Kamala Harris Says That Nobody Should Have To Go To Jail For Smoking Weed

The Democrats have been saying this for years, but when they had a super majority - they didn't legalize it did they?
That is because having it illegal is worth more to them than it being legal.
Democrats had a Super Majority for about five months
They had other priorities over legalizing pot

Obama did pardon a lot of nonviolent Drug Offenders
Yeah, I already deleted my post you quoted when I found out about your upsetting past. :(

No need!!!

I'm a big boy, I understand what goes on in the world and in life.
I prefer to mention it...........as horrific as it was........it's a good reason for me to use against mind/mood altering substances.

My sister was a pot head and did coke.
I've been witness to her shit because of that, and also been in the car when she was under the influence (I didn't realize it at the time, otherwise I'd have never got in the car with her).

My youngest cousin had just turned 16. My Uncle bought him a new Mustang for his birthday (they have money).
My cousin took his girlfriend out for dinner to celebrate.
On the way back, there was a bend in the road and there was a drunk in a truck driving on the wrong side of the road.
The drunk lived through it. Didn't even get a fucking scratch!!!!
My cousin was killed instantly. His girlfriends face hit the windshield and it obliterated her face. She barely lived, but she pulled through.
They had to keep her in a coma until after they did surgery on her. They had to keep her sedated, for all the time she was recouperating, because she kept asking about my cousin, and nobody was telling her anything. The doctors thought it was safer to keep her sedated while she recovered to a well enough point to tell her about my cousin.

Now my Uncle and cousins were very popular and very well known where they lived.
The police had to take the drunk to another city to jail him, as they were afraid of a lynch mob forming.

Once the drunk had slept it off, he asked what he had done. When he was told he killed someone and almost killed another, he asked who they were. He knew who they were when he was told.

The police found him hanging from the bars the next morning, as he made a noose from his bed sheet and hung himself.
He knew there was no place for him to hide from the townspeople.

My Aunt and Uncle were never the same again. It really did a fuck up on their mental states.

When I say I'm against mind/mood altering substances..........THIS is why.
No need!!!

I'm a big boy, I understand what goes on in the world in life.
I prefer to mention it...........as horrific as it was........it's a good reason for me to use against mind/mood altering substances.

My sister was a pot head and did coke.
I've been witness to her shit because of that, and also been in the car when she was under the influence (I didn't realize it at the time, otherwise I'd have never got in the car with her).

My youngest cousin had just turned 16. My Uncle bought him a new Mustang for his birthday (they have money).
My cousin took his girlfriend out for dinner to celebrate.
On the way back, there was a bend in the road and there was a drunk in truck driving on the wrong side of the road.
The drunk lived through it. Didn't even get a fucking scratch!!!!
My cousin was killed instantly. His girlfriends face his the windshield and it obliterated her face. She barely lived, but she pulled through.
They had to keep her in a coma until after they did surgery on her. They had to keep her sedated, for all the time she was recouperating, because she kept asking about my cousin, and nobody was telling her anything. The doctors thought it was safer to keep her sedated while she recovered to a well enough point to tell her about my cousin.

Now my Uncle and cousins were very popular and very well known where they lived.
The police had to take the drunk to another city to jail him, as they were afraid of a lynch mob forming.

Once the drunk had slept it off, he asked what he had done. When he was told he killed someone and almost killed another, he asked who they were. He knew who they were when he was told.

The police found him hanging from the bars the next morning, as he made a noose from his bed sheet and hung himself.
He knew there was no place for him to hide from the townspeople.

My Aunt and Uncle were never the same again. It really did a fuck up on their mental states.

When I say I'm against mind/mood altering substances..........THIS is why.

All that still sucks though. :(
Democrats had a Super Majority for about five months
They had other priorities over legalizing pot

Obama did pardon a lot of nonviolent Drug Offenders
Uhhuh... and Pelosi has sponsored how many bills to nationally legalize marijuana??
She has been behind numerous plastic "reform" bills etc. Never to straight up legalize it.
The Dems have a majority now and for the past 6 years. If they wanted to do it - they could have.
Uhhuh... and Pelosi has sponsored how many bills to nationally legalize marijuana??
She has been behind numerous plastic "reform" bills etc. Never to straight up legalize it.
The Dems have a majority now and for the past 6 years. If they wanted to do it - they could have.

Bills that would have had no chance of seeing the light of day

How many Republican led states have legalized marijuana?

