Kamala Harris Brags About Allowing Tens of Thousands of Haitians *Who Are Now Eating People’s Pets, Decapitating Ducks* to Flood Into US

Is this what we want in a president, allowing these people into our country disrespecting our laws, and flying their flag on our land they know nothing about, its people, traditions, and culture? This is what Kamala wants. Trump is our only Savior to prevent this from happening anymore. Not only do we need Trump, our pets and livestock need him, too!

Have a listen to this woman explaining what the Haitians have done to Springfield.

Absolutely retarded post.
Is this what we want in a president, allowing these people into our country disrespecting our laws, and flying their flag on our land they know nothing about, its people, traditions, and culture? This is what Kamala wants. Trump is our only Savior to prevent this from happening anymore. Not only do we need Trump, our pets and livestock need him, too!

Have a listen to this woman explaining what the Haitians have done to Springfield.

MSNBC did a segment this morning believing they have this
new wrinkle creamed.Just make the case that this sort of
new news is not news but just made-up racist crap.
No respectable news organization should even consider
it printable.No news organization worth their salt in the past
considered this sort of hyperbole worth mentioning.
I mean,even Fox { Run by the Murdochs } musta sent out their
bat signal.Because 8 PM host Jesse Waters refused to make mention of.
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Absolutely retarded post.
Maybe with God's grace Trump will brave the elements
and shun what advisers warned ... Don't dare mention the
Springfield,O. Illegal Haitian influx { over 20,ooo in 4 years }
And how Geese,ducks in parks are being caught and their
heads chopped off for meals.
I mean,since when has this sort of brazen inhumane treatment
of park birds been allowed to be Not Talked about.
Since Kamala the Harris and her band of stinkin' filthy
Liars and protectors have hijacked Legacy Media.
Trump has broke most of what bad elements were being
groomed and used in places like D.C. and select sanctuary city's.
Trump needs to act like Clark Kent tonight.
After all He is a :
A Man for All Seasons
You're really that clueless that you don't know that? After she was put in charge of the border she went to a tourist town near the border, but not the border. Tell me, if I show you she was put in control of the border. Will you vote for
Trump instead of Harris?
That's not a link.

Do you have a link that Biden appointed Kamala "border Czar"?
I say send them back to Haiti and let the gangs there take care of the problem.
Haiti has fallen.Been more than a few months.It's a killing zone.
That could explain why Haitians felt the urge to flee at the
first chance { opportunity }.It started a couple-3 years ago.
Haitians fled to the most opportune places in S.America
where they wait it out until making the journey towards
The U.S.
Kamala I guess felt it was a fitting time to brag about
it on - The View - of all places.
Total Irony.Like - The View - is gonna act all concerned and
like real americans and showcase the dilemma of what Haitians
are pulling in our Country c/o this Kamala the Harris.?
Those Haitians have been in Springfield for decades and are mostly US citizens now. But,
to be a great fascist, there must always be a boogeyman.

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