Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

You, on the other hand, suffer from the left winger superiority/stupidity syndrome. There is help...but sadly it is rarely effective. Most morons like you....tend to stay morons and get worse with time.

A sure sing of an insecure who has issues is someone who has to resort to a continuous barrage of ad- hominems

keep trying buckwheat.

The fact that I don't cowtow to your self appointed superiority pisses you off....can't help that.
Oh boy, you are obviously on the ropes now, having to resort to a racial slur
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3. I have no issues. There is nothing that you've argued against that remotely describes my position
Really, perhaps then you would like to clarify a few things.

1.What is your position on adoption by gays?

2. What is your position on same sex marriage?

3. What is your position on including gays in laws against discrimination?

My position is quite clear on things I've argued for.

I don't owe you any explanation about any of my other positions.
Thank you for admitting that you are too much of a coward to answer the questions, indicating to me that you are the wrong side of those issues. Do your gay friends know?
3. I have no issues. There is nothing that you've argued against that remotely describes my position
Really, perhaps then you would like to clarify a few things.

1.What is your position on adoption by gays?

2. What is your position on same sex marriage?

3. What is your position on including gays in laws against discrimination?

My position is quite clear on things I've argued for.

I don't owe you any explanation about any of my other positions.
Thank you for admitting that you are too much of a coward to answer the questions, indicating to me that you are the wrong side of those issues. Do your gay friends know?
Their hetero parents do.

2. I don't ever recall calling gays filthy or perverted. In fact, I think I mentioned that I have several gay friends and aquaintences. That must mean that you are the bigot who likes to call people names....I never did.
Do your gay friends know that you resent gays for speaking out about bigotry and discrimination, and that your hoping that Lawrence gets overturned?

You keep missing what is being said.........moron.

They are the ones who resent the militant gay SFB group that only makes it harder for them. And spare me your response that say "no way". I've already pointed out that they already take shit from the gay community for daring to express a different point of view. The same way you fuckers call conservative blacks "Uncle Tom". Like most on the left...you are incredibly tolerant.....until someone disagrees with you.

I have never said anything about hoping it was overturned.

You really are a true left-winger....you've got it all straight in the fairytale story in your malfunctioning brain and NOBODY is going to change that.

Please explain how and why these so called "militants " who are simply advocating for things like employment non discrimination and the right to adopt are making it harder for other gay people. And, it still appears that YOU think that gay people should just shut up and wait for those rights to be bestowed upon them whenever society and the political system gets around to it- like they would have the right to marry today if they just stuffed it and sat on their hands. I don't know what your gay friend-real or imaginary- are all about, but they do not have the right, and you do not have the right, to tell others to just shut up and wait.
Since the law says gay can legally marry, they should be treated like all married couples. Even single people can adopt.
Except uniquely, a gay marriage contract strips orphans from either a mother or father for life. Obergefell declared that kids are parties to the marriage contract. A contract children share with adults cannot deprive them of a necessity.

Single people possess no such contract. They carry the hope of providing the missing gender. Gays openly banish that hope with a contract. This is legally intolerable to a child.

Gays would have to prove that a father isn't vital to a boy or mother to a girl.
And that ^^ compelling legal argument is a secular one backed by reams of peer reviewed studies & surveys of youth wellness. It just happens to also line up with the core reasons for the religious argument against gay adoption. A serendipitous alignment.
Since the law says gay can legally marry, they should be treated like all married couples. Even single people can adopt.
Except uniquely, a gay marriage contract strips orphans from either a mother or father for life. Obergefell declared that kids are parties to the marriage contract. A contract children share with adults cannot deprive them of a necessity.

Single people possess no such contract. They carry the hope of providing the missing gender. Gays openly banish that hope with a contract. This is legally intolerable to a child.

Gays would have to prove that a father isn't vital to a boy or mother to a girl.

Yes of course. Everyone knows that by banning same sex marriage, all of those gay people will just decide to become straight and marry someone of the opposite sex and all of those kids will have a mom and a dad.

And all of those kids who do not have a mom or a dad who are waiting to be adopted will magically find the perfect "traditional" home .

Same horseshit, different day
And that ^^ compelling legal argument is a secular one backed by reams of peer reviewed studies & surveys of youth wellness. It just happens to also line up with the core reasons for the religious argument against gay adoption. A serendipitous alignment.

