Kaepernicks statement

In my opinion this is what he is saying.
View attachment 214836

You are a faceless, nameless nobody on a chat forum who decided to start an entire thread just to post some goofy photo that gives your erroneous interpretation of what CK meant by kneeling (even though he has stated EXACTLY what he meant by kneeling on many occasions - and they are nothing whatsoever to do with your fantasy).

I think this is an appropriate time to re-post these links.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

Dang...you people have got to be about the least intelligent, least American, least honorable (non-incarcerated) people I have ever had to deal with on any level on a semi-regular basis.

To say you people do not understand what it means to be American is a galactic understatement.

America - to most loyal Americans - means 'Freedom'. Yet you are desperately trying to force people to conform and give up their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

POLL: 85% Of Americans Think Free Speech More Important Than Political Correctness


Yet...you knuckleheads want to try and remove people's rights.

I pity you people...I truly do.

Thank goodness most of you are probably old and political/economic nobodies.
Thank you for your pity, but it is not needed. Your remarks are contrite and designed to somehow make it ok to support your attack on Americans. I will not be part of your lie. Nor will many.
In my opinion this is what he is saying.
View attachment 214836

You are a faceless, nameless nobody on a chat forum who decided to start an entire thread just to post some goofy photo that gives your erroneous interpretation of what CK meant by kneeling (even though he has stated EXACTLY what he meant by kneeling on many occasions - and they are nothing whatsoever to do with your fantasy).

I think this is an appropriate time to re-post these links.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

Dang...you people have got to be about the least intelligent, least American, least honorable (non-incarcerated) people I have ever had to deal with on any level on a semi-regular basis.

To say you people do not understand what it means to be American is a galactic understatement.

America - to most loyal Americans - means 'Freedom'. Yet you are desperately trying to force people to conform and give up their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

POLL: 85% Of Americans Think Free Speech More Important Than Political Correctness


Yet...you knuckleheads want to try and remove people's rights.

I pity you people...I truly do.

Thank goodness most of you are probably old and political/economic nobodies.

Fuck you for insulting Mike like that, you nobody piece of shit! Choke on a bag of dicks, asshole!

You ain't nobody to me, boy.
That's still trying to put a little shine on the obvious poop. It doesn't matter if the consumers approved or didn't approve. It doesn't even have to be a punishment. If an employee engages in activity that brings conflict into the workplace, the employer is within their rights to say they just don't want to deal with that mess on their time. Suggesting anyone other than the employer can decide who gets to keep their job, is misguided entitled mentality poop. You can still fire someone for being a pain in the neck.

LOL That's a bit narrow-minded on how business works.

If you mean people in business don't really care if someone thinks they have more influence than they do in such matters, I'll go with that. I was just pointing out that business is business and what the owner thinks makes all the difference. You can disagree with that, but you would still be wrong.

You don't think the owner takes into account what their customer base thinks and how it affects their bottom line? You can say NO, but you would be wrong.
How did the right want him punished? I don't recall any of that?
Trump credits his Twitter wrath for Kaepernick's unemployment - CNNPolitics

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag,” Trump said, “to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’ ” The crowd of supporters erupted in cheers.
Donald Trump's Attack on Colin Kaepernick and Jemele Hill - The Atlantic

Incorrect. Kap chose to protest on company time, thus customer time. The $$$$ speaks and IF he was blacklisted it's because the market demanded it. That's not punishment for kneeling, that's customers saying I don't like this product. Don't forget the NFL is a business and the dollar rules. Had Kap protested on his own time no one would care, and he wouldn't be making millions with a Nike contract. Ha! Ironic ain't it?
I don't expect any examples to be good enough, ever, here.

The owners didn't fire him for what he did, but the Right sure wanted him fired. As you asked.

I have this same conversation with the Regressive Left. Opposite sides of the same authoritarian coin.

Examples are irrelevant. If he protested on his own time I'd agree with you. But you can't do it on company time and not expect the customer base to react negatively forcing owners to look out for their product. Isn't that common sense? You have to think past the kneeling and take the NFL for what it is - a multi-billion dollar business. Customers no longer wanted to buy so Kap is out. That's not punishment. That's either a brilliant strategy by Kap to move onto the "oppression" business or a horrible misjudgment on his part.
I'd rather just live and let live. No harm, no foul. I'll get over it.

But that's just not the way our culture is now. We just have to be offended.

And of course, the LAST thing we want to do is address the point of the kneeling honestly.

I don't think Kap really wants to address the point of the kneeling. The controversy is making him money.
Trump credits his Twitter wrath for Kaepernick's unemployment - CNNPolitics

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag,” Trump said, “to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’ ” The crowd of supporters erupted in cheers.
Donald Trump's Attack on Colin Kaepernick and Jemele Hill - The Atlantic

Incorrect. Kap chose to protest on company time, thus customer time. The $$$$ speaks and IF he was blacklisted it's because the market demanded it. That's not punishment for kneeling, that's customers saying I don't like this product. Don't forget the NFL is a business and the dollar rules. Had Kap protested on his own time no one would care, and he wouldn't be making millions with a Nike contract. Ha! Ironic ain't it?
I don't expect any examples to be good enough, ever, here.

