Kamala Harris: Americans Should Get $2,000 PER MONTH Until Pandemic Is Over

What has tRump done to get the death rate down?
You really are THAT IGNORANT huh ? see ? That's what happens when you watch CNN, MSNBC, PBS. ABC< NBC, CBS, instead of NewsMax, OAN Encore, the First, Fox News, the Blaze, America's Voice.

The fact is, Covid deaths have sharply declined since April, and that is because of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding

1. As early as January, he blocked travel from China, well before the Europeans did. (clueless Democrats called him a "racist" for doing that.

2. He blocked travel from Europe.

3. He sent 2 big Navy hospital ships to New York,

4. authorized the stimulus checks, (new ones coming up later this month)

5. started the Task Force,

6. In January, got the NIH working on a vaccine.

7. in early February, the CDC began shipping CDC-Developed test kits to U.S. and international labs.

8. advocated hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, and despite leftist criticism, Trump was proven to be right, by a new study from the Henry Ford Health System, that examined over 2,500 hospitalized patients from the Henry Ford’s six hospitals. Democrats may have harmed millions, by discouraging its use. Some are still doing that right now.

9. Got ventilators produced and distributed to hospitals and clinics (we now have so many we're exporting them),

10. opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,

11. federal aid to hospitals,
Boy I would love to see you cite proof of any of these things that show Trump DIRECTLY tried to mitigate the crisis EARLY ON. I’m willing to bet most of this is complete bullshit. Either way, he wasted precious fucking time.

Hey guess what South Korea’s total cases are with a population of 50 million. I’ll tell you: 14,000. Total deaths? 300. Why? Because they aggressively tackled the outbreak. Trump on the other hand waited fucking weeks to do ANYTHING. He spent those weeks either calling it a democrat hoax or claiming it would just disappear.
8. advocated hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, and despite leftist criticism, Trump was proven to be right, by a new study from the Henry Ford Health System, that examined over 2,500 hospitalized patients from the Henry Ford’s six hospitals. Democrats may have harmed millions, by discouraging its use. Some are still doing that right now.
Quack medicine, totally debunked by scientists and scientific, medical studies.
That’s a lie. He let 40,000 Chinese into the U.S.
THAT is a lie. The 40,000 people he let in, WERE AMERICANS (returning home), not Chinese. See. That's what happens when you watch CNN, MSNBC, PBS. ABC, NBC, CBS, instead of NewsMax, OAN Encore, the First, Fox News, the Blaze, America's Voice.

The reason I know that, is because I watch all of those networks, and I've seen that lie told many times on the leftist channels, and the truth told on the conservative ones.

American liberals - the most information-deprived people in America.
Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859
/—-/ 2K a month would keep me in rib eye steaks and craft beer.
Yep, you’d gladly accept it if it was offered to you. Republicans like to pretend they are manly and tough by claiming to not accept “handouts” but we already know they gladly accepted the $1200 and the extra $600 per week for any of them on unemployment.
/——/ welfare and food stamp are handouts, not tax rebates, you big dope
Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859

The reason why she does not even rise to the AOC level of intellect is that, at least AOC has a degree in economics.
Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859
/—-/ 2K a month would keep me in rib eye steaks and craft beer.
Yep, you’d gladly accept it if it was offered to you. Republicans like to pretend they are manly and tough by claiming to not accept “handouts” but we already know they gladly accepted the $1200 and the extra $600 per week for any of them on unemployment.
/——/ welfare and food stamp are handouts, not tax rebates, you big dope
See they call this a “rebate” but in reality it has no future tax burden so your point is bullshit. You accepted welfare plain and simple. Be a man and admit it.
That’s a lie. He didn’t do shit except sign the legislation. Big deal maker. Big fake.

THEN he held up the checks to have new ones printed up with his name on them.
Pelosi is the one who held up the checks then, and now again. On Fox News Sunday, this week, she admitted it, stating her long list of requirements to be met (most having nothing to do with the coronavirus) while Sect Of Treasury Mnuchin also on that show, said we should go ahead and send out the checks and do all the things we agree on NOW, and discuss the other stuff afterward. Pelosi wont do that, SHE and Schumer are the roadblock. You lie.
Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859
/—-/ 2K a month would keep me in rib eye steaks and craft beer.
Yep, you’d gladly accept it if it was offered to you. Republicans like to pretend they are manly and tough by claiming to not accept “handouts” but we already know they gladly accepted the $1200 and the extra $600 per week for any of them on unemployment.
/——/ welfare and food stamp are handouts, not tax rebates, you big dope
See they call this a “rebate” but in reality it has no future tax burden so your point is bullshit. You accepted welfare plain and simple. Be a man and admit it.

