Kansas event underlines the need for more guns

Every shooter was once a law abiding gun owner. I say we stop the problem at the source.

No. TENS of MILLIONS of law abiding gun owners vs minimal amount of criminals.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.
Idiot asking me: You mix alcohol and guns?
Me: Yes.
Idiot: How can you do that?
Me: Three parts alcohol one part gun.
+ 1 part dumbass.
No, you are not allowed near me.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.
Idiot asking me: You mix alcohol and guns?
Me: Yes.
Idiot: How can you do that?
Me: Three parts alcohol one part gun.

Nothing better than a 12 pack,50 lbs of tannerite and a high powered rifle.
Have your friends say goodbye in advance just in case.
Why, he isn't an idiot like you?
You're correct. He's a much bigger idiot than I am.
No. TENS of MILLIONS of law abiding gun owners vs minimal amount of criminals.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.
Idiot asking me: You mix alcohol and guns?
Me: Yes.
Idiot: How can you do that?
Me: Three parts alcohol one part gun.
+ 1 part dumbass.
No, you are not allowed near me.
Straight guys make you nervous?
They will be the demise of gun freedoms in this country because they refuse to be reasonable and make any kind of concessions at all. They're going to lose more than they think.

Are you serious? Gun owners refuse to be reasonable and make any kind of concessions at all? Really, what concessions should law-abiding gun owners that would satisfy you? What concessions do you demand to be made to criminals for the use of a firearm in the commission of a crime? Do you have any real solutions or just childish fantasies and threats?
Because of our Holy Right to own a gun, as many as we want, as big and fast as we want, we do not accept any personal responsibility for the damage that our overabundance of easily procurred weapons has done in this country. We have young people shooting each other in the streets, and husbands shooting wives, and people who have gone off the deep end firing away at total strangers at bars, concerts, etc. And every single person who opposes responsible regulation on those guns due to the Holy Second Amendment is enabling mindless needless murders. 10,000 HOMICIDES a year. Not accidents, not suicides. 10,000 people killed by another with a GUN. Only 7% of homicides are caused by teenagers so don't try giving me that "It's all the gangs' fault," either.
If anything else were causing 10,000 deaths a year, whether it was a defective appliance or a disease, the government would be all over it. Not guns though, because of the Holy Right.
Well, fuck that.

Why do you demand that we drastically increase our violent crime rate in order to strip our citizens of their right to defend themselves? Specifically, how is that a great idea?

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe

^^^^ Both articles from 2009, near 11 years ago.

I question an article from 2009 because of # 2 because we are not that violent within our population, there is no way we are even in the top 20 to suggest we are on par with the crazy situation in South Africa and Sweden is ridiculous. And France at # 10 illustrates why I question well everything below # 1. I would suggest that now if we go from 2016 that Sweden would be # 1, the UK # 2 and France # 3 and also Finland like us would not even be in the top 20.

So you deny facts when presented to you which are even from two different sources?

Show us where the facts are NOT accurate, not true.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.
Idiot asking me: You mix alcohol and guns?
Me: Yes.
Idiot: How can you do that?
Me: Three parts alcohol one part gun.
+ 1 part dumbass.
No, you are not allowed near me.
Straight guys make you nervous?
Criminals do, and you are criminal scum.
How many gun laws were violated already? Should we prevent some single mother with no criminal record from possessing a handgun for personal defense because gang members shot up a Kansas bar? Maybe so according to upside down left wing logic.
Okay, I know that no one who should read this will, but here is an EXCELLENT article on Swiss gun laws that was written by Business Insider, not one of the left-leaning rags. It is quite interesting.
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings

So it's the culture in Switzerland, just what many posters have been saying. It's a culture issue, not a gun issue.
Did you read the article?

Yes I did, there is lots of training there is a commitment to there Army, they stay neutral during political events. They have a national contest for their youth in the art of shooting. Sounds cultural to me.
It's not "cultural" to decide locally who gets a gun and to "vet" the prospective gun owner, even send them to a psychiatrist. It's not cultural to refuse a person with a history of crimes or addiction. It's not cultural to forbid conceal carry.
All those things are political and we could do them, too. And since military service is mandatory, all the men know how to handle a gun. They've been trained. ALL of those things make sense, but I can hear the screams from all the folks on this end already.

They will be the demise of gun freedoms in this country because they refuse to be reasonable and make any kind of concessions at all. They're going to lose more than they think.
You can stop proving how stupid you are any time now.
Every shooter was once a law abiding gun owner. I say we stop the problem at the source.

No. TENS of MILLIONS of law abiding gun owners vs minimal amount of criminals.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.

We take cars away from people caught drinking and driving.

Yes but you do not ban ALL cars because of a FEW who drink and drive, you Leftists literally want to take ALL guns off ALL legal gun owners and do not say no you do not because given the chance that is EXACTLY what you would do.
Nothing to see here, move along. Just more black folks doing what black folks do.
I want to go back to lynching times don't you mrs zero college white supremacist?

That's "Mister" to you boy. And that's a college grad, white, and yes, most supreme. "Supreme" people don't go unloading weapons on innocent bystanders, like this POS did.

And yes, the shooting was just more black folks doing what black folks do...

