Justice for the Bundys

I have a friend here in my home office (reading over my shoulder). He wants to know if you mean "King Kong Bundy" and his family or the TV sitcom Bundy's?
I tell what I do know.

How to form a complete sentence with Proper Grammar. Something that would come naturally to any lawyer, anywhere.

Thereby this quote proves my point. If you say you're a lawyer, you're lying, straight up.

you need to work on the bolded one, hemingway.


Hemingway is a proper noun and should be capitalized, o Ye of the Sharp Skull.
I tell what I do know.

How to form a complete sentence with Proper Grammar. Something that would come naturally to any lawyer, anywhere.

Thereby this quote proves my point. If you say you're a lawyer, you're lying, straight up.

you need to work on the bolded one, hemingway.


Hemingway is a proper noun and should be capitalized, o Ye of the Sharp Skull.

how's things over at usmessageboards?
I tell what I do know.

How to form a complete sentence with Proper Grammar. Something that would come naturally to any lawyer, anywhere.

Thereby this quote proves my point. If you say you're a lawyer, you're lying, straight up.

you need to work on the bolded one, hemingway.


Hemingway is a proper noun and should be capitalized, o Ye of the Sharp Skull.

how's things over at usmessageboards?

You do realize that's where we are right now, right? :rolleyes:
The treasonous wackjobs were the jackbooted Federal thugs sent by Obama administration to run the Bundys off land that had water so that Harry Reid's son could make money in a land development project.

Bundy had been illegally grazing his cattle on public lands for years before President Obama ever took office.
Why do you fly the traitor flag?
Actually, no, he hadn't been illegally grazing his cattle. He had rights to the pasture that went back a hundred years.

Back to before the existence of the unconstitutional creation of the BLM.

of course he was illegally grazing his cattle on federal land.

and what does BLM have to do with your lunacy on this subject? :cuckoo:

No, the Bundys had grazing rights and had for decades. The BLM (like the mafia) says that their cows are grazing on THEIR land so pay them. If you knew ANYTHING about the Act of 1871, the federally incorporated government could only claim territories and the territory within the District of Columbia.

SCOTUS ruled that USA.INC could lay claim to state land in the name of "preservation" or the protection of "endangered species" which is pretty fucking broad and can be easily abused and it was in the case of the Bundys and all the ranchers that were brow-beaten into selling. The Feds used BLM (another corporation) to strong arm land owners into either selling their land or making it so hard for them to make a living off the land that they had to sell and the BLM was there to buy it up. The Bundys were one of the last hold-outs that wouldn't budge. Harry "fuck-face" Reid had designs on the property and he had no problem with the Bundys being murdered for not paying "grazing fees" that the Bundys tried to pay to "grazing fees" to Clark County and they refused it. So fuck you, Shillian.......the land the cows were grazing on did not belong to you, dumb ass. You don't even have allodial rights to your own property (if you have any).

The Bundys won, justice (for once) prevailed and you are one pissed bitch....and that alone gives me a warm feeling. Leftards were crowing and even praising the flat out murder of Lavoy Finicum at the Oregon Standoff where these patriots were taking up the case for the Hammond family that was being unfairly targeted. So eat shit and die, you commie sack of shit.

if you knew anything about the northwest ordinance, you'd realize just how stupid your *argument* is.

the bundys are pieces of shit.

i can see why you'd look up to them.

I know plenty, dipshit and way more than you do. The fact that a commie sack of shit like you doesn't like them? Well, that only elevates them higher in my eyes. You love you some "federal gubermint", don't ya? I bet you kiss the ass of the Bureau of Land Management that brags about stealing land or cheating people out of it, don't ya????

I agree with you on parts of that - the FBI totally screwed it up. However - Finicum drew his weapon and - made it clear he expected to die in a shoot out.

Come now. Finicum did NOT 'draw' a weapon. If he had, it would have not been 'found' in his pocket.

With all the lies in these cases, I think that it could be much more plausible that it was planted.

