Kamala Harris Denies Govt-Run Single Payer is 'Socialism'

so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

Sure it. It socializes health insurance, putting it under control of government.

But let's grant you your conceit. Let's say it isn't, according to your definition, "socialism". It doesn't change a single thing about why I don't like it. It's still giving government way too much power. It's still putting Donald Trump in charge of my family's health insurance and that's something I'll fight hard to avoid.

No it is not socialism. No NO NO NO No No No No No No No.

Under single payer, you choose your doctor. You choose the fscilities

You choose the treatment.

Single payer only refers to who pays.

You assfucks told the same lie about the ACA.
Let me guess, you want to go back to the early days when Obama was running and declare the Democratic party candidates' histories don't matter and should be off limits, like Barry's was?

You want anything the Democrats do or say - like supporting AOC's 'Mystical Socialist Global Warming Plan' or rushing to support Smollett's Hate Crime Hoax to be off limits?


Here's a novel idea...why don't you and your fellow snowflake and Democrats agree to stop attacking, insulting, demonizing, and falsely accusing the GOP / Conservatives. Instead try campaigning on actual policies, plans, and WHY their candidates should be elected, not why the GOP shouldn't. I would gladly do the same.

The reason Hillary did not do it, campaign on her own merits, was because she had nothing. She could not even win her own party's nomination, and as for her policies and ideas - they were Obama 2.0.

Pelosi shut down the govt to Hurt Trump's chances in 2020 because she knows none of the clowns running right now can beat Trump by themselves talking up their own merits and ideas.

Destroying the President is the best hope Democrats have at beating him because they can't run on their own merit and do so.

Are there unicorns in your very own reality too?

then why are the dems forcing it so hard?

Because Medicare for all provides for the common defense, against heart disease, diabetes, cancers, and transmittable diseases; thus it promotes the general welfare.

Because early detection is many times curable, less expensive to treat and cost effective.

Preventative medicine has a cost benefit, to the end user and the community in which they live and when in close quarters on public transportation, on elevators and in movie theaters, restaurants and in office / schools and gun shows.

You've used that one already? What's the matter - running out of Talking Points?


Maybe you two should get together and reminisce about your college days, smoking pot and listening to Snoop Dog...before he started making records.


The pot smoked in the late 60's and early 70's was not the pot of today, and the tunes when I was an undergrad were belted out by Janice and Grace, classic rock and antiwar lyrics, in the summer of love.

In fact in 1968 the jukebox in the enlisted men's club at 32nd St. in San Diego played two songs over and over: White Rabbit and Sky Pilot.

That was long ago, and never could I have imagined the Summer of 2010, and on going for 8 years we would have winter, springs summers and falls of hate.
Defending the pot smoking liar....good for you.

How much mileage do you boys think you will get out of the "pot smoker" crap when most Americans have tried it and think that it should be legal?
They voted for George W Bush who was a drunk &a cokehead until the age of 35.
so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

Sure it. It socializes health insurance, putting it under control of government.

But let's grant you your conceit. Let's say it isn't, according to your definition, "socialism". It doesn't change a single thing about why I don't like it. It's still giving government way too much power. It's still putting Donald Trump in charge of my family's health insurance and that's something I'll fight hard to avoid.

No it is not socialism. No NO NO NO No No No No No No No.

LOL - I hear you already. Like I said. Call it whatever you want. I oppose it for what it is, not the label attached to it.
so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

Sure it. It socializes health insurance, putting it under control of government.

But let's grant you your conceit. Let's say it isn't, according to your definition, "socialism". It doesn't change a single thing about why I don't like it. It's still giving government way too much power. It's still putting Donald Trump in charge of my family's health insurance and that's something I'll fight hard to avoid.

No it is not socialism. No NO NO NO No No No No No No No.

LOL - I hear you already. Like I said. Call it whatever you want. I oppose it for what it is, not the label attached to it.

So you want a health insurance company's CEO to be in charge of your healthcare.
so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

Sure it. It socializes health insurance, putting it under control of government.

But let's grant you your conceit. Let's say it isn't, according to your definition, "socialism". It doesn't change a single thing about why I don't like it. It's still giving government way too much power. It's still putting Donald Trump in charge of my family's health insurance and that's something I'll fight hard to avoid.

No it is not socialism. No NO NO NO No No No No No No No.

LOL - I hear you already. Like I said. Call it whatever you want. I oppose it for what it is, not the label attached to it.

