Kamala is 60 years old with a 20 year consistent record as a Leftist Prosecutor, AG, Senator and VP. What is she "prepping for""?

She is prepping to discover the most effective ways to deny her record and run against and away from her record and ways in which she can change the subject no matter what the subject might be — secure in the knowledge that she won’t be called-out on it by any reporter, moderator or liberal.
She stated clearly her values have not changed. She will be asked questions from friendly ABC moderators. Why would she need a week of debate prep? Unless of course she needs to memorize her answers to the questions ABC provided to her. That is probably it.
I am Fucking STUNNED that THEY are Allowing that THING to Debate..
She stated clearly her values have not changed. She will be asked questions from friendly ABC moderators. Why would she need a week of debate prep? Unless of course she needs to memorize her answers to the questions ABC provided to her. That is probably it.

She is memorizing the responses for the specific questions which she has been given for tomorrow.

It will look polished and perfect. Like an actor who has been working on their script for the last month,
She stated clearly her values have not changed. She will be asked questions from friendly ABC moderators. Why would she need a week of debate prep? Unless of course she needs to memorize her answers to the questions ABC provided to her. That is probably it.
She's preparing for how to respond to Trump lies. The debate trump won, he lied constantly. How do you win a debate when all you did was lie?
You got some specific "lies" or as usual are they just things you don't agree with?

Harris says Trump is ‘going to lie’ during debate, prepares for ‘untruths’​

Good point. Of all the things Trump has said, 3% were truth, 8% were mostly true, 11% half true, 19% mostly false, 38% false and 18% pants on fire lies.

He also lies about very important things like the calls I made to Georgia and Ukraine were perfect or that the election was rigged. What has Kamala "lied" about?

Kamala 11% true, 35% mostly true, 11% half true, 24% mostly false, 18% false and ZERO PERCENT pants on fire lies.

Trump 3% were truth, 8% were mostly true, 11% half true, 19% mostly false, 38% false and 18% pants on fire lies.

Trump is clearly the biggest liar in government.

Harris says Trump is ‘going to lie’ during debate, prepares for ‘untruths’​

Good point. Of all the things Trump has said, 3% were truth, 8% were mostly true, 11% half true, 19% mostly false, 38% false and 18% pants on fire lies.

He also lies about very important things like the calls I made to Georgia and Ukraine were perfect or that the election was rigged. What has Kamala "lied" about?

Kamala 11% true, 35% mostly true, 11% half true, 24% mostly false, 18% false and ZERO PERCENT pants on fire lies.

Trump 3% were truth, 8% were mostly true, 11% half true, 19% mostly false, 38% false and 18% pants on fire lies.

Trump is clearly the biggest liar in government.

We were talking about the debate, you made accusations of lies.

LOL you got that from Politifact?

Also considering they can't sample everything said, there is confirmation bias in those numbers.

Now, during the debate what were the lies?
You lie. Trump didn’t.

But Potato did. You’re fine with that.

Trump falsely represented the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as a relatively small number of people who were ushered in by police and misstated the strength of the economy during his administration.

THE FACTS: That’s false. The attack on the U.S. Capitol was the deadliest assault on the seat of American power in over 200 years. As thoroughly documented by video, photographs and people who were there, thousands of people descended on Capitol Hill in what became a brutal scene of hand-to-hand combat with police.

TRUMP, on Biden: “He wants to raise your taxes by four times.”

THE FACTS: That’s not accurate.

Trump has used that line at rallies, but it has no basis in fact. Biden actually wants to prevent tax increases on anyone making less than $400,000, which is the vast majority of taxpayers.

TRUMP: “The problem they have is they’re radical because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth, after birth.”

THE FACTS: Trump inaccurately referred to abortions after birth. Infanticide is criminalized in every state, and no state has passed a law that allows killing a baby after birth.

Abortion rights advocates say terms like this and “late-term abortions” attempt to stigmatize abortions later in pregnancy. Abortions later in pregnancy are exceedingly rare. In 2020, less than 1% of abortions in the United States were performed at or after 21 weeks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Abortions later in pregnancy also are usually the result of serious complications, such as fetal anomalies, that put the life of the woman or fetus at risk, medical experts say. In most cases, these are also wanted pregnancies, experts say.

Biden said Trump suggested we drink bleach. What he really said was pretty much the same thing: “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute,” he said at an April 2020 press conference. “And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection....

TRUMP: We had the greatest economy in history.”

THE FACTS: That’s not accurate. First of all, the pandemic triggered a massive recession during his presidency. The government borrowed $3.1 trillion in 2020 to stabilize the economy. Trump had the ignominy of leaving the White House with fewer jobs than when he entered.

But even if you take out issues caused by the pandemic, economic growth averaged 2.67% during Trump’s first three years. That’s pretty solid. But it’s nowhere near the 4% averaged during Bill Clinton’s two terms from 1993 to 2001, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In fact, growth has been stronger so far under Biden than under Trump.

Trump did have the unemployment rate get as low as 3.5% before the pandemic. But again, the labor force participation rate for people 25 to 54 — the core of the U.S. working population — was higher under Clinton. The participation rate has also been higher under Biden than Trump.

Trump also likes to talk about how low inflation was under him. Gasoline fell as low as $1.77 a gallon. But, of course, that price dip happened during pandemic lockdowns when few people were driving. The low prices were due to a global health crisis, not Trump’s policies.
She stated clearly her values have not changed. She will be asked questions from friendly ABC moderators. Why would she need a week of debate prep?
Great point, Mike. You can stop Trump in the middle of a putt on his golf course and ask him anything even from a hostile mod and he will have an answer for you roll right off his tongue! So what does Kammy need to prepare for? She has already had years to crystallize her positions on issues, months to formulate them as a candidate, now going before a friendly forum, her answers ought to flow from her like sweet molasses.

Trump's strength is that he needs no prep; he wings it spontaneously and adjusts on the fly--- Kammy's kryptonite is that she is married to a fixed, rigid, predetermined set of talking points.

Unless of course she needs to memorize her answers to the questions ABC provided to her. That is probably it.
Again, I think Trump ought to test ABC on this and make them state solemnly on air that neither candidate has knowledge of the questions.
Of course, my guess is that ABC's questions for Kammy won't be anything like mine would be.
My bet is that ABC's questions are supportive of Kammy while those of Trump will be attacking and critical, setting up Kammy to go after Trump with her fave talking points and lies.

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