Finicum was hit with a rubber bullet and then when he reached quickly to the place he was hit? He was shot in the back by a gutless Fed. They also fired into the SUV hitting Ammon Bundy in the shoulder that was a non-lethal shot and the Feds wanted to take him to have it removed. Ammon refused because it was evidence and he would not agree to having it removed unless the bullet was turned over to his legal team. What was done to the Bundys was a travesty and their treatment in jail was inhumane and against everything we claim to stand for.......but leftards cheered the treatment. It's reason 1,829 as to why I despise the leftard clown posse.
he should be in jail for 20 years. THAT would be justice.

treasonous wackjob

The treasonous wackjobs were the jackbooted Federal thugs sent by Obama administration to run the Bundys off land that had water so that Harry Reid's son could make money in a land development project.

Bundy had been illegally grazing his cattle on public lands for years before President Obama ever took office.
Why do you fly the traitor flag?
Actually, no, he hadn't been illegally grazing his cattle. He had rights to the pasture that went back a hundred years.

Back to before the existence of the unconstitutional creation of the BLM.

of course he was illegally grazing his cattle on federal land.

and what does BLM have to do with your lunacy on this subject? :cuckoo:

No, the Bundys had grazing rights and had for decades. The BLM (like the mafia) says that their cows are grazing on THEIR land so pay them. If you knew ANYTHING about the Act of 1871, the federally incorporated government could only claim territories and the territory within the District of Columbia.

SCOTUS ruled that USA.INC could lay claim to state land in the name of "preservation" or the protection of "endangered species" which is pretty fucking broad and can be easily abused and it was in the case of the Bundys and all the ranchers that were brow-beaten into selling. The Feds used BLM (another corporation) to strong arm land owners into either selling their land or making it so hard for them to make a living off the land that they had to sell and the BLM was there to buy it up. The Bundys were one of the last hold-outs that wouldn't budge. Harry "fuck-face" Reid had designs on the property and he had no problem with the Bundys being murdered for not paying "grazing fees" that the Bundys tried to pay to "grazing fees" to Clark County and they refused it. So fuck you, Shillian.......the land the cows were grazing on did not belong to you, dumb ass. You don't even have allodial rights to your own property (if you have any).

The Bundys won, justice (for once) prevailed and you are one pissed bitch....and that alone gives me a warm feeling. Leftards were crowing and even praising the flat out murder of Lavoy Finicum at the Oregon Standoff where these patriots were taking up the case for the Hammond family that was being unfairly targeted. So eat shit and die, you commie sack of shit.

Bullshit. The Bundy whores had no right to graze their cattle without paying. Finicum had no business there. The finicum whore lived in Arizona, a long way away from Oregon, and had no legitimate business in Oregon. He tried to run a road block. He was already was a participant in an illegal takeover of federal property and openly threatened everyone. He was on his way to meet a law-enforcement person from a different county who had no jurisdiction in the county where his illegal seizure occurred. He tried to draw down on law enforcement. This piece of trash got himself killed. No tears.
Bundy had been illegally grazing his cattle on public lands for years before President Obama ever took office.
Why do you fly the traitor flag?
Actually, no, he hadn't been illegally grazing his cattle. He had rights to the pasture that went back a hundred years.

Back to before the existence of the unconstitutional creation of the BLM.

of course he was illegally grazing his cattle on federal land.

and what does BLM have to do with your lunacy on this subject? :cuckoo:

No, the Bundys had grazing rights and had for decades. The BLM (like the mafia) says that their cows are grazing on THEIR land so pay them. If you knew ANYTHING about the Act of 1871, the federally incorporated government could only claim territories and the territory within the District of Columbia.

SCOTUS ruled that USA.INC could lay claim to state land in the name of "preservation" or the protection of "endangered species" which is pretty fucking broad and can be easily abused and it was in the case of the Bundys and all the ranchers that were brow-beaten into selling. The Feds used BLM (another corporation) to strong arm land owners into either selling their land or making it so hard for them to make a living off the land that they had to sell and the BLM was there to buy it up. The Bundys were one of the last hold-outs that wouldn't budge. Harry "fuck-face" Reid had designs on the property and he had no problem with the Bundys being murdered for not paying "grazing fees" that the Bundys tried to pay to "grazing fees" to Clark County and they refused it. So fuck you, Shillian.......the land the cows were grazing on did not belong to you, dumb ass. You don't even have allodial rights to your own property (if you have any).