So you want a health insurance company's CEO to be in charge of your healthcare.

Nope. Insurance companies can't pass laws or have me arrested. I can tell them to piss off whenever I like. Do you really NOT understand that difference?
Are there unicorns in your very own reality too?

Because Medicare for all provides for the common defense, against heart disease, diabetes, cancers, and transmittable diseases; thus it promotes the general welfare.

Because early detection is many times curable, less expensive to treat and cost effective.

Preventative medicine has a cost benefit, to the end user and the community in which they live and when in close quarters on public transportation, on elevators and in movie theaters, restaurants and in office / schools and gun shows.

You've used that one already? What's the matter - running out of Talking Points?


Maybe you two should get together and reminisce about your college days, smoking pot and listening to Snoop Dog...before he started making records.


The pot smoked in the late 60's and early 70's was not the pot of today, and the tunes when I was an undergrad were belted out by Janice and Grace, classic rock and antiwar lyrics, in the summer of love.

In fact in 1968 the jukebox in the enlisted men's club at 32nd St. in San Diego played two songs over and over: White Rabbit and Sky Pilot.

That was long ago, and never could I have imagined the Summer of 2010, and on going for 8 years we would have winter, springs summers and falls of hate.
Defending the pot smoking liar....good for you.


Refer Madness!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ask any street cop if they would rather deal with a stoner or a drunk. 99% will choose the pot smoker, the 1% are drunks.

And absolutely 100% would rather deal with someone who just isn't intoxicated, and not causing problems.
so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

The subject is single payer...not medicare.

With Medicare, you have a choice. With Single payer, you do not.

Under Single Payer (like in the UK), every, single doctor is a government employee. So every, single surgery performed is 'owned' by the government as they 'own' the hospital, all the equipment and employee all the nurses, doctors, specialists, staff, paper pushers...everyone. They decide the costs, charges, who pays and when.
And since virtually no other private healthcare is allowed, that means the government has a complete monopoly on almost all medical treatments.

Of course it is socialism.

Jesus Christ. get a fucking education.

Medicare IS single payer.

You are so fucking stupid that you do npo know what single payer is.

LOL...it is you who is clueless on this. And what are you freaking out about? It's just a conversation...get a grip.

'Single-payer healthcare is a type of universal healthcare[1] financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer').'

Single-payer healthcare - Wikipedia

Medicare is optional. No one HAS to be on it...they can opt for private healthcare instead. And it is insurance...not an entire, medical system (which single-payer is).

Single payer means you have NO OPTIONS. You cannot opt for private healthcare because little/none exists.

In Canada, for example, if you need a pacemaker? A heart bypass? A hip replacement? There is only one place to get it...from the government healthcare. It is illegal in Canada (which has single payer) to have these operations from the private sector. Flat out illegal.

THAT is single payer...you have few/no choices.

And that IS socialism...BY DEFINITION.

Whether you like it or not.
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so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

Sure it. It socializes health insurance, putting it under control of government.

But let's grant you your conceit. Let's say it isn't, according to your definition, "socialism". It doesn't change a single thing about why I don't like it. It's still giving government way too much power. It's still putting Donald Trump in charge of my family's health insurance and that's something I'll fight hard to avoid.

No it is not socialism. No NO NO NO No No No No No No No.

Under single payer, you choose your doctor. You choose the fscilities

You choose the treatment.

Single payer only refers to who pays.

You assfucks told the same lie about the ACA.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Sorry pal, I lived in Canada for years. You do NOT choose your doctor - except your GP AND ONLY if they are taking new patients (which they usually are not). If you go to a new town/city in Canada, you usually have to call around all over the place until you find a GP taking new patients. Or sometimes there are walk-in clinics. But that is it.
And if you hate your GP and there are no others available...you are stuck with them (unless you want to go to emergency for an infection...and wait 15 hours to see a doctor).

'In B.C., about 700,000 people, or 15 per cent of the population, have no family doctor.'

We're graduating more doctors than ever, so why is it so hard to find a GP? | CBC News
Canada's Doctor Shortage Worsening | The Canadian Encyclopedia

And if you need a specialist, you have almost no choose who you get in some provinces. You go to your GP, they pick the specialist and they give you a referral. If you ask for Joe Blow and your GP says 'no, I am sending you to Joe Black'. You have NO CHOICE...you have to go to Joe Black or to no one.
And you do NOT choose the treatment - unless they give you options. and you DEFINITELY can NOT choose the facility (what nonsense). If the specialist works out of Hospital 'a'? Then that is where you go for your operation. NO CHOICE (unless you want to go back to your GP, try and get another referral, wait for weeks/months to see the specialist and then hope they work in a different hospital).

