'Justice' In The Police State: Police Burn Dorner To Death...

Did the po widdle lefties get their panties in a wad because they were cheated of their free mumia moment?

These things really aren't Left/Right issues. They're much much bigger than that.

To the left, Dorner is a superhero. He got smoked. Literally. Now the left wants to drag out some kind of perceived injustice! What the left really wanted was a few more dead bodies. They wanted Dorner rage acted out on the unjust cops. That's what they wanted.
No reasonable person has anything sympathy for this man.

He brought it on himself.

Just like Randy Weaver and family, once you point a gun at a peace officer, all bets are off. You're fucked and good riddance.

Call in the drones, I say.

So police get to burn them at the stake without arrest or trial.

Dorner didn't even get a stake. He got holed up in a basement. It's okay when obama makes the decision and it's a kid with his daddy. But when it's a guy shooting at the police, he's suddenly innocent until proven guilty.

The left is really such scum. They need to be scraped up and flushed.
Did the po widdle lefties get their panties in a wad because they were cheated of their free mumia moment?

These things really aren't Left/Right issues. They're much much bigger than that.

To the left, Dorner is a superhero. He got smoked. Literally. Now the left wants to drag out some kind of perceived injustice! What the left really wanted was a few more dead bodies. They wanted Dorner rage acted out on the unjust cops. That's what they wanted.

I hear ya, but there are many others who are not on the Left, who feel this is pretty disturbing. What is Justice in this Police State? It's a very disturbing, but very important question that needs to be asked.
No reasonable person has anything sympathy for this man.

He brought it on himself.

Just like Randy Weaver and family, once you point a gun at a peace officer, all bets are off. You're fucked and good riddance.

Call in the drones, I say.
I'm sure you're not aware your commentary identifies you as an archetypal authoritarian/submissive personality. But in case you're interested the issue has nothing to do with sympathy for Dorner. Rather, it has to do with the increasingly unconstrained Blitzkreig orientation of American law enforcement agencies.

Because their only tool is a hammer they tend to treat every situation like a nail. Their plainly obvious position in all situations is submit or die, with no regard for the safety of hostages. The most recent example being the rescue of the little boy who was kidnapped and held hostage in a bunker. Luckily for that little boy the kidnapper was bluffing about killing him if the police attempted to break in -- which they did.
These things really aren't Left/Right issues. They're much much bigger than that.

To the left, Dorner is a superhero. He got smoked. Literally. Now the left wants to drag out some kind of perceived injustice! What the left really wanted was a few more dead bodies. They wanted Dorner rage acted out on the unjust cops. That's what they wanted.

I hear ya, but there are many others who are not on the Left, who feel this is pretty disturbing. What is Justice in this Police State? It's a very disturbing, but very important question that needs to be asked.

A tale of two criminals.

One is holed up in an underground bunker. The police storm the place rain down a hail of bullets and the bad guy is dead. No trial. No conviction. He didn't even shoot at anyone. He only killed one bus driver!

The other guy is blasting away at the police, killing one more on top of the three he already killed. Tear gas is shot into the building, it doesn't work. Incendiaries are shot into the building. He gets burned to death, no trial. No conviction.

The difference is, the first guy in white, the second guy is black. Is this disturbing? Damn right. On many different levels.
Their biggest dilemma is gonna be that they've already denied setting the fire intentionally. It suggests a cover-up is already underway. It's gonna be very interesting observing how they explain it. Stay tuned.
These things really aren't Left/Right issues. They're much much bigger than that.

To the left, Dorner is a superhero. He got smoked. Literally. Now the left wants to drag out some kind of perceived injustice! What the left really wanted was a few more dead bodies. They wanted Dorner rage acted out on the unjust cops. That's what they wanted.

I hear ya, but there are many others who are not on the Left, who feel this is pretty disturbing. What is Justice in this Police State? It's a very disturbing, but very important question that needs to be asked.

Tear gas means only one thing,they are going to burn you down,and they know it,and that is a problem,thinking that it is not is even more of an issue.
'Burn it Down' – Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends

US Police were heard on Los Angeles TV and over LAPD audio yelling to burn down fugitive ex-cop Chris Dorner’s cabin, revealing a deliberate, considered plan to torch the building in which Dorner was believed to be hiding.

