Kamala is furious she may be sidlined

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Implosion incoming?
Democrats: The Black Female VP is good enough to be window dressing to bolster the Black Vote for Biden...but that four years experience as Vice President is meaningless.

We're kickin' you directly to the curb to install some White People at the top of the ticket.

Way to destroy the "Harris was chosen on her merits, not just because she was Black" narrative.
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A very distinct possibility.
If elected, over the next 4 years, a very real possibility. They need to get her out and change to a running mate acceptable to normal Dems and especially Independents. If they want a black female, I am sure there are some out there, that are not wild eyed leftists. She should have never been picked, the first time.
If elected, over the next 4 years, a very real possibility. They need to get her out and change to a running mate acceptable to normal Dems and especially Independents. If they want a black female, I am sure there are some out there, that are not wild eyed leftists. She should have never been picked, the first time.
I have serious doubts he will last the next four months, let alone four years.

No, the problem is when she goes out. No one likes her. Democrats don't like her. She has a lower approval rating than your potato-head leader.

Biden specifically picked her for this - she's his insurance policy (and she was picked for the color of her vagina)
I have serious doubts he will last the next four months, let alone four years.

No, the problem is when she goes out. No one likes her. Democrats don't like her. She has a lower approval rating than your potato-head leader.

Biden specifically picked her for this - she's his insurance policy (and she was picked for the color of her vagina)
You give metrics, but she is the problem. The fact everybody realizes it, is not the problem. Her being there at that level, at all, is the problem. Her only benefit, as VP, is making all Americans Pray for Joe's good health and longevity.
I wish the debate had been six weeks later instead of last night

Because the dems have enough time to replace biden, and it looks increasingly likely that they will
If elected, over the next 4 years, a very real possibility. They need to get her out and change to a running mate acceptable to normal Dems and especially Independents. If they want a black female, I am sure there are some out there, that are not wild eyed leftists. She should have never been picked, the first time.
Explain how that's even possible after the DNC endorsed Harris in the first place. It an admission their judgement sucks, but we can totally trust them this time, right? Good luck with that.
I have serious doubts he will last the next four months, let alone four years.

No, the problem is when she goes out. No one likes her. Democrats don't like her. She has a lower approval rating than your potato-head leader.

Biden specifically picked her for this - she's his insurance policy (and she was picked for the color of her vagina)

It's the same color as yours.

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