Your "studies and surveys" have, time and again , been proven to be bogus bovine excrement.
That's what people said after Bowers.

Guess what....

You are the one who needs help.
View attachment 192311 Lambda Legal

Lambda Legal, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. Learn More

So what ?

That does not change the fact that people thought they had "settled law" after Bowers.

The fact thta people have to create "impact" litigation in order to prove that they are right (instead of just getting along with everyone else...none of whom always get their way), just shows that there are crappy selfish people in this world who really only care about what they think is right.

And then get all flustered and pissed (and resort to name calling) when someone stands up and tells them they don't own the show.

Best of luck.
What in the name of Christ are you blathering about now. ? That someone said that Lawrence is "settled law" ? That is not saying that it cannot be overturned. It's just not likely to be, just like Obergefell is unlikely to be overturned

You really do hate the Lawrence ruling, don't you?

Settled law definition
Traditionally, "settled law" or "black-letter law" refers to law that is so well-established that it is no longer subject to reasonable dispute. For example, it is settled law that the essential elements of a contract are an offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to be bound.
What do people mean when they say something is 'settled ...

I have not stated how I feel about it at all.

I've pointed out that it can be overturned (and asshole CCJ's constant bleating about settled law only works in his favor (in his self-righteous mind). It works both ways.

That's all I have said.

If you want to dispute that...go ahead.
Thank you for confirming the fact that you do not have the intestinal fortitude to state your position on Lawrence indicating to me that you're against it. Do your gay friends know"?

Why, in any universe would I feel obligated to explain my position on anything to you, except the proposition at hand ?

So we can thank you for somehow think you know why I will or won't.

You are typical fucking left wing asshole who struts around all superior....but who can't get it together enough with your fellow left wing assholes to NOT lose an election to one of the biggest morons to ever run for president.

What my gay friends know about how I feel isn't any of your motherfucking business.
You, on the other hand, suffer from the left winger superiority/stupidity syndrome. There is help...but sadly it is rarely effective. Most morons like you....tend to stay morons and get worse with time.

A sure sing of an insecure who has issues is someone who has to resort to a continuous barrage of ad- hominems

keep trying buckwheat.

The fact that I don't cowtow to your self appointed superiority pisses you off....can't help that.
Oh boy, you are obviously on the ropes now, having to resort to a racial slur

Yeah...you are really winning. You've really shown me.

What you've shown me is that you really do think you own the show and that others should bow to it.

And when they don't.......you get upset and......well.....you lose focus.
2. I don't ever recall calling gays filthy or perverted. In fact, I think I mentioned that I have several gay friends and aquaintences. That must mean that you are the bigot who likes to call people names....I never did.
Do your gay friends know that you resent gays for speaking out about bigotry and discrimination, and that your hoping that Lawrence gets overturned?

You keep missing what is being said.........moron.

They are the ones who resent the militant gay SFB group that only makes it harder for them. And spare me your response that say "no way". I've already pointed out that they already take shit from the gay community for daring to express a different point of view. The same way you fuckers call conservative blacks "Uncle Tom". Like most on the left...you are incredibly tolerant.....until someone disagrees with you.

I have never said anything about hoping it was overturned.

You really are a true left-winger....you've got it all straight in the fairytale story in your malfunctioning brain and NOBODY is going to change that.

Please explain how and why these so called "militants " who are simply advocating for things like employment non discrimination and the right to adopt are making it harder for other gay people. And, it still appears that YOU think that gay people should just shut up and wait for those rights to be bestowed upon them whenever society and the political system gets around to it- like they would have the right to marry today if they just stuffed it and sat on their hands. I don't know what your gay friend-real or imaginary- are all about, but they do not have the right, and you do not have the right, to tell others to just shut up and wait.

I've already explained and shown it. Go back and read. By your own admission, people are pushing "impactful" legislation. I call that militant.

And any militant can expect pushback.

"It appears..." ? When are you going to stick to facts and not your sorry assed assumptions ?

I don't have a right....fuck you.....free speech is a right and I will exercise it any way I like. You don't like it.....shove it.

But since I am not doing it, I'll simply step back and say that once again you are doing the left wing making shit up thing.....again.
That says nothing to my point.
No? How is that ? What exactly is your point.? Since when does the Constitution not implicitly protect choice?

Oh, please.....

The constitution was created to limit government....the federal government.
Correct....and the 14th amendment states that laws must apply equally to all citizens.

