Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

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wow ooda loop rlly doesnt understand what double jeopardy means, eh?

its a pretty basic concept
Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

In the link below is an article with a video that shows a "stand your ground" incident in Clearwater Florida. A women illegally parked in a handicapped spot and got into an argument with a man who confronted her about it. The women's boyfriend, who was in the store at the time, comes out to see the argument and pushes the man to the ground. With the man on the ground he pulls out a gun and aims at the man who assaulted him. The man who committed the assault then backs up. Despite backing away, the man fires his gun anyways hitting the man in the chest. The injured man then runs into the store where he collapses on the ground and dies in front of his five your old son.

My opinion:

Both the women and her boyfriend committed illegal acts which led to the incident. But, I do not feel the man who was assaulted was justified in shooting his attacker. The Attacker had backed off after the gun was pulled. Parking in handicap spot and pushing someone to the ground or both illegal, but punishment for those actions would never warrant the death penalty. Had the attacker continued to assault or move towards the man pushed to the ground, then you might have a case where shooting the gun might be warranted. But that is not what happened. The attacker backed away after the gun was pulled. Then he was shot and killed, dying in front of his five year old son in the store. The man has two other children as well.

I've seen people get pushed to the ground like that in the school yard. Its wrong, you have a right to defend yourself. But in this case, taking another mans life was NOT justified. Call the police and the film of the incident would be enough evidence to punish the attacker in an appropriate manner.

The article and video of the incident are in the link below:


media link from youtube:

Why are people parking in a handicap spot?

The store worker said the shooter was frequently harassing people.

This shooter should be guilty.

Floridians need to send a message or 2.

1. Only shoot when absolutely necessary
2. Don’t start trouble or look for trouble when you have a concealed weapons permit. You aren’t the police.

I could go out and provoke someone to push me so I can stand my ground too.
I want black guys with ccw permits to go hit on white guys girlfriends. Don’t touch but verbally be really aggressive and disrespect the white guy. When he pushes you blow him away and claim stand your ground
He backed up, away from the man he pushed to the ground. I already established that most of you cannot read, but is it because you are also blind?

So once you attack with deadly force you open yourself to further defensive action to insure your attack has ceased.

Blink of an eye.

Keep your dick beaters off of people no matter how much you dislike their words.

Pushing someone to the ground and obviously not injuring them does not justify the use of deadly force, especially when the threat has ended. Pulling the gun de-escalated the situation. Pulling the trigger means he will probably be enjoying the accomodations in Starke, FL after he is tried and convicted.

We have a serious educational crisis in America. Far too many of you dumbasses cannot read!

"The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review."

That is taken directly from your 2nd link:
Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

Now, where does that say that he will not stand trial? The police might not have arrested him, but they did not clear him either!

Holy shit!!! Again?
I posted three links saying the sheriff wasnt going to charge the guy and one where I specifically stated that it will be decided by the DA.
Did you even read the whole thread or did you jump in late and start spouting shit?

Guess who files criminal charges dumbass!

My God you are thick! The cops didn't arrest him. That doesn't mean he was cleared of anything.

Who the fuck cares who files them ya tard.
Fact is the cops said they werent and they'd leave to the higher ups to charge him if they wanted to.

You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,
I want black guys with ccw permits to go hit on white guys girlfriends. Don’t touch but verbally be really aggressive and disrespect the white guy. When he pushes you blow him away and claim stand your ground

We have a serious educational crisis in America. Far too many of you dumbasses cannot read!

"The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review."

That is taken directly from your 2nd link:
Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

Now, where does that say that he will not stand trial? The police might not have arrested him, but they did not clear him either!

Holy shit!!! Again?
I posted three links saying the sheriff wasnt going to charge the guy and one where I specifically stated that it will be decided by the DA.
Did you even read the whole thread or did you jump in late and start spouting shit?

Guess who files criminal charges dumbass!

My God you are thick! The cops didn't arrest him. That doesn't mean he was cleared of anything.

Who the fuck cares who files them ya tard.
Fact is the cops said they werent and they'd leave to the higher ups to charge him if they wanted to.

You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,
This case isn’t over and the guy isn’t cleared. You can’t just shoot and kill somebody like that.

The video is clear to me: The boyfriend came to the aide of his GF who was being screamed at by a known antagonist(and possible racist so maybe he was using the N word)pushes him away and backed up. The guy with gun pulled the trigger as the BF was backing away. Again cold blooded murder and I hope that they lock his ass up.

We have a serious educational crisis in America. Far too many of you dumbasses cannot read!

"The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review."

That is taken directly from your 2nd link:
Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

Now, where does that say that he will not stand trial? The police might not have arrested him, but they did not clear him either!