Irrelevant, most of our taxes should be handed back to us, of course we accept, even encourage that money to be given back to its rightful creator.

It should have been $2000.

As for Kamala's plan, now that does go way overboard. The problem is that you are not only giving us our money back, but in reality asking Americans to pay the way for a bunch of freeloaders such as yourself.
Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859
/—-/ 2K a month would keep me in rib eye steaks and craft beer.
Yep, you’d gladly accept it if it was offered to you. Republicans like to pretend they are manly and tough by claiming to not accept “handouts” but we already know they gladly accepted the $1200 and the extra $600 per week for any of them on unemployment.
/——/ welfare and food stamp are handouts, not tax rebates, you big dope
See they call this a “rebate” but in reality it has no future tax burden so your point is bullshit. You accepted welfare plain and simple. Be a man and admit it.

Irrelevant, most of our taxes should be handed back to us, of course we accept, even encourage that money to be given back to its rightful creator.
You say this while you use government services EVERYDAY. So you’re a mooch no matter how you slice it.
Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859
/—-/ 2K a month would keep me in rib eye steaks and craft beer.
Yep, you’d gladly accept it if it was offered to you. Republicans like to pretend they are manly and tough by claiming to not accept “handouts” but we already know they gladly accepted the $1200 and the extra $600 per week for any of them on unemployment.
/——/ welfare and food stamp are handouts, not tax rebates, you big dope
See they call this a “rebate” but in reality it has no future tax burden so your point is bullshit. You accepted welfare plain and simple. Be a man and admit it.

Irrelevant, most of our taxes should be handed back to us, of course we accept, even encourage that money to be given back to its rightful creator.
You say this while you use government services EVERYDAY. So you’re a mooch no matter how you slice it.

I am fine with paying for the portion that I use. Even the part I don't use but is beneficial to society.

That does not include your welfare. You and your welfare are harmful to all.
Quack medicine, totally debunked by scientists and scientific, medical studies.
FALSE! Just as I said, hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, and despite leftist criticism, Trump was proven to be right, by a new study from the Henry Ford Health System, that examined over 2,500 hospitalized patients from the Henry Ford’s six hospitals. This is totally ACCEPTED by reputable doctors and scientists around the world. Democrats may have harmed millions, by discouraging its use. Some are still doing that right now, including you, and your post here is the absolute PROOF OF IT.

Oh so some Trump-haters have criticized the study. HA HA HA. Well what a surprise. :rolleyes:

Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859
/—-/ 2K a month would keep me in rib eye steaks and craft beer.
Yep, you’d gladly accept it if it was offered to you. Republicans like to pretend they are manly and tough by claiming to not accept “handouts” but we already know they gladly accepted the $1200 and the extra $600 per week for any of them on unemployment.
/——/ welfare and food stamp are handouts, not tax rebates, you big dope
See they call this a “rebate” but in reality it has no future tax burden so your point is bullshit. You accepted welfare plain and simple. Be a man and admit it.

Irrelevant, most of our taxes should be handed back to us, of course we accept, even encourage that money to be given back to its rightful creator.

It should have been $2000.

As for Kamala's plan, now that does go way overboard. The problem is that you are not only giving us our money back, but in reality asking Americans to pay the way for a bunch of freeloaders such as yourself.
You use revenue funded government programs daily. Shut the fuck up. You need to either get off the grid or stop bitching about paying taxes.
Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859
/—-/ 2K a month would keep me in rib eye steaks and craft beer.
Yep, you’d gladly accept it if it was offered to you. Republicans like to pretend they are manly and tough by claiming to not accept “handouts” but we already know they gladly accepted the $1200 and the extra $600 per week for any of them on unemployment.
/——/ welfare and food stamp are handouts, not tax rebates, you big dope
See they call this a “rebate” but in reality it has no future tax burden so your point is bullshit. You accepted welfare plain and simple. Be a man and admit it.

