Kaish gone, but already forgotten

From the same link:

When I suggest that crisscrossing the country in the hopes of convincing 34 states to call a constitutional convention on balancing the budget seems a bit quixotic, he appears almost amused. "Is it? Am I Don Quixote? I've been that way before!" He flashes me a smile. "And you know what? It seems to work out."

Does that sound like a RINO to you retards?
And? What?

Gov. John Kasich on Obamacare: 'I Want to Repeal It'
You know who Bill O'Reilly used to ask to run his Factor show when he (O'Reilly) went on vacations?

John Kasich.


He was also given his own show for a while on Fox: Heartland with John Kasich

Because Kasich was a proven conservative who had balanced the federal budget. The only candidate who has actually done so.

John Kasich was good enough for Fox News and for Bill O'Reilly, and now you dumb fucks are taking the word of a maniac and known liar, Donald Trump, that Kasich is a RINO.

Trump, who has donated more money to Democrats than Republicans. Trump, who was to the left of EVERY Republican candidate in previous years until he decided to be a Republican. Trump, who can't even prove he was ever a registered Republican before now. THIS is whose piss you are drinking.

When you retards call Kasich a RINO, you are demonstrating just how unbelievably stupid and gullible the Republican party and "conservatives" are these days.

You idiots get the government you deserve.
Kasich expanded Medicaid over the objection of the state legislature and enthused about illegal immigrants.
Fuck him. Fucking establishment RINO. That's why his campaign is sucking wind.
And right on cue, a retard shows up to prove my point.

The taxpayers of Ohio were paying for the Medicaid expansion whether they expanded it in their state or not. Kasich demonstrated common sense pragmatism by expanding Medicaid since his state was paying for it regardless. It's stupid to pay for it, and then refuse it out of spite. That's downright retarded.
Wrong. Dead wrong.

Nope. That's exactly why he did it.

And the expnsion has wreaked havoc on every state that has done it.

You've made that bullshit claim before and never backed it up.
Medicaid Expansion Is Proving to Be a Bad Bargain for States
Claims of bias in 3...2...1....
In 1989, Kasich landed on the Budget Committee, where he let his inner deficit hawk soar. In 1993, Kasich became Chair and the key player in the bloody budget battles with President Clinton. A couple of government shutdowns later, Kasich emerged as chief architect of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

John Kasich on Budget & Economy

Does that sound like a RINO to you retards?
That was 1997, moron.

Yep. The last time the budget was balanced. The Republican President and Republican Congress proceeded to double the federal debt after Kasich left.

And you call HIM the RINO? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

The lunatics are running the asylum now. It's time to put you back in your cages.

Kasich is a conservative? He can't be a conservative!!

He has not insulted any women or minority group.He is too PC to ever be one!!

I mean, I can see myself voting for him over hillary--at least now. He has to be a moderate.
You know who Bill O'Reilly used to ask to run his Factor show when he (O'Reilly) went on vacations?

John Kasich.


He was also given his own show for a while on Fox: Heartland with John Kasich

Because Kasich was a proven conservative who had balanced the federal budget. The only candidate who has actually done so.

John Kasich was good enough for Fox News and for Bill O'Reilly, and now you dumb fucks are taking the word of a maniac and known liar, Donald Trump, that Kasich is a RINO.

Trump, who has donated more money to Democrats than Republicans. Trump, who was to the left of EVERY Republican candidate in previous years until he decided to be a Republican. Trump, who can't even prove he was ever a registered Republican before now. THIS is whose piss you are drinking.

When you retards call Kasich a RINO, you are demonstrating just how unbelievably stupid and gullible the Republican party and "conservatives" are these days.

You idiots get the government you deserve.
Kasich expanded Medicaid over the objection of the state legislature and enthused about illegal immigrants.
Fuck him. Fucking establishment RINO. That's why his campaign is sucking wind.
And right on cue, a retard shows up to prove my point.

The taxpayers of Ohio were paying for the Medicaid expansion whether they expanded it in their state or not. Kasich demonstrated common sense pragmatism by expanding Medicaid since his state was paying for it regardless. It's stupid to pay for it, and then refuse it out of spite. That's downright retarded.
Wrong. Dead wrong.

Nope. That's exactly why he did it.

And the expnsion has wreaked havoc on every state that has done it.

You've made that bullshit claim before and never backed it up.
Medicaid Expansion Is Proving to Be a Bad Bargain for States
Claims of bias in 3...2...1....
I see a headline. I see nothing about "wreaking havoc".

Kasich is a conservative? He can't be a conservative!!

He has not insulted any women or minority group.He is too PC to ever be one!!

I mean, I can see myself voting for him over hillary--at least now. He has to be a moderate.

