Kamala Harris Draws Blood At Senate Hearing

You don't even have enough guts to quote my entire post.
I only quote the parts to which I directly respond. Anyone can scroll up 3 inches and read your entire post, if they want to kill a few more brain cells.
Typically totalitarian censorship.
Haha, you're being a total freak...
I'm freaking your leftist cowardice.
Hey look, the crybaby whining that he doesn't care is still here.

Now, son,make sure you follow every single detail of these events you don't care about, umkay?
Barr decided that the evidence did not rise to the level of prosecutable obstruction. Didn't he?

It would have been good had he actually taken a look at the evidence, no? He even claimed, "We concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense."

That's almost comical, considering he hadn't seen any of the evidence Mueller developed.
I thought I remembered something about obstruction of justice needing to involve purposely obstructing an investigation. Which means the investigator would need to know the person's mind at the time. I thought the final determination was that they didn't know if Trump was doing this to obstruct justice or just running his mouth per usual.
Which means the investigator would need to know the person's mind at the time.
Not necessarily. A pattern of behavior can be established that demonstrates corrupt intent. The court does not need a recoding of the suspect saying, "i want to obstruct the investigation" to determine this corrupt intent. Though, we have that with trump. On national television.
HIS OWN findings.
Which were decided before he read the report and without any review of the evidence.

That was unethical, dishonest, and an error.

I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. Were you hiding under the table again?
Haha, that is so stupid. So, something would have been different if i had been there, instead of watching the live feed or reading the transcript? Somebody's deeeesperate.....
Are you people stupid or something?
So Barr, himself, was supposed to verify the entire investigation before issuing a summary??

He should at least have looked at the evidence before declaring there was no obstruction. No?

Mueller didn't say there was no obstruction.
I love our shark extraordinaire Kamala Harris, but I'm not sure the point she was making is actually an important one.
Barr read what Mueller said about the evidence, since that was Mueller's job. To look at the evidence and report on it. I did not need oxygen when Barr said he hadn't read the underlying evidence himself, because Mueller already did and he put it all in the report. Harris wanted to make it sound as if Barr had done some extraordinarily godawful thing, but I wonder if he actually did anything at all out of the ordinary. A thorough investigative report is supposed to provide what you need to know. Barr trusted Mueller to do that. Apparently, Kamala doesn't.
Well said.
And I for one appreciate your willingness to set aside opinion in favor of fact. Too rare indeed on both sides.
In my opinion she was grandstanding. It was a question for the spectators and not the witness.

As a retired legal professional, I strongly disagree with that assessment. Every single time I gave my report to my superior, he/she reviewed every single piece of evidence that underpinned it. Lawyers notoriously NEVER take anyone’s word for anything because it’s THEIR reputation and THEIR license to practice that’s on the line if I’ve missed something or worse, if I’ve cut any corners in my due diligence.

Lawyers are the worst people in the world to work for because they don’t trust anyone, even the worst hacks among them.

Barr didn’t bother to read the evidence because he had every intention of clearing Trump if obstruction. Barr doesn’t believe ANY President can be guilty of obstruction, and further, he wrongly fully believes that if there is no underlying crime, the can’t possibly be obstruction.

If Paul Manafort wasn’t counting on that promised pardon, would he have cooperated more fully? Would Jerome Corsi?
Are you people stupid or something?
So Barr, himself, was supposed to verify the entire investigation before issuing a summary??

He should at least have looked at the evidence before declaring there was no obstruction. No?

Mueller didn't say there was no obstruction.
I love our shark extraordinaire Kamala Harris, but I'm not sure the point she was making is actually an important one.
Barr read what Mueller said about the evidence, since that was Mueller's job. To look at the evidence and report on it. I did not need oxygen when Barr said he hadn't read the underlying evidence himself, because Mueller already did and he put it all in the report. Harris wanted to make it sound as if Barr had done some extraordinarily godawful thing, but I wonder if he actually did anything at all out of the ordinary. A thorough investigative report is supposed to provide what you need to know. Barr trusted Mueller to do that. Apparently, Kamala doesn't.
Well said.
And I for one appreciate your willingness to set aside opinion in favor of fact. Too rare indeed on both sides.
In my opinion she was grandstanding. It was a question for the spectators and not the witness.

