Justices Indicate Shadow-Bias: Gay Marriage Question Erodes Last Bastion of Impariality?

Should the laws of the separate states be preserved before the question is Heard?

  • Yes, shadow "Decisions" by refusing stays erodes my faith in the justice system & state sovereignty.

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • No, it's inevitable; the Court is just letting the public know what it has in mind. No biggie.

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I've already given up on the justice system in America.

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
Somehow it is necessary for the American people to reform the judicial system. A good start might be to remove the lifetime service stipulation, and make these despots become accountable to the American people, and legal common sense.

Or, when dems get a whoopin' at the woodshed in 2016 because of yesterday's Decision, Congress can ask Kagan and Ginsburg to withdraw their votes or be impeached on this issue for failing to recuse themselves: A Shortcut to Nixing The Gay Marriage Decision Subtract Two Votes US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Using the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment to say that states cannot ban SSM is like saying states cannot ban arson (because arsonists wouldn't have the equal protection of the law). Or that they can't ban rape, or burglary, or vandalism. 5 members of the SCOTUS have descended into madness.

The single judge in Alabama who is trying to stand in the way of gay marriage (Roy S. Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court - the same guy who defied a federal order to remove the 10 Commandments) is doing his best George Wallace impersonation. He's "standing in the door of the school" to deny equal rights.

Ironic that OP would blame everyone else for "judicial activism" but this single judge gets a pass????

Gay marriage is accepted in what ... about 35 states now?

It's not going away. No one is going to be able to squeeze that toothpaste back into the tube.

The only question that remains is how many people are going to get hurt by those who want to "take their stand" denying equal rights to gays.

Where did this country go so wrong to be nation with so many dick smokers?

It is as over as the abortion controversy was over.
Of course it's not over. IT'S JUST BEGINNING - as well as a new debate about the continuance of the Supreme Court as it currently is designed. The lifetime service has got to go, and when it does, the 5 ass clowns who voted to disgrace the USA with sexual perversion will be routed out in no time, just like many liberals got the bums rush in November 2014. (the poll they couldn't manipulate)
Where did this country go so wrong to be nation with so many dick smokers?

Too many monkey see/monkey do people who foolishly believe manipulated polls, and aren't capable of just thinking for themselves with comon sense.
As Hillary Clinton goes into her expected nose-dive which will get worse exponentially to the end of this year, with no real viable candidates to replace her, Republicans should be planning for the cleanup of all this mess created by Obama and his running dogs. Jail terms will be in order for a lot of Democrats who have consistently been violating US laws, starting with Obama, Kagan and Sotomayer.
Only those who break the law, like you, Protectionist, will be going to jail.
Only those who break the law, like you, Protectionist, will be going to jail.
Wrong. I break no law. But your heros, the villains > Obama, Sharpton, Kagan, Sotomayer, Ginsberg, Kennedy, Breyer have broken the law.

And the poor, deranged souls who are afflicted with the mental illness, homosexuality, are in dire need of help, to overcome their sickness. And guys like you Joke, are just harming them all the more by encouraging them, thereby inhibiting their healing and restoration of normal health.

I can't think of many things more debased than this extreme harm you are inflicting on them. For this, you should be arrested and punished severely, and if the laws were what they should be, you would be. Eventually, they probably will be corrected, and then you will get your just punishment.


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