Kamala accuses President Trump of being a predator.

Oh great logic SJ. “She did it so then I can do it” you realize you’re acting like a child right?

Makes you no better than her

Your the Troll that needs to grow up. They call our President names all the time but that’s ok. She is a piece of shit. She’s a spoiled halfbreed trying to play the race card for here gain. If she dishes it out she better be able to take it. As for you if you don’t like it go cry to someone who cares about your opinion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are literally trolling and playing the race card as we speak. I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument. See how your little tactic is counter productive? This convo proves my point.

Proves your an idiot. Defending her period is a disgrace. Why don’t you go onto other forums and complain about the way the talk about the president. You are the only person here complaining. Everyone else agrees she is a POS So the Troll is you. You are the only one complaining. That’s trolling. Your a dick Plain and simple.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Be complaining about idiots who attack other with race baiting bullshit is not trolling. Trolling is when people using race baiting garbage to provoke and attack others. Grow the hell up and do better.

Nobody runs DNA tests on black people to see how black they are, for you to even try to make the case that she isn’t black is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Right up there with the birther nonsense

She is a half breed. Stop being a whiny bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again. Makes zero difference to anything. Just exposes you as a worthless troll. Thanks for playing.
I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument.
You don't support her but you defend her?



English Language Learners Definition of defend

: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)
: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away
: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
Oh great logic SJ. “She did it so then I can do it” you realize you’re acting like a child right?

Makes you no better than her
Nice try but I don't let liberal hacks like you dictate the boundaries of free speech to me.
Is that what you thought I was trying to do?

Not quite
Yea, SJ, that's not what he was trying to do. He was trying to show of his moral superiority, like Slade ALWAYS tries to do.
Sorry guys, you’re right... the moral high ground definitely is with you all and your petty childish insults. Carry on.
Case in point! After 22,000 posts, I would imagine someone would be tired of playing a game of moral tug-o-war by themselves, but I guess not Slade.
What are you talking about?
Oh great logic SJ. “She did it so then I can do it” you realize you’re acting like a child right?

Makes you no better than her

Your the Troll that needs to grow up. They call our President names all the time but that’s ok. She is a piece of shit. She’s a spoiled halfbreed trying to play the race card for here gain. If she dishes it out she better be able to take it. As for you if you don’t like it go cry to someone who cares about your opinion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are literally trolling and playing the race card as we speak. I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument. See how your little tactic is counter productive? This convo proves my point.

Proves your an idiot. Defending her period is a disgrace. Why don’t you go onto other forums and complain about the way the talk about the president. You are the only person here complaining. Everyone else agrees she is a POS So the Troll is you. You are the only one complaining. That’s trolling. Your a dick Plain and simple.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Be complaining about idiots who attack other with race baiting bullshit is not trolling. Trolling is when people using race baiting garbage to provoke and attack others. Grow the hell up and do better.

Nobody runs DNA tests on black people to see how black they are, for you to even try to make the case that she isn’t black is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Right up there with the birther nonsense

While I agree with you that having a litmus test for "blackness" is stupid, Slade I disagree with you that it's something that's racist. Usually when a light skinned black is attacked for not being "black enough" it isn't by racists...it's by other blacks! I think the reason that Kamala says moronic things like claiming she smoked pot to Snoop Dog in college is that she's trying to gain some "street cred" because let's face it...she's a yuppie black chick from the right side of the tracks no matter how hard she tries to pretend she's not!
I believe I called it race baiting... I agree racism is different. And I also agree that Harris as a fake pandering politician. I dont like the games she plays and I don’t think she is genuine at all which is why I don’t support her.
I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument.
You don't support her but you defend her?



English Language Learners Definition of defend

: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)
: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away
: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument.
You don't support her but you defend her?



English Language Learners Definition of defend

: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)
: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away
: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
If you can’t handle my arguments for what they are then don’t engage with me. . Don’t support Harris politically. My argument with you dipshits has nothing to do about policy it has to do with decency
You don't support her but you defend her?



English Language Learners Definition of defend

: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)
: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away
: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
If you can’t handle my arguments for what they are then don’t engage with me. . Don’t support Harris politically. My argument with you dipshits has nothing to do about policy it has to do with decency
Um, you're the one who initiated it, jerkoff.
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
If you can’t handle my arguments for what they are then don’t engage with me. . Don’t support Harris politically. My argument with you dipshits has nothing to do about policy it has to do with decency
Um, you're the one who initiated it, jerkoff.
I initiated because I’m not scared to engage. You can’t handle it then don’t respond
Your the Troll that needs to grow up. They call our President names all the time but that’s ok. She is a piece of shit. She’s a spoiled halfbreed trying to play the race card for here gain. If she dishes it out she better be able to take it. As for you if you don’t like it go cry to someone who cares about your opinion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are literally trolling and playing the race card as we speak. I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument. See how your little tactic is counter productive? This convo proves my point.

