Justin Amash forms exploratory team for 3rd party run

Amash will probably be out of a job in November as the voters in his home district despise him for supporting the shampeachment against Trump.

He can still chase ambulances....
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Amash will probably be out of a job in November as the voters in his home district despise him for supporting the shampeachment against Trump.

He can still chase ambulances....
Probably true, and I don't think he can legally be on the ballot for both races regardless. I could be wrong about that. He's quietly suspended his Congressional reelection campaign, however.
He's about as significant as a fly on a thoroughbred's ass.
No wonder there isn’t an effective third party. Too many Americans are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
I agree. However, Trump isn't a party guy. He used the Republican party.
Yes we who voted for him hoped he wouldn’t govern as a party guy. Sadly he has.
Can you provide examples as to what Trump ran on and then did different?
- Nonintervention.
- Improving relations with Russia
- Trade deal with China
-Healthcare for all.
- Building the wall
- Eliminating NATO
- Bringing back manufacturing
- 4% GDP growth
- Renegotiate Iran deal
- Repeal Ocare
- Balance the budget
- Release his tax returns
- there’s more if you need it
- Nonintervention.[Define]
- Improving relations with Russia [We have]
- Trade deal with China {WIP]
-Healthcare for all. [False promise; will never happen]
- Building the wall [Like he's not trying; what planet are you on?]
- Eliminating NATO [Hmmm...I think he's getting them to pull their own weight]
- Bringing back manufacturing {WIP]
- 4% GDP growth [Quality vs Quantity]
- Renegotiate Iran deal {Fuck Iran...In case to missed that...FUCK IRAN!]
- Repeal Ocare [There NOTHING WROING with the ACA]
- Balance the budget [I'm with you there. We tell China and the Fed to Fuck off and die]
- Release his tax returns [Agreed]
- there’s more if you need it [Bullshit?]

Look, I like you and I think you're very intelligent.
Like myself, you have become bitter...for good reasons.
But I take a step back and see a shitload of those promises already in the works.
Sorry, but I’m not interesting in debating self evident facts.
But all of your facts are not facts; they are anger.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
He's about as significant as a fly on a thoroughbred's ass.
No wonder there isn’t an effective third party. Too many Americans are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
I agree. However, Trump isn't a party guy. He used the Republican party.
Yes we who voted for him hoped he wouldn’t govern as a party guy. Sadly he has.
Can you provide examples as to what Trump ran on and then did different?
- Nonintervention.
- Improving relations with Russia
- Trade deal with China
-Healthcare for all.
- Building the wall
- Eliminating NATO
- Bringing back manufacturing
- 4% GDP growth
- Renegotiate Iran deal
- Repeal Ocare
- Balance the budget
- Release his tax returns
- there’s more if you need it
- Nonintervention.[Define]
- Improving relations with Russia [We have]
- Trade deal with China {WIP]
-Healthcare for all. [False promise; will never happen]
- Building the wall [Like he's not trying; what planet are you on?]
- Eliminating NATO [Hmmm...I think he's getting them to pull their own weight]
- Bringing back manufacturing {WIP]
- 4% GDP growth [Quality vs Quantity]
- Renegotiate Iran deal {Fuck Iran...In case to missed that...FUCK IRAN!]
- Repeal Ocare [There NOTHING WROING with the ACA]
- Balance the budget [I'm with you there. We tell China and the Fed to Fuck off and die]
- Release his tax returns [Agreed]
- there’s more if you need it [Bullshit?]

Look, I like you and I think you're very intelligent.
Like myself, you have become bitter...for good reasons.
But I take a step back and see a shitload of those promises already in the works.
Sorry, but I’m not interesting in debating self evident facts.
But all of your facts are not facts; they are anger.
Apparently you don’t know what anger is, because I’m the happiest person I know.
My problem with Amash is he is not really a libertarian. He's just another Never Trump Republican.......
My problem with Amash is he is not really a libertarian. He's just another Never Trump Republican.......
He's consistently been one of the most libertarian members of Congress since he was elected. Yes, he was a "Never Trump Republican" as well, but Trump is not a libertarian so why would that be an issue for libertarians?
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
Amash will probably be out of a job in November as the voters in his home district despise him for supporting the shampeachment against Trump.

He can still chase ambulances....
Probably true, and I don't think he can legally be on the ballot for both races regardless. I could be wrong about that. He's quietly suspended his Congressional reelection campaign, however.
He has paused his congressional campaign, to consider a presidential run. Seems strange he would do this, unless he thinks his chances of winning his district again are slim. It is likely the R party is funneling lots of money to Rs running against him. It’s also likely he isn’t garnering much in campaign donations.

I used to live in his district and have worked for his campaigns in the past.
U.S. Rep. Justin Amash ‘pauses’ his congressional campaign to consider presidential run
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
Amash will probably be out of a job in November as the voters in his home district despise him for supporting the shampeachment against Trump.

He can still chase ambulances....
Probably true, and I don't think he can legally be on the ballot for both races regardless. I could be wrong about that. He's quietly suspended his Congressional reelection campaign, however.
He has paused his congressional campaign, to consider a presidential run. Seems strange he would do this, unless he thinks his chances of winning his district again are slim. It is likely the R party is funneling lots of money to Rs running against him. It’s also likely he isn’t garnering much in campaign donations.

I used to live in his district and have worked for his campaigns in the past.
U.S. Rep. Justin Amash ‘pauses’ his congressional campaign to consider presidential run
I think the polling is against him, but I still think the best thing he could do is run for reelection as a Libertarian. Even just doing well as a Libertarian, let alone winning reelection to Congress, would help the party more than him running for president in a year where third parties probably aren't going to do well in general at the presidential level. Johnson got a historic amount of votes for the Libertarian Party in 2016, but that had nothing to do with Johnson and everything to do with Trump and Hillary. In 2020, everyone is more polarized, but Biden doesn't have Hillary's negatives. I think the Libertarian nominee is going to do embarrassingly poorly compared to Johnson in 2016 no matter who it is.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
People please, that pit of snakes in Washington would chew him up and spit him out on the sidewalk. Not that the guy has a chance in hell of winning he doesn't.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
Only because most American voters are too stupid. They are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
Only because most American voters are too stupid. They are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
Maybe. Maybe it's primarily because election laws written by Republicans and Democrats purposefully and unfairly exclude other parties and independent candidates. Maybe it's primarily because the American system can really only fit two broad-spectrum political parties. Maybe we're just bad at promoting ourselves electorally. Whatever the case may be, a genuine libertarian will never be President of the United States.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
Only because most American voters are too stupid. They are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
Maybe. Maybe it's primarily because election laws written by Republicans and Democrats purposefully and unfairly exclude other parties and independent candidates. Maybe it's primarily because the American system can really only fit two broad-spectrum political parties. Maybe we're just bad at promoting ourselves electorally. Whatever the case may be, a genuine libertarian will never be President of the United States.
Can you describe a Libertarian town?

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