As a retired legal professional, I strongly disagree with that assessment. Every single time I gave my report to my superior, he/she reviewed every single piece of evidence that underpinned it. Lawyers notoriously NEVER take anyone’s word for anything because it’s THEIR reputation and THEIR license to practice that’s on the line if I’ve missed something or worse, if I’ve cut any corners in my due diligence.

Lawyers are the worst people in the world to work for because they don’t trust anyone, even the worst hacks among them.

Barr didn’t bother to read the evidence because he had every intention of clearing Trump if obstruction. Barr doesn’t believe ANY President can be guilty of obstruction, and further, he wrongly fully believes that if there is no underlying crime, the can’t possibly be obstruction.

If Paul Manafort wasn’t counting on that promised pardon, would he have cooperated more fully? Would Jerome Corsi?
There were 1.2 million pages of Mueller's findings, madam. It would take two years to validate every single word on each of those pages.

The Democrats aren't playing with all their cards on top of the table.

And Nancy Pelosi isn't playing with a full deck, either.

President Trump learned his lesson. From now on those Creepy Congressional Democrats have to play nice or they won't get any more chances to get freebie shots and information. Because Trump doesn't need to learn the same lesson twice. His decisions are gold.

And Hillary is going to have Hell to pay for colluding with the Russians. This time, she doesn't get to go home after the trial.
Are you people stupid or something?
So Barr, himself, was supposed to verify the entire investigation before issuing a summary??

He should at least have looked at the evidence before declaring there was no obstruction. No?

Mueller didn't say there was no obstruction.
I love our shark extraordinaire Kamala Harris, but I'm not sure the point she was making is actually an important one.
Barr read what Mueller said about the evidence, since that was Mueller's job. To look at the evidence and report on it. I did not need oxygen when Barr said he hadn't read the underlying evidence himself, because Mueller already did and he put it all in the report. Harris wanted to make it sound as if Barr had done some extraordinarily godawful thing, but I wonder if he actually did anything at all out of the ordinary. A thorough investigative report is supposed to provide what you need to know. Barr trusted Mueller to do that. Apparently, Kamala doesn't.
Well said.
And I for one appreciate your willingness to set aside opinion in favor of fact. Too rare indeed on both sides.
In my opinion she was grandstanding. It was a question for the spectators and not the witness.

As a retired legal professional, I strongly disagree with that assessment. Every single time I gave my report to my superior, he/she reviewed every single piece of evidence that underpinned it. Lawyers notoriously NEVER take anyone’s word for anything because it’s THEIR reputation and THEIR license to practice that’s on the line if I’ve missed something or worse, if I’ve cut any corners in my due diligence.

Lawyers are the worst people in the world to work for because they don’t trust anyone, even the worst hacks among them.

Barr didn’t bother to read the evidence because he had every intention of clearing Trump if obstruction. Barr doesn’t believe ANY President can be guilty of obstruction, and further, he wrongly fully believes that if there is no underlying crime, the can’t possibly be obstruction.

If Paul Manafort wasn’t counting on that promised pardon, would he have cooperated more fully? Would Jerome Corsi?
Huh? How can somebody be cleared of something they aren't charged with? You people are delusional. Your TDS will be your downfall.
BTW, there was no crime. Just made up horseshit.
Another world-class moron who can't but advertise his idiocy and ignorance, but wisely chose to laugh at it.

What the fuck is this shit supposed to mean?

Did Barr not reach the same conclusions as Mueller? How are they different?

Be specific, you miserable ****. Don't just throw out generalities. Otherwise, go fuck yourself.

Did Barr not reach the same conclusions as Mueller? How are they different?

What a dope.

Of course they're different. WTF do you think Mueller reached out to Barr four seperate times to correct the record?

Read the report!
BTW, there was no crime.
Sure there was. Obstruction of justice.
Well, Hillary did obstruct when she destroyed 30 thousand emails. But this thread isn't about her.
Oh, but sir, when you cut to the chase, this is ALL about Hillary Clinton's collusion with the Russians projected off on President Trump. She's at the bottom of every fiasco for every day President Trump has been the President, and she's goin' down, baby.
Kamala tried to make an issue out of Barr not looking at the "evidence". Barr said he accepted the Mueller report as written. If Barr went thru all of the evidence himself it would take years. Barr won the day, the dems made no points, Lindsay Graham said "case closed, its over". The senate is done with the Mueller witch hunt, and now wants to investigate the investigators.

Barr said he accepted the Mueller report as written

Great. He just didn't present it that way.

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