
if justice is not served what are the implications?

Why should I follow any of their laws as long as I’m not causing any harm to person or property?

Quite often the courts hand down a decision that is accepted by some and denounced by others. You may not agree with what is decided and what is being done, but that does not mean you get to decide which laws you will obey and which you will ignore. Doesn't matter whether harm is being done or not, the law is the law until it gets changed and that's it. We have a judicial system that can 'stay' a law, meaning it is not enforceable for the time being, and we have elected representatives who are supposed to decide for us what the law should be. If you don't agree then vote the bastards out of office, that's what elections are for. If your side loses, tough shit, try harder next time.

Added: some would say Watergate was the biggest political scandal in history, and there have been others. I don't think there' anything going on currently that ranks with Watergate.
Got it, laws are for little people. As long as you’re well connected you can literally get away with murder.
if justice is not served what are the implications?

Why should I follow any of their laws as long as I’m not causing any harm to person or property?

Quite often the courts hand down a decision that is accepted by some and denounced by others. You may not agree with what is decided and what is being done, but that does not mean you get to decide which laws you will obey and which you will ignore. Doesn't matter whether harm is being done or not, the law is the law until it gets changed and that's it. We have a judicial system that can 'stay' a law, meaning it is not enforceable for the time being, and we have elected representatives who are supposed to decide for us what the law should be. If you don't agree then vote the bastards out of office, that's what elections are for. If your side loses, tough shit, try harder next time.

Added: some would say Watergate was the biggest political scandal in history, and there have been others. I don't think there' anything going on currently that ranks with Watergate.
Got it, laws are for little people. As long as you’re well connected you can literally get away with murder.

You got nothing, laws are supposed to be for everybody. It is however true that the well to do and well connected do seem to get away with just about anything. Can't blame anybody for thinking that.
The biggest political scandals - at the top of every list modern scandals I've found, is #1 Watergate.

But the list is interesting...if we look at history - 8 Early American Political Scandals
The memo blows Watergate out of the water.

The memo does nothing of the kind. It actually says very little, and omits very much. I will be more interested to see what the IG investigation produces - that is likely to be more factual than a partisan memo written in concert with the Administration which happens to be under investigation.
The biggest political scandals - at the top of every list modern scandals I've found, is #1 Watergate.

But the list is interesting...if we look at history - 8 Early American Political Scandals
The memo blows Watergate out of the water.

The memo does nothing of the kind. It actually says very little, and omits very much. I will be more interested to see what the IG investigation produces - that is likely to be more factual than a partisan memo written in concert with the Administration which happens to be under investigation.
The IG revelations are going to be way more damaging .
if justice is not served what are the implications?

Why should I follow any of their laws as long as I’m not causing any harm to person or property?

Quite often the courts hand down a decision that is accepted by some and denounced by others. You may not agree with what is decided and what is being done, but that does not mean you get to decide which laws you will obey and which you will ignore. Doesn't matter whether harm is being done or not, the law is the law until it gets changed and that's it. We have a judicial system that can 'stay' a law, meaning it is not enforceable for the time being, and we have elected representatives who are supposed to decide for us what the law should be. If you don't agree then vote the bastards out of office, that's what elections are for. If your side loses, tough shit, try harder next time.

Added: some would say Watergate was the biggest political scandal in history, and there have been others. I don't think there' anything going on currently that ranks with Watergate.
Got it, laws are for little people. As long as you’re well connected you can literally get away with murder.

Unfortunately, that does happen....but that isn't any reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I still think our justice system is far superior to that of most other countries.
The biggest political scandals - at the top of every list modern scandals I've found, is #1 Watergate.

But the list is interesting...if we look at history - 8 Early American Political Scandals
The memo blows Watergate out of the water.

The memo does nothing of the kind. It actually says very little, and omits very much. I will be more interested to see what the IG investigation produces - that is likely to be more factual than a partisan memo written in concert with the Administration which happens to be under investigation.
The IG revelations are going to be way more damaging .

Or not. It might find they've done nothing wrong in regards to the Russia investigation, but at the same time turn up problems in other areas. I'll accept their findings over a memo.
if justice is not served what are the implications?

Why should I follow any of their laws as long as I’m not causing any harm to person or property?

Quite often the courts hand down a decision that is accepted by some and denounced by others. You may not agree with what is decided and what is being done, but that does not mean you get to decide which laws you will obey and which you will ignore. Doesn't matter whether harm is being done or not, the law is the law until it gets changed and that's it. We have a judicial system that can 'stay' a law, meaning it is not enforceable for the time being, and we have elected representatives who are supposed to decide for us what the law should be. If you don't agree then vote the bastards out of office, that's what elections are for. If your side loses, tough shit, try harder next time.

Added: some would say Watergate was the biggest political scandal in history, and there have been others. I don't think there' anything going on currently that ranks with Watergate.
Got it, laws are for little people. As long as you’re well connected you can literally get away with murder.