Irrelevant, most of our taxes should be handed back to us, of course we accept, even encourage that money to be given back to its rightful creator.
You say this while you use government services EVERYDAY. So you’re a mooch no matter how you slice it.

I am fine with paying for the portion that I use. Even the part I don't use but is beneficial to society.

That does not include your welfare. You and your welfare are harmful to all.
Hey moron I’m not on welfare. Either way, something like food stamps takes up a dime of your paycheck. Not to mention that most of the people on food stamps are dependents and single parents.
Wouldn't it be HONEST to eliminate POVERTY in America ??? This requires only one-eighth of what was spent on aggression against Iraq.

Or is maintaining POVERTY a part of the mentality of pro-Chinese Democratic Party elite ???

View attachment 373859
/—-/ 2K a month would keep me in rib eye steaks and craft beer.
Yep, you’d gladly accept it if it was offered to you. Republicans like to pretend they are manly and tough by claiming to not accept “handouts” but we already know they gladly accepted the $1200 and the extra $600 per week for any of them on unemployment.
/——/ welfare and food stamp are handouts, not tax rebates, you big dope
See they call this a “rebate” but in reality it has no future tax burden so your point is bullshit. You accepted welfare plain and simple. Be a man and admit it.

Irrelevant, most of our taxes should be handed back to us, of course we accept, even encourage that money to be given back to its rightful creator.

It should have been $2000.

As for Kamala's plan, now that does go way overboard. The problem is that you are not only giving us our money back, but in reality asking Americans to pay the way for a bunch of freeloaders such as yourself.
You use revenue funded government programs daily. Shut the fuck up. You need to either get off the grid or stop bitching about paying taxes.

False, I do not actively use any government services. Further you don't get to decide who gets to speak, welfare moocher.

Society would not only be better off without welfare, it would be better off without your mooching.
What has tRump done to get the death rate down?
You really are THAT IGNORANT huh ? See ? That's what happens when you watch CNN, MSNBC, PBS. ABC, NBC, CBS, instead of NewsMax, OAN Encore, the First, Fox News, the Blaze, America's Voice. Here's your answer Mr Question Mark. >>>

The fact is, Covid deaths have sharply declined since April, and that is because of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding

1. As early as January, he blocked travel from China, well before the Europeans did. (clueless Democrats called him a "racist" for doing that.

2. He blocked travel from Europe.

3. He sent 2 big Navy hospital ships to New York,

4. authorized the stimulus checks, (new ones coming up later this month)

5. started the Task Force,

6. In January, got the NIH working on a vaccine.

7. in early February, the CDC began shipping CDC-Developed test kits to U.S. and international labs.

8. advocated hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, and despite leftist criticism, Trump was proven to be right, by a new study from the Henry Ford Health System, that examined over 2,500 hospitalized patients from the Henry Ford’s six hospitals. Democrats may have harmed millions, by discouraging its use. Some are still doing that right now.

9. Got ventilators produced and distributed to hospitals and clinics (we now have so many we're exporting them),

10. opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,

11. federal aid to hospitals,

1) Nope. It was just a restriction. thousands of Americans flew home in a panic. No one called him a racist. Stop parroting this lie.
2) No, he didn't. He restricted. And by then,(as with China) it was already too late.
3) Swell. How many COVID-19 patients or patients of any kind were housed on them? But hey, he got two photo ops.
4) Uhh. Congress authorized those. He signed them. That's how government works.
5) Space Force???
6) No he didn't. A vaccine was worked on from the moment this virus showed up..by countries other than us. We joined in progress.
7) Which were defective...an awesome help.
8) Which after 3 peer reviewed studies has shown not to help COVID-19. The CDC has withdrawn its emergency approval order.
9) Yeah, the state governors did that, all the while having to compete against other states for them.
10) Cuomo followed federal and state guidelines. A mistake for sure..but what guidance was coming out of the mensas in Trump's White House???
11) What?

Trump acted neither decisively or quickly. He tweeted, golfed, held pep rallies, and hung out at Mar_A-Lago until the adults had to step in on March 13th.

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