitor from 2003 to 2010 and was monitor to Senior District Judge Thelton E. Henderson of the Northern District of California, assessing and reporting on the Oakland (California) Police Department’s compliance with a federal consent decree. Ms. Lopez authored an American Constitution Society Issue Brief in 2010, "Disorderly (mis)Conduct:The Problem with ‘Contempt of Cop’ Arrests." Ms. Lopez has taught law school courses on alternative dispute resolution and on ethnic and national origin profiling after 9/11. A California native, she received her B.A. from the University of California, Riverside, and her J.D. fromYale Law School. She clerked for Alsaka Supreme Court Justice Robert L. Eastaugh from 1994 to 1995.
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Who said you have a First Amendment right on your employer's time?
I'm kinda thinking that part of their job is to uphold first amendment rights.
For citizens.
Including themselves as citizens.
well, you'd be wrong.
Silly me. Their job must be to restrict first amendment rights.
no, they get to protect them for others, but they don't get to say what they want while in uniform.
they are to be impartial upholders of the law.
no, they get to protect them for others, but they don't get to say what they want while in uniform.
they are to be impartial upholders of the law.
Sounds like a restriction of first amendment rights.
Sad that you support that.
What first amendment?
not while their on the job. on the job they need to show impartiality
You wouldn't say that if they wanted to wear Obama buttons.
no, i would. you can construct whatever strawman you want for me, but it doesn't change that the police shouldn't be showing support for either side while in uniform. in that community especially they need to give the appearance of impartiality.
You're a liar.
What first amendment?
not while their on the job. on the job they need to show impartiality
You wouldn't say that if they wanted to wear Obama buttons.
no, i would. you can construct whatever strawman you want for me, but it doesn't change that the police shouldn't be showing support for either side while in uniform. in that community especially they need to give the appearance of impartiality.
You're a liar.
you're welcome to your unfounded belief. but frankly what i would or would not do in your hypothetical is inconsequential to what the ferguson police should or should not do in reality.
no, they get to protect them for others, but they don't get to say what they want while in uniform.
they are to be impartial upholders of the law.
Sounds like a restriction of first amendment rights.
Sad that you support that.
sad that you don't understand why the police force can't have it's officers showing bias while in uniform.
this is not a hard concept. they are everyone's police. they can't be the democratic police, the republican police, the white power police, the black power police, the communist police, the capitalist police, the gay police, the straight police, the christian police, the atheist police, the old people police, the teenager police...

they need to be just the police, treating everyone the same.
I was just reading where a woman Police officer was shot in Ferguson tonight.

Ferguson, Missouri, police officer shot, official says

Official Ferguson Missouri police officer shot - CNN.com

From now on every police officer shot, wounded or killed... their blood should be on the hands of Holder, Obama and this woman I posted on earlier.

this administration IS dangerous to us folks...on top of the fact they have been arming some to the teeth with armored vehicles and other surplus from our military.
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The police are getting shot trying to protect people that want them dead. Why hasn't the entire police force not resigned by now. Eric Holder can go there and police this place himself
Obama just chimed in with some stupid statement on the police. this man is trying to get us killed by stirring up the people in the country

I've never seen a President act in this harmful manner just keep poking the hive. stirring up the shit.
What first amendment?

Who said you have a First Amendment right on your employer's time?

Since when did the DOJ have anything to do with the local police?

holder was the guy who got Elian Gonzalez deported

Uh, no. Wrong administration. Bill Clinton was the president that ordered the deportation of Elian Gonzalez and Janet Reno the AG that carried it out.
I'm surprised that this regime allowed the officer that just got shot medical care. Surely Holder could have stepped in and denied the shooting took place.
Obama just chimed in with some stupid statement on the police. this man is trying to get us killed by stirring up the people in the country

I've never seen a President act in this harmful manner just keep poking the hive. stirring up the shit.
Obama loves blacks and Muslims...he hates white men. Hence, he apologizes to and coddles the Muslims while denigrating white people in all cases involving white police and black criminals.

Obama is a race-baiter, a divider of races, a despicable agitator...and a Muslim lover. I will not be surprised if it is discovered that he has always been a true Muslim, lying about his religion as he has done about a myriad of things.

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