In many (all?) provinces, without that referral, you CANNOT go to a specialist.

And ALL of the GP's and almost all of the specialists are paid by the government...they are not allowed to take any other money for medical work privately (unless it is cosmetic surgery and some minor things).

And wait times can be incredibly long.

Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2017 Report
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so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

The subject is single payer...not medicare.

With Medicare, you have a choice. With Single payer, you do not.

Under Single Payer (like in the UK), every, single doctor is a government employee. So every, single surgery performed is 'owned' by the government as they 'own' the hospital, all the equipment and employee all the nurses, doctors, specialists, staff, paper pushers...everyone. They decide the costs, charges, who pays and when.
And since virtually no other private healthcare is allowed, that means the government has a complete monopoly on almost all medical treatments.

Of course it is socialism.

Jesus Christ. get a fucking education.

Medicare IS single payer.

You are so fucking stupid that you do npo know what single payer is.

LOL...it is you who is clueless on this. And what are you freaking out about? It's just a conversation...get a grip.

'Single-payer healthcare is a type of universal healthcare[1] financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer').'

Single-payer healthcare - Wikipedia

Medicare is optional. No one HAS to be on it...they can opt for private healthcare instead. And it is insurance...not an entire, medical system (which single-payer is).

Single payer means you have NO OPTIONS. You cannot opt for private healthcare because little/none exists.

In Canada, for example, if you need a pacemaker? A heart bypass? A hip replacement? There is only one place to get it...from the government healthcare. It is illegal in Canada (which has single payer) to have these operations from the private sector. Flat out illegal.

THAT is single payer...you have few/no choices.

And that IS socialism...BY DEFINITION.

Whether you like it or not.

That maybe how Canada wrote the law, that doesn't mean medicare for all needs to be the only choice in our country.

Consider it to be one alternative to many. Isn't competition a necessary component to keep costs down?
so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

The subject is single payer...not medicare.

With Medicare, you have a choice. With Single payer, you do not.

Under Single Payer (like in the UK), every, single doctor is a government employee. So every, single surgery performed is 'owned' by the government as they 'own' the hospital, all the equipment and employee all the nurses, doctors, specialists, staff, paper pushers...everyone. They decide the costs, charges, who pays and when.
And since virtually no other private healthcare is allowed, that means the government has a complete monopoly on almost all medical treatments.

Of course it is socialism.

Jesus Christ. get a fucking education.

Medicare IS single payer.

You are so fucking stupid that you do npo know what single payer is.

LOL...it is you who is clueless on this. And what are you freaking out about? It's just a conversation...get a grip.

'Single-payer healthcare is a type of universal healthcare[1] financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer').'

Single-payer healthcare - Wikipedia

Medicare is optional. No one HAS to be on it...they can opt for private healthcare instead. And it is insurance...not an entire, medical system (which single-payer is).

Single payer means you have NO OPTIONS. You cannot opt for private healthcare because little/none exists.

In Canada, for example, if you need a pacemaker? A heart bypass? A hip replacement? There is only one place to get it...from the government healthcare. It is illegal in Canada (which has single payer) to have these operations from the private sector. Flat out illegal.

THAT is single payer...you have few/no choices.

And that IS socialism...BY DEFINITION.

Whether you like it or not.

That maybe how Canada wrote the law, that doesn't mean medicare for all needs to be the only choice in our country.

Consider it to be one alternative to many. Isn't competition a necessary component to keep costs down?

Agreed...competition is VERY good for keeping costs down.

But Medicare for All IS single-payer/universal healthcare.

'While it’s called Medicare-for-all, the system that’s being proposed by some Democrats as an alternative to the ACA is actually known as a single-payer healthcare system, and it’s different in structure from Medicare. In fact, Medicaid would be a better example. Under Medicare, private companies sell health insurance products, and seniors have a wide range of choices when signing up for coverage.

That’s not the case with single-payer. Per the Physicians for a National Health Program, “all residents of the U.S. would be covered for all medically necessary services” under a single-payer system. This system would be administered by the federal government from a financing standpoint, but delivery of care would be left to private entities.'

