Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

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  • No

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Let the court and a jury decide.

How would you decide if you were on the jury based on the video evidence?

Guilty of at least 2nd Degree murder.

I am a CCW holder in Florida and I know the law. It will take some masterful lawyering, on the part of his defense attorney to keep him from heavy punishment.

Pretty sure they already said no charges will be filed.

“Pretty sure”?

A Florida man fatally shot another over a parking space — and it was legal. Here’s why.

Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

WATCH: Pinellas County Sheriff says no charges for 'Stand Your Ground' shooter

Then you have this one....
Stand Your Ground: Shooter in parking space dispute will not be arrested

We have a serious educational crisis in America. Far too many of you dumbasses cannot read!

"The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review."

That is taken directly from your 2nd link:
Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

Now, where does that say that he will not stand trial? The police might not have arrested him, but they did not clear him either!
Where is he going to walk to in the few seconds it took for the shooter to kill him? He was standing next to the car, wasn't he?

To get his own weapon ? Flank ? You just don't know.

He backed up, away from the man he pushed to the ground. I already established that most of you cannot read, but is it because you are also blind?
That is why your hypothetical fails again.

The presence of a hypothetical child bears no relevancy to my wife's or my avoidance actions with immediately available defensive suppressive fire if required.

You are attempting a false equivalency. Just admit that you fucked up and move on, you keyboard commando.
The only problem with that is she was exiting the vehicle when her boyfriend was approaching showing she wasnt afraid.
Most people would lock their doors.
That's not necessarily true. I would probably exit the vehicle as well if I could do so without putting myself in closer proximity to the problem. If I feel like I'm about to be assaulted, I do not want to be sitting or confined to the inside of a vehicle where I can't easily defend myself or take cover.
He backed up, away from the man he pushed to the ground. I already established that most of you cannot read, but is it because you are also blind?

So once you attack with deadly force you open yourself to further defensive action to insure your attack has ceased.

Blink of an eye.

Keep your dick beaters off of people no matter how much you dislike their words.
From your link...

This will go to the state attorney. Drejka will not be charged [and] will not be arrested by us," Sheriff Gualtieri said. "The state attorney will review it and either he’ll concur or not. And, if he concurs, then there’ll be no charge. Period. If he doesn’t concur, then he’ll make a determination as to what to do with it. And, if he feels like he can overcome that heavy burden at a Stand Your Ground hearing of proving by clear and convincing evidence that Drejka was not entitled to use force in this circumstance, then that’s the state attorney’s determination to make."

Why do you think I said then you have this one?
Seems the Sheriff has decided not to charge him based on his interpretation of Stand your Ground

The State Attorney May interpret differently and respond to public pressure

While the DA may pursue charges they have to prove the guy wasnt in fear for his life.
Pretty tough case to make.

That's not a tough case to make at all. Since he was not being attacked any longer, it is pretty cut and dried that he should be charged.
How would you decide if you were on the jury based on the video evidence?

Guilty of at least 2nd Degree murder.

I am a CCW holder in Florida and I know the law. It will take some masterful lawyering, on the part of his defense attorney to keep him from heavy punishment.

Pretty sure they already said no charges will be filed.

“Pretty sure”?

A Florida man fatally shot another over a parking space — and it was legal. Here’s why.

Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

WATCH: Pinellas County Sheriff says no charges for 'Stand Your Ground' shooter

Then you have this one....
Stand Your Ground: Shooter in parking space dispute will not be arrested

We have a serious educational crisis in America. Far too many of you dumbasses cannot read!

"The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review."

That is taken directly from your 2nd link:
Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

Now, where does that say that he will not stand trial? The police might not have arrested him, but they did not clear him either!

Holy shit!!! Again?
I posted three links saying the sheriff wasnt going to charge the guy and one where I specifically stated that it will be decided by the DA.
Did you even read the whole thread or did you jump in late and start spouting shit?
You are attempting a false equivalency. Just admit that you fucked up and move on, you keyboard commando.

How so specifically ?

You have already demonstrated that you would not understand any explanation anyway. However, I will try one more time to penetrate that piece of concrete you carry around where your head should be. You tried injecting a hypothetical situation into a real life scenario with actual facts that don't match your hypothetical. You might as well have said he shot the guy because your wife didn't cooperate the night before when you were feeling frisky.

