Kansas Homophobic Bill: DEAD!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Sorry, girls, but please do continue with your anti-breeder legislation!

Kansas anti-gay bill: Republican senators admit it?s discrimination, kill it.

I am pleased to report that the Republican-led Kansas Senate decided this would not fly. Senate President Susan Wagle said on Thursday that a majority of the state senators in her party would not vote for the bill. They support “traditional marriage,” Wagle noted, “however, my members also don’t condone discrimination.” Thank you for that line in the sand. It should be obvious, but somehow that was lost on the Kansas House. Instead of passing, as everyone predicted, the Kansas anti-gay bill will now, in all likelihood, quietly die without hearings or a vote. I give credit to the hue and cry raised by Stern and other critics, and to the rapid pace of progress on gay rights. Even in the remaining pockets of backlash, conservatives can see that there are lengths to which they can no longer safely go. I’ve been thinking a lot about this quote from Adam Liptak’s New York Times piece on the series of federal court decisions striking down state gay-marriage bans: “It is becoming increasingly clear to judges that if they rule against same-sex marriage their grandchildren will regard them as bigots,” Andrew M. Koppelman, a law professor at Northwestern, told Liptak. The legislators in Kansas who stopped short of passing this bill still think it’s OK to oppose same-sex marriage. Nevertheless, though their definition of prejudice differs, the point stands: They don’t want to be seen as bigots, either. That’s how progress begins.
God says His thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways!====We are truly living in the last days before the return of the Lord Jesus! The world is in the process of throwing away all forms of discretion, decency, and morality. With 'the world's' approval many are living for their lusts in these last days. Marriage is no longer important as the covenant of marriage is breaking down. Why get married if it is OK just to live together? Men are lusting after women. Women are lusting after men. Men are lusting after men, and women are lusting after women. As a result many people have hurt themselves physically and spiritually as they pursue their immoral lifestyle. Good has become evil and evil has become good. This is very true in the area of sexual morality.
AIDS is truly one of the last days plagues upon the earth. It would never have reached its present level of widespread infections if it had not been for all the immoral fornicators who reject God's laws and morals.
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WOO HOO! Faggots can continue to FORCE their beliefs on others who have a religious reason to not do business with them! WOO HOO lets celebrate! Its only religious discrimination after all!
WOO HOO! Faggots can continue to FORCE their beliefs on others who have a religious reason to not do business with them! WOO HOO lets celebrate! Its only religious discrimination after all!


yes!!!! sick sexual perversion is an abomination,a compound sin as you try to say your sin is not sin thus denying the truth of God's word!!!
Sorry, girls, but please do continue with your anti-breeder legislation!

Kansas anti-gay bill: Republican senators admit it?s discrimination, kill it.

I am pleased to report that the Republican-led Kansas Senate decided this would not fly. Senate President Susan Wagle said on Thursday that a majority of the state senators in her party would not vote for the bill. They support “traditional marriage,” Wagle noted, “however, my members also don’t condone discrimination.” Thank you for that line in the sand. It should be obvious, but somehow that was lost on the Kansas House. Instead of passing, as everyone predicted, the Kansas anti-gay bill will now, in all likelihood, quietly die without hearings or a vote. I give credit to the hue and cry raised by Stern and other critics, and to the rapid pace of progress on gay rights. Even in the remaining pockets of backlash, conservatives can see that there are lengths to which they can no longer safely go. I’ve been thinking a lot about this quote from Adam Liptak’s New York Times piece on the series of federal court decisions striking down state gay-marriage bans: “It is becoming increasingly clear to judges that if they rule against same-sex marriage their grandchildren will regard them as bigots,” Andrew M. Koppelman, a law professor at Northwestern, told Liptak. The legislators in Kansas who stopped short of passing this bill still think it’s OK to oppose same-sex marriage. Nevertheless, though their definition of prejudice differs, the point stands: They don’t want to be seen as bigots, either. That’s how progress begins.

I bet you cannot tell me precisely what problem you had with the proposed law.
Does that mean the people of Kansas now accept homosexuality as normal?

No - it means the people have no real say in their Government.
What do you think this is ? A Democracy or something !?

It means that people have no legal right to discriminate against people based on what they do in the privacy of their own homes. Because this is a free country with liberty and justice for all.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this quote from Adam Liptak’s New York Times piece on the series of federal court decisions striking down state gay-marriage bans: “It is becoming increasingly clear to judges that if they rule against same-sex marriage their grandchildren will regard them as bigots,” Andrew M. Koppelman, a law professor at Northwestern, told Liptak.

But Federal judges invalidating laws that deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights are motivated primarily by the fact that settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence compels them to do so, that the Constitution is clear that the states may not deem a class of persons a stranger to their laws, including marriage law.

Otherwise, it’s refreshing to see state lawmakers obey the Constitution, and refrain from enacting a measure undoubtedly offensive to the Founding Document.
Does that mean the people of Kansas now accept homosexuality as normal?

No - it means the people have no real say in their Government.
What do you think this is ? A Democracy or something !?


We’re a Constitutional Republic, where citizens are subject only to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; the Kansas law that will thankfully now die is proof of that.

And the people indeed have a real say in their government, provided the people act in a manner that comports with the Constitution and its case law; and when the people err and enact measures that are un-Constitutional, the courts will appropriately invalidate those measures in accordance with the rule of law.

Your disappointment that this Kansas law will be allowed to die has nothing to do with your ‘concern’ for the ‘will of the people,’ and everything to do with your hatred of gay Americans.
yes!!!! sick sexual perversion is an abomination,a compound sin as you try to say your sin is not sin thus denying the truth of God's word!!!


Have fun in hell, sinner!

I bet you cannot tell me precisely what problem you had with the proposed law.

I bet I can.

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