Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown

She's loves wearing totally see-through outfits...it's the Liberal thing to do when your husband is out groping other women.

Seems only fair!
She should run for President with Katy "Cleavage" Perry as VP.

This is a pair I could vote for...

She's loves wearing totally see-through outfits...it's the Liberal thing to do when your husband is out groping other women.

Seems only fair!
She should run for President with Katy "Cleavage" Perry as VP.

This is a pair I could vote for...

What's up with that right areola?
Oh No! It looks like a boob job!
Damn, I thought she was real.

It is disappointing they are not real. But what fits in DC better than a couple of fake boobs?
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown

From your link:

Mark Joseph Stein states that Gorsuch is an “unmitigated disaster for the progressive constitutional project.”

IMHO, sweeter words were never spoken. As I said before, the supreme court is more important to our Constitutional Republic than any single president. I really hope Trump gets 3 more picks, maybe we can get this country back to what it is supposed to be.
[It's tough enough for an adopted child no matter what the circumstance, but I think we owe it to these children to give them as natural of a home setting as possible. That means yes......a mother and a father, if possible, try to match the race and even ethnicity of a child to the adopting parents.
We can debate this all night long, but I think the first consideration should go to the children, and everything else secondary.

I have a sister who is adopted. All her life, in spite of the best efforts of our parents, she has had issues that were clearly related to the fact that she was not with her natural parents, but with an adoptive family in which she never could quite feel like she belonged. Now, she has children of her own, several of whom also are struggling with issues that can be traced to those that my sister has had.

Some time after she reached adulthood, she successfully sought out her birth mother. In doing so, she learned of the rather unfortunate circumstances surrounding her own conception and birth.

I have to say, at this point, that my sister would certainly have been better off if she had been born into an intact, healthy family, and raised therein. But sometimes, people make mistakes, and sometimes, solid digestive waste occurs, and my sister was denied any possibility of that. Being adopted into my family was an imperfect solution, but it was the best outcome available to her.
You are most welcome, I stand on the side of personal freedom and liberty. That is where I have always stood and always will.

So why is it that the “personal freedom and liberty” that you care about is only that which pertains to disgusting, immoral perverts? Don't honest, decent people who want nothing to do with the evil and madness that you support, matter as well?
Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?

As a matter of immutable biological fact, one of any child's parents will always be male, and the other will always be female. Why is it that you on the left wrong are so obsessed with putting scientific reality aside, in order to support the agenda of sick, immoral perverts, and especially of allowing this evil agenda to be imposed on innocent children?

Careful using absolutes..

Making babies without eggs 'on horizon'
I can't believe that twat still has a problem with same sex couples. it's 2017.

Homosexuality has always been immoral, and it always will be, and government will always be wrong whenever it attempts to support such evil. What year it is is irrelevant. What is evil one year, doesn't become good another year.

Why is it immoral, pray tell?

Because the bible says so...that is all they need to know.
You are most welcome, I stand on the side of personal freedom and liberty. That is where I have always stood and always will.

So why is it that the “personal freedom and liberty” that you care about is only that which pertains to disgusting, immoral perverts? Don't honest, decent people who want nothing to do with the evil and madness that you support, matter as well?

Actually, you are neither honest nor decent, you are a bigoted moron. But I do want you to have your freedom and liberty also. If you do not want to engage in sex with someone of your gender then don't do it. It is pretty simple. I am a straight guy and do not find other men attractive so I do not engange sexualy with them. That seems pretty simple, but people like you do not understand this.

But that does not make it my place to attack others for feeling differently about it than I do.

If you do not want to marry someone of your own gender, then don't, but you a fucking sick bastard if you think it is your place to tell others who they should love and marry.
I can't believe that twat still has a problem with same sex couples. it's 2017.

Homosexuality has always been immoral, and it always will be, and government will always be wrong whenever it attempts to support such evil. What year it is is irrelevant. What is evil one year, doesn't become good another year.

Why is it immoral, pray tell?

Because the bible says so...that is all they need to know.

Ah, yes. Of course. The book written by middle easterners thousands of years ago. Sounds like reliable guidance in 2017..
[It's tough enough for an adopted child no matter what the circumstance, but I think we owe it to these children to give them as natural of a home setting as possible. That means yes......a mother and a father, if possible, try to match the race and even ethnicity of a child to the adopting parents.
We can debate this all night long, but I think the first consideration should go to the children, and everything else secondary.