The owners didn't fire him for what he did, but the Right sure wanted him fired. As you asked.

I have this same conversation with the Regressive Left. Opposite sides of the same authoritarian coin.

Examples are irrelevant. If he protested on his own time I'd agree with you. But you can't do it on company time and not expect the customer base to react negatively forcing owners to look out for their product. Isn't that common sense? You have to think past the kneeling and take the NFL for what it is - a multi-billion dollar business. Customers no longer wanted to buy so Kap is out. That's not punishment. That's either a brilliant strategy by Kap to move onto the "oppression" business or a horrible misjudgment on his part.
I'd rather just live and let live. No harm, no foul. I'll get over it.

But that's just not the way our culture is now. We just have to be offended.

And of course, the LAST thing we want to do is address the point of the kneeling honestly.

I don't think Kap really wants to address the point of the kneeling. The controversy is making him money.

He's like an NFL Al Sharpton. True Story.
Incorrect. Kap chose to protest on company time, thus customer time. The $$$$ speaks and IF he was blacklisted it's because the market demanded it. That's not punishment for kneeling, that's customers saying I don't like this product. Don't forget the NFL is a business and the dollar rules. Had Kap protested on his own time no one would care, and he wouldn't be making millions with a Nike contract. Ha! Ironic ain't it?
I don't expect any examples to be good enough, ever, here.

The owners didn't fire him for what he did, but the Right sure wanted him fired. As you asked.

I have this same conversation with the Regressive Left. Opposite sides of the same authoritarian coin.

Examples are irrelevant. If he protested on his own time I'd agree with you. But you can't do it on company time and not expect the customer base to react negatively forcing owners to look out for their product. Isn't that common sense? You have to think past the kneeling and take the NFL for what it is - a multi-billion dollar business. Customers no longer wanted to buy so Kap is out. That's not punishment. That's either a brilliant strategy by Kap to move onto the "oppression" business or a horrible misjudgment on his part.
I'd rather just live and let live. No harm, no foul. I'll get over it.

But that's just not the way our culture is now. We just have to be offended.

And of course, the LAST thing we want to do is address the point of the kneeling honestly.

I don't think Kap really wants to address the point of the kneeling. The controversy is making him money.

He's like an NFL Al Sharpton. True Story.

Exactly! Kap's football career was in decline so he takes up the popular false narrative of police oppression, takes a knee, intentionally creates a controversy, obtains a following of clueless Liberals while sacrificing nothing, sues the NFL and makes millions as a Liberal hero never to have to attend an NFL training camp again. Quite brilliant actually.
Fine OP but why piss on those soldiers who gave it all on D-day by dissing the American flag which stands for the sacrifices those men made so Colin could 'take a knee' The flag is not responsible for police shooting black men. There are a myriad of reasons those incidents happen. Only a Neo-Marxist, anti-American useful tool idiot would try to diss the symbol of the very country in which they can make millions of dollars by playing with a ball.
How did he piss on them? He sought and followed the advice of a veteran...one who fought for Kaepernick’s right to free speech.

If a veteran advised him to take a knee during the anthem then that veteran is 100% wrong and was probably an eight ball during his service. As for Kaepernick, he can take a knee anywhere and any time and he would get no static. But if he does it during the National Anthem he needs to have his teeth kicked in. It's a mater of principal and honor. Freedom of speech doesn't have a thing to do with it.
well, he was a special forces vetetan.
That veteran does not deserve any respect either. Ask any other veterans what they think of the advice.
Can we agree to disagree here? I do not think his intent was disrespect...but to call attention to an injustice in a non violent way.

Intent matters imo.

The flag and the National Anthem do not represent racism. Nor do they have anything to do with cops shooting people.
cops are human beans-------they are REQUIRED to save their own lives----
never under-estimate the DILEMMA of snap-judgment IN THE FIELD.

They are human "beans"?


No, they are required to protect the public, and they are supposed to show judgement as to when it is appropriate to use force.

LaQuan McDonald. Tamir Rice. Freddy Gray. Mike Brown.

A lot of them aren't showing very good judgement.
Those men from WWII would look at a shit bag like Kaeperdick with scorn and disgust

Those guys from WWII were perfectly okay with segregation back home.

Got to respect that generation, but they still tolerated a lot they shouldn't have.
You don't think the owner takes into account what their customer base thinks and how it affects their bottom line? You can say NO, but you would be wrong.

You think the way the owner wants to conduct business doesn't make a difference? I just said it makes more of a difference than what you think, you can say it doesn't, but I already said you wouldn't know or think so.
He is an anti-American piece of shit, and any real Americans should hold him in completely contempt.

He's protesting the killing of unarmed black men by the state.

