'Justice' In The Police State: Police Burn Dorner To Death...

Told ya.

But who are we to say, perhaps Paulitician is "innocent" of making shit up in his thread title. Perhaps mega-Billionaire Anderson Cooper, a well-known CIA operative, took control of his keyboard behind a green screen.


"Told ya" what? You don't know anything. You feel compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. It's just Authority-Worship. Nothing more. Hopefully, one day you'll snap out of it.

Trust me, "authority worship" is something I've never done in my life, particularly on the police, and you won't find any in my posts anywhere including here. I won't "defend" the police but I will always defend the truth, which you burned to death in your title here. And elsewhere.

You had no basis for 'burned to death", and you ran with it anyway. Hence: "told ya". Just as you called them "LAPD". Start dealing in the factual and there will be nothing to tell.

Yet you have no proof for your assertion. You don't know anything. But we do know they set the fire intentionally. There is proof of that.
This has probably already been posted but autopsy shows that dorner died from a bullet to his head, self inflicted. So he didn't burn to death.

Told ya.

But who are we to say, perhaps Paulitician is "innocent" of making shit up in his thread title. Perhaps mega-Billionaire Anderson Cooper, a well-known CIA operative, took control of his keyboard behind a green screen.


"Told ya" what? You don't know anything. You feel compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. It's just Authority-Worship. Nothing more. Hopefully, one day you'll snap out of it.
The Authoritarian Personality is discussed at length by Dr. Erich Fromm in his book, Escape From Freedom. Extreme examples of the authoritarian personality typically engage in sado/masochistic sexual activities.

Worship of authority is a very real, very common phenomenon which is increasingly prevalent in American culture.

Told ya.

But who are we to say, perhaps Paulitician is "innocent" of making shit up in his thread title. Perhaps mega-Billionaire Anderson Cooper, a well-known CIA operative, took control of his keyboard behind a green screen.


"Told ya" what? You don't know anything. You feel compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. It's just Authority-Worship. Nothing more. Hopefully, one day you'll snap out of it.
The Authoritarian Personality is discussed at length by Dr. Erich Fromm in his book, Escape From Freedom. Extreme examples of the authoritarian personality typically engage in sado/masochistic sexual activities.

Worship of authority is a very real, very common phenomenon which is increasingly prevalent in American culture.


Yeah, it's so bizarre. They're so compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. I'll never understand it.
"Told ya" what? You don't know anything. You feel compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. It's just Authority-Worship. Nothing more. Hopefully, one day you'll snap out of it.

Trust me, "authority worship" is something I've never done in my life, particularly on the police, and you won't find any in my posts anywhere including here. I won't "defend" the police but I will always defend the truth, which you burned to death in your title here. And elsewhere.

You had no basis for 'burned to death", and you ran with it anyway. Hence: "told ya". Just as you called them "LAPD". Start dealing in the factual and there will be nothing to tell.

Yet you have no proof for your assertion. You don't know anything. But we do know they set the fire intentionally. There is proof of that.

:bang3: :bang3: :bang3:

Good God Man, Stop Being So Fucking Dense!! Your original title reads "Police Burn Dorner to Death" and attributes the fire to LAPD: "Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends" -- neither of those is true and neither of those even has any basis in speculation. Your own video links pointed out the police expecting Dorner to come out the back door; the presence of an open back door openly contradicts the premise in your title, as does the fact that Dorner was armed and would probably terminate the ordeal in suicide --- as he did.

You had no basis to make those assertions. None. You can tell the story, but you can't just make up your own facts. You undermine what could have been a worthy point by fabricating a story. In effect you took a good point and put a gun to its head.

Trust me, "authority worship" is something I've never done in my life, particularly on the police, and you won't find any in my posts anywhere including here. I won't "defend" the police but I will always defend the truth, which you burned to death in your title here. And elsewhere.

You had no basis for 'burned to death", and you ran with it anyway. Hence: "told ya". Just as you called them "LAPD". Start dealing in the factual and there will be nothing to tell.

Yet you have no proof for your assertion. You don't know anything. But we do know they set the fire intentionally. There is proof of that.

:bang3: :bang3: :bang3:

Good God Man, Stop Being So Fucking Dense!! Your original title reads "Police Burn Dorner to Death" and attributes the fire to LAPD: "Dorner's hideout deliberately torched by LAPD as dramatic manhunt ends" -- neither of those is true and neither of those even has any basis in speculation. Your own video links pointed out the police expecting Dorner to come out the back door; the presence of an open back door openly contradicts the premise in your title, as does the fact that Dorner was armed and would probably terminate the ordeal in suicide --- as he did.

You had no basis to make those assertions. None. You can tell the story, but you can't just make up your own facts. You undermine what could have been a worthy point by fabricating a story. In effect you took a good point and put a gun to its head.


So they did set the fire intentionally? Well see, now you're making progress. Please continue.
Told ya.

But who are we to say, perhaps Paulitician is "innocent" of making shit up in his thread title. Perhaps mega-Billionaire Anderson Cooper, a well-known CIA operative, took control of his keyboard behind a green screen.


