Kaepernicks statement

....either prove they were shot because they were black or your statement is worthless crap

The fact that blacks are more likely to be shot by cops than whites is proof enough.

Hey, want some real proof... look how the cops handle a w hite guy with an open carry weapon compared to a black guy.

they are shot because they are dumbass criminals resisting/not complying/a threat
you people have no argument/evidence at all
Fine OP but why piss on those soldiers who gave it all on D-day by dissing the American flag which stands for the sacrifices those men made so Colin could 'take a knee' The flag is not responsible for police shooting black men. There are a myriad of reasons those incidents happen. Only a Neo-Marxist, anti-American useful tool idiot would try to diss the symbol of the very country in which they can make millions of dollars by playing with a ball.
How did he piss on them? He sought and followed the advice of a veteran...one who fought for Kaepernick’s right to free speech.

If a veteran advised him to take a knee during the anthem then that veteran is 100% wrong and was probably an eight ball during his service. As for Kaepernick, he can take a knee anywhere and any time and he would get no static. But if he does it during the National Anthem he needs to have his teeth kicked in. It's a mater of principal and honor. Freedom of speech doesn't have a thing to do with it.
well, he was a special forces vetetan.
That veteran does not deserve any respect either. Ask any other veterans what they think of the advice.
Can we agree to disagree here? I do not think his intent was disrespect...but to call attention to an injustice in a non violent way.

Intent matters imo.
So are our police. My advice for African Americans is when you encounter police, do as they say. If they would do that then 99.9 percent of them would not get shot and killed. White people manage it, brown people manage it, why can't blacks? You see, no matter how much you people call for allowing blacks to act irresponsibly and lawlessly, it's not going to happen. All you will and have accomplished is getting more people killed.

A. It happens to white people too...just not as often because cops are less scared of white people and have a different "bias". It should happen to NO ONE

B.So we're being told that looking cross eyed (or having the cop think you are) at him is reason for summary execution? There's something seriously wrong there

I remind you of the white kid in the Vegas hotel. The white girl at the party in Tenn (?) the white woman shot after calling police to report a domestic abuse event, Philando Castillle shot after telling the cop he was legally carrying, the 12 year old shot seconds after they pulled up to him holding a toy gun in an open carry state, the black guy killed in the toy aisle of Walmart holding a an airsoft gun SOLD there and on and on
Still can't address the FACT that if blacks wouldn't resist and follow the cops instructions they would go home. Can't bring yourself to get past your hatred of police to actually admit the problem can you?
What used to happen to blacks who didn’t resist or flee?
So are our police. My advice for African Americans is when you encounter police, do as they say. If they would do that then 99.9 percent of them would not get shot and killed. White people manage it, brown people manage it, why can't blacks? You see, no matter how much you people call for allowing blacks to act irresponsibly and lawlessly, it's not going to happen. All you will and have accomplished is getting more people killed.

A. It happens to white people too...just not as often because cops are less scared of white people and have a different "bias". It should happen to NO ONE

B.So we're being told that looking cross eyed (or having the cop think you are) at him is reason for summary execution? There's something seriously wrong there

I remind you of the white kid in the Vegas hotel. The white girl at the party in Tenn (?) the white woman shot after calling police to report a domestic abuse event, Philando Castillle shot after telling the cop he was legally carrying, the 12 year old shot seconds after they pulled up to him holding a toy gun in an open carry state, the black guy killed in the toy aisle of Walmart holding a an airsoft gun SOLD there and on and on
Still can't address the FACT that if blacks wouldn't resist and follow the cops instructions they would go home. Can't bring yourself to get past your hatred of police to actually admit the problem can you?
What used to happen to blacks who didn’t resist or flee?
They should airdrop his black ass into Somalia, with Nikes

Or Brownsville, whatever. :dunno:

Omy, when I was a kid, all the 8th grade Brownsville boys had prison builds.
They should airdrop his black ass into Somalia, with Nikes
Because you don’t like his message?

Maybe he should have been protesting murders by illegal immigrants. I bet his free speech rights would have been supported. Trump would have called him a hero.
They should airdrop his black ass into Somalia, with Nikes
Because you don’t like his message?

Maybe he should have been protesting murders by illegal immigrants. I bet his free speech rights would have been supported. Trump would have called him a hero.