He's trying to get some freaks to vote for him, though. That's why he came out with that Judeo-Christian Propaganda Agency idea.
You assholes are brainless, ignorant parrots who are destroying the party all by yourselves, without any help from the liberals.
Im glad the GOP is going down in flames. Fuckin big govt corporatists :thup:
I'm thinking more and more it may be best if the country does split up, getting along is overrated

That must be because you are such a great American. Exceptional and everything.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants -Thomas Jefferson-

Awesome. When are you gonna start refreshing? And....I'm not talking about spraying deoderant on your smelly drawers.
Well, with the country in so much debt it can never be repaid, paying debt with more debt.
And Obamacare breaking millions of people...
And talk of repealing the second admendment...
And military morale the lowest it has ever been...
And an overtaxed population...
And a bat shit crazy federal government...

There at sometime will be a breaking point.
Kasich expanded Medicaid over the objection of the state legislature and enthused about illegal immigrants.
Fuck him. Fucking establishment RINO. That's why his campaign is sucking wind.
And right on cue, a retard shows up to prove my point.

The taxpayers of Ohio were paying for the Medicaid expansion whether they expanded it in their state or not. Kasich demonstrated common sense pragmatism by expanding Medicaid since his state was paying for it regardless. It's stupid to pay for it, and then refuse it out of spite. That's downright retarded.
Wrong. Dead wrong.

Nope. That's exactly why he did it.

And the expnsion has wreaked havoc on every state that has done it.

You've made that bullshit claim before and never backed it up.
Medicaid Expansion Is Proving to Be a Bad Bargain for States
Claims of bias in 3...2...1....
I see a headline. I see nothing about "wreaking havoc".
And it's DENIAL for 10 dollars.
Despite increasing Medicaid enrollments in Ohio, Kasich still has a budget surplus. So where's the problem? I don't call a budget surplus "wreaking havoc".
Mr. Kasich “moved the ball down the field, but he just hasn’t moved the ball down the field the way a lot of us would have liked to see,” said J. Kenneth Blackwell, a conservative activist and former Ohio secretary of state. “John is not a small-government conservative. John has made his mark in being able to manage big government more efficiently.”
i.e. RINO.
... and enthused about illegal immigrants.

I started a topic yesterday about What Would Reagan Do, and I said I don't know who these people are these days who call themselves Republicans. You and your ilk are the ones I had in mind when I said that.

Reagan's own words:
Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

Fuck him.

No. Fuck you. YOU are the RINO.
Yeah, tell me again how Kasich, Walker, Graham, and Christie are all sweeping the GOP off their feet.
People are fed up with establishment GOP RINOs, who have done nothing but negotiate among themselves on how much they will surrender to the Dems.
A Rino is just another word for progressives, spineless in nature...
Fought fierce battles with Bill Clinton and balanced the federal budget.

Inherited budgets deficits in Ohio, and has created a budget surplus.

So here's the question: How many pounds of brain damage does it take to call this guy a RINO?
Im glad the GOP is going down in flames. Fuckin big govt corporatists :thup:
I'm thinking more and more it may be best if the country does split up, getting along is overrated

That must be because you are such a great American. Exceptional and everything.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants -Thomas Jefferson-

Awesome. When are you gonna start refreshing? And....I'm not talking about spraying deoderant on your smelly drawers.
Well, with the country in so much debt it can never be repaid, paying debt with more debt.
And Obamacare breaking millions of people...
And talk of repealing the second admendment...
And military morale the lowest it has ever been...
And an overtaxed population...
And a bat shit crazy federal government...

There at sometime will be a breaking point.

And....you will be right there with the rest of the USMB's traitorous keyboard warriors.......watching it all unfold on FOX News.

What are you waiting for? An invitation?
"Balancing the Budget" just means spending less than you take in in Taxes.

It can be done in one year, just reduce Government spending to 2003 levels THEN stop borrowing 100% more for the rest of it.

Yes. The US Government BORROWS 50% of its Operating Capital from the Privately Owned Federal Reserve.

I do it every paycheck. I pay bills then save and/or spend whats left. I don't BORROW more.
Clearly the retards prefer someone who talks the talk but can't walk the walk.

They like Republicans who promise a smaller government who actually massively expand government and double the federal debt over a guy who actually balanced the budget which projected federal surpluses out as far as the eye could see.

What incredible dumbasses.
From the same link:

When I suggest that crisscrossing the country in the hopes of convincing 34 states to call a constitutional convention on balancing the budget seems a bit quixotic, he appears almost amused. "Is it? Am I Don Quixote? I've been that way before!" He flashes me a smile. "And you know what? It seems to work out."

Does that sound like a RINO to you retards?
And? What?

Gov. John Kasich on Obamacare: 'I Want to Repeal It'
When the cards are down, he would have done the same thing that he done with Medicare, show he has no spine...
You rubes deserve to be lied to.

You get the government you deserve.

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