"Told ya" what? You don't know anything. You feel compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. It's just Authority-Worship. Nothing more. Hopefully, one day you'll snap out of it.
The Authoritarian Personality is discussed at length by Dr. Erich Fromm in his book, Escape From Freedom. Extreme examples of the authoritarian personality typically engage in sado/masochistic sexual activities.

Worship of authority is a very real, very common phenomenon which is increasingly prevalent in American culture.


Get over it. That's just Paulitician moving his goalposts again. I've never defended police, ever. He's trying to cover up his own atrociously sloppy work by attacking the messenger. He's got exactly the same amount of basis to call me "authoritarian" as he has for "LAPD" and "burn to death"-- Zero.

The OP and its title are on the record. It's prolly too late for him to edit out the fabrications he's been called on.

Like he did yesterday.
"Told ya" what? You don't know anything. You feel compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. It's just Authority-Worship. Nothing more. Hopefully, one day you'll snap out of it.
The Authoritarian Personality is discussed at length by Dr. Erich Fromm in his book, Escape From Freedom. Extreme examples of the authoritarian personality typically engage in sado/masochistic sexual activities.

Worship of authority is a very real, very common phenomenon which is increasingly prevalent in American culture.


Get over it. That's just Paulitician moving his goalposts again. I've never defended police, ever. He's trying to cover up his own atrociously sloppy work by attacking the messenger. He's got exactly the same amount of basis to call me "authoritarian" as he has for "LAPD" and "burn to death"-- Zero.

The OP and its title are on the record. It's prolly too late for him to edit out the fabrications he's been called on.

Like he did yesterday.

Well now you're just obsessed. You're getting Stalkish. Chill out. Big Brother is good and always knows what's best for us. There, feel better now? SHEESH!
You can't simply admit that you do sloppy work?

I love these guys who walk in here and bring their "D" game... then when called on it want to change the subject.

You can't simply admit that you do sloppy work?

I love these guys who walk in here and bring their "D" game... then when called on it want to change the subject.


Yet you haven't proven any of your assertions. What were they again? And it's not "work" dummy. It's a Message Board. Get over it.
You can't simply admit that you do sloppy work?

I love these guys who walk in here and bring their "D" game... then when called on it want to change the subject.


Yet you haven't proven any of your assertions. What were they again? And it's not "work" dummy. It's a Message Board. Get over it.

A fair point; I used the term "work" quite loosely. With you it's more like spaghetti thrown on the wall to see if it sticks. Terms like "work" or "research" are anathema here.

I never had "assertions" to "prove" here; I disproved yours. As I keep telling you, you could make some worthy points if you just put some basic work into them. Sure, making stuff up is easier, but it undermines everything that follows. Unless your objective is to make clown posts.
You can't simply admit that you do sloppy work?

I love these guys who walk in here and bring their "D" game... then when called on it want to change the subject.


Yet you haven't proven any of your assertions. What were they again? And it's not "work" dummy. It's a Message Board. Get over it.

A fair point; I used the term "work" quite loosely. With you it's more like spaghetti thrown on the wall to see if it sticks. Terms like "work" or "research" are anathema here.

I never had "assertions" to "prove" here; I disproved yours. As I keep telling you, you could make some worthy points if you just put some basic work into them. Sure, making stuff up is easier, but it undermines everything that follows. Unless your objective is to make clown posts.

Ok, i'll give you another shot. What have you 'disproven?'
Yet you haven't proven any of your assertions. What were they again? And it's not "work" dummy. It's a Message Board. Get over it.

A fair point; I used the term "work" quite loosely. With you it's more like spaghetti thrown on the wall to see if it sticks. Terms like "work" or "research" are anathema here.

I never had "assertions" to "prove" here; I disproved yours. As I keep telling you, you could make some worthy points if you just put some basic work into them. Sure, making stuff up is easier, but it undermines everything that follows. Unless your objective is to make clown posts.

Ok, i'll give you another shot. What have you 'disproven?'

You're actually going to sit here and play the role of stupid now? Keep asking the same question over and over until it becomes meaningless??

I disproved your fables in my first post here, way back in post 28. So did Misty in post 31, and others. I know you read them because you quoted them with the response "OK you're thinking, I'll give you that". Now you want us to believe you're so dim you don't remember any of this.

I didn't want to go here but if you insist -- OK, you're stupid, I'll give you that.

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A fair point; I used the term "work" quite loosely. With you it's more like spaghetti thrown on the wall to see if it sticks. Terms like "work" or "research" are anathema here.

I never had "assertions" to "prove" here; I disproved yours. As I keep telling you, you could make some worthy points if you just put some basic work into them. Sure, making stuff up is easier, but it undermines everything that follows. Unless your objective is to make clown posts.

Ok, i'll give you another shot. What have you 'disproven?'

You're actually going to sit here and play the role of stupid now? Keep asking the same question over and over until it becomes meaningless??

I disproved your fables in my first post here, way back in post 28. So did Misty in post 31, and others. I know you read them because you quoted them with the response "OK you're thinking, I'll give you that". Now you want us to believe you're so dim you don't remember any of this.

I didn't want to go here but if you insist -- OK, you're stupid, I'll give you that.


