Kamala Harris: Americans Should Get $2,000 PER MONTH Until Pandemic Is Over

2K a month would not solve poverty. Those people live below the poverty line in part because they don't understand money. They would spend every dime and be in the same situation when the money stopped.
That is what capitalist want people to do spend money it is how our economy works.
2K a month would not solve poverty. Those people live below the poverty line in part because they don't understand money. They would spend every dime and be in the same situation when the money stopped.
Thats why you get them some money management education. The problem with capitalism is that it depends on people keeping up with the Joneses.
Hell why work? Once the pandemic is over (November 4, 2020) , why stop, everyone should keep getting $2g per month, then they can buy a wheelbarrow to carry their cash to the grocery store for a loaf of bread. So if a person receives Soc Sec do they get an additional $2g per month?
so what about the person that paid into Soc Sec their entire life and receives $1,400/ month? Only a moron believes there isn’t a shut off value to government spending, but then again take a look at who they elect:)
2K a month would not solve poverty. Those people live below the poverty line in part because they don't understand money. They would spend every dime and be in the same situation when the money stopped.

I have never seen such a VULGAR justification of social inequality!

And living in debt, being a slave to banks is NORMAL for the overwhelming majority ???
I said "in part". There are many factors why poor people are poor. But giving poor people money will not get them out of poverty, that's all I'm saying.
Straight from THE UN Agenda 21 plan for Global Government and World Wide Fascism.
100% correct

$2000 bucks for every man woman and child and pet.....I wish I could say this is unbelievable.....
Why not $2,100 or $1,950 where did she get that nice round number $2,000 is it based on any logical analysis whatsoever? She pulled it out of her ass that's where.
Orange Jesus was giving people $2400 a month.

Math is hard, isn't it?

Unless I'm mistaken, that's around $660 BILLION

Socialists would LOVE this....why work?
Why work? I dont know about you but I couldnt afford to live on 2k a month.

You folks keep missing the point......

If the goal is Socialism, then ANY government handout will dramatically affect the workforce.
How so and who said the goal is total socialism? We already have socialist elements. Why do people pretend we dont?
Hell why work? Once the pandemic is over (November 4, 2020) , why stop, everyone should keep getting $2g per month, then they can buy a wheelbarrow to carry their cash to the grocery store for a loaf of bread. So if a person receives Soc Sec do they get an additional $2g per month?
so what about the person that paid into Soc Sec their entire life and receives $1,400/ month? Only a moron believes there isn’t a shut off value to government spending, but then again take a look at who they elect:)

Because working is what keeps our economy and our society moving forward. Most people want to work. Hell, there are people who hold down 2, even 3 jobs to try and pay their bills. I was making $2000/month in the 90's...when I was young. :)
But with cost of living constantly rising and with wages stagnating, that money is just keeping people afloat. Oh yeah, and just because Biden might win on November 3rd, doesn't mean the pandemic ends. If you slept through civics, the new President isn't sworn in until January...which means Trump and his minions have another 2.5 months to fuck things up.
Because working is what keeps our economy and our society moving forward. Most people want to work. Hell, there are people who hold down 2, even 3 jobs to try and pay their bills. I was making $2000/month in the 90's...when I was young. :)
But with cost of living constantly rising and with wages stagnating, that money is just keeping people afloat. Oh yeah, and just because Biden might win on November 3rd, doesn't mean the pandemic ends. If you slept through civics, the new President isn't sworn in until January...which means Trump and his minions have another 2.5 months to fuck things up.
He has brought the DEATH RATE DOWN, from 17,000/week in April to 1,000/week in August. If Biden is elected, it will shoot back UP AGAIN.
Because working is what keeps our economy and our society moving forward. Most people want to work. Hell, there are people who hold down 2, even 3 jobs to try and pay their bills. I was making $2000/month in the 90's...when I was young. :)
But with cost of living constantly rising and with wages stagnating, that money is just keeping people afloat. Oh yeah, and just because Biden might win on November 3rd, doesn't mean the pandemic ends. If you slept through civics, the new President isn't sworn in until January...which means Trump and his minions have another 2.5 months to fuck things up.
He has brought the DEATH RATE DOWN, from 17,000/week in April to 1,000/week in August. If Biden is elected, it will shoot back UP AGAIN.
What has tRump done to get the death rate down?
This inflated handout idea really gets the basement dwellers excited.. Meanwhile jobs are coming back by the day after this Chinese Virus trying to derail America.

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