Kaepernicks statement

Incorrect. Kap chose to protest on company time, thus customer time. The $$$$ speaks and IF he was blacklisted it's because the market demanded it. That's not punishment for kneeling, that's customers saying I don't like this product. Don't forget the NFL is a business and the dollar rules. Had Kap protested on his own time no one would care, and he wouldn't be making millions with a Nike contract. Ha! Ironic ain't it?

That's still trying to put a little shine on the obvious poop. It doesn't matter if the consumers approved or didn't approve. It doesn't even have to be a punishment. If an employee engages in activity that brings conflict into the workplace, the employer is within their rights to say they just don't want to deal with that mess on their time. Suggesting anyone other than the employer can decide who gets to keep their job, is misguided entitled mentality poop. You can still fire someone for being a pain in the neck.
So, we did not forget that. SO, why do libs like you keep acting like expressing our displeasure with it, is teh same as trying to limit his right to speech?
While many on the Right wanted him punished for his actions, just like the Regressive Left, most are not. Agreed.

Those on the Left who are making more of it are lying, which is what partisans do pretty regularly.

How did the right want him punished? I don't recall any of that?
Trump credits his Twitter wrath for Kaepernick's unemployment - CNNPolitics

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag,” Trump said, “to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’ ” The crowd of supporters erupted in cheers.
Donald Trump's Attack on Colin Kaepernick and Jemele Hill - The Atlantic

Incorrect. Kap chose to protest on company time, thus customer time. The $$$$ speaks and IF he was blacklisted it's because the market demanded it. That's not punishment for kneeling, that's customers saying I don't like this product. Don't forget the NFL is a business and the dollar rules. Had Kap protested on his own time no one would care, and he wouldn't be making millions with a Nike contract. Ha! Ironic ain't it?
I don't expect any examples to be good enough, ever, here.

The owners didn't fire him for what he did, but the Right sure wanted him fired. As you asked.

I have this same conversation with the Regressive Left. Opposite sides of the same authoritarian coin.

Examples are irrelevant. If he protested on his own time I'd agree with you. But you can't do it on company time and not expect the customer base to react negatively forcing owners to look out for their product. Isn't that common sense? You have to think past the kneeling and take the NFL for what it is - a multi-billion dollar business. Customers no longer wanted to buy so Kap is out. That's not punishment. That's either a brilliant strategy by Kap to move onto the "oppression" business or a horrible misjudgment on his part.
Incorrect. Kap chose to protest on company time, thus customer time. The $$$$ speaks and IF he was blacklisted it's because the market demanded it. That's not punishment for kneeling, that's customers saying I don't like this product. Don't forget the NFL is a business and the dollar rules. Had Kap protested on his own time no one would care, and he wouldn't be making millions with a Nike contract. Ha! Ironic ain't it?

That's still trying to put a little shine on the obvious poop. It doesn't matter if the consumers approved or didn't approve. It doesn't even have to be a punishment. If an employee engages in activity that brings conflict into the workplace, the employer is within their rights to say they just don't want to deal with that mess on their time. Suggesting anyone other than the employer can decide who gets to keep their job, is misguided entitled mentality poop. You can still fire someone for being a pain in the neck.

LOL That's a bit narrow-minded on how business works.
While many on the Right wanted him punished for his actions, just like the Regressive Left, most are not. Agreed.

Those on the Left who are making more of it are lying, which is what partisans do pretty regularly.

How did the right want him punished? I don't recall any of that?
Trump credits his Twitter wrath for Kaepernick's unemployment - CNNPolitics

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag,” Trump said, “to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out. He’s fired. He’s fired!’ ” The crowd of supporters erupted in cheers.
Donald Trump's Attack on Colin Kaepernick and Jemele Hill - The Atlantic

Incorrect. Kap chose to protest on company time, thus customer time. The $$$$ speaks and IF he was blacklisted it's because the market demanded it. That's not punishment for kneeling, that's customers saying I don't like this product. Don't forget the NFL is a business and the dollar rules. Had Kap protested on his own time no one would care, and he wouldn't be making millions with a Nike contract. Ha! Ironic ain't it?
I don't expect any examples to be good enough, ever, here.

The owners didn't fire him for what he did, but the Right sure wanted him fired. As you asked.

I have this same conversation with the Regressive Left. Opposite sides of the same authoritarian coin.

Examples are irrelevant. If he protested on his own time I'd agree with you. But you can't do it on company time and not expect the customer base to react negatively forcing owners to look out for their product. Isn't that common sense? You have to think past the kneeling and take the NFL for what it is - a multi-billion dollar business. Customers no longer wanted to buy so Kap is out. That's not punishment. That's either a brilliant strategy by Kap to move onto the "oppression" business or a horrible misjudgment on his part.
I'd rather just live and let live. No harm, no foul. I'll get over it.

But that's just not the way our culture is now. We just have to be offended.

