Kansas event underlines the need for more guns

How about the freedom to go have a beer without being in mortal.danger?
No such freedom exists, anywhere.
You live in a sad, sad world.

Thank goodness it isn't reality.

Are you in fear that a law-abiding citizen might have a gun or that a criminal has a gun? Which one would be more likely to shoot you?
Depends, are these idiots here who are always bragging about their gun, threatening civil war, and that kinda stuff "law abiding citizens"?
How about the freedom to go have a beer without being in mortal.danger?
No such freedom exists, anywhere.
You live in a sad, sad world.

Thank goodness it isn't reality.

Are you in fear that a law-abiding citizen might have a gun or that a criminal has a gun? Which one would be more likely to shoot you?
Depends, are these idiots here who are always bragging about their gun, threatening civil war, and that kinda stuff "law abiding citizens"?

More so than you. This country was founded on the principles of INDIVIDUAL freedoms. Anyone who attempts to take away those freedoms is an enemy of the COTUS, thus an enemy of the PEOPLE.
All the gun laws in the world would not have prevented what happened Sunday evening. What we need are tougher crime laws where the death penalty is on the table for murder, rape, pedophilia. We need longer tougher sentences for crimes that use a gun or other dangerous weapons.

I know liberals hate that idea but by not doing this we have created what we have today.

I think that any crime which demonstrates a willingness to take the life of another person, in the absence of good reason to justify such a killing, ought to carry the death penalty. This would include murder and attempted murder, of course. Also, instances of robbery or other crimes that are committed with the use of deadly force or the credible threat of deadly force.
How about the freedom to go have a beer without being in mortal.danger?
No such freedom exists, anywhere.
You live in a sad, sad world.

Thank goodness it isn't reality.

Are you in fear that a law-abiding citizen might have a gun or that a criminal has a gun? Which one would be more likely to shoot you?
Depends, are these idiots here who are always bragging about their gun, threatening civil war, and that kinda stuff "law abiding citizens"?

More so than you. This country was founded on the principles of INDIVIDUAL freedoms. Anyone who attempts to take away those freedoms is an enemy of the COTUS, thus an enemy of the PEOPLE.

People who think war is fun, or shooting people is fun are not the folks we want armed. Neither are folks with the current conservitard paranoid delusions.

Talking about arming yourself and stocking up on ammunition just in case the election doesn't go your way is a red flag.

Bring on the confiscation.
No such freedom exists, anywhere.
You live in a sad, sad world.

Thank goodness it isn't reality.

Are you in fear that a law-abiding citizen might have a gun or that a criminal has a gun? Which one would be more likely to shoot you?
Depends, are these idiots here who are always bragging about their gun, threatening civil war, and that kinda stuff "law abiding citizens"?

More so than you. This country was founded on the principles of INDIVIDUAL freedoms. Anyone who attempts to take away those freedoms is an enemy of the COTUS, thus an enemy of the PEOPLE.

People who think war is fun, or shooting people is fun are not the folks we want armed. Neither are folks with the current conservitard paranoid delusions.

Talking about arming yourself and stocking up on ammunition just in case the election doesn't go your way is a red flag.

Bring on the confiscation.

No one who was at the demonstration yesterday thought war is "fun". Only morons, such as yourself, think that way. You are the classic progressive loon. You want to disarm the law abiding, but let the violent criminal element back out onto the street to prey on the innocent. You are filth.
They will be the demise of gun freedoms in this country because they refuse to be reasonable and make any kind of concessions at all. They're going to lose more than they think.

Your version of “…be[ing] reasonable and mak[ing] any kind of concessions at all” always has consisted, and always will consist of the corrupt, tyrannical filth on your side taking more and more and more of our freedom away from us, and giving us nothing in return except a false promise of safety.

Benjamin Franklin had it exactly right, when he wrote “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

It was wrong to make any concessions to your side on this issue, ever.
You live in a sad, sad world.

Thank goodness it isn't reality.

Are you in fear that a law-abiding citizen might have a gun or that a criminal has a gun? Which one would be more likely to shoot you?
Depends, are these idiots here who are always bragging about their gun, threatening civil war, and that kinda stuff "law abiding citizens"?

More so than you. This country was founded on the principles of INDIVIDUAL freedoms. Anyone who attempts to take away those freedoms is an enemy of the COTUS, thus an enemy of the PEOPLE.

People who think war is fun, or shooting people is fun are not the folks we want armed. Neither are folks with the current conservitard paranoid delusions.

Talking about arming yourself and stocking up on ammunition just in case the election doesn't go your way is a red flag.

Bring on the confiscation.

No one who was at the demonstration yesterday thought war is "fun". Only morons, such as yourself, think that way. You are the classic progressive loon. You want to disarm the law abiding, but let the violent criminal element back out onto the street to prey on the innocent. You are filth.

