Justin Amash forms exploratory team for 3rd party run

Imagine if we had a libertarian as president in today’s climate. A libertarian is the combination of the ultra right wing and ultra left wing. There will never be a libertarian president. Enough with the wet dreams
Meh whatever. The never trumpers will have someone to vote for and this will hurt Biden in the battleground states. I think he wins more of the vote than Johnson did last time around but we shall see. As I see it I don't give a shit. I plan on watching the election results 1. Because I enjoy politics and 2. simply to see the yapping heads freak out when they realize they have to deal with another 4 years of Trump LOL...I won't vote for any of the clowns running I will be going to vote that day for Senator and that's about all I care about right now.
I am not familiar with him so I looked him up...

Some interesting stuff, his opposition to the bailouts, which proved correct: Here's Why Rep. Justin Amash Opposes the CARES Act

He votes consistently Libertarian, which would include some positions I cant agree such as on DACA and environment and abortion.

Good work, Coyote. Thanks for the info.

But, you and I both know it doesn't matter if you agree with him. He's not going after blindly partisan Democrat/Socialists with clear TDS. He is going to try to syphon off enough of the libertarian middle of the roaders to flip Michigan away from Trump---IF Soros and the Democrats agree to pay him enough for his trouble.

But, you knew that. You looked him up to see if the gambit had a chance to work for your:) Dementia Patient Candidate.

He would be far better than the two dick heads offered by the two criminal gangs but then, that is easy to do.
I am not sure why the OP would think this is good news? Do you think one of the most conservative members of the House is got to pull votes away from the Democrats?

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