The Bundys won, justice (for once) prevailed and you are one pissed bitch....and that alone gives me a warm feeling. Leftards were crowing and even praising the flat out murder of Lavoy Finicum at the Oregon Standoff where these patriots were taking up the case for the Hammond family that was being unfairly targeted. So eat shit and die, you commie sack of shit.

if you knew anything about the northwest ordinance, you'd realize just how stupid your *argument* is.

the bundys are pieces of shit.

i can see why you'd look up to them.

I know plenty, dipshit and way more than you do. The fact that a commie sack of shit like you doesn't like them? Well, that only elevates them higher in my eyes. You love you some "federal gubermint", don't ya? I bet you kiss the ass of the Bureau of Land Management that brags about stealing land or cheating people out of it, don't ya????

These stupid Moon Bats love the Federal government as long as the government is delivering their monthly welfare checks but not so much when it is enforcing federal immigration laws.
Actually, no, he hadn't been illegally grazing his cattle. He had rights to the pasture that went back a hundred years.

Back to before the existence of the unconstitutional creation of the BLM.

of course he was illegally grazing his cattle on federal land.

and what does BLM have to do with your lunacy on this subject? :cuckoo:

No, the Bundys had grazing rights and had for decades. The BLM (like the mafia) says that their cows are grazing on THEIR land so pay them. If you knew ANYTHING about the Act of 1871, the federally incorporated government could only claim territories and the territory within the District of Columbia.

SCOTUS ruled that USA.INC could lay claim to state land in the name of "preservation" or the protection of "endangered species" which is pretty fucking broad and can be easily abused and it was in the case of the Bundys and all the ranchers that were brow-beaten into selling. The Feds used BLM (another corporation) to strong arm land owners into either selling their land or making it so hard for them to make a living off the land that they had to sell and the BLM was there to buy it up. The Bundys were one of the last hold-outs that wouldn't budge. Harry "fuck-face" Reid had designs on the property and he had no problem with the Bundys being murdered for not paying "grazing fees" that the Bundys tried to pay to "grazing fees" to Clark County and they refused it. So fuck you, Shillian.......the land the cows were grazing on did not belong to you, dumb ass. You don't even have allodial rights to your own property (if you have any).

The Bundys won, justice (for once) prevailed and you are one pissed bitch....and that alone gives me a warm feeling. Leftards were crowing and even praising the flat out murder of Lavoy Finicum at the Oregon Standoff where these patriots were taking up the case for the Hammond family that was being unfairly targeted. So eat shit and die, you commie sack of shit.

if you knew anything about the northwest ordinance, you'd realize just how stupid your *argument* is.

the bundys are pieces of shit.

i can see why you'd look up to them.

I know plenty, dipshit and way more than you do. The fact that a commie sack of shit like you doesn't like them? Well, that only elevates them higher in my eyes. You love you some "federal gubermint", don't ya? I bet you kiss the ass of the Bureau of Land Management that brags about stealing land or cheating people out of it, don't ya????

These stupid Moon Bats love the Federal government as long as the government is delivering their monthly welfare checks but not so much when it is enforcing federal immigration laws.

You mean like rightwingnut pondscum love gubmint when it imposes your religious beliefs on the rest of us?

Dense trumptards really shouldn’t insult anyone else.
I agree with you on parts of that - the FBI totally screwed it up. However - Finicum drew his weapon and - made it clear he expected to die in a shoot out.

Come now. Finicum did NOT 'draw' a weapon. If he had, it would have not been 'found' in his pocket.

With all the lies in these cases, I think that it could be much more plausible that it was planted.

