Kamala Harris is the Open Borders Queen and is Left of Bernie Sanders.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Yes, she cackles like a nervous high school girl. Yes she says things that would embarrass the mentally challenged. But what REALLY MATTERS over the next 3 months is focusing her record as a Senator and VP. Period. She is a straight up Socialist. She wants to "examine" 50 percent plus tax brackets. She has bashed law enforcement and border patrol as systemically racist. She wants to "re-imagine the Police". She wants health care for every illegal immigrant.

As I often say YOU ARE WHAT YOUR RECORD SAYS YOU ARE. Make sure you BURDEN Kamala Harris with exactly what she has said and done in her roles as Senator and VP. That is what is important now. The Democrats are embarking on the greatest gaslighting campaign ever conducted. They will try and transform Kamala into Saint Kamala and the second coming of Jesus. Don't fall for it, we need Americans to start thinking and stop reacting. This election is a tipping point for the country and look who the Democrats put up to lead America and the Free World. The Socialist Open Borders Queen.
Yes, she cackles like a nervous high school girl. Yes she says things that would embarrass the mentally challenged. But what REALLY MATTERS over the next 3 months is focusing her record as a Senator and VP. Period. She is a straight up Socialist. She wants to "examine" 50 percent plus tax brackets. She has bashed law enforcement and border patrol as systemically racist. She wants to "re-imagine the Police". She wants health care for every illegal immigrant.

As I often say YOU ARE WHAT YOUR RECORD SAYS YOU ARE. Make sure you BURDEN Kamala Harris with exactly what she has said and done in her roles as Senator and VP. That is what is important now. The Democrats are embarking on the greatest gaslighting campaign ever conducted. They will try and transform Kamala into Saint Kamala and the second coming of Jesus. Don't fall for it, we need Americans to start thinking and stop reacting. This election is a tipping point for the country and look who the Democrats put up to lead America and the Free World. The Socialist Open Borders Queen.
…and Trump is a Nazi. So, where do we go from here?
…and Trump is a Nazi. So, where do we go from here?

You are welcome to move to Cuba.

The rest of us will stay and deal with the fact that in a country of 330,000,000 people, we just ran off the most power Celery Stalk in the world and now have a choice between two people who seem to be about as useful as tuna in jello.
You are welcome to move to Cuba.

The rest of us will stay and deal with the fact that in a country of 330,000,000 people, we just ran off the most power Celery Stalk in the world and now have a choice between two people who seem to be about as useful as tuna in jello.
Speak for yourself, retard. We are happy with our choices. Thoughts and prayers.
And that is a statement worth remembering.

And a firm data point in the argument that our education system sucks.
Well, sorry to hear your school sucked. Is that your excuse for turning out to be a retard? Again, thoughts and prayers.
Comprehension just doesn't seem to be in your arsenal.

Bummer. I hope you got your money back.
Let me guess… you were homeschooled and then ended up at Trump U? Yeah, I can see why you are so angry at the world.

And it didn’t help that you started out as a retard. :itsok:
Let me guess… you were homeschooled and then ended up at Trump U? Yeah, I can see why you are so angry at the world.

And it didn’t help that you started out as a retard. :itsok:

Well, you guessed wrong....twice. So, your conclusion as to what you "see" has no basis.

You are batting 1000.

You seem to enjoy the term retard. Did you hear that a lot as a child ?
Well, you guessed wrong....twice. So, your conclusion as to what you "see" has no basis.

You are batting 1000.

You seem to enjoy the term retard. Did you hear that a lot as a child ?
Nah, just dealing with retards like you on this site. Let me know if you are still confused. I like helping out retards.
Nah, just dealing with retards like you on this site. Let me know if you are still confused. I like helping out retards.

Well, you can't help people who are smarter than you (and that would be anyone who is breathing and an active EEG). I am sure your fantasy will come true one day when they let you take care of someone who is breathing but has a flatlined EEG (like you).

Confused about what ? You are the one who can't stay in a conversation.
Well, sorry to hear your school sucked. Is that your excuse for turning out to be a retard? Again, thoughts and prayers.

So you equate a poor education with being a retard.


You know that blacks are the most poorly educated group there is in the U.S.

Do you routinely call black people retarded ?
Well, you can't help people who are smarter than you (and that would be anyone who is breathing and an active EEG). I am sure your fantasy will come true one day when they let you take care of someone who is breathing but has a flatlined EEG (like you).

Confused about what ? You are the one who can't stay in a conversation.
Sure, retard. I hear you. Life is tough when you start out as a retard. Thoughts and prayers.
Sure, retard. I hear you. Life is tough when you start out as a retard. Thoughts and prayers.

You should know. Somehow calling people retards (especially knowing they are superior to you) must give you some kind of dopamine lift.

Hope you enjoy your high. Flatliner.
They're trying to deny she was border czar...and trying to erase her most leftie status

The border crisis is where Harris presidential bid will crash. Failure to take the border situation serious and fix it. The dems can cannot wipe google clean of this border disaster. It may just be...