Holy shit!!! Again?
I posted three links saying the sheriff wasnt going to charge the guy and one where I specifically stated that it will be decided by the DA.
Did you even read the whole thread or did you jump in late and start spouting shit?

Guess who files criminal charges dumbass!

My God you are thick! The cops didn't arrest him. That doesn't mean he was cleared of anything.

Who the fuck cares who files them ya tard.
Fact is the cops said they werent and they'd leave to the higher ups to charge him if they wanted to.

You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,

I posted a mile back that there was a possibility they'd let the higher ups decide.
But at that point the cops said they werent going to charge him.
I posted three links saying the cops werent going to charge him and one that said it's not a done deal.
WTF more do ya want?
We have a serious educational crisis in America. Far too many of you dumbasses cannot read!

"The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review."

That is taken directly from your 2nd link:
Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

Now, where does that say that he will not stand trial? The police might not have arrested him, but they did not clear him either!

Holy shit!!! Again?
I posted three links saying the sheriff wasnt going to charge the guy and one where I specifically stated that it will be decided by the DA.
Did you even read the whole thread or did you jump in late and start spouting shit?

Guess who files criminal charges dumbass!

My God you are thick! The cops didn't arrest him. That doesn't mean he was cleared of anything.

Who the fuck cares who files them ya tard.
Fact is the cops said they werent and they'd leave to the higher ups to charge him if they wanted to.

You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,

I posted a mile back that there was a possibility they'd let the higher ups decide.
But at that point the cops said they werent going to charge him.
I posted three links saying the cops werent going to charge him and one that said it's not a done deal.
WTF more do ya want?

I suggest you reread your comments. Have a nice day!
Holy shit!!! Again?
I posted three links saying the sheriff wasnt going to charge the guy and one where I specifically stated that it will be decided by the DA.
Did you even read the whole thread or did you jump in late and start spouting shit?

Guess who files criminal charges dumbass!

My God you are thick! The cops didn't arrest him. That doesn't mean he was cleared of anything.

Who the fuck cares who files them ya tard.
Fact is the cops said they werent and they'd leave to the higher ups to charge him if they wanted to.

You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,

I posted a mile back that there was a possibility they'd let the higher ups decide.
But at that point the cops said they werent going to charge him.
I posted three links saying the cops werent going to charge him and one that said it's not a done deal.
WTF more do ya want?

I suggest you reread your comments. Have a nice day!

I suggest you re read my links.
Guess who files criminal charges dumbass!

My God you are thick! The cops didn't arrest him. That doesn't mean he was cleared of anything.

Who the fuck cares who files them ya tard.
Fact is the cops said they werent and they'd leave to the higher ups to charge him if they wanted to.

You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,

I posted a mile back that there was a possibility they'd let the higher ups decide.
But at that point the cops said they werent going to charge him.
I posted three links saying the cops werent going to charge him and one that said it's not a done deal.
WTF more do ya want?

I suggest you reread your comments. Have a nice day!

I suggest you re read my links.

I am not the one claiming things that contradict your own links. Again, have a nice day! Your education on this topic is complete.
Who the fuck cares who files them ya tard.
Fact is the cops said they werent and they'd leave to the higher ups to charge him if they wanted to.

You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,

I posted a mile back that there was a possibility they'd let the higher ups decide.
But at that point the cops said they werent going to charge him.
I posted three links saying the cops werent going to charge him and one that said it's not a done deal.
WTF more do ya want?

I suggest you reread your comments. Have a nice day!

I suggest you re read my links.

I am not the one claiming things that contradict your own links. Again, have a nice day! Your education on this topic is complete.

Maybe next time read the whole thread.
I want black guys with ccw permits to go hit on white guys girlfriends. Don’t touch but verbally be really aggressive and disrespect the white guy. When he pushes you blow him away and claim stand your ground
We have a serious educational crisis in America. Far too many of you dumbasses cannot read!

"The sheriff announced the case will be sent to the state attorney's office for review."

That is taken directly from your 2nd link:
Gunman in parking space shooting not charged because of 'Stand Your Ground' law

Now, where does that say that he will not stand trial? The police might not have arrested him, but they did not clear him either!

Holy shit!!! Again?
I posted three links saying the sheriff wasnt going to charge the guy and one where I specifically stated that it will be decided by the DA.
Did you even read the whole thread or did you jump in late and start spouting shit?

Guess who files criminal charges dumbass!

My God you are thick! The cops didn't arrest him. That doesn't mean he was cleared of anything.

Who the fuck cares who files them ya tard.
Fact is the cops said they werent and they'd leave to the higher ups to charge him if they wanted to.

You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,
This case isn’t over and the guy isn’t cleared. You can’t just shoot and kill somebody like that.