Finicum was hit with a rubber bullet and then when he reached quickly to the place he was hit? He was shot in the back by a gutless Fed. They also fired into the SUV hitting Ammon Bundy in the shoulder that was a non-lethal shot and the Feds wanted to take him to have it removed. Ammon refused because it was evidence and he would not agree to having it removed unless the bullet was turned over to his legal team. What was done to the Bundys was a travesty and their treatment in jail was inhumane and against everything we claim to stand for.......but leftards cheered the treatment. It's reason 1,829 as to why I despise the leftard clown posse.
These Bundy whores had no business in Oregon, much less breaking the law in Oregon.
The treasonous wackjobs were the jackbooted Federal thugs sent by Obama administration to run the Bundys off land that had water so that Harry Reid's son could make money in a land development project.

Bundy had been illegally grazing his cattle on public lands for years before President Obama ever took office.
Why do you fly the traitor flag?
Actually, no, he hadn't been illegally grazing his cattle. He had rights to the pasture that went back a hundred years.

Back to before the existence of the unconstitutional creation of the BLM.

of course he was illegally grazing his cattle on federal land.

and what does BLM have to do with your lunacy on this subject? :cuckoo:

No, the Bundys had grazing rights and had for decades. The BLM (like the mafia) says that their cows are grazing on THEIR land so pay them. If you knew ANYTHING about the Act of 1871, the federally incorporated government could only claim territories and the territory within the District of Columbia.

SCOTUS ruled that USA.INC could lay claim to state land in the name of "preservation" or the protection of "endangered species" which is pretty fucking broad and can be easily abused and it was in the case of the Bundys and all the ranchers that were brow-beaten into selling. The Feds used BLM (another corporation) to strong arm land owners into either selling their land or making it so hard for them to make a living off the land that they had to sell and the BLM was there to buy it up. The Bundys were one of the last hold-outs that wouldn't budge. Harry "fuck-face" Reid had designs on the property and he had no problem with the Bundys being murdered for not paying "grazing fees" that the Bundys tried to pay to "grazing fees" to Clark County and they refused it. So fuck you, Shillian.......the land the cows were grazing on did not belong to you, dumb ass. You don't even have allodial rights to your own property (if you have any).

The Bundys won, justice (for once) prevailed and you are one pissed bitch....and that alone gives me a warm feeling. Leftards were crowing and even praising the flat out murder of Lavoy Finicum at the Oregon Standoff where these patriots were taking up the case for the Hammond family that was being unfairly targeted. So eat shit and die, you commie sack of shit.

Bullshit. The Bundy whores had no right to graze their cattle without paying. Finicum had no business there. The finicum whore lived in Arizona, a long way away from Oregon, and had no legitimate business in Oregon. He tried to run a road block. He was already was a participant in an illegal takeover of federal property and openly threatened everyone. He was on his way to meet a law-enforcement person from a different county who had no jurisdiction in the county where his illegal seizure occurred. He tried to draw down on law enforcement. This piece of trash got himself killed. No tears.

So, unless business owners pay protection money to the mob? They deserve to have their businesses burned down? Because there isn't a red C' hair's worth of difference. The federal "gubermint" has no claim to property and it has no legal ground to change the rules in the middle of the game when they are not to own anything but TERRITORY. You have no fucking clue about what happened to the Hammond family which caused the stand-off to begin with. You want to talk about "jurisdiction"? The Feds have no "jurisdiction" unless it is relinquished by the sheriff of said county or the governor. Finicum never "drew down" on the Feds, you stupid sack of shit. Are you really 65 years old? You might want to get checked for Alzheimer's. As it pertains to the term "trash"? There should be a picture of you by the definition in Webster's.
I agree with you on parts of that - the FBI totally screwed it up. However - Finicum drew his weapon and - made it clear he expected to die in a shoot out.

Come now. Finicum did NOT 'draw' a weapon. If he had, it would have not been 'found' in his pocket.

With all the lies in these cases, I think that it could be much more plausible that it was planted.

