Justin Amash forms exploratory team for 3rd party run

Not good news.

Its certainly good news for those who want another choice.

There are any number of voters who don't care for President Trump, but don't want to vote for an Accused Rapist like Sleepy Joe and don't think that a senile old coot like Biden should be anywhere near the button. Amash would give those voters another choice.
I am not sure why the OP would think this is good news? Do you think one of the most conservative members of the House is got to pull votes away from the Democrats?
He's pretending to be happy.
Justin Amash: Pro-gun, against ObamaCare, against single payer, pro-life
Not good news.

Its certainly good news for those who want another choice.

There are any number of voters who don't care for President Trump, but don't want to vote for an Accused Rapist like Sleepy Joe and don't think that a senile old coot like Biden should be anywhere near the button. Amash would give those voters another choice.
He should attract Democrats who live guns, hate abortion, hate Obamacare and hate Medicare for All.
I haven't met such Democrat yet.
Amash will hurt Trump.
Not good news.

Its certainly good news for those who want another choice.

There are any number of voters who don't care for President Trump, but don't want to vote for an Accused Rapist like Sleepy Joe and don't think that a senile old coot like Biden should be anywhere near the button. Amash would give those voters another choice.
He should attract Democrats who live guns, hate abortion, hate Obamacare and hate Medicare for All.
I haven't met such Democrat yet.
Amash will hurt Trump.
Not good news.

Amush is a turn coat. Republicans have a problem with Republicans who change party's during their term of election

That's certainly true, but Mr. Amash will attract votes from Democrats who could never consider voting for a Republican
He would be considered a bluedog democrat and leftist s hate them.
Not good news.

Amush is a turn coat. Republicans have a problem with Republicans who change party's during their term of election
Yes, we need our politicians to be one with the party. Any politician who strays from party doctrine, must be expunged.

Are you a former Soviet communist?
He should attract Democrats who live guns, hate abortion, hate Obamacare and hate Medicare for All.
I haven't met such Democrat yet.
Amash will hurt Trump.
Barely if at all. No Republican t hat voted for Trump in 2016 would vote Amish.

He may get more Antitrump Bill Krystolers that would have voted Biden.
Not good news.

Amush is a turn coat. Republicans have a problem with Republicans who change party's during their term of election
Yes, we need our politicians to be one with the party. Any politician who strays from party doctrine, must be expunged.

Are you a former Soviet communist?
Again the Republicans who were elected were done to support the President.
You want to claim it communist style? I say fuck you when the President is trying to do good for the country and Amush broke tanks with the enemy.
Go fuck your dog
Could we be certain that a third-party campaign from a Constitutional conservative would not help Trump get reelected. The answer, unfortunately, is no

2016 election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are evidence that Libertarians, Constitution Party members, and those who wrote in Evan McMullin helped propel Trump to victory

For all the discussion about the voters who switched from Obama to Trump—and turnout decline in urban areas—Hillary Clinton could have won the White House simply by getting a minority share of the voters who hadn’t historically voted third party, but in 2016 decided to throw their hands up
"I think Amash would make a wonderful candidate, especially since he is way behind in his district and has no chance of maintaining his Congressional seat. He almost always votes for the Do Nothing Dems anyway. I like him even more than Jill Stein! " - Trump just now, confirming what i said in the previous post
"There’s something very 2020 about someone running for office as a Libertarian who vocally backed the findings of a FISA warrant on a private citizen that was illegally obtained by the federal law enforcement arm. " - Acerbic Ann Coulter
when they realize they have to deal with another 4 years of Trump LOL
God Help us. That's not funny at all
To me it is. Not only is it funny to see the leftists go nuts and riot AGAIN but once he wins reelection and he stabs all his cult followers in the back on immigration and guns etc then I can laugh even more because I can see it coming. He is a flake. He is already trying to backtrack on the fact he ran on immigration, his pathetic attempt at pandering to his base on supposedly closing all immigration into the country right now and they buy the shit.
He's about as significant as a fly on a thoroughbred's ass.
No wonder there isn’t an effective third party. Too many Americans are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
I agree. However, Trump isn't a party guy. He used the Republican party.
Yes we who voted for him hoped he wouldn’t govern as a party guy. Sadly he has.
Can you provide examples as to what Trump ran on and then did different?
I still prefer Hornberger for the Libertarian nomination, and would prefer Amash contest his congressional seat as a Libertarian where he at least has somewhat of a chance at electoral success.

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