The video is clear to me: The boyfriend came to the aide of his GF who was being screamed at by a known antagonist(and possible racist so maybe he was using the N word)pushes him away and backed up. The guy with gun pulled the trigger as the BF was backing away. Again cold blooded murder and I hope that they lock his ass up.
I agree, but I also hope the message is being received that you can’t physically attack someone like that guy did. He didn’t need to push him that hard. That was wrong and why right wing cowards passed stand your ground. It’s a bully law. It allows weak gun owners to defend themselves. Kick sand in my face? Eat lead bully.
Only in this initial presentation. He hasn't had a prelim, he hasn't been arrested. Thus your claim of double jeopardy is ridiculous. Like I said before. If the AG's office is able to come up with further evidence that shows this was premeditated they can refile and get the ball rolling again.

You need to stop watching TV criminal shows. They are not accurate.

Not under Florida SYG law.
And not in Florida.

Again, after the Zimmerman debacle, which made State prosecutors look incompetent and ridiculous, criminal charges aren’t going to be brought against a shooter in a self-defense situation unless it’s beyond a doubt clear that the shooter acted unlawfully.

The Sheriff’s Office isn’t charging the shooter, the State will do the same.
The tape clearly show he didn’t have to shoot.

If this isn’t a slam dunk I can see why Zimmerman got off. No tape
You keep saying he was cleared. That's not true,

I posted a mile back that there was a possibility they'd let the higher ups decide.
But at that point the cops said they werent going to charge him.
I posted three links saying the cops werent going to charge him and one that said it's not a done deal.
WTF more do ya want?

I suggest you reread your comments. Have a nice day!

I suggest you re read my links.

I am not the one claiming things that contradict your own links. Again, have a nice day! Your education on this topic is complete.

Maybe next time read the whole thread.

I read every single post. Did you?
Let’s be honest about stand your ground. It’s a law so pussies can’t be abused. But we all know the line is if you had to shoot or not. This guy didn’t have to shoot. The only reason it’s in question is because it was caught on tape. That makes this a bad law because this tape should make it obvious the shooter didn’t have to shoot.

If that doesn’t matter then this law is flawed
I want black guys with ccw permits to go hit on white guys girlfriends. Don’t touch but verbally be really aggressive and disrespect the white guy. When he pushes you blow him away and claim stand your ground
So you want a race war is what you want ??

Didn't watch the video yet, and so I ask was their two different races involved ?

Guess I will have to watch the video or read the prior post in order to see what drove you to such a radical opinion or position on the issue in this way.

Just by reading some comments early on, it is my opinion that the guy who got pushed, and all due to his highly emotional state of mind caused him to feel that he can't ever be challenged or pushed in life, and that no one had better try him or else, basically is what I'm going on in the next opinion I will give.

1. This kind of person needs no gun or a carry permit at all but to late for that now.

2. If he has any priors, then that would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt about his emotional state of mind as a pattern, where as his carry permit, and his gun's should have been confiscated before now or otherwise this poor chap (who got more than he expected), would still be alive today. Killed a man after being pushed onto the ground ?? Uhh nope that don't cut it. Pull the gun in order to make the attacker retreat I say yes, and then if the attacker lunges towards (the one with the gun after he the attacker sees the drawn gun), then yes kill him or wound him is all that's left.
I want black guys with ccw permits to go hit on white guys girlfriends. Don’t touch but verbally be really aggressive and disrespect the white guy. When he pushes you blow him away and claim stand your ground
So you want a race war is what you want ??

Didn't watch the video yet, and so I ask was their two different races involved ?

Guess I will have to watch the video or read the prior post in order to see what drove you to such a radical opinion or position on the issue in this way.

Just by reading some comments early on, it is my opinion that the guy who got pushed, and all due to his highly emotional state of mind caused him to feel that he can't ever be challenged or pushed in life, and that no one had better try him or else, basically is what I'm going on in the next opinion I will give.

1. This kind of person needs no gun or a carry permit at all but to late for that now.

2. If he has any priors, then that would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt about his emotional state of mind as a pattern, where as his carry permit, and his gun's should have been confiscated before now or otherwise this poor chap (who got more than he expected), would still be alive today. Killed a man after being pushed onto the ground ?? Uhh nope that don't cut it. Pull the gun in order to make the attacker retreat I say yes, and then if the attacker lunges towards (the one with the gun after he the attacker sees the drawn gun), then yes kill him or wound him is all that's left.
I agree
Let’s be honest about stand your ground. It’s a law so pussies can’t be abused. But we all know the line is if you had to shoot or not. This guy didn’t have to shoot. The only reason it’s in question is because it was caught on tape. That makes this a bad law because this tape should make it obvious the shooter didn’t have to shoot.

If that doesn’t matter then this law is flawed
All laws are flawed... That's why we have trials, lawyers, courts etc. LOL

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