And you know it is. These idiot have never been in any words real fight and they are really hoping to start one.
Idiot asking me: You mix alcohol and guns?
Me: Yes.
Idiot: How can you do that?
Me: Three parts alcohol one part gun.
+ 1 part dumbass.
No, you are not allowed near me.
Straight guys make you nervous?
Criminals do, and you are criminal scum.
Naw, my record is clean here in the states.
So you haven't been caught yet.
Are you in fear that a law-abiding citizen might have a gun or that a criminal has a gun? Which one would be more likely to shoot you?
Depends, are these idiots here who are always bragging about their gun, threatening civil war, and that kinda stuff "law abiding citizens"?

More so than you. This country was founded on the principles of INDIVIDUAL freedoms. Anyone who attempts to take away those freedoms is an enemy of the COTUS, thus an enemy of the PEOPLE.

People who think war is fun, or shooting people is fun are not the folks we want armed. Neither are folks with the current conservitard paranoid delusions.

Talking about arming yourself and stocking up on ammunition just in case the election doesn't go your way is a red flag.

Bring on the confiscation.

No one who was at the demonstration yesterday thought war is "fun". Only morons, such as yourself, think that way. You are the classic progressive loon. You want to disarm the law abiding, but let the violent criminal element back out onto the street to prey on the innocent. You are filth.

And you know it is. These idiot have never been in any words real fight and they are really hoping to start one.

Yes, I KNOW that you are indeed shit. You have never once made a post here that was reasonable. Not one. You are an extremist.
No. TENS of MILLIONS of law abiding gun owners vs minimal amount of criminals.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.

We take cars away from people caught drinking and driving.

Yes but you do not ban ALL cars because of a FEW who drink and drive, you Leftists literally want to take ALL guns off ALL legal gun owners and do not say no you do not because given the chance that is EXACTLY what you would do.
He also does not say that a driver not charged with drunk driving just hasn't done it yet.
+ 1 part dumbass.
No, you are not allowed near me.
Straight guys make you nervous?
Criminals do, and you are criminal scum.
Naw, my record is clean here in the states.
So you haven't been caught yet.
Must be true since he keeps claiming that a law abiding firearms owner just has not committed a crime yet,
Depends, are these idiots here who are always bragging about their gun, threatening civil war, and that kinda stuff "law abiding citizens"?

So they brag about their guns. So what? Am I going to brag about my guns today then commit a home invasion at your house tonight? I've bragged about my motorcycles for 60 years but I've never intentionally run over or killed anyone.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.

I agree. We should require all businesses to install a sea wiz to take out any shooters.

How about the freedom to go have a beer without being in mortal.danger?

Then stop electing democrats who put in democrat party judges and prosecutors who keep letting violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison...

How about we start there, you doofus.
How about we just round up anyone with a gun and imprison them?

How stalinist of you. Then we can get rid of anybody who reads books not approved by the government.

Then we can get rid of anyone who isn't useful to the government.

Thinking people see where this leads. Leaves you out.

This is the Liberal aka Leftist version of The Second Amendment, this is their ultimate wet dream:

Show me a well regulated militia please.
Ask and the shit stain will receive.


Virginia, yesterday. Molon Labe.
Okay, I know that no one who should read this will, but here is an EXCELLENT article on Swiss gun laws that was written by Business Insider, not one of the left-leaning rags. It is quite interesting.
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings

So it's the culture in Switzerland, just what many posters have been saying. It's a culture issue, not a gun issue.
Did you read the article?

Yes I did, there is lots of training there is a commitment to there Army, they stay neutral during political events. They have a national contest for their youth in the art of shooting. Sounds cultural to me.
It's not "cultural" to decide locally who gets a gun and to "vet" the prospective gun owner, even send them to a psychiatrist. It's not cultural to refuse a person with a history of crimes or addiction. It's not cultural to forbid conceal carry.
All those things are political and we could do them, too. And since military service is mandatory, all the men know how to handle a gun. They've been trained. ALL of those things make sense, but I can hear the screams from all the folks on this end already.

They will be the demise of gun freedoms in this country because they refuse to be reasonable and make any kind of concessions at all. They're going to lose more than they think.

You can't "Vet" who gets to exercise a Right.

We have over 18.6 million people in this country who have a permit to carry a gun....our gun murder rate went down 49% our gun crime rate went down 75%....where do you get off thinking that you have a reason to ban concealed or open carry?

The Soviet Union would send political dissidents to psychiatric hospitals.........so psychiatric requirements to own a gun are a non starter.

Nothing you know about guns or gun crime is true........nothing you feel about guns is true or supported by facts or reality...

Why should we listen to anything you have to say?
Hey...anti-gun extremists......

How do you explain the fact that there were vast numbers of people in the crowd of over 22,000 people who were carrying AR-15 rifles in public..........and not one shooting with those rifles.......

How do you explain that?
Every shooter was once a law abiding gun owner. I say we stop the problem at the source.

No. TENS of MILLIONS of law abiding gun owners vs minimal amount of criminals.
Nope. Every gun owner is on temper-tantrum, one drink, one bad day or bad decision, from murder.

I have lots of guns and I get pissed off and pissed drunk on occasion and havent felt the need to kill anyone,even though a lot of em deserved it.

We take cars away from people caught drinking and driving.

We already take guns away from people who use them for crime.

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