There's nothing unpatriotic about that
So it's cool if I kick a toddler in the face, as long as I'm doing it to protest the killing of unarmed black men?

You equate kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem during a football game to physically assaulting a toddler?

One of the big reasons some people have been able to tolerate or accept the kneelers, even if they disagree with them, is that they have been engaging in peaceful protest. Kicking a toddler would not be peaceful protest, obviously.

Whether or not the kneeling is unpatriotic is fairly subjective.

Just because you don't feel anything for the Symbol of our Nation, does not mean that patriotic Americans don't.

We take him seriously, and those that support him, seriously.
So, we did not forget that. SO, why do libs like you keep acting like expressing our displeasure with it, is teh same as trying to limit his right to speech?
While many on the Right wanted him punished for his actions, just like the Regressive Left, most are not. Agreed.

Those on the Left who are making more of it are lying, which is what partisans do pretty regularly.

How did the right want him punished? I don't recall any of that?
Trump credits his Twitter wrath for Kaepernick's unemployment - CNNPolitics

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag,” Trump said, “to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’ ” The crowd of supporters erupted in cheers.
Donald Trump's Attack on Colin Kaepernick and Jemele Hill - The Atlantic

Incorrect. Kap chose to protest on company time, thus customer time. The $$$$ speaks and IF he was blacklisted it's because the market demanded it. That's not punishment for kneeling, that's customers saying I don't like this product. Don't forget the NFL is a business and the dollar rules. Had Kap protested on his own time no one would care, and he wouldn't be making millions with a Nike contract. Ha! Ironic ain't it?
I don't expect any examples to be good enough, ever, here.

The owners didn't fire him for what he did, but the Right sure wanted him fired. As you asked.

I have this same conversation with the Regressive Left. Opposite sides of the same authoritarian coin.

Correct. The people who would make the call on firing him or not, are the owners and the League.

They choose to support him, and the other Anti-American pieces of shit.

Thus the discussion has moved on from punishing him, to what does this mean for the sport and the nation.
cops are human beans-------they are REQUIRED to save their own lives----
never under-estimate the DILEMMA of snap-judgment IN THE FIELD.

They are human "beans"?

View attachment 215097

No, they are required to protect the public, and they are supposed to show judgement as to when it is appropriate to use force.

LaQuan McDonald. Tamir Rice. Freddy Gray. Mike Brown.

A lot of them aren't showing very good judgement.

right---their JUDGEMENT in making snap decisions, STANDING ON THEIR FEET AND WHILST IN DANGER-----can be faulty sometimes----they are human beans
Those men from WWII would look at a shit bag like Kaeperdick with scorn and disgust

Those guys from WWII were perfectly okay with segregation back home.

Got to respect that generation, but they still tolerated a lot they shouldn't have.

It was the times you blubbering jackass.

Go ask any of them their thoughts on disrespecting the flag. We both know they'll tell you to tell that jackass Kaeperdick to pound sand. Fact
You don't think the owner takes into account what their customer base thinks and how it affects their bottom line? You can say NO, but you would be wrong.

You think the way the owner wants to conduct business doesn't make a difference? I just said it makes more of a difference than what you think, you can say it doesn't, but I already said you wouldn't know or think so.

I asked a YES or NO question which is the only point I'm trying to make here. I don't really know what other point you're trying to make.

Do you think the owner takes into account what their customer base thinks and how it affects their bottom line?

I asked a YES or NO question which is the only point I'm trying to make here. I don't really know what other point you're trying to make.

Do you think the owner takes into account what their customer base thinks and how it affects their bottom line?


Why are you still asking me a question I already answered? You are trying to make a point I already said you have wrong, and tailoring your question to achieve your desired answer, won't change that. Owners consider a lot of things when making decisions, all I stated is they are not require to view their bottom line (as you see it, or how you think it is provided for) as the only option.

If Rolls Royce was interested in competing with everyone in order to achieve more customers, they wouldn't be making the money they are making providing for the customers they want to serve, to Rolls Royce's standard ... Period. Nothing you can say will change that ... Ever.
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I asked a YES or NO question which is the only point I'm trying to make here. I don't really know what other point you're trying to make.

Do you think the owner takes into account what their customer base thinks and how it affects their bottom line?


Why are you still asking me a question I already answered? You are trying to make a point I already said you have wrong, and tailoring your question to achieve your desired answer, won't change that. Owners consider a lot of things when making decisions, all I stated is they are not require to view their bottom line (as you see it, or how you think it is provided for) as the only option.

If Rolls Royce was interested in competing with everyone in order to achieve more customers, they wouldn't be making the money they are making providing for the customers they want to serve, to Rolls Royce's standard ... Period. Nothing you can say will change that ... Ever.

You're taking my point and making more of it than what it is. So much so your creating a new argument. I have no idea what you're even trying to say honestly. You think I'm wrong because you're insisting on taking the conversation in a different direction when in fact I'm right. It's the classic case of you're not listening because you're so intent on making whatever point you're trying to make. I'll just say.... nevermind and move on.

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