Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown

I can't believe that twat still has a problem with same sex couples. it's 2017.

Hoosexuality has always been immoral, and it always will be, and government will always be wrong whenever it attempts to support such evil. What year it is is irrelevant. What is evil one year, doesn't become good another year.

It is good for people to openly admit their bigotry, it is the first step to moving past it. I am proud of you for announcing your homophobia to the whole board!

Well done
Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?

As a matter of immutable biological fact, one of any child's parents will always be male, and the other will always be female. Why is it that you on the left wrong are so obsessed with putting scientific reality aside, in order to support the agenda of sick, immoral perverts, and especially of allowing this evil agenda to be imposed on innocent children?

The birth certificate is not a scientist document, it is a legal document that list the parents of the child, be them the biological parents or adoptive parents.
I can't believe that twat still has a problem with same sex couples. it's 2017.
I do too. So? What makes you god? What a a condescending ass!

It is good for people to openly admit their bigotry, it is the first step to moving past it. I am proud of you for announcing your homophobia to the whole board!

Well done
It’s called values. But you’re such a righteous fk that you feel you get to judge. Too bad asswipe, I don’t care!
Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?

As a matter of immutable biological fact, one of any child's parents will always be male, and the other will always be female. Why is it that you on the left wrong are so obsessed with putting scientific reality aside, in order to support the agenda of sick, immoral perverts, and especially of allowing this evil agenda to be imposed on innocent children?

The birth certificate is not a scientist document, it is a legal document that list the parents of the child, be them the biological parents or adoptive parents.
Birth records however trace to mother and father
Same sex couples don't have children.

Do not keep up much with science do you? You might want to at least look up In vitro fertilisation. I am sure there will be some pictures to help you understand how it works.

Not to mention that when a child is adopted the names of the adopted parents are put on the Birth Certificate replacing any names that might have been there.

As a matter of biological reality, a child does not come into existence without the involvement of both a father and a mother. Even where artificial methods, such as IVF are involved, there must always be a man to provide the sperm,and a woman to provide the ovum. Biologically, every child has a father, and a mother.

To intentionally deprive the child of one parent is always wrong. Always. To take away a child's father, and give him, in his place, another “mother”, is always wrong. To take away a child's mother, and give him, in her place, another “father”, is always wrong. Depriving a child of his most basic parental needs, in order to cater to the demands of immoral perverts, is always wrong. Always.

Those of you who choose to put the interests of perverts above that of decent people, above that of society, above that, especially, of children, the guilt is on you. The shame is on you. You are responsible for the ills that you have thus wrought, of the collapse of marriage and family, the rise of illegitimacy, and all the social ills that follow. All of this is on you. And one day, you will stand before God, and be held to answer for it; all of it. I think that He will not be pleased with you.

Matthew 18:6: “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
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Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?

As a matter of immutable biological fact, one of any child's parents will always be male, and the other will always be female. Why is it that you on the left wrong are so obsessed with putting scientific reality aside, in order to support the agenda of sick, immoral perverts, and especially of allowing this evil agenda to be imposed on innocent children?

The birth certificate is not a scientist document, it is a legal document that list the parents of the child, be them the biological parents or adoptive parents.
Birth records however trace to mother and father

Yep, and if the child is adopted those birth records trace to the adoptive mother and child.
I don’t blame states not following the constitution, on the constitution. States are an absolute hedge against the fed, as well as against mob rule. They are a check.

There is never any valid excuse for any part of government to openly disobey the Constitution.
We can both agree that only loving parents should be chosen.

Having said that, from personal experience, I disagree with the notion that a persons sex is irrelevant.

Specifically, I've encountered women who raise children, not really any men who decide to do it. My guess is that far more lesbians decide to try this than 2 gay men. From my personal observation of the lesbian couples, the children tend to be wild children with no parent to pound the hammer to set them right. This has to do with hormones and testosterone levels.

Then you get cases where a pair of lesbians adopt a boy,and try to turn him into a girl. As an example, look up Tommy/Tammy Lobel. I think I've also heard of a similar case where a couple of faggots adopted a girl and tried to turn her into a boy.

At best, homosexuality is a serious psychiatric issue, as well as a moral issue, and not one that needs to be imposed in any way on children. That's the sort of thing that, as a society, we ought to fulfill a duty to protect children against.
Wow, this is 2017 and the dumb Left Wingers still do not understand that it takes a man and a women to create a baby.
Liberals are science deniers.

Well, in other, related news, those on the left wrong, lately, go so far as to even deny the difference between the sexes. They think that a man can be a woman, if he claims to “identify” as such.

Modern LIbEralism truly has degenerated into a mental- and moral disease.
Threads like this are good for bringing out the homophobic bigots so you can ID them for future reference. Knowing that someone is both a homophobe and a bigot is important when dealing with them in the future.