"How Lester Holt Took Down The Kamala Harris Presidency Way Back in 2021"

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She isn't left of anybody. She goes wherever she thinks there is an opportunity to be had.
Yes, she cackles like a nervous high school girl. Yes she says things that would embarrass the mentally challenged. But what REALLY MATTERS over the next 3 months is focusing her record as a Senator and VP. Period. She is a straight up Socialist. She wants to "examine" 50 percent plus tax brackets. She has bashed law enforcement and border patrol as systemically racist. She wants to "re-imagine the Police". She wants health care for every illegal immigrant.

As I often say YOU ARE WHAT YOUR RECORD SAYS YOU ARE. Make sure you BURDEN Kamala Harris with exactly what she has said and done in her roles as Senator and VP. That is what is important now. The Democrats are embarking on the greatest gaslighting campaign ever conducted. They will try and transform Kamala into Saint Kamala and the second coming of Jesus. Don't fall for it, we need Americans to start thinking and stop reacting. This election is a tipping point for the country and look who the Democrats put up to lead America and the Free World. The Socialist Open Borders Queen.

Absolutely she is. Let's look at the past history of Que Mala Harris:

Co-sponsored Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All Act

Sponsored a bill providing illegals with a right to legal representation

Introduced legislation to block the implementation of the Trump travel restrictions

Touted agreement at COP28 to phase out fossil fuels

Sponsored bill requiring DOJ to award grants to replace cash bail systems

Sponsored bill to advance the New Green Deal

Sponsored bill banning DHS from using federal funds to build / expand detention facilities

Said "We need to probably think about starting from scratch" when referring to ICE

Signed letter claiming Title 42 violated federal law

Sponsored bill requiring HHS to fund training to address racial bias in OBGYN practices

Sponsored bill allowing DHS to place minor illegal immigrants into the care of adult illegals

Sponsored bill to fully decriminalize marijuana

Sponsored bill expanding vote-by-mail and early in-person voting during the 2020 federal elections

Touted her role in delivering "the most ambitious climate agenda in history"

Sponsored bill funding bias and anti-racism training to reduce disparities in COVID response.

Sponsored bill ordering the Fed to interview at least one woman and one minority before the appointment of a president

Supported cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline

Expressed support for banning plastic straws

Sponsored bill awarding grants for the replacement of existing school buses with electric buses

Called Biden's record-high gas prices the "price to pay for democracy"

Supported reducing red meat consumption

As California AG, she sued the Obama Admin for allowing fracking off the CA coast

Endorsed "Defund the Police" activist Mandela Barnes for Senate in Wisconsin

Said it's "outdated, it is wrongheaded thinking to think" more police officers make communities safer

Called to "reimagine" the role of law enforcement

Praised LA Mayor Eric Garcetti's $150 million cut in police funding

Accused by San Francisco police officers of being slow to prosecute numerous murder suspects

Encouraged people to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund

Said "Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians"

Nodded along as student accused Israel of "ethnic genocide" in 2021 and then said "your truth cannot be suppressed"

Skipped Netanyahu's address at the Capitol

Supports single-payer universal healthcare

Co-sponsored legislation banning offshore drilling

Pushed the White House to be more sympathetic to Palestinians, according to reports

Supported a potentially $807 billion legislation that would provide tuition-free college to students nationwide

Co-sponsored the Background Check Expansion Act

Supports an assault weapons ban

Called the border wall a "waste of money"

Backed publicly-funded healthcare for illegals

Voted against the FY2019 NDAA

Opposed treating illegals as criminals

Said "We should have that conversation" when asked if people in prison should be allowed to vote

Was previously rated by GovTrack s the most liberal senator

Supported eliminating the filibuster to pass the New Green Deal

Said AOC brought "bold ideas that should be discussed"

Referred to the Jussie Smollet hoax as a "modern day lynching"

Suggested that one way to combat climate change was to "reduce population"

Said "I'm really interested in having that conversation" when asked if 16-year-olds should be allowed to vote

Said she is "open to the discussion" of eliminating the Electoral College

Supports a mandatory gun buyback program

Endorsed the 1619 Project

Laughed uncontrollably after fantasizing about killing Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence, or Trump

Said the rioted from the summer of 2020 "should not" let up

Compared ICE agents to the KKK

Expressed support for sanctuary cities
Yes, she cackles like a nervous high school girl. Yes she says things that would embarrass the mentally challenged. But what REALLY MATTERS over the next 3 months is focusing her record as a Senator and VP. Period. She is a straight up Socialist. She wants to "examine" 50 percent plus tax brackets. She has bashed law enforcement and border patrol as systemically racist. She wants to "re-imagine the Police". She wants health care for every illegal immigrant.

As I often say YOU ARE WHAT YOUR RECORD SAYS YOU ARE. Make sure you BURDEN Kamala Harris with exactly what she has said and done in her roles as Senator and VP. That is what is important now. The Democrats are embarking on the greatest gaslighting campaign ever conducted. They will try and transform Kamala into Saint Kamala and the second coming of Jesus. Don't fall for it, we need Americans to start thinking and stop reacting. This election is a tipping point for the country and look who the Democrats put up to lead America and the Free World. The Socialist Open Borders Queen.

Her highlight reel

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