Man who opened fire at club had past weapon charge dropped

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Okay, I know that no one who should read this will, but here is an EXCELLENT article on Swiss gun laws that was written by Business Insider, not one of the left-leaning rags. It is quite interesting.
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings

So it's the culture in Switzerland, just what many posters have been saying. It's a culture issue, not a gun issue.
Did you read the article?

Yes I did, there is lots of training there is a commitment to there Army, they stay neutral during political events. They have a national contest for their youth in the art of shooting. Sounds cultural to me.
It's not "cultural" to decide locally who gets a gun and to "vet" the prospective gun owner, even send them to a psychiatrist. It's not cultural to refuse a person with a history of crimes or addiction. It's not cultural to forbid conceal carry.
All those things are political and we could do them, too. And since military service is mandatory, all the men know how to handle a gun. They've been trained. ALL of those things make sense, but I can hear the screams from all the folks on this end already.

They will be the demise of gun freedoms in this country because they refuse to be reasonable and make any kind of concessions at all. They're going to lose more than they think.
You can stop proving how stupid you are any time now.

Apparently she can't. Some people are just wired that way.
17 people get shot waiting for a beer. Massive victory for gun ownership in La La Land.

All the gun laws in the world would not have prevented what happened Sunday evening. What we need are tougher crime laws where the death penalty is on the table for murder, rape, pedophilia. We need longer tougher sentences for crimes that use a gun or other dangerous weapons.

I know liberals hate that idea but by not doing this we have created what we have today.
Because of our Holy Right to own a gun, as many as we want, as big and fast as we want, we do not accept any personal responsibility for the damage that our overabundance of easily procurred weapons has done in this country. We have young people shooting each other in the streets, and husbands shooting wives, and people who have gone off the deep end firing away at total strangers at bars, concerts, etc. And every single person who opposes responsible regulation on those guns due to the Holy Second Amendment is enabling mindless needless murders. 10,000 HOMICIDES a year. Not accidents, not suicides. 10,000 people killed by another with a GUN. Only 7% of homicides are caused by teenagers so don't try giving me that "It's all the gangs' fault," either.
If anything else were causing 10,000 deaths a year, whether it was a defective appliance or a disease, the government would be all over it. Not guns though, because of the Holy Right.
Well, fuck that.

Why do you demand that we drastically increase our violent crime rate in order to strip our citizens of their right to defend themselves? Specifically, how is that a great idea?

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe

^^^^ Both articles from 2009, near 11 years ago.

I question an article from 2009 because of # 2 because we are not that violent within our population, there is no way we are even in the top 20 to suggest we are on par with the crazy situation in South Africa and Sweden is ridiculous. And France at # 10 illustrates why I question well everything below # 1. I would suggest that now if we go from 2016 that Sweden would be # 1, the UK # 2 and France # 3 and also Finland like us would not even be in the top 20.

So you deny facts when presented to you which are even from two different sources?

Show us where the facts are NOT accurate, not true.

I have illustrated with two different links that my nation never has been # 2 on violent list across any category, I as a Patriot are defending my nation against the slander in those two 2009 articles and the graphs I used and posted copy and paste and links to go back from 2006-2017 and never ONE time were we at # 2 on any category and so this illustrate that the articles you post from 2009 were not accurate as far as my nation is concerned, no idea about the UK or South Africa or anything else on that 2009 list but my two graphs show that the UK and France were the highest rates on this Continent and my nation was very low down the list and not even in the top 30.
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We take cars away from people caught drinking and driving.

No, actually we do not. We do take guns away from felons and we know how well that works!

It already in this thread many times has been illustrated that removing guns does not stop gun crimes, these Leftists know this, they will always either repeat previous points or put up some bizarro straw man argument to deflect. They already know removing guns does not stop gun crimes and so we know that this has ZERO to do with stopping gun crimes and has some other ulterior motive for taking guns off law abiding gun owners.

These new Red Flag laws - how appropriate to name it a Red Flag law as the Red Flag is the International symbol of Communism - I was reading about this and this means that anyone who doesn't like you can just give a reason like "he/she shouted at me" or "he/she drinks too much" and that can be USED as an excuse to Red Flag that person as a way to take their legal guns off them. It is the slippery slope.
I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.
Idiot asking me: You mix alcohol and guns?
Me: Yes.
Idiot: How can you do that?
Me: Three parts alcohol one part gun.
+ 1 part dumbass.
No, you are not allowed near me.
Straight guys make you nervous?
Criminals do, and you are criminal scum.
Naw, my record is clean here in the states.
No. TENS of MILLIONS of law abiding gun owners vs minimal amount of criminals.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.

We take cars away from people caught drinking and driving.

Yes but you do not ban ALL cars because of a FEW who drink and drive, you Leftists literally want to take ALL guns off ALL legal gun owners and do not say no you do not because given the chance that is EXACTLY what you would do.
Actually no, I only say shit like that to fuck with you barrel-humpers.

You idiots are so easy!
Every shooter was once a law abiding gun owner. I say we stop the problem at the source.

No. TENS of MILLIONS of law abiding gun owners vs minimal amount of criminals.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.

We take cars away from people caught drinking and driving.

Actually we don't. That's the sad part. Here in Nevada DUI doesn't become a felony until your third one.

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