President Biden just pardoned marijuana offenders
Well you want to show that Kamala used to lock up pot smokers. I'm trying to point out she has changed her position on the issue. That's what politicians do. They do the will of the people. Republicans are holding out. Is it for the tobacco lobbyists? That's who they used to be arguing for. Is it for religious/ignorant reasons that are wrong? Old outdated thinking. Get with the times. PROGRESSives.
Politicians "holding out" ARE doing the will of the people, the people who voted for them. Why should a Representative from Utah bow to the will of the voters in California?
Thank you.

Now, would you like to see alcohol banned?

I'm no prude, I've fucked up and driven drunk before. Luckily I never hurt anybody except myself.

You can still get a buzz from low levels of alcohol content without getting drunk.

It's one thing to be have a drink to mellow out the stress levels. It's another to get drunk and get behind the wheel of a deadly killing machine.

I can't drink alcohol anymore anyway. It messes with my meds.
You're welcome and heck no!!

Well, that runs counter to this, which is from your earlier post:

"A mind and mood altering drug is dangerous to everybody around the one taking the drugs.
They should all be illegal, and all be worthy of time behind bars."

Alcohol, like pot, cocaine, heroin, etc, is a mind and mood altering drug.

What if we regulated the potency of weed? Would that suffice?
Well, that runs counter to this, which is from your earlier post:

"A mind and mood altering drug is dangerous to everybody around the one taking the drugs.
They should all be illegal, and all be worthy of time behind bars."

Alcohol, like pot, cocaine, heroin, etc, is a mind and mood altering drug.

What if we regulated the potency of weed? Would that suffice?

I didn't say that Toffeenut Baconsmuggler did. You responded to the wrong person lol
A mind and mood altering drug is dangerous to everybody around the one taking the drugs.
They should all be illegal, and all be worthy of time behind bars
Do you feel the same way about sugar? How about coffee, or caffeine? Heck, if we're going to talk about chemicals that that alter minds and moods what's your view on Oxytocin? Dopamine? Seratonin?

Also, oxygen is addictive AF! Try going 24 hours without it. It's possible that you could pull it off, but I won't hold my breath.

Jokes aside, wanting to limit another person's freedom to enjoy foods or pleasure commodities in the comfort of their own home is authoritarian and the opposite of Freedom. If someone drives drunk, they're an asshole. That's an asshole thing to do because it imposes on the freedom of others, namely the freedom to Life (which was thought to be as important as the freedoms of Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, which is why they're placed where they are in our foundational documents.) That person will find a way to express that quality and to impose on other people minding their own business, whether it's through their own drug use or through trying to persecute others, say, for wanting to safely consume foods or other substances in the safety of their own homes.

The tendency towards authoritarianism is shown by people that hold a weak moral compass, people that struggle to hold any identity of their own, and people that are too cowardly to challenge false hierarchical structures whether those structures be in their governments, churches, or their own thoughts.

Be strong, and be sturdy in the knowledge of who you are so that snakes behind a microphone and a camera are unable to fool you into propagating an agenda that hurts everyone, and be brave enough to question what others try to teach you and brave enough to question yourself and whether you've been duped into false beliefs.
Do you feel the same way about sugar? How about coffee, or caffeine? Heck, if we're going to talk about chemicals that that alter minds and moods what's your view on Oxytocin? Dopamine? Seratonin?

Also, oxygen is addictive AF! Try going 24 hours without it. It's possible that you could pull it off, but I won't hold my breath.

Jokes aside, wanting to limit another person's freedom to enjoy foods or pleasure commodities in the comfort of their own home is authoritarian and the opposite of Freedom. If someone drives drunk, they're an asshole. That's an asshole thing to do because it imposes on the freedom of others, namely the freedom to Life (which was thought to be as important as the freedoms of Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, which is why they're placed where they are in our foundational documents.) That person will find a way to express that quality and to impose on other people minding their own business, whether it's through their own drug use or through trying to persecute others, say, for wanting to safely consume foods or other substances in the safety of their own homes.

The tendency towards authoritarianism is shown by people that hold a weak moral compass, people that struggle to hold any identity of their own, and people that are too cowardly to challenge false hierarchical structures whether those structures be in their governments, churches, or their own thoughts.

Be strong, and be sturdy in the knowledge of who you are so that snakes behind a microphone and a camera are unable to fool you into propagating an agenda that hurts everyone, and be brave enough to question what others try to teach you and brave enough to question yourself and whether you've been duped into false beliefs.

You're just being contrary now, for the sake of being contrary.

You know what I mean.

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