Unfortunately, that does happen....but that isn't any reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I still think our justice system is far superior to that of most other countries.
Well most other countries are shit. I don’t like to compare myself to shit. You’re free to.
Hint: The biggest political scandal in American history.

You have a short grasp of history. But if you mean the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in our election and potential involvement of members of the Trump campaign - here is how justice works (for those that don't have a clue).

First, there has to be evidence of a crime committed. Then follows an investigation, people are indicted and charged. Then there is a trial (or plea bargain) and then - if guilty - sentencing.

So far - a handful of people have been charged/found guilty/undergoing trial. Chief among them Flynn, Manafort, Page. The investigation is ongoing. When it concludes we shall see if "justice" has been served. This is not done in the court of public opinion where you don't have access to all the information and more and more people seem to be relying on opinion over facts (of which there aren't a lot available).

Page got a get of jail free card yesterday!

Flynn will probably follow suit.

Manafort and his associate being charged has nothing to do with Trump.
Hint: The biggest political scandal in American history.

You have a short grasp of history. But if you mean the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in our election and potential involvement of members of the Trump campaign - here is how justice works (for those that don't have a clue).

First, there has to be evidence of a crime committed. Then follows an investigation, people are indicted and charged. Then there is a trial (or plea bargain) and then - if guilty - sentencing.

So far - a handful of people have been charged/found guilty/undergoing trial. Chief among them Flynn, Manafort, Page. The investigation is ongoing. When it concludes we shall see if "justice" has been served. This is not done in the court of public opinion where you don't have access to all the information and more and more people seem to be relying on opinion over facts (of which there aren't a lot available).

Page got a get of jail free card yesterday!

Flynn will probably follow suit.

Manafort and his associate being charged has nothing to do with Trump.


Flynn has already pled guilty.
if justice is not served what are the implications?

Why should I follow any of their laws as long as I’m not causing any harm to person or property?

This ^^^ is the risk being taken by the once and no more party of "law and order" in their continuous slander and libel against law enforcement.

No man is above the law, and that includes the President of the United States.
Hint: The biggest political scandal in American history.

You have a short grasp of history. But if you mean the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in our election and potential involvement of members of the Trump campaign - here is how justice works (for those that don't have a clue).

First, there has to be evidence of a crime committed. Then follows an investigation, people are indicted and charged. Then there is a trial (or plea bargain) and then - if guilty - sentencing.

So far - a handful of people have been charged/found guilty/undergoing trial. Chief among them Flynn, Manafort, Page. The investigation is ongoing. When it concludes we shall see if "justice" has been served. This is not done in the court of public opinion where you don't have access to all the information and more and more people seem to be relying on opinion over facts (of which there aren't a lot available).

Page got a get of jail free card yesterday!

Flynn will probably follow suit.

Manafort and his associate being charged has nothing to do with Trump.


Flynn has already pled guilty.

So? Prosecutorial misconduct will probably have the judge throwing out his plea.

Why do you think Mueller delayed his sentencing when he knew the memo was coming out?

Hint: The biggest political scandal in American history.

You have a short grasp of history. But if you mean the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in our election and potential involvement of members of the Trump campaign - here is how justice works (for those that don't have a clue).

First, there has to be evidence of a crime committed. Then follows an investigation, people are indicted and charged. Then there is a trial (or plea bargain) and then - if guilty - sentencing.

So far - a handful of people have been charged/found guilty/undergoing trial. Chief among them Flynn, Manafort, Page. The investigation is ongoing. When it concludes we shall see if "justice" has been served. This is not done in the court of public opinion where you don't have access to all the information and more and more people seem to be relying on opinion over facts (of which there aren't a lot available).

Page got a get of jail free card yesterday!

Flynn will probably follow suit.

Manafort and his associate being charged has nothing to do with Trump.


Flynn has already pled guilty.

So? Prosecutorial misconduct will probably have the judge throwing out his plea.

What specific misconduct?
Hint: The biggest political scandal in American history.

You have a short grasp of history. But if you mean the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in our election and potential involvement of members of the Trump campaign - here is how justice works (for those that don't have a clue).

First, there has to be a crime committed. Then follows an investigation, people are indicted and charged. Then there is a trial (or plea bargain) and then - if guilty - sentencing.

So far - a handful of people have been charged/found guilty/undergoing trial. Chief among them Flynn, Manafort, Page. The investigation is ongoing. When it concludes we shall see if "justice" has been served. This is not done in the court of public opinion where you don't have access to all the information and more and more people seem to be relying on opinion over facts (of which there aren't a lot available).
Kangaroo court is not justice.

Which "kangaroo court" are you referring to?
Muller investigation.
Hint: The biggest political scandal in American history.

You have a short grasp of history. But if you mean the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in our election and potential involvement of members of the Trump campaign - here is how justice works (for those that don't have a clue).

First, there has to be a crime committed. Then follows an investigation, people are indicted and charged. Then there is a trial (or plea bargain) and then - if guilty - sentencing.