You leftists believe that anybody that disagrees with leftist views are bigots, racists and homophobes. So who really cares what you think? You're going to think it anyway.

More to the point, who cares what anyone who openly sides with faggots, trannies, and other sick perverts, thinks?
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society
Because Beyonce running around on stage naked is a good sign for any society.
Threads like this are good for bringing out the homophobic bigots so you can ID them for future reference. Knowing that someone is both a homophobe and a bigot is important when dealing with them in the future.

You leftists believe that anybody that disagrees with leftist views are bigots, racists and homophobes. So who really cares what you think? You're going to think it anyway.

More to the point, who cares what anyone who openly sides with faggots, trannies, and other sick perverts, thinks?

I think my post bears repeating with the addition of the new bigot to the field...

Threads like this are good for bringing out the homophobic bigots so you can ID them for future reference. Knowing that someone is both a homophobe and a bigot is important when dealing with them in the future
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society
Because Beyonce running around on stage naked is a good sign for any society.

Beyonce was naked on stage and nobody took pictures? Damn I miss all the fun!
I think my post bears repeating with the addition of the new bigot to the field...

Threads like this are good for bringing out the homophobic bigots so you can ID them for future reference. Knowing that someone is both a homophobe and a bigot is important when dealing with them in the future

Perhaps more important, threads like this are good for bringing out sick, immoral perverts, and those who openly side therewith against decent people, and especially against children.

Thank you, Golfing Gator, for showing us all on which side you stand.
We can both agree that only loving parents should be chosen.

Having said that, from personal experience, I disagree with the notion that a persons sex is irrelevant.

Specifically, I've encountered women who raise children, not really any men who decide to do it. My guess is that far more lesbians decide to try this than 2 gay men. From my personal observation of the lesbian couples, the children tend to be wild children with no parent to pound the hammer to set them right. This has to do with hormones and testosterone levels.

Then you get cases where a pair of lesbians adopt a boy,and try to turn him into a girl. As an example, look up Tommy/Tammy Lobel. I think I've also heard of a similar case where a couple of faggots adopted a girl and tried to turn her into a boy.

At best, homosexuality is a serious psychiatric issue, as well as a moral issue, and not one that needs to be imposed in any way on children. That's the sort of thing that, as a society, we ought to fulfill a duty to protect children against.

More than that is agencies may be choosing gay couples to adopt a child over normal couples. They have to in order to avoid discrimination accusations.

It's tough enough for an adopted child no matter what the circumstance, but I think we owe it to these children to give them as natural of a home setting as possible. That means yes......a mother and a father, if possible, try to match the race and even ethnicity of a child to the adopting parents.

Kids may be different today than when I was young, but kids are still kids. They pick on each other for the stupidest things.

It's one thing if a bigger kid pushes you into the lockers while walking down the school hallway. It's one thing if a kid picks on you because of your weight, acne, or wearing glasses. But if a kid picks on you because your parents are gay, that takes it to a whole new level--particularly male children. It could easily result in physical confrontations if not several of them. Why do that to a child? So we can say we are a politically correct society, or that we are not homophobic or bigoted in any way?

We can debate this all night long, but I think the first consideration should go to the children, and everything else secondary.
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society
Because Beyonce running around on stage naked is a good sign for any society.

Beyonce was naked on stage and nobody took pictures? Damn I miss all the fun!
Check YouTube...she was rocking the naked slut vote for Hillary.
I think my post bears repeating with the addition of the new bigot to the field...

Threads like this are good for bringing out the homophobic bigots so you can ID them for future reference. Knowing that someone is both a homophobe and a bigot is important when dealing with them in the future

Perhaps more important, threads like this are good for bringing out sick, immoral perverts, and those who openly side therewith against decent people, and especially against children.

Thank you, Golfing Gator, for showing us all on which side you stand.

You are most welcome, I stand on the side of personal freedom and liberty. That is where I have always stood and always will.
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society
Because Beyonce running around on stage naked is a good sign for any society.

Beyonce was naked on stage and nobody took pictures? Damn I miss all the fun!
Check YouTube...she was rocking the naked slut vote for Hillary.

Dang, that would be worth watching, I will just pretend she was rocking the vote for Johnson!
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Seems he is out of touch with our society
Because Beyonce running around on stage naked is a good sign for any society.

Beyonce was naked on stage and nobody took pictures? Damn I miss all the fun!
Check YouTube...she was rocking the naked slut vote for Hillary.

Dang, that would be worth watching, I will just pretend she was rocking the vote for Johnson!
She's loves wearing totally see-through outfits...it's the Liberal thing to do when your husband is out groping other women.

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