Finicum was hit with a rubber bullet and then when he reached quickly to the place he was hit? He was shot in the back by a gutless Fed. They also fired into the SUV hitting Ammon Bundy in the shoulder that was a non-lethal shot and the Feds wanted to take him to have it removed. Ammon refused because it was evidence and he would not agree to having it removed unless the bullet was turned over to his legal team. What was done to the Bundys was a travesty and their treatment in jail was inhumane and against everything we claim to stand for.......but leftards cheered the treatment. It's reason 1,829 as to why I despise the leftard clown posse.
These Bundy whores had no business in Oregon, much less breaking the law in Oregon.

They have a huge fan base in Oregon, as was evidenced by their reception in Harney county.

The Grant county reception was going to have been warm and wonderful...there was music planned and everything. But Boyd Britton told the governor that she should kill Finicum before he could get to the county line..and that's what they did.
of course he was illegally grazing his cattle on federal land.

and what does BLM have to do with your lunacy on this subject? :cuckoo:

No, the Bundys had grazing rights and had for decades. The BLM (like the mafia) says that their cows are grazing on THEIR land so pay them. If you knew ANYTHING about the Act of 1871, the federally incorporated government could only claim territories and the territory within the District of Columbia.

SCOTUS ruled that USA.INC could lay claim to state land in the name of "preservation" or the protection of "endangered species" which is pretty fucking broad and can be easily abused and it was in the case of the Bundys and all the ranchers that were brow-beaten into selling. The Feds used BLM (another corporation) to strong arm land owners into either selling their land or making it so hard for them to make a living off the land that they had to sell and the BLM was there to buy it up. The Bundys were one of the last hold-outs that wouldn't budge. Harry "fuck-face" Reid had designs on the property and he had no problem with the Bundys being murdered for not paying "grazing fees" that the Bundys tried to pay to "grazing fees" to Clark County and they refused it. So fuck you, Shillian.......the land the cows were grazing on did not belong to you, dumb ass. You don't even have allodial rights to your own property (if you have any).

The Bundys won, justice (for once) prevailed and you are one pissed bitch....and that alone gives me a warm feeling. Leftards were crowing and even praising the flat out murder of Lavoy Finicum at the Oregon Standoff where these patriots were taking up the case for the Hammond family that was being unfairly targeted. So eat shit and die, you commie sack of shit.

if you knew anything about the northwest ordinance, you'd realize just how stupid your *argument* is.

the bundys are pieces of shit.

i can see why you'd look up to them.

I know plenty, dipshit and way more than you do. The fact that a commie sack of shit like you doesn't like them? Well, that only elevates them higher in my eyes. You love you some "federal gubermint", don't ya? I bet you kiss the ass of the Bureau of Land Management that brags about stealing land or cheating people out of it, don't ya????

These stupid Moon Bats love the Federal government as long as the government is delivering their monthly welfare checks but not so much when it is enforcing federal immigration laws.

You mean like rightwingnut pondscum love gubmint when it imposes your religious beliefs on the rest of us?

Dense trumptards really shouldn’t insult anyone else.

How has "da gubermint" ever imposed religious beliefs on leftards? By protesting against the crushing of the skull of a fetus? Roe Vs Wade is still the rule, bitch.
I agree with you on parts of that - the FBI totally screwed it up. However - Finicum drew his weapon and - made it clear he expected to die in a shoot out.

Come now. Finicum did NOT 'draw' a weapon. If he had, it would have not been 'found' in his pocket.

With all the lies in these cases, I think that it could be much more plausible that it was planted.

Finicum was hit with a rubber bullet and then when he reached quickly to the place he was hit? He was shot in the back by a gutless Fed. They also fired into the SUV hitting Ammon Bundy in the shoulder that was a non-lethal shot and the Feds wanted to take him to have it removed. Ammon refused because it was evidence and he would not agree to having it removed unless the bullet was turned over to his legal team. What was done to the Bundys was a travesty and their treatment in jail was inhumane and against everything we claim to stand for.......but leftards cheered the treatment. It's reason 1,829 as to why I despise the leftard clown posse.
These Bundy whores had no business in Oregon, much less breaking the law in Oregon.