*Local news channel Kcal9 has played a recording in which police were heard to yell “burn this mother*****r down,” and another shouting, “f*****g burn this mother*****r,” as Dorner was barricaded inside his hideout.

The news followed an LAPD audio recording in which a police officer is heard to say, “Alright, we're gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” and continued, saying, “like we talked about,” as his colleague confirmed he is in agreement.

During a Wednesday press conference, the San Bernadino County Sheriff claimed that law enforcement did not "intentionally" set fire to the cabin.

Dorner had barricaded himself in the cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear, Los Angeles. The drawn-out and dramatic manhunt culminated with a siege and shootout.

His hideout cabin was apparently set alight after attempts to force him out using smoke bombs and teargas failed. The message “surrender or come out,” had been blasted into the building by law enforcement officials, and the media was ordered to shut off their live feeds during the stand-off.

Hundreds watched the building go up in flames. It was unknown what had caused the fire. Nobody had been seen attempting to escape, and a charred body was later recovered from the wreckage, leading to the widespread belief that Dorner had been burned alive. However, no one has been formally identified – it may take days for the authorities to officially confirm that it was Dorner...

'Burn it Down' ? Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends ? RT

So ummmm......... how does setting a fire burn him to death all by itself? Does he not have the ability to leave the house? Was that not the objective according to the radio traffic in your own video link, i.e. "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back" - ?

(that is assuming this radio traffic is authentic -- a YouTube video with no source even attempted? Got news for ya, I could record this whole thing in my studio, with any script I want, and title it "no, this time the real police audio")

And by the way, Big Bear is a looong way from L.A. Like a two hour drive. If these cops are LAPD as your ever-creative OP claims, rather than San Bernadino Sheriff personnel, then they're way out of their jurisdiction. There you might have a story.

Nothing like thinking your thread through before posting, huh? For some the line between suggestion and reality is invisible. I'm no fan of the police but I am a fan of logic. And as usual it's absent here.

Hey, I know -- maybe it's a green screen!
'Burn it Down' – Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends

US Police were heard on Los Angeles TV and over LAPD audio yelling to burn down fugitive ex-cop Chris Dorner’s cabin, revealing a deliberate, considered plan to torch the building in which Dorner was believed to be hiding.

*Local news channel Kcal9 has played a recording in which police were heard to yell “burn this mother*****r down,” and another shouting, “f*****g burn this mother*****r,” as Dorner was barricaded inside his hideout.

The news followed an LAPD audio recording in which a police officer is heard to say, “Alright, we're gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” and continued, saying, “like we talked about,” as his colleague confirmed he is in agreement.

During a Wednesday press conference, the San Bernadino County Sheriff claimed that law enforcement did not "intentionally" set fire to the cabin.

Dorner had barricaded himself in the cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear, Los Angeles. The drawn-out and dramatic manhunt culminated with a siege and shootout.

His hideout cabin was apparently set alight after attempts to force him out using smoke bombs and teargas failed. The message “surrender or come out,” had been blasted into the building by law enforcement officials, and the media was ordered to shut off their live feeds during the stand-off.

Hundreds watched the building go up in flames. It was unknown what had caused the fire. Nobody had been seen attempting to escape, and a charred body was later recovered from the wreckage, leading to the widespread belief that Dorner had been burned alive. However, no one has been formally identified – it may take days for the authorities to officially confirm that it was Dorner...

'Burn it Down' ? Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends ? RT

So ummmm......... how does setting a fire burn him to death all by itself? Does he not have the ability to leave the house? Was that not the objective according to the radio traffic in your own video link, i.e. "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back" - ?

(that is assuming this radio traffic is authentic -- a YouTube video with no source even attempted? Got news for ya, I could record this whole thing in my studio, with any script I want, and title it "no, this time the real police audio")

And by the way, Big Bear is a looong way from L.A. Like a two hour drive. If these cops are LAPD as your ever-creative OP claims, rather than San Bernadino Sheriff personnel, then they're way out of their jurisdiction. There you might have a story.

Nothing like thinking your thread through before posting, huh? For some the line between suggestion and reality is invisible. I'm no fan of the police but I am a fan of logic. And as usual it's absent here.

Hey, I know -- maybe it's a green screen!