Proves your an idiot. Defending her period is a disgrace. Why don’t you go onto other forums and complain about the way the talk about the president. You are the only person here complaining. Everyone else agrees she is a POS So the Troll is you. You are the only one complaining. That’s trolling. Your a dick Plain and simple.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Be complaining about idiots who attack other with race baiting bullshit is not trolling. Trolling is when people using race baiting garbage to provoke and attack others. Grow the hell up and do better.

Nobody runs DNA tests on black people to see how black they are, for you to even try to make the case that she isn’t black is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Right up there with the birther nonsense

She is a half breed. Stop being a whiny bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again. Makes zero difference to anything. Just exposes you as a worthless troll. Thanks for playing.

Go fuck yourself little boy. No one likes you or wants you here. The worthless Troll is you. Go play in the liberal sandbox with the other kids. She is a half breed piece of shit like you who had to whore herself out to get into politics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument.
You don't support her but you defend her?



English Language Learners Definition of defend

: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)
: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away
: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.

Your an asshole. She attacks the President so she is going to get everything she deserves. She is pushing race so she opened the door to be put in her place.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Your the Troll that needs to grow up. They call our President names all the time but that’s ok. She is a piece of shit. She’s a spoiled halfbreed trying to play the race card for here gain. If she dishes it out she better be able to take it. As for you if you don’t like it go cry to someone who cares about your opinion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are literally trolling and playing the race card as we speak. I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument. See how your little tactic is counter productive? This convo proves my point.

Proves your an idiot. Defending her period is a disgrace. Why don’t you go onto other forums and complain about the way the talk about the president. You are the only person here complaining. Everyone else agrees she is a POS So the Troll is you. You are the only one complaining. That’s trolling. Your a dick Plain and simple.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Be complaining about idiots who attack other with race baiting bullshit is not trolling. Trolling is when people using race baiting garbage to provoke and attack others. Grow the hell up and do better.

Nobody runs DNA tests on black people to see how black they are, for you to even try to make the case that she isn’t black is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Right up there with the birther nonsense

While I agree with you that having a litmus test for "blackness" is stupid, Slade I disagree with you that it's something that's racist. Usually when a light skinned black is attacked for not being "black enough" it isn't by racists...it's by other blacks! I think the reason that Kamala says moronic things like claiming she smoked pot to Snoop Dog in college is that she's trying to gain some "street cred" because let's face it...she's a yuppie black chick from the right side of the tracks no matter how hard she tries to pretend she's not!
I believe I called it race baiting... I agree racism is different. And I also agree that Harris as a fake pandering politician. I dont like the games she plays and I don’t think she is genuine at all which is why I don’t support her.

But you stick up for her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are literally trolling and playing the race card as we speak. I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument. See how your little tactic is counter productive? This convo proves my point.

Proves your an idiot. Defending her period is a disgrace. Why don’t you go onto other forums and complain about the way the talk about the president. You are the only person here complaining. Everyone else agrees she is a POS So the Troll is you. You are the only one complaining. That’s trolling. Your a dick Plain and simple.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Be complaining about idiots who attack other with race baiting bullshit is not trolling. Trolling is when people using race baiting garbage to provoke and attack others. Grow the hell up and do better.

Nobody runs DNA tests on black people to see how black they are, for you to even try to make the case that she isn’t black is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Right up there with the birther nonsense

She is a half breed. Stop being a whiny bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again. Makes zero difference to anything. Just exposes you as a worthless troll. Thanks for playing.

Go fuck yourself little boy. No one likes you or wants you here. The worthless Troll is you. Go play in the liberal sandbox with the other kids. She is a half breed piece of shit like you who had to whore herself out to get into politics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Reread the crap you spew and it is pretty obvious who the troll is. If you are not smart enough to engage in good debate then I feel for you but don’t pretend that you’re something you are not.
I don’t support Harris. I think she’s a political hack. Yet here I am defending her because you are too childish to make a real argument.
You don't support her but you defend her?



English Language Learners Definition of defend

: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)
: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away
: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.

Your an asshole. She attacks the President so she is going to get everything she deserves. She is pushing race so she opened the door to be put in her place.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wrong... the “she did it so I can do it” defense is something we teach elementary kids not to do. You must have missed that lesson
You don't support her but you defend her?