What Does "Medicare for All" Mean? - HealthNetwork Blog

That means that although there are private doctors and the like. They can ONLY charge what the government tells them they can charge AND only the government can pay them.
So the government would control the healthcare system...almost completely.

Not much competition there.

I am for dual payer. Government healthcare for those who need it. And anyone who doesn't want it can opt out and go to a private healthcare facility.
You cannot do that under most single payer systems (except for minor/cosmetic surgeries).
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so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

Sure it. It socializes health insurance, putting it under control of government.

But let's grant you your conceit. Let's say it isn't, according to your definition, "socialism". It doesn't change a single thing about why I don't like it. It's still giving government way too much power. It's still putting Donald Trump in charge of my family's health insurance and that's something I'll fight hard to avoid.

No it is not socialism. No NO NO NO No No No No No No No.

LOL - I hear you already. Like I said. Call it whatever you want. I oppose it for what it is, not the label attached to it.

So you want a health insurance company's CEO to be in charge of your healthcare.

I'm always baffled that you think this is an argument.

"So you want a politician, and their political lobbying groups, to be in charge of your healthcare?"

The difference between my statement, and your statement, is that mine is actually accurate, while yours is mythology.

I have been to a doctor when I didn't have insurance. I've been to a hospital without insurance.

Both times, I got something called a "bill". I then paid the "bill".

What insurance CEO has control over my health care?

That isn't a valid complaint. People who have insurance, choose to have insurance, because they value the service provided by the insurance company. You don't have to have insurance. You can choose to not have insurance, and just pay the bill yourself.

And quite frankly, if you think government politicians are going to take care of you... you are crazy.

AOC has been caught funneling money to her lover, through corrupt transactions. You think she is going to take care of you?

Reminds me of the MP up in Canada, getting cancer, and flying to the US for care, on tax payer dollars. She's taking care of herself... not the public. While people are dying on 3 year long waiting lists in Canada, she's using their tax dollars to fly to the US to get good care.

Or Castro in Cuba, not using the garbage Cuban health care system, but hiring a private doctor, and flying him and his medical equipment, to personally service Castro alone... while the average Cuban can't even get Aspirin.

You people seem completely detached from reality. You live in this mythical fairy land, where elitist in Washington, who have never worked a full days wage in their life... are going to take care of you?

Please.... if I have to choose, I'll take a CEO who has provided a service to millions of people, over a 1970s socialist mummy who was kicked out of his own commune, because he was too lazy.

Absolutely, I'll take the CEO. You can have your VA Hospital waiting list, and pray the politicians fix your life. We'll see who ends up better off.

Why the Mayo Clinic is refusing to see Medicare patients

I'll go to the Mayo clinic, and get top quality care. You can go to your medicare approved doctor, and we'll see who is better off.

One of my co-workers needed hand surgery, didn't want to pay for it, went through the government, and that doctor screwed up her hand so badly, she never came back to work.

My father who is a career painter and water color artist, had the same surgery though a private doctor, and it was expensive, and now he can paint again.

Yeah, let's see who ends up better off.

VA: Secret waiting list delayed care for 87 veterans in 2017

Good luck with that.
so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \

Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods'

Definition of SOCIALISM

As Don't Taz Me Bro rightly said...single payer healthcare is THE VERY definition of socialism.

It is clear that progressives generally appear to be in DEEP denial about the actual definition of socialism.

So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

Sure it. It socializes health insurance, putting it under control of government.

But let's grant you your conceit. Let's say it isn't, according to your definition, "socialism". It doesn't change a single thing about why I don't like it. It's still giving government way too much power. It's still putting Donald Trump in charge of my family's health insurance and that's something I'll fight hard to avoid.
Right! It was oh so much better when the insurers were in control !
That isn't a valid complaint. People who have insurance, choose to have insurance, because they value the service provided by the insurance company. You don't have to have insurance. You can choose to not have insurance, and just pay the bill yourself.
I can only say that I hope that you never get really sick, and if you do that you have amassed enormous wealth. I had back surgury last year to the tune of $200k plus. My choices were to have the surgury or live the rest of my like in a wheel chair. This year my wife had eye surgury, Her choice was to have the surgury or no longer be able to drive or do her artwork. I have no idea what that costs. I and most others could not afford that. Your contention that people who think that they need insurance are out of touch with reality is beyond absurd.
Right! It was oh so much better when the insurers were in control !

