Kamala Harris Has the Lowest Approval Rating of a First Year VP in Over 30 Years. Wow.

Yep. I guess not even Dims like Kamala. Go figure, right? The only first year VP with a lower approval rating was Al Gore back in 1993. When you're competing with Al Gore for least popular you know you've hit rock bottom.

Key Quote: "In the latest survey, pollster Bill McInturff pointed out her low positive rating, at 37%, and tweeted this morning, “VP Harris has lowest feeling thermometer of any first year VP going back to Gore in 1993 with an unprecedented ‘very negative’ rating on @NBCNews survey tracking.”

The survey put her positive rating below former Vice Presidents Al Gore, Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence."

Is this who the Dims are counting on once Biden is shown the door? Discuss.

Are those the same polls that said Hillary would win in a landslide?

Regardless, it matters not how low her polls go, the fact that she ranked as least popular VP means .....

Trump is not president.

She's a uniquely bad candidate.

That's why she was polling at 3% in the polls when she dropped out of the Democratic primaries.

To her credit, she called Biden, and I'm paraphrasing here, a racist and a creepy pervert who touches young girls in very inappropriate ways and is likely a pedophile as well

How much did you pay Toro for this account?
I agree and on has to wonder why he chose her. Tulsi Gabbard would have been a much better choice. Of course Gabbard doesn't take shit from anyone. So maybe that why the stuttering fuck chose dipshit. Bad choice.
Did you Moon Bats hear what the stupid bitch did in Vietnam?

The filthy ass Communists put up a memorial bragging about shooting down John McCain.

The stupid bitch put flowers on the memorial thinking it was a tribute to McCain.

You can't invent stupid like that.

Hanoi Kamala

She laid flowers at a monument commemorating the shooting down of an American pilot. It’s not a memorial to John McCain lol https://t.co/uDR3USjyee

Raheem J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) August 25, 2021

Its not a memorial. This is the translation of it- "26 October, 1967, on Truc Back lake, Hanoi people and army caught alive John MacCain - Mayor of the US Navy.

He drove an A4 aircraft which was shot here, right above the Yen Phu Power Plant."

You should take a look at your boy Bidumb.

He's the biggest fuck up since Carter.

What a fuck up he is. Someone will have to clean up the mess he will leave and I'd bet it will be Trump who know how to get shit done.

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