'Justice' In The Police State: Police Burn Dorner To Death...

We are all very lucky that Christopher Dorner was killed before he turned into another Beltway Sniper.
That was not very likely.

The Beltway Sniper(s) were opportunistically shooting people at random, whereas Dorner was focused exclusively on police and related individuals. If they hadn't caught up with him the effect his presence would have imposed on law enforcement in Los Angeles is easy to imagine. The police would be (justifiably) afraid to respond promptly and assertively to any 911 call, fearing the potential for a trap.

Dorner had a longer list than just the police. He wanted vengeance against the racists who tormented him in first grade too. That school was completely shut down in fear of whether Dorner would start killing first graders.
You're actually going to sit here and play the role of stupid now? Keep asking the same question over and over until it becomes meaningless??

I disproved your fables in my first post here, way back in post 28. So did Misty in post 31, and others. I know you read them because you quoted them with the response "OK you're thinking, I'll give you that". Now you want us to believe you're so dim you don't remember any of this.

I didn't want to go here but if you insist -- OK, you're stupid, I'll give you that.


You have not disproven anything. That's just your ego and imagination at work. You yourself even admitted they started the fire intentionally. And there's proof of it anyway. But i'll wait a little longer for you to show all the things you've disproven.

:dig: :dig: :dig:

You've got to be the densest most asinine poster in the history of the internets.

You. Cannot. Burn. Someone. To. Death. If. They. Have. A. Way. Out.
Your own video recounted the police specifically watching that way out " "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back", which means not only was there a way out, but the police who started the fire were aware of it. In the event Dorner chose another way out, his own firearms, as (again, your own links) reported at the scene at the time. Therefore your title "police burn Dorner to death" is bombastic bullshit, contrived codswallop and fatuous fabrication. As is "LAPD", whose jurisdiction ends over a hundred miles away. There, you naïvely repeated the error of your OP article, an article you apparently didn't bother to vet or think through. Since the article came from Russia, it is conceivable they don't have a clear idea how far Big Bear is from L.A., but if you're going halfway across the world for news from our back yard, you'd better either vet it or find a more local source.

But even that article didn't make the leap to the police "burning Dorner to death". You made that up on your own -- in spite of the evidence in your own links.

This is a message board, not a newspaper, but that doesn't give you the option to just make up bullshit stories out of thin air. If this were a newspaper and I were your editor, you'd be out on your ass within five minutes of writing like this. As long as you cling to your own demonstrably bullshit fabrications in your state of obtuse denial, your posts will remain worthless and irrelevant clown-lit.

Are you really gonna go with that? Seriously, stop worshipping Authority and get a grip. They set the fire intentionally. It's a very questionable and disturbing tactic. It's not Justice.
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You declaring him not innocent, doesn't make it so. That's not Justice. What do you really know? And their tactics were very disturbing throughout this whole ordeal. It's not just intentionally setting the fire. They shot several innocent people in the process of searching for him.

Several? Really several? They shot two. And that was on a special protection detail where the two were acting suspiciously.
I hadn't heard of this "special protection detail." I'm interested and would like to know more about that and would appreciate any references you could supply.

Thanks in advance.

:lol: Getting shot for 'acting suspiciously?' More 'Justice' in the Police State i guess. What the hell's wrong with some of these people? Why do they feel compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do? I don't get it.
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You have not disproven anything. That's just your ego and imagination at work. You yourself even admitted they started the fire intentionally. And there's proof of it anyway. But i'll wait a little longer for you to show all the things you've disproven.

:dig: :dig: :dig:

You've got to be the densest most asinine poster in the history of the internets.

You. Cannot. Burn. Someone. To. Death. If. They. Have. A. Way. Out.
Your own video recounted the police specifically watching that way out " "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back", which means not only was there a way out, but the police who started the fire were aware of it. In the event Dorner chose another way out, his own firearms, as (again, your own links) reported at the scene at the time. Therefore your title "police burn Dorner to death" is bombastic bullshit, contrived codswallop and fatuous fabrication. As is "LAPD", whose jurisdiction ends over a hundred miles away. There, you naïvely repeated the error of your OP article, an article you apparently didn't bother to vet or think through. Since the article came from Russia, it is conceivable they don't have a clear idea how far Big Bear is from L.A., but if you're going halfway across the world for news from our back yard, you'd better either vet it or find a more local source.

But even that article didn't make the leap to the police "burning Dorner to death". You made that up on your own -- in spite of the evidence in your own links.

This is a message board, not a newspaper, but that doesn't give you the option to just make up bullshit stories out of thin air. If this were a newspaper and I were your editor, you'd be out on your ass within five minutes of writing like this. As long as you cling to your own demonstrably bullshit fabrications in your state of obtuse denial, your posts will remain worthless and irrelevant clown-lit.

Are you really gonna go with that? Seriously, stop worshipping Authority and get a grip. They set the fire intentionally. It's a very questionable and disturbing tactic. It's not Justice.

Still pulling disingenuous crap out of your ass I see. So you think "justice" consists of putting words in other people's mouths.

Go fuck yourself.

:dig: :dig: :dig:

You've got to be the densest most asinine poster in the history of the internets.

You. Cannot. Burn. Someone. To. Death. If. They. Have. A. Way. Out.
Your own video recounted the police specifically watching that way out " "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back", which means not only was there a way out, but the police who started the fire were aware of it. In the event Dorner chose another way out, his own firearms, as (again, your own links) reported at the scene at the time. Therefore your title "police burn Dorner to death" is bombastic bullshit, contrived codswallop and fatuous fabrication. As is "LAPD", whose jurisdiction ends over a hundred miles away. There, you naïvely repeated the error of your OP article, an article you apparently didn't bother to vet or think through. Since the article came from Russia, it is conceivable they don't have a clear idea how far Big Bear is from L.A., but if you're going halfway across the world for news from our back yard, you'd better either vet it or find a more local source.