So far - a handful of people have been charged/found guilty/undergoing trial. Chief among them Flynn, Manafort, Page. The investigation is ongoing. When it concludes we shall see if "justice" has been served. This is not done in the court of public opinion where you don't have access to all the information and more and more people seem to be relying on opinion over facts (of which there aren't a lot available).
Kangaroo court is not justice.

Which "kangaroo court" are you referring to?
Muller investigation.

It's not a court. It's an investigation. And it has not concluded.
Let Mueller complete his investigation and there will be charges. Relax.
There are no Charges and Russian Collusion was proven to be a hoax and an immoral unethical illegal ploy to violate both The President’s and We The People’s Constitutional Rights.

The only reason to keep Mueller around is on the slim hopes he would be allowed to interview The President and his family all over again and try to trip up the President in such a manner as to have him recall by memory things already disclosed in writing and charge him with lying to The FBI over a misstatement and Non Crime via an unintentional contradiction.

Therefore the Entire Investigation is Immoral Illegal and Unethical and was based on a Political Lie Financed By Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and The White House has been 100% Compliant with this so called Investigation and the 6 Investigations before it and nothing has been found despite The FBI having 4 Phone Books Full of Surveillance and Wiretaps.

If Mueller has any honor and respects the Rule of Law, no one will have to tell him to step down.

If his job was to Protect The Deep State, and Obama’s Crooked Sycophants and Political Cronies, and to act as a Bulwark to prevent all of this corruption from leading back to Barak Obama and Clinton, he will cling to his witch hunt, his McCarthyism and his Unconstitutional Post until they pry his arthritic claws from it by force.
Last edited:
Let Mueller complete his investigation and there will be charges. Relax.
There are no Charges and Russian Collusion was proven to be a hoax and an immoral unethical illegal ploy to violate The President’s Constitutional Rights.

He only reason to keep Mueller around is on the slim hopes he would be allowed to interview The President and his family all over again and try to trip up the President in such a manner to have him recall by memory things already disclosed in writing and charge him with lying to The FBI over a misstatement and Non Crime.

Therefore the Entire Investigation is Immoral and was based on a Political Lie Financed By Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton, and The White Hiuse has been 100% Compliamt with this Investigation and the over 6 Investigations before it and nothing has been found despite The FBI having 4 Phone Books Full of Surveillance and Wiretaps.

If Mueller has any honor and respects the Rule of Law, no will will have to tell him to step down. If his job was to Protect The Deep State, and Obama’s Crooked Sycophants and Political Junkies, and to act as a Bulwark to prevent all of this corruption to lead back to Barak Obama and Clinton, he will cling to his witch hunt and his Unconstitutional Post until they pry his arthritic claws from it by force.

You seem to think Trump is above the law.
Hint: The biggest political scandal in American history.

You have a short grasp of history. But if you mean the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in our election and potential involvement of members of the Trump campaign - here is how justice works (for those that don't have a clue).

First, there has to be evidence of a crime committed. Then follows an investigation, people are indicted and charged. Then there is a trial (or plea bargain) and then - if guilty - sentencing.

So far - a handful of people have been charged/found guilty/undergoing trial. Chief among them Flynn, Manafort, Page. The investigation is ongoing. When it concludes we shall see if "justice" has been served. This is not done in the court of public opinion where you don't have access to all the information and more and more people seem to be relying on opinion over facts (of which there aren't a lot available).

Page got a get of jail free card yesterday!

Flynn will probably follow suit.

Manafort and his associate being charged has nothing to do with Trump.


Flynn has already pled guilty.

So? Prosecutorial misconduct will probably have the judge throwing out his plea.

What specific misconduct?

From the memorandum we discovered that the FBI lied in their FISA application regarding Page. Did they do the same thing regarding Flynn? Page will walk because they violated his Constitutional rights.

Enquiring minds want to know.
Hint: The biggest political scandal in American history.

You have a short grasp of history. But if you mean the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in our election and potential involvement of members of the Trump campaign - here is how justice works (for those that don't have a clue).

First, there has to be evidence of a crime committed. Then follows an investigation, people are indicted and charged. Then there is a trial (or plea bargain) and then - if guilty - sentencing.

So far - a handful of people have been charged/found guilty/undergoing trial. Chief among them Flynn, Manafort, Page. The investigation is ongoing. When it concludes we shall see if "justice" has been served. This is not done in the court of public opinion where you don't have access to all the information and more and more people seem to be relying on opinion over facts (of which there aren't a lot available).

Page got a get of jail free card yesterday!

Flynn will probably follow suit.

Manafort and his associate being charged has nothing to do with Trump.


Flynn has already pled guilty.

For the Record:

623. Pleas—Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11 | USAM | Department of Justice

No doubt Flynn received the following instructions before pleading guilty:

"Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(d) requires that the court not accept a plea of guilty or nolo contendere without first, by addressing the defendant personally in open court, determining that the plea is voluntary and not the result of force or threats or of promises apart from a plea agreement. The Court shall also inquire whether the defendant's willingness to plead guilty or nolo contendere results from prior discussions between the attorney for the government and the defendant or his/her attorney." From Link above.

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