Cool. At least you're thinking. I'll give ya that.
No reasonable person has anything sympathy for this man.

He brought it on himself.

Just like Randy Weaver and family, once you point a gun at a peace officer, all bets are off. You're fucked and good riddance.

Call in the drones, I say.
I'm sure you're not aware your commentary identifies you as an archetypal authoritarian/submissive personality. But in case you're interested the issue has nothing to do with sympathy for Dorner. Rather, it has to do with the increasingly unconstrained Blitzkreig orientation of American law enforcement agencies.

Because their only tool is a hammer they tend to treat every situation like a nail. Their plainly obvious position in all situations is submit or die, with no regard for the safety of hostages. The most recent example being the rescue of the little boy who was kidnapped and held hostage in a bunker. Luckily for that little boy the kidnapper was bluffing about killing him if the police attempted to break in -- which they did.

A far better post than the OP. LAPD also has to answer for shooting two innocent women on nothing more than suspicion of a similar vehicle.
I also heard an officer saying to secure the back in case dorner ran out that way. They were trying to get him out of the building not necessarily burn him to death.
'Burn it Down' – Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends

US Police were heard on Los Angeles TV and over LAPD audio yelling to burn down fugitive ex-cop Chris Dorner’s cabin, revealing a deliberate, considered plan to torch the building in which Dorner was believed to be hiding.

*Local news channel Kcal9 has played a recording in which police were heard to yell “burn this mother*****r down,” and another shouting, “f*****g burn this mother*****r,” as Dorner was barricaded inside his hideout.

The news followed an LAPD audio recording in which a police officer is heard to say, “Alright, we're gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” and continued, saying, “like we talked about,” as his colleague confirmed he is in agreement.

During a Wednesday press conference, the San Bernadino County Sheriff claimed that law enforcement did not "intentionally" set fire to the cabin.

Dorner had barricaded himself in the cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear, Los Angeles. The drawn-out and dramatic manhunt culminated with a siege and shootout.

His hideout cabin was apparently set alight after attempts to force him out using smoke bombs and teargas failed. The message “surrender or come out,” had been blasted into the building by law enforcement officials, and the media was ordered to shut off their live feeds during the stand-off.

Hundreds watched the building go up in flames. It was unknown what had caused the fire. Nobody had been seen attempting to escape, and a charred body was later recovered from the wreckage, leading to the widespread belief that Dorner had been burned alive. However, no one has been formally identified – it may take days for the authorities to officially confirm that it was Dorner...

'Burn it Down' ? Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends ? RT

So ummmm......... how does setting a fire burn him to death all by itself? Does he not have the ability to leave the house? Was that not the objective according to the radio traffic in your own video link, i.e. "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back" - ?

(that is assuming this radio traffic is authentic -- a YouTube video with no source even attempted? Got news for ya, I could record this whole thing in my studio, with any script I want, and title it "no, this time the real police audio")

And by the way, Big Bear is a looong way from L.A. Like a two hour drive. If these cops are LAPD as your ever-creative OP claims, rather than San Bernadino Sheriff personnel, then they're way out of their jurisdiction. There you might have a story.

Nothing like thinking your thread through before posting, huh? For some the line between suggestion and reality is invisible. I'm no fan of the police but I am a fan of logic. And as usual it's absent here.

Hey, I know -- maybe it's a green screen!

Cool. At least you're thinking. I'll give ya that.

It's not like a genius cap that only one person at a time can wear, ya know...
I also heard an officer saying to secure the back in case dorner ran out that way. They were trying to get him out of the building not necessarily burn him to death.

Maybe, but they did burn him to death. That's the reality.
So ummmm......... how does setting a fire burn him to death all by itself? Does he not have the ability to leave the house? Was that not the objective according to the radio traffic in your own video link, i.e. "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back" - ?

(that is assuming this radio traffic is authentic -- a YouTube video with no source even attempted? Got news for ya, I could record this whole thing in my studio, with any script I want, and title it "no, this time the real police audio")

And by the way, Big Bear is a looong way from L.A. Like a two hour drive. If these cops are LAPD as your ever-creative OP claims, rather than San Bernadino Sheriff personnel, then they're way out of their jurisdiction. There you might have a story.

Nothing like thinking your thread through before posting, huh? For some the line between suggestion and reality is invisible. I'm no fan of the police but I am a fan of logic. And as usual it's absent here.