But even that article didn't make the leap to the police "burning Dorner to death". You made that up on your own -- in spite of the evidence in your own links.

This is a message board, not a newspaper, but that doesn't give you the option to just make up bullshit stories out of thin air. If this were a newspaper and I were your editor, you'd be out on your ass within five minutes of writing like this. As long as you cling to your own demonstrably bullshit fabrications in your state of obtuse denial, your posts will remain worthless and irrelevant clown-lit.

Are you really gonna go with that? Seriously, stop worshipping Authority and get a grip. They set the fire intentionally. It's a very questionable and disturbing tactic. It's not Justice.

Still pulling disingenuous crap out of your ass I see. So you think "justice" consists of putting words in other people's mouths.

Go fuck yourself.

So says the dunce who approves of their beloved Gestapo shooting someone for 'acting suspicious.' Whatever.
We are all very lucky that Christopher Dorner was killed before he turned into another Beltway Sniper.
That was not very likely.

The Beltway Sniper(s) were opportunistically shooting people at random, whereas Dorner was focused exclusively on police and related individuals. If they hadn't caught up with him the effect his presence would have imposed on law enforcement in Los Angeles is easy to imagine. The police would be (justifiably) afraid to respond promptly and assertively to any 911 call, fearing the potential for a trap.

Dorner had a longer list than just the police. He wanted vengeance against the racists who tormented him in first grade too. That school was completely shut down in fear of whether Dorner would start killing first graders.

I don't see where you get that idea. Read the manifesto. I've read the entire thing and I don't see any threats to anyone outside of certain parties within LAPD. If I missed this part, please quote it.

I do see, overall, a campaign to sell the public the idea of a "dangerous big black man on the loose". And like the OP here, I'm not sure I trust the source of that story. It just smells a bit too Hollywood for this observer. I also don't see a link for that school shutdown (had to look it up myself, thanks a lot) but what I did find said only that somebody was "named" in the manifesto. Well guess what, there were probably a hundred people "named" in there, from politicians to pop stars to pundits to friends, family and military buddies, almost all of them in a positive light, so I take "named" with a heavy grain of salt.

Considering who has controlled this dialogue, a healthy skepticism is more than warranted. LAPD's side of the story is not the alpha and omega. If it were, these people would not have come out.

Nor would this guy.
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Are you really gonna go with that? Seriously, stop worshipping Authority and get a grip. They set the fire intentionally. It's a very questionable and disturbing tactic. It's not Justice.

Still pulling disingenuous crap out of your ass I see. So you think "justice" consists of putting words in other people's mouths.

Go fuck yourself.

So says the dunce who approves of their beloved Gestapo shooting someone for 'acting suspicious.' Whatever.

Oh for fuck's sake moron, read my signature. it's been sitting there since well before Dorner snapped and lost contact with reality, although probably not before you did.
Still pulling disingenuous crap out of your ass I see. So you think "justice" consists of putting words in other people's mouths.

Go fuck yourself.

So says the dunce who approves of their beloved Gestapo shooting someone for 'acting suspicious.' Whatever.

Oh for fuck's sake moron, read my signature. it's been sitting there since well before Dorner snapped and lost contact with reality, although probably not before you did.

You did defend your Gestapo shooting Citizens for 'acting suspicious.' You can backtrack now if you want. But you did defend their actions. It is what it is.
Dorner had a longer list than just the police. He wanted vengeance against the racists who tormented him in first grade too. That school was completely shut down in fear of whether Dorner would start killing first graders.
I asked you for reference to your source of the "special protection detail" you mentioned in your last message. So far you haven't responded.

Now you're telling us Dorner was racially harrassed in first grade. I haven't heard or read this anywhere so I'm left to conclude that either you are delusional or you just consciously invent these items to compensate for your lack of anything genuinely interesting to say?
So says the dunce who approves of their beloved Gestapo shooting someone for 'acting suspicious.' Whatever.

Oh for fuck's sake moron, read my signature. it's been sitting there since well before Dorner snapped and lost contact with reality, although probably not before you did.

You did defend your Gestapo shooting Citizens for 'acting suspicious.' You can backtrack now if you want. But you did defend their actions. It is what it is.

Unmitigated horseshit. I've said no such thing, here or anywhere else. If I did you could find a quote. But documentation isn't necessary when you're a liar.

Dorner had a longer list than just the police. He wanted vengeance against the racists who tormented him in first grade too. That school was completely shut down in fear of whether Dorner would start killing first graders.
I asked you for reference to your source of the "special protection detail" you mentioned in your last message. So far you haven't responded.

Now you're telling us Dorner was racially harrassed in first grade. I haven't heard or read this anywhere so I'm left to conclude that either you are delusional or you just consciously invent these items to compensate for your lack of anything genuinely interesting to say?

Agreed, there's a whole lot of delusion goin' on. That "special protection detail" seems to be his connection to the two Latina women delivering papers in the wee hours. I counted 45 bullet holes in that truck (explored more here, a worthier thread with a premise more grounded in reality). I don't remember Katz providing a link backing up that description, although whether it was a "special protection detail" or not is entirely irrelevant to the question of police overreaction.

But in the case of the school, no I don't think there's anything to that but irrational projections. Again, all one has to do is provide what we call a "link".
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