Get real, his sorry ass was protesting the National Anthem. He's an idiot. Obviously he doesn't like America, so let's airdrop him into Somalia with Nikes. :)
They should airdrop his black ass into Somalia, with Nikes
Because you don’t like his message?

Maybe he should have been protesting murders by illegal immigrants. I bet his free speech rights would have been supported. Trump would have called him a hero.

Get real, his sorry ass was protesting the National Anthem. He's an idiot.
No it was not. It was racial injustice. Whether or not you agree with his view that was what he was protesting.

What if he were protesting illegal immigration?
They should airdrop his black ass into Somalia, with Nikes
Because you don’t like his message?

Maybe he should have been protesting murders by illegal immigrants. I bet his free speech rights would have been supported. Trump would have called him a hero.

Get real, his sorry ass was protesting the National Anthem. He's an idiot.
No it was not. It was racial injustice. Whether or not you agree with his view that was what he was protesting.

What if he were protesting illegal immigration?

He's protesting the US flag. Fuck him, better men than him have died and lost limbs for it. That's real. Better black men have fought and died for the flag. He's a piece of excrement.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

Colin Kaepernick explains why he sat during national anthem
They should airdrop his black ass into Somalia, with Nikes
Because you don’t like his message?

Maybe he should have been protesting murders by illegal immigrants. I bet his free speech rights would have been supported. Trump would have called him a hero.

Get real, his sorry ass was protesting the National Anthem. He's an idiot.
No it was not. It was racial injustice. Whether or not you agree with his view that was what he was protesting.

What if he were protesting illegal immigration?
Still, kneeling during the NA would be unacceptable.
They should airdrop his black ass into Somalia, with Nikes
Because you don’t like his message?

Maybe he should have been protesting murders by illegal immigrants. I bet his free speech rights would have been supported. Trump would have called him a hero.

Get real, his sorry ass was protesting the National Anthem. He's an idiot.
No it was not. It was racial injustice. Whether or not you agree with his view that was what he was protesting.

What if he were protesting illegal immigration?
Still, kneeling during the NA would be unacceptable.
I bet you there would have been vociferous defenses for his rights especially from the White House.
Hardly. You are still blaming cops for the blacks behavior.

Bullshit. I'm "blaming" (actually calling out) the fact that they shouldn't be shooting unarmed people of ANY skin color...and pointing out that they do it far more often to blacks.
Hardly. You are still blaming cops for the blacks behavior.

Bullshit. I'm "blaming" (actually calling out) the fact that they shouldn't be shooting unarmed people of ANY skin color...and pointing out that they do it far more often to blacks.
Your remarks do not reflect reality and you have never been in a situation where a violent person has placed you in fear of your life.
Hardly. You are still blaming cops for the blacks behavior.

Bullshit. I'm "blaming" (actually calling out) the fact that they shouldn't be shooting unarmed people of ANY skin color...and pointing out that they do it far more often to blacks.

They do it far too often period.

Get this, though.

Today, somebody called the law and said I was walking around shooting a shotgun.

They came, oh yes, they came.

What I was really doing was shooting peacocks with a low-pump bb gun.

They were good! I showed them the BB gun and they left. I did not mention the Model 10 in my pocket.

I coulda been "swatted" and shit today from some asshat passer by on their fucking cell phone.

I have break-barrel pellet guns and .22s, too.

But I'm shooting the birds with low-pump 760. I don't want to injure them, just get them outta here.
In my opinion this is what he is saying.
View attachment 214836

You are a faceless, nameless nobody on a chat forum who decided to start an entire thread just to post some goofy photo that gives your erroneous interpretation of what CK meant by kneeling (even though he has stated EXACTLY what he meant by kneeling on many occasions - and they are nothing whatsoever to do with your fantasy).

I think this is an appropriate time to re-post these links.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

Dang...you people have got to be about the least intelligent, least American, least honorable (non-incarcerated) people I have ever had to deal with on any level on a semi-regular basis.

To say you people do not understand what it means to be American is a galactic understatement.

America - to most loyal Americans - means 'Freedom'. Yet you are desperately trying to force people to conform and give up their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

POLL: 85% Of Americans Think Free Speech More Important Than Political Correctness


Yet...you knuckleheads want to try and remove people's rights.

I pity you people...I truly do.

Thank goodness most of you are probably old and political/economic nobodies.
Who cares what Kaepernick has to say!
He has the right to free speech an can say any BS that may come out of his little mind. I have a right not listen to what he has to say.

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