Again, you expose your ignorance to the situation..........
I agree with you on parts of that - the FBI totally screwed it up. However - Finicum drew his weapon and - made it clear he expected to die in a shoot out.

Come now. Finicum did NOT 'draw' a weapon. If he had, it would have not been 'found' in his pocket.

With all the lies in these cases, I think that it could be much more plausible that it was planted.

Finicum was hit with a rubber bullet and then when he reached quickly to the place he was hit? He was shot in the back by a gutless Fed. They also fired into the SUV hitting Ammon Bundy in the shoulder that was a non-lethal shot and the Feds wanted to take him to have it removed. Ammon refused because it was evidence and he would not agree to having it removed unless the bullet was turned over to his legal team. What was done to the Bundys was a travesty and their treatment in jail was inhumane and against everything we claim to stand for.......but leftards cheered the treatment. It's reason 1,829 as to why I despise the leftard clown posse.
These Bundy whores had no business in Oregon, much less breaking the law in Oregon.

They got wayy moar bidness here than your not-from-the-US ass, I guarantee that! Where you from? Hmm?
The treasonous wackjobs were the jackbooted Federal thugs sent by Obama administration to run the Bundys off land that had water so that Harry Reid's son could make money in a land development project.

Bundy had been illegally grazing his cattle on public lands for years before President Obama ever took office.
Why do you fly the traitor flag?
Actually, no, he hadn't been illegally grazing his cattle. He had rights to the pasture that went back a hundred years.

Back to before the existence of the unconstitutional creation of the BLM.

of course he was illegally grazing his cattle on federal land.

and what does BLM have to do with your lunacy on this subject? :cuckoo:

No, the Bundys had grazing rights and had for decades. The BLM (like the mafia) says that their cows are grazing on THEIR land so pay them. If you knew ANYTHING about the Act of 1871, the federally incorporated government could only claim territories and the territory within the District of Columbia.

SCOTUS ruled that USA.INC could lay claim to state land in the name of "preservation" or the protection of "endangered species" which is pretty fucking broad and can be easily abused and it was in the case of the Bundys and all the ranchers that were brow-beaten into selling. The Feds used BLM (another corporation) to strong arm land owners into either selling their land or making it so hard for them to make a living off the land that they had to sell and the BLM was there to buy it up. The Bundys were one of the last hold-outs that wouldn't budge. Harry "fuck-face" Reid had designs on the property and he had no problem with the Bundys being murdered for not paying "grazing fees" that the Bundys tried to pay to "grazing fees" to Clark County and they refused it. So fuck you, Shillian.......the land the cows were grazing on did not belong to you, dumb ass. You don't even have allodial rights to your own property (if you have any).

The Bundys won, justice (for once) prevailed and you are one pissed bitch....and that alone gives me a warm feeling. Leftards were crowing and even praising the flat out murder of Lavoy Finicum at the Oregon Standoff where these patriots were taking up the case for the Hammond family that was being unfairly targeted. So eat shit and die, you commie sack of shit.

Bullshit. The Bundy whores had no right to graze their cattle without paying. Finicum had no business there. The finicum whore lived in Arizona, a long way away from Oregon, and had no legitimate business in Oregon. He tried to run a road block. He was already was a participant in an illegal takeover of federal property and openly threatened everyone. He was on his way to meet a law-enforcement person from a different county who had no jurisdiction in the county where his illegal seizure occurred. He tried to draw down on law enforcement. This piece of trash got himself killed. No tears.

The Bundys did pay.

The BLM just wanted to force them to pay it to them, instead of to the county (who actually own the land). The money was paid to the county, and the BLM refused to accept it through that route and thus we have the lie about "they refused to pay!"

Another lie started by the BLM to justify their criminal activities.

Thank goodness the judges and juries concurred.

Three have already been prosecuted for this mess across two states..and with the DOJ now investigating..there will be more.

Also they are totally reshaping the stupid blm anyway. All the ding bat petty tyrants are going to get pink slips, and they're going to force the dickheads from DC to either accept reassignment out in the sticks, or quit. And their positions will not be backfilled.

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