
you are the spoiled children of a great nation….
I think you mean he's a spoiled child of a once-great nation.

Britain has not been a great nation since long before Tainted Tommy was born, since before his parents, or his grandparents or his great grandparents or even his great-great grandparents were born.

Britain once ruled a grand empire, covering much of the known world.

That all started to fall apart when one of their colonies decided that it'd had enough of them, and kicked the British filth out.

And now, some British filth such as Tainted Tommy feel like it's their place to pontificate to that first colony that rebelled against the British Empire, how we should run our country, even though we fought two wars specifically to establish that the British filth have no standing and no say whatsoever as to how we run our country.
Or the police could just stop violating people's rights.
It will never happen. Not one soul ever that had power over others has every failed to abuse the power in some way. The best we can hope for is that the abuse by the police, or anyone else in government, remains at a tolerable level so we can look ourselves in the mirror in the morning without being shamed into a fight.
LOL. I’ll have at least 30 seconds warning thanks to the location of my new home and my security systems.

No it’s not. If the police have a need to interact with you in this way, you’re already sub-human scum. If you fail to follow their commands, even more so. He deserved what he got.
How scummy are you.
"Locke has several family members in law enforcement and has no criminal history, and he was in legal possession of a firearm at the time of his death. "
It will never happen. Not one soul ever that had power over others has every failed to abuse the power in some way. The best we can hope for is that the abuse by the police, or anyone else in government, remains at a tolerable level so we can look ourselves in the mirror in the morning without being shamed into a fight.

It will stop or places will burn.
How scummy are you.
"Locke has several family members in law enforcement and has no criminal history, and he was in legal possession of a firearm at the time of his death. "
I don’t care if his father was the Pope and his mother the Virgin Mary. It’s irrelevant. If you hang around with trash people who are doing trash things, then you’re gonna smell like trash and you can’t be surprised if you get taken out with the trash.

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