I have a sister who is adopted. All her life, in spite of the best efforts of our parents, she has had issues that were clearly related to the fact that she was not with her natural parents, but with an adoptive family in which she never could quite feel like she belonged. Now, she has children of her own, several of whom also are struggling with issues that can be traced to those that my sister has had.

Some time after she reached adulthood, she successfully sought out her birth mother. In doing so, she learned of the rather unfortunate circumstances surrounding her own conception and birth.

I have to say, at this point, that my sister would certainly have been better off if she had been born into an intact, healthy family, and raised therein. But sometimes, people make mistakes, and sometimes, solid digestive waste occurs, and my sister was denied any possibility of that. Being adopted into my family was an imperfect solution, but it was the best outcome available to her.

Absolutely, but at least the government did their best giving her the most comfortable environment possible. The gays ruined that for (I'm sure) many children like your sister. It has nothing to do with my views on sexuality, but it has to do with my views on nature.

It's unfortunate your sister found out things that were less than expected. Sometimes it works out that way and sometimes it doesn't.

A childhood friend of mine got into trouble when he was 17. He and his girlfriend (16) ran off to Florida. The cops caught up with them and sent them back to Cleveland. They planned on a life together until she decided she didn't want the baby. She wanted to have him adopted.

My friend fought tooth and nail with the courts, but to no success. They whisked that baby from his arms and gave the mother her desire instead. During that fight, he became engaged to my sister, they got married, and had two wonderful kids.

They ended up getting a divorce, and my ex brother-in-law started to use online agencies and software to try and find his long lost son. He finally found him. In fact, the child (now adult with children of his own) was living in the same town as he was.

He felt obligated to tell his son what happened and why he was given up. He wanted for his son to know the full story. He wanted him to know he was not an unwanted child; at least by one of his parents.

Today that have a great relationship together. HIs son (and grandchildren) are doing just fine. He was grateful that my friend went through the trouble of finding him so he could at least have some peace with that part of his life. The only disturbing thing about it was his mother never told him he was adopted until he was an adult and they got into a heated verbal argument.
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown

Uhh...do you see the theme..they were all FAILED efforts!

The only melt-down going on...is in the heads of people who think that a dissenting opinion or a signature on an opinion paper..hold any force of law. He disagreed with the majority..what does that tell you? He lost!

BTW..Fake news site noted and derided.


It’s odd. Normally people like to quote dissents as making good points. I guess that is only when liberals dissent.
My Birth Certificate says I was BORN TO (Mr. and Mrs. XYZ). In its day it was a GIVEN that meant the mother and father (biological parents), but if it now includes adopting parents, then it has been devalued to merely mean those that take custody. Big Difference. At the time of birth the mother is ALWAYS present and the father may or may not be, in this case it shall remain unknown. Same sex or otherwise, anyone adopting is adopting AFTER THE FACT, and not at birth, therefore, putting an adopting person or couple on the birth certificate is just another liberal sham that will be put a stop to since by definition, the birth certificate is a genealogical record so that the blood lines are recorded and can be traced for legal reasons and any other use is a perversion of the process.

I do not know how old you are, but I am very confident that the day your BC was issued they were putting adoptive parents names on BCs. It is not a liberal sham. that is just your homophobic way of trying to hide your true feelings.

Nobody is going to put a stop to a practice that has been doing on for decades because a few homophobic idiots don't like it

Want a few hints what's wrong with people these days? In one generation we have gone from




for our children growing up by liberal trash, and people valuing traditional wholesome family values are called the idiots. We are ripe to be conquered.
I think my post bears repeating with the addition of the new bigot to the field...

Threads like this are good for bringing out the homophobic bigots so you can ID them for future reference. Knowing that someone is both a homophobe and a bigot is important when dealing with them in the future

Perhaps more important, threads like this are good for bringing out sick, immoral perverts, and those who openly side therewith against decent people, and especially against children.

Thank you, Golfing Gator, for showing us all on which side you stand.
Blaylock, as usual, stands for the losing side.
Yep, what sort of a bigoted moron has an issue with same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates? is he from Alabama?
Same sex couples don't have children.

Do not keep up much with science do you? You might want to at least look up In vitro fertilisation. I am sure there will be some pictures to help you understand how it works.

Not to mention that when a child is adopted the names of the adopted parents are put on the Birth Certificate replacing any names that might have been there.

So if Adam and Steve want to have a kid, who supplies the egg, and who incubates it?

My daughter-in-law was a surrogate mother for a same-sex couple.

In other words, the couple did not have the baby. Your daughter did.

No, she carried the baby. The sperm was theirs and the egg was donated.

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