Are we really going to go through what it covers and does not ?

The constitution says that "government" meaning federal government....shall not make any laws regarding or pertaining to.....

The 14th has been used to create the bastard concept of selective incorporation which is total bullshit........

I still live by what comes down from the courts.....that does not mean it isn't bulshit.
That says nothing to my point.
No? How is that ? What exactly is your point.? Since when does the Constitution not implicitly protect choice?

Oh, please.....

The constitution was created to limit government....the federal government.
That is just dumbing it down. The Constitution serves a number of purposes.
What Is the Purpose of the Constitution?
Quick Answer
The main purpose of the U.S. Constitution is to establish the basic rights of all American citizens and provide direction on how the government should work. The Constitution also provides the framework for law and order and describes the roles of the government's federal judiciary branch, legislative branch and executive branch.

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But my point was that it protects choice:

Freedom of Choice” is a fundamental right, grouped with a “Right to Privacy”. The Ninth Amendment alludes to it and the Fourteenth Amendment enforces it.

(I assume by “freedom of choice” you mean the pro-abortion phrase indicating a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion (or not), and are asking about the U.S. Constitution’s amendments.) https://www.quora.com/What-Amendment-allows-you-freedom-of-choice-What-does-it-say
3. I have no issues. There is nothing that you've argued against that remotely describes my position
Really, perhaps then you would like to clarify a few things.

1.What is your position on adoption by gays?

2. What is your position on same sex marriage?

3. What is your position on including gays in laws against discrimination?

My position is quite clear on things I've argued for.

I don't owe you any explanation about any of my other positions.
Thank you for admitting that you are too much of a coward to answer the questions, indicating to me that you are the wrong side of those issues. Do your gay friends know?

I have not admitted anything. So fuck you.

You can use names like coward across the internet because you can........

And you have no idea what side of the issues I am on.

But being a lefty, you can't possibly admit that others might have a legitimate point of view that differs from yours......

God forbid that anyone think for themselves.

Taking your responses I would expect you are gay.....a gay militant.......

But I'd never ask you to confirm that.

In spite of the fact that you an asshole, I don't see where I have any reason to expect you to answer that. So I am not asking.
You just can't get off of the tract that says you have to convince yourself that you and your boyfriend are safe.
Now you are really showing your stupidity.

Yes, that follows......

Not that your logic is sound....but that you actually are foolish enough to think people will accept it.

Accept what? Homosexuality? YOU, the one who claims to have gay friends is saying that people would be foolish to accept it??:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
That says nothing to my point.
No? How is that ? What exactly is your point.? Since when does the Constitution not implicitly protect choice?

Oh, please.....

The constitution was created to limit government....the federal government.
That is just dumbing it down. The Constitution serves a number of purposes.
What Is the Purpose of the Constitution?
Quick Answer
The main purpose of the U.S. Constitution is to establish the basic rights of all American citizens and provide direction on how the government should work. The Constitution also provides the framework for law and order and describes the roles of the government's federal judiciary branch, legislative branch and executive branch.

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But my point was that it protects choice:

Freedom of Choice” is a fundamental right, grouped with a “Right to Privacy”. The Ninth Amendment alludes to it and the Fourteenth Amendment enforces it.

(I assume by “freedom of choice” you mean the pro-abortion phrase indicating a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion (or not), and are asking about the U.S. Constitution’s amendments.) https://www.quora.com/What-Amendment-allows-you-freedom-of-choice-What-does-it-say


The main purpose of the consitution was to provide a framework for a federal government to carry out a specific scope of activities without interefereing in the states business....unless they chose to make things like printing money or making treaties their business.

The next purpose was to protect the states and the people from the federal government.
You just can't get off of the tract that says you have to convince yourself that you and your boyfriend are safe.
Now you are really showing your stupidity.

Yes, that follows......

Not that your logic is sound....but that you actually are foolish enough to think people will accept it.

Accept what? Homosexuality? YOU, the one who claims to have gay friends is saying that people would be foolish to accept it??:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

Sorry...I sued the word logic.....referencing your post.

I forget you have your own brand of logic that allows you to first ask the question (not really asking because, as a lefty...you already know), then second answer it (even though homosexuality was not mentioned in the post I referenced)...third, attempting to point out a manufactured fallacy based on the made up answer to a question you really didn't intend to get an answer to.

Good job.

At least you are consistent in your penchant for making shit up.

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