English Language Learners Definition of defend

: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)
: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away
: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
If you can’t handle my arguments for what they are then don’t engage with me. . Don’t support Harris politically. My argument with you dipshits has nothing to do about policy it has to do with decency

Liberals don’t have decency. They are always attacking. They don’t deserve decency. Like respect, it’s earned not given. So there is no respect for her or you defending her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
If you can’t handle my arguments for what they are then don’t engage with me. . Don’t support Harris politically. My argument with you dipshits has nothing to do about policy it has to do with decency
Um, you're the one who initiated it, jerkoff.
I initiated because I’m not scared to engage. You can’t handle it then don’t respond

Engaged showing your ignorance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
If you can’t handle my arguments for what they are then don’t engage with me. . Don’t support Harris politically. My argument with you dipshits has nothing to do about policy it has to do with decency

Liberals don’t have decency. They are always attacking. They don’t deserve decency. Like respect, it’s earned not given. So there is no respect for her or you defending her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course liberals have decency. Some do some don’t. You’ve got to be the weakest debater I’ve ever engaged with. Bring something smart to the table or go to your room. This is getting boring.
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
If you can’t handle my arguments for what they are then don’t engage with me. . Don’t support Harris politically. My argument with you dipshits has nothing to do about policy it has to do with decency
Um, you're the one who initiated it, jerkoff.
I initiated because I’m not scared to engage. You can’t handle it then don’t respond

Engaged showing your ignorance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How specifically did I show my ignorance?
Proves your an idiot. Defending her period is a disgrace. Why don’t you go onto other forums and complain about the way the talk about the president. You are the only person here complaining. Everyone else agrees she is a POS So the Troll is you. You are the only one complaining. That’s trolling. Your a dick Plain and simple.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Be complaining about idiots who attack other with race baiting bullshit is not trolling. Trolling is when people using race baiting garbage to provoke and attack others. Grow the hell up and do better.

Nobody runs DNA tests on black people to see how black they are, for you to even try to make the case that she isn’t black is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. Right up there with the birther nonsense

She is a half breed. Stop being a whiny bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again. Makes zero difference to anything. Just exposes you as a worthless troll. Thanks for playing.

Go fuck yourself little boy. No one likes you or wants you here. The worthless Troll is you. Go play in the liberal sandbox with the other kids. She is a half breed piece of shit like you who had to whore herself out to get into politics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Reread the crap you spew and it is pretty obvious who the troll is. If you are not smart enough to engage in good debate then I feel for you but don’t pretend that you’re something you are not.

Coming from you I will take that as a compliment. You haven’t made a educated point yet. You try to act superior when your not. I’m not afraid to engage assholes like you. I did it for a living. So keep trying. Your diarrhea of the mouth is funny.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You don't support her but you defend her?



English Language Learners Definition of defend

: to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe : to not allow a person or thing to hurt, damage, or destroy (someone or something)
: to fight or work hard in order to keep (something, such as a right, interest, cause, etc.) from being taken away
: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)
What’s your point SJ?
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.

Your an asshole. She attacks the President so she is going to get everything she deserves. She is pushing race so she opened the door to be put in her place.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wrong... the “she did it so I can do it” defense is something we teach elementary kids not to do. You must have missed that lesson

She brought it on herself. There’s no sacred areas in politics. I don’t see you arguing with people who have been calling the President everything in the book. Where are you then. I have never seen you say anything on those posts. Your a hypocrite. Tolling moton.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You claimed you don't support her but defend her. It's the same damn thing, that's my point. Is this too complicated for you?
It’s not the same thing at all. I don’t support her politically but when I see a bunch of idiots attacks somebody on race I’m going to defend that person. Come on SJ. Turn your brain on before you post.
You always claim you "don't support" this leftist or that leftist, then you defend every damn thing they do. Spare me the bullshit.
If you can’t handle my arguments for what they are then don’t engage with me. . Don’t support Harris politically. My argument with you dipshits has nothing to do about policy it has to do with decency

Liberals don’t have decency. They are always attacking. They don’t deserve decency. Like respect, it’s earned not given. So there is no respect for her or you defending her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course liberals have decency. Some do some don’t. You’ve got to be the weakest debater I’ve ever engaged with. Bring something smart to the table or go to your room. This is getting boring.

Yeah yeah. Run your mouth. You like to here your own voice. Love to see you try and send me to my room. Your a liberal piece of shit trying to play games. Not working. No one believes you little girl.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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