Hey, I know -- maybe it's a green screen!

Cool. At least you're thinking. I'll give ya that.

It's not like a genius cap that only one person at a time can wear, ya know...

You're thinking and asking questions. I call that progress. Keep it up. :thup:
'Burn it Down' – Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends

US Police were heard on Los Angeles TV and over LAPD audio yelling to burn down fugitive ex-cop Chris Dorner’s cabin, revealing a deliberate, considered plan to torch the building in which Dorner was believed to be hiding.

*Local news channel Kcal9 has played a recording in which police were heard to yell “burn this mother*****r down,” and another shouting, “f*****g burn this mother*****r,” as Dorner was barricaded inside his hideout.

The news followed an LAPD audio recording in which a police officer is heard to say, “Alright, we're gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” and continued, saying, “like we talked about,” as his colleague confirmed he is in agreement.

During a Wednesday press conference, the San Bernadino County Sheriff claimed that law enforcement did not "intentionally" set fire to the cabin.

Dorner had barricaded himself in the cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear, Los Angeles. The drawn-out and dramatic manhunt culminated with a siege and shootout.

His hideout cabin was apparently set alight after attempts to force him out using smoke bombs and teargas failed. The message “surrender or come out,” had been blasted into the building by law enforcement officials, and the media was ordered to shut off their live feeds during the stand-off.

Hundreds watched the building go up in flames. It was unknown what had caused the fire. Nobody had been seen attempting to escape, and a charred body was later recovered from the wreckage, leading to the widespread belief that Dorner had been burned alive. However, no one has been formally identified – it may take days for the authorities to officially confirm that it was Dorner...

'Burn it Down' ? Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends ? RT

They gave him the same rights Obama gives al Qaeda leaders. The right to a shoe box funeral.
'Burn it Down' – Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends

US Police were heard on Los Angeles TV and over LAPD audio yelling to burn down fugitive ex-cop Chris Dorner’s cabin, revealing a deliberate, considered plan to torch the building in which Dorner was believed to be hiding.

*Local news channel Kcal9 has played a recording in which police were heard to yell “burn this mother*****r down,” and another shouting, “f*****g burn this mother*****r,” as Dorner was barricaded inside his hideout.

The news followed an LAPD audio recording in which a police officer is heard to say, “Alright, we're gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” and continued, saying, “like we talked about,” as his colleague confirmed he is in agreement.

During a Wednesday press conference, the San Bernadino County Sheriff claimed that law enforcement did not "intentionally" set fire to the cabin.

Dorner had barricaded himself in the cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear, Los Angeles. The drawn-out and dramatic manhunt culminated with a siege and shootout.

His hideout cabin was apparently set alight after attempts to force him out using smoke bombs and teargas failed. The message “surrender or come out,” had been blasted into the building by law enforcement officials, and the media was ordered to shut off their live feeds during the stand-off.

Hundreds watched the building go up in flames. It was unknown what had caused the fire. Nobody had been seen attempting to escape, and a charred body was later recovered from the wreckage, leading to the widespread belief that Dorner had been burned alive. However, no one has been formally identified – it may take days for the authorities to officially confirm that it was Dorner...

'Burn it Down' ? Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends ? RT

So ummmm......... how does setting a fire burn him to death all by itself? Does he not have the ability to leave the house? Was that not the objective according to the radio traffic in your own video link, i.e. "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back" - ?

(that is assuming this radio traffic is authentic -- a YouTube video with no source even attempted? Got news for ya, I could record this whole thing in my studio, with any script I want, and title it "no, this time the real police audio")

And by the way, Big Bear is a looong way from L.A. Like a two hour drive. If these cops are LAPD as your ever-creative OP claims, rather than San Bernadino Sheriff personnel, then they're way out of their jurisdiction. There you might have a story.

Nothing like thinking your thread through before posting, huh? For some the line between suggestion and reality is invisible. I'm no fan of the police but I am a fan of logic. And as usual it's absent here.

Hey, I know -- maybe it's a green screen!

Ahh you noticed. There was no LAPD audio. There was no LAPD involved at all. It wasn't even the San Bernardino Sheriff's department. It was the US Forestry Department in charge of this operation, using police radio from the San Bernardino Sherriff's department.