They're not though. Except via their manipulation of the regulatory state, insurance companies have no power to force us to buy their product. This is the glaring fact that statists will never acknowledge. Why not??
So, what does the government own? Medicare does not manage patient care, where to getg care, how the care is given. It just pays the bill under a set of rules.

Medicare is NOT socialism.

Sure it. It socializes health insurance, putting it under control of government.

But let's grant you your conceit. Let's say it isn't, according to your definition, "socialism". It doesn't change a single thing about why I don't like it. It's still giving government way too much power. It's still putting Donald Trump in charge of my family's health insurance and that's something I'll fight hard to avoid.

No it is not socialism. No NO NO NO No No No No No No No.

LOL - I hear you already. Like I said. Call it whatever you want. I oppose it for what it is, not the label attached to it.

So you want a health insurance company's CEO to be in charge of your healthcare.

I'm always baffled that you think this is an argument.

"So you want a politician, and their political lobbying groups, to be in charge of your healthcare?"

The difference between my statement, and your statement, is that mine is actually accurate, while yours is mythology.

I have been to a doctor when I didn't have insurance. I've been to a hospital without insurance.

Both times, I got something called a "bill". I then paid the "bill".

What insurance CEO has control over my health care?

That isn't a valid complaint. People who have insurance, choose to have insurance, because they value the service provided by the insurance company. You don't have to have insurance. You can choose to not have insurance, and just pay the bill yourself.

And quite frankly, if you think government politicians are going to take care of you... you are crazy.

AOC has been caught funneling money to her lover, through corrupt transactions. You think she is going to take care of you?

Reminds me of the MP up in Canada, getting cancer, and flying to the US for care, on tax payer dollars. She's taking care of herself... not the public. While people are dying on 3 year long waiting lists in Canada, she's using their tax dollars to fly to the US to get good care.

Or Castro in Cuba, not using the garbage Cuban health care system, but hiring a private doctor, and flying him and his medical equipment, to personally service Castro alone... while the average Cuban can't even get Aspirin.

You people seem completely detached from reality. You live in this mythical fairy land, where elitist in Washington, who have never worked a full days wage in their life... are going to take care of you?

Please.... if I have to choose, I'll take a CEO who has provided a service to millions of people, over a 1970s socialist mummy who was kicked out of his own commune, because he was too lazy.

Absolutely, I'll take the CEO. You can have your VA Hospital waiting list, and pray the politicians fix your life. We'll see who ends up better off.

Why the Mayo Clinic is refusing to see Medicare patients

I'll go to the Mayo clinic, and get top quality care. You can go to your medicare approved doctor, and we'll see who is better off.

One of my co-workers needed hand surgery, didn't want to pay for it, went through the government, and that doctor screwed up her hand so badly, she never came back to work.

My father who is a career painter and water color artist, had the same surgery though a private doctor, and it was expensive, and now he can paint again.

Yeah, let's see who ends up better off.

VA: Secret waiting list delayed care for 87 veterans in 2017

Good luck with that.

The VA hospitals were government run. Under single payer hospitals are private run.

Got any other stupid excuse?

Medicare is more efficiennt that insurance companies.
"Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) on Tuesday defended her support for “Medicare for all,” saying it is not a socialist idea.

"No, no. It’s about providing health care to all people," Harris said"


Kamala Harris is embarrassing herself while proving although she cal lie her ass off about Democrat Health Care BS she is still no Barak Obama...


Harris: 'Medicare for all' is not socialism

At least Ted Kennedy had the integrity to admit it was "socialized medicine".
Single payer is not even at all similar to socialism.
Single payer is just collective bargaining.
You have only one entity that negotiates with health care providers, in order to get the best possible rates.
Whether or not you personally then have to reimburse the single payer, or it is done collectively through the pooled risk taxes of others, is up to the people to decide.
The fact it is single payer does not at all decide if it is socialism or not.
Single payer only sets the rates for standard procedures and that you will not be denied care, not whether or not you still have to pay up individually, after the fact.
It just gets rid of prepaying to a third party.
Both of which everyone should want to get rid of.
Prepaying anything means you lose any control over access, quality, or costs.
Third party means you lose even more control over access, quality, or costs.
Having the government set healthcare rates and administer what amounts to government run health insurance is vastly better than private, because you get to vote for your government.
You do not get to vote for any private health insurance practices at all.
And it is not like you can just go do a different vendor because private health insurance companies price fix, are exempt from trust busting legislation, and force you to prepay, thus eliminating any ability of you to influence access, quality, or cost.

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