And of course, the LAST thing we want to do is address the point of the kneeling honestly.
That's still trying to put a little shine on the obvious poop. It doesn't matter if the consumers approved or didn't approve. It doesn't even have to be a punishment. If an employee engages in activity that brings conflict into the workplace, the employer is within their rights to say they just don't want to deal with that mess on their time. Suggesting anyone other than the employer can decide who gets to keep their job, is misguided entitled mentality poop. You can still fire someone for being a pain in the neck.

LOL That's a bit narrow-minded on how business works.

If you mean people in business don't really care if someone thinks they have more influence than they do in such matters, I'll go with that. I was just pointing out that business is business and what the owner thinks makes all the difference. You can disagree with that, but you would still be wrong.
Fine OP but why piss on those soldiers who gave it all on D-day by dissing the American flag which stands for the sacrifices those men made so Colin could 'take a knee' The flag is not responsible for police shooting black men. There are a myriad of reasons those incidents happen. Only a Neo-Marxist, anti-American useful tool idiot would try to diss the symbol of the very country in which they can make millions of dollars by playing with a ball.
How did he piss on them? He sought and followed the advice of a veteran...one who fought for Kaepernick’s right to free speech.

If a veteran advised him to take a knee during the anthem then that veteran is 100% wrong and was probably an eight ball during his service. As for Kaepernick, he can take a knee anywhere and any time and he would get no static. But if he does it during the National Anthem he needs to have his teeth kicked in. It's a mater of principal and honor. Freedom of speech doesn't have a thing to do with it.
well, he was a special forces vetetan.
That veteran does not deserve any respect either. Ask any other veterans what they think of the advice.
So are our police. My advice for African Americans is when you encounter police, do as they say. If they would do that then 99.9 percent of them would not get shot and killed. White people manage it, brown people manage it, why can't blacks? You see, no matter how much you people call for allowing blacks to act irresponsibly and lawlessly, it's not going to happen. All you will and have accomplished is getting more people killed.

A. It happens to white people too...just not as often because cops are less scared of white people and have a different "bias". It should happen to NO ONE

B.So we're being told that looking cross eyed (or having the cop think you are) at him is reason for summary execution? There's something seriously wrong there

I remind you of the white kid in the Vegas hotel. The white girl at the party in Tenn (?) the white woman shot after calling police to report a domestic abuse event, Philando Castillle shot after telling the cop he was legally carrying, the 12 year old shot seconds after they pulled up to him holding a toy gun in an open carry state, the black guy killed in the toy aisle of Walmart holding a an airsoft gun SOLD there and on and on
It’s funny how people forget that it was a member of the military that asked him to kneel instead of sit because kneeling isn’t disrespectful to flag or military.

So, it seems as though you’re all just mad because a black man exercised his constitutional right to peacefully protest.
Kneeling is a form of submission I had always believed. like kneeling before the cross of Christ.

Nike says Colin Kaepernick sacrificed everything for his beliefs. Hmmm, I guess Nike never heard of Pat Tillman.

Nike doesn't give a rat's ass about Kaeperdick's "cause", Nike cares about Nike's bottom line.
Agreed, and I think they made a big mistake that is going to hurt their bottom line.
I sure thought those brave men fought for his right to speak his mind.
Those brave men never knew him, nor could they envision what liberals have turned the United States into. They had no idea that people would disrespect their country and place murderers above police. No, this scum bag is crapping on every veteran that there ever was.

Agreed. Those men didn’t fight for the rights of future un-Americans to protest, they fought for the survival of our nation.
the ''unarmed blackman''' crap is crap/lies/STUPID shit/etc

Are you saying that hasn't happened?

Do you live in a cave?
Even when it does happen, what does that have to do with the national anthem? Nothing.

He has the right to protest on his own time. While in uniform and during the national anthem it’s disrespectful to the nation and those who served.
So are our police. My advice for African Americans is when you encounter police, do as they say. If they would do that then 99.9 percent of them would not get shot and killed. White people manage it, brown people manage it, why can't blacks? You see, no matter how much you people call for allowing blacks to act irresponsibly and lawlessly, it's not going to happen. All you will and have accomplished is getting more people killed.

A. It happens to white people too...just not as often because cops are less scared of white people and have a different "bias". It should happen to NO ONE

B.So we're being told that looking cross eyed (or having the cop think you are) at him is reason for summary execution? There's something seriously wrong there

I remind you of the white kid in the Vegas hotel. The white girl at the party in Tenn (?) the white woman shot after calling police to report a domestic abuse event, Philando Castillle shot after telling the cop he was legally carrying, the 12 year old shot seconds after they pulled up to him holding a toy gun in an open carry state, the black guy killed in the toy aisle of Walmart holding a an airsoft gun SOLD there and on and on
Still can't address the FACT that if blacks wouldn't resist and follow the cops instructions they would go home. Can't bring yourself to get past your hatred of police to actually admit the problem can you?
Still can't address the FACT that if blacks wouldn't resist and follow the cops instructions they would go home. Can't bring yourself to get past your hatred of police to actually admit the problem can you?

