Justice stevens, lib, doesn't hide his hatred of the 2nd amendment


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
The five extra words that can fix the Second Amendment - The Washington Post

Funny, how liberals are now saying you should be able to have votes etc on people's explicit rights in the constitution, but you can't have votes on rights that aren't in the constitution..

His argument makes no sense, because if the 2nd amendment were limited to militias, and if the state national guards were those militias, the 2nd amendment would be powerless because the federal government can nationalize the state national guards.

Like most libs, he thinks only the state should have guns, not the people. Because he's a cock slurping liberal statist.
What he said about this is only part of why the 2nd amendment was written.
He is right but left out part of the story.
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution placed limits on the powers of the new federal government. Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of the Second Amendment, which provides that “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
He left out the part that the King's Government took away their firearms which was why the 2nd part of the 2nd amendment was written.

His augment is based only on the Federal and State rights and not the individual people themselves.
Libs arguments are always about Federal and State power and it is never about the individuals freedom.
You have a standing Federal Army on American soil now. It's been around for a few years now.

Also, there is a private standing army of mercenary privateers called Academi, formerly known as Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater.

Your 2nd Amendment has failed because you only want to use it to protect your tv from black people.
You have a standing Federal Army on American soil now. It's been around for a few years now.

Also, there is a private standing army of mercenary privateers called Academi, formerly known as Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater.

Your 2nd Amendment has failed because you only want to use it to protect your tv from black people.

Did I just catch HIV from reading your liberal faggotry?
What he said about this is only part of why the 2nd amendment was written.
He is right but left out part of the story.
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution placed limits on the powers of the new federal government. Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of the Second Amendment, which provides that “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
He left out the part that the King's Government took away their firearms which was why the 2nd part of the 2nd amendment was written.

His augment is based only on the Federal and State rights and not the individual people themselves.
Libs arguments are always about Federal and State power and it is never about the individuals freedom.

It's what Liberals do, they 'cherry pick' the Constitution to fit their agenda.
You have a standing Federal Army on American soil now. It's been around for a few years now.

Also, there is a private standing army of mercenary privateers called Academi, formerly known as Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater.

Your 2nd Amendment has failed because you only want to use it to protect your tv from black people.

You're a fucking racist! If someone is in my house stealing my TV I'm not going to turn on the light to see what color they are before I send them on a one way trip across the 'River Styx'.

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