That is a false equivalency.
The only problem with that is she was exiting the vehicle when her boyfriend was approaching showing she wasnt afraid.
Most people would lock their doors.
That's not necessarily true. I would probably exit the vehicle as well if I could do so without putting myself in closer proximity to the problem. If I feel like I'm about to be assaulted, I do not want to be sitting or confined to the inside of a vehicle where I can't easily defend myself or take cover.


She was driving and got out of the vehicle on the same side the dude was.
Guilty of at least 2nd Degree murder.

I am a CCW holder in Florida and I know the law. It will take some masterful lawyering, on the part of his defense attorney to keep him from heavy punishment.

Pretty sure they already said no charges will be filed.

“Pretty sure”?

A Florida man fatally shot another over a parking space — and it was legal. Here’s why.

Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

WATCH: Pinellas County Sheriff says no charges for 'Stand Your Ground' shooter

Then you have this one....
Stand Your Ground: Shooter in parking space dispute will not be arrested

We have a serious educational crisis in America. Far too many of you dumbasses cannot read!

"The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review."

That is taken directly from your 2nd link:
Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

Now, where does that say that he will not stand trial? The police might not have arrested him, but they did not clear him either!

Holy shit!!! Again?
I posted three links saying the sheriff wasnt going to charge the guy and one where I specifically stated that it will be decided by the DA.
Did you even read the whole thread or did you jump in late and start spouting shit?

Guess who files criminal charges dumbass!

My God you are thick! The cops didn't arrest him. That doesn't mean he was cleared of anything.
You have already demonstrated that you would not understand any explanation anyway. However, I will try one more time to penetrate that piece of concrete you carry around where your head should be. You tried injecting a hypothetical situation into a real life scenario with actual facts that don't match your hypothetical. You might as well have said he shot the guy because your wife didn't cooperate the night before when you were feeling frisky.

That is a false equivalency.

Thank you for your explanation.

I gave my anticipated response should i have found myself in the same situation with someone verbally haranguing my wife while i was inside the store. I didn't account for a child, because I do not have a child. However, I have had a child in the past and believe, in the same situation, I would have exited the store with my child and proceeded with same actions.

I am at a loss to understand the false equivalency. But it is a neat word to use. I suppose.
The DA will charge the guy. My guess is he'll plead to whatever is below manslaughter and do 5-6 yrs.
Let the court and a jury decide.

How would you decide if you were on the jury based on the video evidence?

You have to use the reasonable man standard to determine whether the fear was sufficient to justify the use of deadly force. Personally, I do not think that a reasonable man would have shot his attacker.

I disagree..... you are simply arguing with a woman and some guy comes out and violently attacks you.... is there a kick coming next, how about a weapon about to come out..... you weren't the guy on the ground, you didn't see the expression on the face of the attacker or his body language..... fear of death or bodily harm is a lot different after you have been violently attacked and adrenaline hits your system.

I suggest you watch the video again, or for the first time because none of what you said was happening.
Yes, the attacker after pushing the man to the ground was shot by the man on the ground and died in the story in front of his five year old son. The attacker BACKED away once the man on the ground pulled out his gun.

Son part irrelevent.

You have some traction on the backing part. Slightly.

But it was not a retreat and you dont know what was said .... dude on ground was reasonable at the time to conclude attack would continue

Play stupid games win stupid prizes
You are correct. The only relevant part is him backing away. And whether or not it was ‘reasonable’ for the shooter to view the threat to be immediate will be up to the D.A., not a jury
You have already demonstrated that you would not understand any explanation anyway. However, I will try one more time to penetrate that piece of concrete you carry around where your head should be. You tried injecting a hypothetical situation into a real life scenario with actual facts that don't match your hypothetical. You might as well have said he shot the guy because your wife didn't cooperate the night before when you were feeling frisky.

That is a false equivalency.

Thank you for your explanation.

I gave my anticipated response should i have found myself in the same situation with someone verbally haranguing my wife while i was inside the store. I didn't account for a child, because I do not have a child. However, I have had a child in the past and believe, in the same situation, I would have exited the store with my child and proceeded with same actions.

I am at a loss to understand the false equivalency. But it is a neat word to use. I suppose.

False means not true. Get it? They are nowhere near the same situations. You are correct, some of us who actually graduated from high school understand the meanings of words and actually use them in conversation.

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