I absolutely did

QUOTE="Lesh, post: 20729195, member: 60739"]

A. It happens to white people too...just not as often because cops are less scared of white people and have a different "bias". It should happen to NO ONE

B.So we're being told that looking cross eyed (or having the cop think you are) at him is reason for summary execution? There's something seriously wrong there

I remind you of the white kid in the Vegas hotel. The white girl at the party in Tenn (?) the white woman shot after calling police to report a domestic abuse event, Philando Castillle shot after telling the cop he was legally carrying, the 12 year old shot seconds after they pulled up to him holding a toy gun in an open carry state, the black guy killed in the toy aisle of Walmart holding a an airsoft gun SOLD there and on and on[/QUOTE]
Still can't address the FACT that if blacks wouldn't resist and follow the cops instructions they would go home. Can't bring yourself to get past your hatred of police to actually admit the problem can you?

I absolutely did

QUOTE="Lesh, post: 20729195, member: 60739"]

A. It happens to white people too...just not as often because cops are less scared of white people and have a different "bias". It should happen to NO ONE

B.So we're being told that looking cross eyed (or having the cop think you are) at him is reason for summary execution? There's something seriously wrong there

I remind you of the white kid in the Vegas hotel. The white girl at the party in Tenn (?) the white woman shot after calling police to report a domestic abuse event, Philando Castillle shot after telling the cop he was legally carrying, the 12 year old shot seconds after they pulled up to him holding a toy gun in an open carry state, the black guy killed in the toy aisle of Walmart holding a an airsoft gun SOLD there and on and on
Hardly. You are still blaming cops for the blacks behavior.
Still can't address the FACT that if blacks wouldn't resist and follow the cops instructions they would go home. Can't bring yourself to get past your hatred of police to actually admit the problem can you?

I absolutely did

QUOTE="Lesh, post: 20729195, member: 60739"]

A. It happens to white people too...just not as often because cops are less scared of white people and have a different "bias". It should happen to NO ONE

B.So we're being told that looking cross eyed (or having the cop think you are) at him is reason for summary execution? There's something seriously wrong there

I remind you of the white kid in the Vegas hotel. The white girl at the party in Tenn (?) the white woman shot after calling police to report a domestic abuse event, Philando Castillle shot after telling the cop he was legally carrying, the 12 year old shot seconds after they pulled up to him holding a toy gun in an open carry state, the black guy killed in the toy aisle of Walmart holding a an airsoft gun SOLD there and on and on

I see you have all the Neo-Marxist, Antifa talking points down. Your eagerness to paint all law enforcement with the same racist brush belies your supposed objectivity.
Still can't address the FACT that if blacks wouldn't resist and follow the cops instructions they would go home. Can't bring yourself to get past your hatred of police to actually admit the problem can you?

I absolutely did

QUOTE="Lesh, post: 20729195, member: 60739"]

A. It happens to white people too...just not as often because cops are less scared of white people and have a different "bias". It should happen to NO ONE

B.So we're being told that looking cross eyed (or having the cop think you are) at him is reason for summary execution? There's something seriously wrong there

I remind you of the white kid in the Vegas hotel. The white girl at the party in Tenn (?) the white woman shot after calling police to report a domestic abuse event, Philando Castillle shot after telling the cop he was legally carrying, the 12 year old shot seconds after they pulled up to him holding a toy gun in an open carry state, the black guy killed in the toy aisle of Walmart holding a an airsoft gun SOLD there and on and on

I see you have all the Neo-Marxist, Antifa talking points down. Your eagerness to paint all law enforcement with the same racist brush belies your supposed objectivity.[/QUOTE]

I guess it helps in avoiding the real problem.
Placing police in fear for their life is stupid, and the cure is a police bullet. They deserved it.


Any cop that fears for his life when faced with an unarmed man...should not be a cop

so--YOU would take on a big man with your bare hands???
you would let them beat the shit out of you???
it's not a bout fear--it's common sense
you are so full of shit
Police in the UK manage to...are ours so much more poorly trained? Is that what you are saying?
HUGE--HUGE difference --the US has many more guns!!!! duh
....and please link specific details on UK police take downs of unarmed and armed criminals
....either prove they were shot because they were black or your statement is worthless crap

The fact that blacks are more likely to be shot by cops than whites is proof enough.

Hey, want some real proof... look how the cops handle a w hite guy with an open carry weapon compared to a black guy.

that is NOT proof at all
so your post is worthless crap
no--that doesn't prove they are being shot because they are black
....here WHITE cops shoot a WHITE woman holding a baby--I guess they shot her because her skin was white
Ruby Ridge incident | History, Facts, Aftermath, & Map
you provide ONE isntance
no--there is no major problem of police shooting blacks
you are just babbling crap

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