But, you see the left MUST have LAPD, because everyone knows they are corrupt and deserve every dead officer. Cheer Dorner on!!!! With Federal agents, not so much. The left makes it up as they go along. If they need a fact, they just make it up.

Sometimes they can't do anything about the facts, they just keep getting in the way. Like the two hispanic cleaning women who came to clean a shack with no running water. Those POOR WOMEN! It turned out to be a well to do white couple who rented out a comfy condo. Shut up about that kidnapping, they deserved it.
Their biggest dilemma is gonna be that they've already denied setting the fire intentionally. It suggests a cover-up is already underway. It's gonna be very interesting observing how they explain it. Stay tuned.

Just one of many lies they have been telling. There should be a lot of fired officers after all the lies & shooting innocent people.
'Burn it Down' – Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends

US Police were heard on Los Angeles TV and over LAPD audio yelling to burn down fugitive ex-cop Chris Dorner’s cabin, revealing a deliberate, considered plan to torch the building in which Dorner was believed to be hiding.

*Local news channel Kcal9 has played a recording in which police were heard to yell “burn this mother*****r down,” and another shouting, “f*****g burn this mother*****r,” as Dorner was barricaded inside his hideout.

The news followed an LAPD audio recording in which a police officer is heard to say, “Alright, we're gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” and continued, saying, “like we talked about,” as his colleague confirmed he is in agreement.

During a Wednesday press conference, the San Bernadino County Sheriff claimed that law enforcement did not "intentionally" set fire to the cabin.

Dorner had barricaded himself in the cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear, Los Angeles. The drawn-out and dramatic manhunt culminated with a siege and shootout.

His hideout cabin was apparently set alight after attempts to force him out using smoke bombs and teargas failed. The message “surrender or come out,” had been blasted into the building by law enforcement officials, and the media was ordered to shut off their live feeds during the stand-off.

Hundreds watched the building go up in flames. It was unknown what had caused the fire. Nobody had been seen attempting to escape, and a charred body was later recovered from the wreckage, leading to the widespread belief that Dorner had been burned alive. However, no one has been formally identified – it may take days for the authorities to officially confirm that it was Dorner...

'Burn it Down' ? Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends ? RT

So ummmm......... how does setting a fire burn him to death all by itself? Does he not have the ability to leave the house? Was that not the objective according to the radio traffic in your own video link, i.e. "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back" - ?

(that is assuming this radio traffic is authentic -- a YouTube video with no source even attempted? Got news for ya, I could record this whole thing in my studio, with any script I want, and title it "no, this time the real police audio")

And by the way, Big Bear is a looong way from L.A. Like a two hour drive. If these cops are LAPD as your ever-creative OP claims, rather than San Bernadino Sheriff personnel, then they're way out of their jurisdiction. There you might have a story.

Nothing like thinking your thread through before posting, huh? For some the line between suggestion and reality is invisible. I'm no fan of the police but I am a fan of logic. And as usual it's absent here.

Hey, I know -- maybe it's a green screen!

Ahh you noticed. There was no LAPD audio. There was no LAPD involved at all. It wasn't even the San Bernardino Sheriff's department. It was the US Forestry Department in charge of this operation, using police radio from the San Bernardino Sherriff's department.

But, you see the left MUST have LAPD, because everyone knows they are corrupt and deserve every dead officer. Cheer Dorner on!!!! With Federal agents, not so much. The left makes it up as they go along. If they need a fact, they just make it up.

Sometimes they can't do anything about the facts, they just keep getting in the way. Like the two hispanic cleaning women who came to clean a shack with no running water. Those POOR WOMEN! It turned out to be a well to do white couple who rented out a comfy condo. Shut up about that kidnapping, they deserved it.

I have no idea what this post is trying to cryptically say but the OP called these "LAPD", Of course the poster is notorious for not doing his homework and leaving rhetorical train wrecks for others to clean up. I happen to know the drive between L.A. and Big Bear; I have a friend who lives there (Big Bear) and I know it's way ouf of LAPD jurisdiction. Just another of the gigantic gaping holes Paulitician seems to leave in his thread wake.

Then when I give him his "duh" moment he wants to observe that I'm the one thinking it through. No shit dude -- that was supposed to be your job.

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