You have not disproven anything. That's just your ego and imagination at work. You yourself even admitted they started the fire intentionally. And there's proof of it anyway. But i'll wait a little longer for you to show all the things you've disproven.
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Ok, i'll give you another shot. What have you 'disproven?'

You're actually going to sit here and play the role of stupid now? Keep asking the same question over and over until it becomes meaningless??

I disproved your fables in my first post here, way back in post 28. So did Misty in post 31, and others. I know you read them because you quoted them with the response "OK you're thinking, I'll give you that". Now you want us to believe you're so dim you don't remember any of this.

I didn't want to go here but if you insist -- OK, you're stupid, I'll give you that.


You have not disproven anything. That's just your ego and imagination at work. You yourself even admitted they started the fire intentionally. And there's proof of it anyway. But i'll wait a little longer for you to show all the things you've disproven.

:dig: :dig: :dig:

You've got to be the densest most asinine poster in the history of the internets.

You. Cannot. Burn. Someone. To. Death. If. They. Have. A. Way. Out.
Your own video recounted the police specifically watching that way out " "Be ready on the number four side, we have fire in the front; he might come out the back", which means not only was there a way out, but the police who started the fire were aware of it. In the event Dorner chose another way out, his own firearms, as (again, your own links) reported at the scene at the time. Therefore your title "police burn Dorner to death" is bombastic bullshit, contrived codswallop and fatuous fabrication. As is "LAPD", whose jurisdiction ends over a hundred miles away. There, you naïvely repeated the error of your OP article, an article you apparently didn't bother to vet or think through. Since the article came from Russia, it is conceivable they don't have a clear idea how far Big Bear is from L.A., but if you're going halfway across the world for news from our back yard, you'd better either vet it or find a more local source.

But even that article didn't make the leap to the police "burning Dorner to death". You made that up on your own -- in spite of the evidence in your own links.

This is a message board, not a newspaper, but that doesn't give you the option to just make up bullshit stories out of thin air. If this were a newspaper and I were your editor, you'd be out on your ass within five minutes of writing like this. As long as you cling to your own demonstrably bullshit fabrications in your state of obtuse denial, your posts will remain worthless and irrelevant clown-lit.
We are all very lucky that Christopher Dorner was killed before he turned into another Beltway Sniper.
That was not very likely.

The Beltway Sniper(s) were opportunistically shooting people at random, whereas Dorner was focused exclusively on police and related individuals. If they hadn't caught up with him the effect his presence would have imposed on law enforcement in Los Angeles is easy to imagine. The police would be (justifiably) afraid to respond promptly and assertively to any 911 call, fearing the potential for a trap.
He wasn't innocent. In the incident that led to the fire he had killed a US forestry agent and wounded another.

You declaring him not innocent, doesn't make it so. That's not Justice. What do you really know? And their tactics were very disturbing throughout this whole ordeal. It's not just intentionally setting the fire. They shot several innocent people in the process of searching for him.

Several? Really several? They shot two. And that was on a special protection detail where the two were acting suspiciously.
I hadn't heard of this "special protection detail." I'm interested and would like to know more about that and would appreciate any references you could supply.

Thanks in advance.
maybe they should have just torched OJ's mansion and saved the espense of a long, drawnout, costly trial.
OJ Simpson had front-door access to mainstream media and could afford velvet slipper lawyers -- so they patiently followed him until he decided to surrender. Otherwise his SUV would have been pit maneuvered and if he made a "movement toward his waistband" he would have gone the way of Amadou Diallo.
Yeah, it's so bizarre. They're so compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. I'll never understand it.
The authoritarian/submissive personality begins in infancy and is shaped by parental authority during the formative years.

Parents are the original authority figures. If one's parents are inclined to rigidly enforce rules of conduct but are otherwise loving and protective, it's not hard to understand the effect on the emerging personality. Nor is it hard to understand why some adults tend to feel and behave submissively toward police authority. They associate authority with loving protection.

Conversely, those whose parents were authoritative but unaffectionate, even cruel, will harbor rebellious disrespect, even hatred, for authority.

It all begins in the cradle.
Yeah, it's so bizarre. They're so compelled to defend the Police no matter what they do. I'll never understand it.
The authoritarian/submissive personality begins in infancy and is shaped by parental authority during the formative years.

Parents are the original authority figures. If one's parents are inclined to rigidly enforce rules of conduct but are otherwise loving and protective, it's not hard to understand the effect on the emerging personality. Nor is it hard to understand why some adults tend to feel and behave submissively toward police authority. They associate authority with loving protection.

Conversely, those whose parents were authoritative but unaffectionate, even cruel, will harbor rebellious disrespect, even hatred, for authority.

It all begins in the cradle.

Once again, the quote you're riffing on is irrelevant to anything. That's Paulitician trying to cover the blunders of his own OP by attacking me, the guy who called him on his bullshit. Rather than admit he was wrong, he tries to pervert my posting into some kind of "defense" of police, something I've never engaged in. He does this because he's a fucking liar and cannot admit when he's fucked up.

There is no authoritarian/submissive personality present. There's just an OP with its head up its ass, trying to blame everybody but himself.

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