Kamala Harris: "I am NOT a Democratic Socialist"

Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Do you think she needs to define it?
Yes, since everyone seems to have a different definition of the term.

I don't know if we're actually interested in constructive conversation, but agreeing on definitions is usually a prerequisite.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
We allege to subscribe to Capitalism; but it is public policy to not care about losing money on public policy.
Many Democrats don't want us to know what they really are. That's why they talk like this.
They're hiding their real agenda from us.
oh i don't think they're hiding it anymore. they're flat out doing it and just saying "no that's what what i'm doing" as they do it anyway.
They're still hiding the worst of it.
given what they show - that's the scary part.
Bernie Sanders said yesterday that Trump was the biggest threat in US history.....which means that Socialism is the biggest threat. One of their tactics is accuse their opponent of that which they are guilty of.
the biggest threat in our history is us.

our constant desire to hate the other side and feed that hate at all expenses. we are literally ripping the floor out from under us and don't seem to realize it.
Another commie propaganda tactic.
Accuse the victim of bigotry because they spotted a fraud perpetrated by communists.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Do you think she needs to define it?
Yes, since everyone seems to have a different definition of the term.

I don't know if we're actually interested in constructive conversation, but agreeing on definitions is usually a prerequisite.

Her denial is a lie.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Do you think she needs to define it?
Yes, since everyone seems to have a different definition of the term.

I don't know if we're actually interested in constructive conversation, but agreeing on definitions is usually a prerequisite.

Unfortunately, it's impossible due to very broad number of factors and even disagreement about it from Political Science nerds.

I don't think saying "ultimately you will get Venezuela" is inaccurate. Certainly not wholly inaccurate. It's funny, just a few years ago it was Canada who was reaping praise on Venezuela. Canada has always embraced Cuba, even our former Neo-Con leader Harper. What is so endearing about living in Cuba? A nation where countless numbers have fled at the first chance.

Whether people believe Scandinavian socialism is "different". Chinese, Canadian or the like, in the end, without major subsidizing by capitalist nations like American; you will eventually find yourself in Venezuela. It's inevitable.

I don't understand why anyone believes government can do it better than those risking their own capital. Nor do I understand why anyone thinks the corruption level wouldn't be sky high. Canada has some of the worst enforcement of bribery and corruption, this isn't by accident.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

I agree and I can hardly wait to watch the Dem hopefuls and their run at the Presidency.

I'm sure I will LMAO.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.
Democratic Socialism isn't a real label. It's total hogwash because socialism isn't democratic anyway. So if she says she isn't one....that doesn't mean she isn't a socialist or even a communist. She's a Crony Capitalist with Communist leanings.

That's a fairly accurate description actually. I often use the term "neo-socialist" of late to describe the new breed of socialist. It's changed, but as Canada proves, it's more devious and disguised than it used to be.

Socialists gain power while denying what they are. It’s the only way.
Technically is a criminal conspiracy to commit fraud. But then there's some who claim we are just as guilty because we have open minds and can see it for what it is.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Do you think she needs to define it?
Yes, since everyone seems to have a different definition of the term.

I don't know if we're actually interested in constructive conversation, but agreeing on definitions is usually a prerequisite.

Her denial is a lie.
is National Capitalist, better?
I can hardly wait to watch the Dem hopefuls and their run at the Presidency.
The potential problem for the GOP is the fact that the word "socialism" no longer scares people like it used to, in part because the Right has over-used and diluted the term to mean pretty much anything. Or nothing.

At some point in the near future, the Right will have to do more than mock and attack and scream SOCIALISM and VENEZUELA. The optimum level of government is a question that will have be addressed intelligently and honestly.
the right wing merely alleges to subscribe to our Constitution and Capitalism.

they don't care about natural rights except in abortion threads; and they don't care about capitalism if they can use socialism on a national basis, instead.
I can hardly wait to watch the Dem hopefuls and their run at the Presidency.
The potential problem for the GOP is the fact that the word "socialism" no longer scares people like it used to, in part because the Right has over-used and diluted the term to mean pretty much anything. Or nothing.

At some point in the near future, the Right will have to do more than mock and attack and scream SOCIALISM and VENEZUELA. The optimum level of government is a question that will have be addressed intelligently and honestly.

You are right there but the Green Crap AOC is pushing would bankrupt the country is it was ever implemented.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that and if it ain't socialist I'll eat your shoes. LOL
I can hardly wait to watch the Dem hopefuls and their run at the Presidency.
The potential problem for the GOP is the fact that the word "socialism" no longer scares people like it used to, in part because the Right has over-used and diluted the term to mean pretty much anything. Or nothing.

At some point in the near future, the Right will have to do more than mock and attack and scream SOCIALISM and VENEZUELA. The optimum level of government is a question that will have be addressed intelligently and honestly.

You are right there but the Green Crap AOC is pushing would bankrupt the country is it was ever implemented.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that and if it ain't socialist I'll eat your shoes. LOL
simply being "Chicken Littles" and proclaiming we need Government to solve all problems, is too expensive, right wingers.
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Kamala already endorse the Green New Deal as well as the claims of Jussie Smollett.

She really isn't believable if she says she isn't a socialist.

Really? I thought she was just a whore who slept her way to the top! She could probably get more votes if she simply embraced that truth about herself!
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Kamala already endorse the Green New Deal as well as the claims of Jussie Smollett.

She really isn't believable if she says she isn't a socialist.

Really? I thought she was just a whore who slept her way to the top! She could probably get more votes if she simply embraced that truth about herself!
nobody takes deniers seriously.
I have to agree with her.

She's quite a ways to the left of that.
infrastructure should be a priority; how much "heavy industry" can put underground to free up greenspace and the environment?

Heavy Industry has to be put above ground, at least part of it. The smoke stacks are a necessity as they disperse the particulates into the stratosphere.

If you had a fully underground steel mill or chemical plant, it wouldn't work out. The emissions would have no place to go and the workers would become asphyxiated.
I have to agree with her.

She's quite a ways to the left of that.
infrastructure should be a priority; how much "heavy industry" can put underground to free up greenspace and the environment?

Heavy Industry has to be put above ground, at least part of it. The smoke stacks are a necessity as they disperse the particulates into the stratosphere.

If you had a fully underground steel mill or chemical plant, it wouldn't work out. The emissions would have no place to go and the workers would become asphyxiated.
Placing it underground means it would have to "recycled" underground with existing or newer technologies. Industrial waste management should be a Government concern.

A hypothetical borehole could be "deep enough so that we don't have to care if nuclear fuels gets hot enough to melt down to the core to get 'recycled'".
Okay, this will be interesting.

Sen. Kamala Harris: ‘I Am Not a Democratic Socialist’

Whereas GOP lines were drawn between the Trumpsters and Never Trumpsters in 2016, it looks like Democratic candidates may have to clarify where they are on this issue.

It will be fascinating to watch, and hopefully some real definitions of the term will surface as a result of the attention it will be given. For a change.

Kamala already endorse the Green New Deal as well as the claims of Jussie Smollett.

She really isn't believable if she says she isn't a socialist.

Really? I thought she was just a whore who slept her way to the top! She could probably get more votes if she simply embraced that truth about herself!
nobody takes deniers seriously.
Corey Booker today spouted that Newark is much greener since he was mayor. But the slums are much bloodier.
"Democratic" socialism cannot change the poison pill of socialism . Pouring sugar on a turd doesn't change the essential qualities of the turd.

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