Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

Personally I'm not gay so if you aren't why are you guys spending time obsessing abut what gay people do. Let them adopt children. Don't pretend that all mom and dad families have produced such outstanding results.
You bring up a point I've always puzzled over. No one dwells on the gay sex act more than heteros arguing against gays. It's so weird.

Yeah, that puzzles me also. I don't see any need to be bothered by gay issues to the point of denying them rights when I'm not gay. Whatever I might personally think of gays is irrelevant, they have the right to live here in peace and what they do in private that they consent to doesn't concern me.
From the outside looking in, I see both sides trying to use government mold society to their vision. Whatever happened to live and let live?
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.
They let them give up the tax $$$ damn it! THAT is what this is about

Sure... that's the point of getting people on the dole in the first place, right? - to twist arms. That's the scam of the welfare state. Make everyone dependent on government and government controls everyone.
You'll have to explain to me how this became about welfare, Or I'll have to call a red herring fallacy on you.

You brought it up. You were justifying government interference in the operation of the adoption agency based on the presumed fact that they receive government money.
Personally I'm not gay so if you aren't why are you guys spending time obsessing abut what gay people do. Let them adopt children. Don't pretend that all mom and dad families have produced such outstanding results.

From the outside looking in, I see both sides trying to use government mold society to their vision. Whatever happened to live and let live?
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.

Of course we should. It's the job of an adoption agency to discriminate, to find what they consider "good" parents for the children under their care. What you want, is government to make the call on what constitutes good parents for the children.
Personally I'm not gay so if you aren't why are you guys spending time obsessing abut what gay people do. Let them adopt children. Don't pretend that all mom and dad families have produced such outstanding results.

From the outside looking in, I see both sides trying to use government mold society to their vision. Whatever happened to live and let live?
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.
They let them give up the tax $$$ damn it! THAT is what this is about

Sure... that's the point of getting people on the dole in the first place, right? - to twist arms. That's the scam of the welfare state. Make everyone dependent on government and government controls everyone.
You'll have to explain to me how this became about welfare, Or I'll have to call a red herring fallacy on you.

You brought it up. You were justifying government interference in the operation of the adoption agency based on the presumed fact that they receive government money.
If they do...they cannot discriminate. However if they wish to forego government money, they can certainly do as they wish.
Personally I'm not gay so if you aren't why are you guys spending time obsessing abut what gay people do. Let them adopt children. Don't pretend that all mom and dad families have produced such outstanding results.

From the outside looking in, I see both sides trying to use government mold society to their vision. Whatever happened to live and let live?
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.

It's not odd at all. Discriminating is how we express our values in society. What's 'odd', and actually quite dangerous, is the desire to, instead, force our values on society via government.
Personally I'm not gay so if you aren't why are you guys spending time obsessing abut what gay people do. Let them adopt children. Don't pretend that all mom and dad families have produced such outstanding results.

From the outside looking in, I see both sides trying to use government mold society to their vision. Whatever happened to live and let live?
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.

Of course we should. It's the job of an adoption agency to discriminate, to find what they consider "good" parents for the children under their care. What you want, is government to make the call on what constitutes good parents for the children.
Partially correct....if one takes government money, one must follow government (read Constitutional) criteria. The government is not allowed to discriminate based on gender, is it?
From the outside looking in, I see both sides trying to use government mold society to their vision. Whatever happened to live and let live?
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.

It's not odd at all. Discriminating is how we express our values in society. What's 'odd', and actually quite dangerous, is the desire to, instead, force our values on society via government.
So. you are one of the ones crying that we don't allow you to discriminate against your fellow citizens anymore?
The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.
They let them give up the tax $$$ damn it! THAT is what this is about

Sure... that's the point of getting people on the dole in the first place, right? - to twist arms. That's the scam of the welfare state. Make everyone dependent on government and government controls everyone.
You'll have to explain to me how this became about welfare, Or I'll have to call a red herring fallacy on you.

You brought it up. You were justifying government interference in the operation of the adoption agency based on the presumed fact that they receive government money.
If they do...they cannot discriminate. However if they wish to forego government money, they can certainly do as they wish.

Yeah, I hear ya. It's the same old line. And frankly, it's WHY they want to get everyone dependent on government (in, seemingly, every way they can think of). Then they control everything.
They let them give up the tax $$$ damn it! THAT is what this is about

Sure... that's the point of getting people on the dole in the first place, right? - to twist arms. That's the scam of the welfare state. Make everyone dependent on government and government controls everyone.
You'll have to explain to me how this became about welfare, Or I'll have to call a red herring fallacy on you.

You brought it up. You were justifying government interference in the operation of the adoption agency based on the presumed fact that they receive government money.
If they do...they cannot discriminate. However if they wish to forego government money, they can certainly do as they wish.

Yeah, I hear ya. It's the same old line. And frankly, it's WHY they want to get everyone dependent on government (in, seemingly, every way they can think of). Then they control everything.
They don't control you if you don't take their money, you know.
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.

It's not odd at all. Discriminating is how we express our values in society. What's 'odd', and actually quite dangerous, is the desire to, instead, force our values on society via government.
So. you are one of the ones crying that we don't allow you to discriminate against your fellow citizens anymore?

Not really, but I do think government deciding these things is really dangerous. It makes personal values a matter of state mandate. Not the kind of government I want.
The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.

It's not odd at all. Discriminating is how we express our values in society. What's 'odd', and actually quite dangerous, is the desire to, instead, force our values on society via government.
So. you are one of the ones crying that we don't allow you to discriminate against your fellow citizens anymore?

Not really, but I do think government deciding these things is really dangerous. It makes personal values a matter of state mandate. Not the kind of government I want.
Not if you don't take government money. But if you do, you have to follow government criteria. You know...all that Constitutional stuff.
Sure... that's the point of getting people on the dole in the first place, right? - to twist arms. That's the scam of the welfare state. Make everyone dependent on government and government controls everyone.
You'll have to explain to me how this became about welfare, Or I'll have to call a red herring fallacy on you.

You brought it up. You were justifying government interference in the operation of the adoption agency based on the presumed fact that they receive government money.
If they do...they cannot discriminate. However if they wish to forego government money, they can certainly do as they wish.

Yeah, I hear ya. It's the same old line. And frankly, it's WHY they want to get everyone dependent on government (in, seemingly, every way they can think of). Then they control everything.
They don't control you if you don't take their money, you know.

Yeah. I get it. But government encourages these dependencies, and then uses them to twist arms. It's a corrupt abuse of state power. This is why libertarians are opposed to the welfare state. It's not helping the poor we're opposed to. It's setting up government as the master, who controls whatever we do with threat of denying 'benefits' to anyone who doesn't do as they're told.
The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.

It's not odd at all. Discriminating is how we express our values in society. What's 'odd', and actually quite dangerous, is the desire to, instead, force our values on society via government.
So. you are one of the ones crying that we don't allow you to discriminate against your fellow citizens anymore?

Not really, but I do think government deciding these things is really dangerous. It makes personal values a matter of state mandate. Not the kind of government I want.

The problem here with such a belief is these entities take state and federal money. Discrimination is not how we express our values. The government makes the law, so it's kinda hard to be talking about what the government cannot be doing when the government's role is making the rules.
You'll have to explain to me how this became about welfare, Or I'll have to call a red herring fallacy on you.

You brought it up. You were justifying government interference in the operation of the adoption agency based on the presumed fact that they receive government money.
If they do...they cannot discriminate. However if they wish to forego government money, they can certainly do as they wish.

Yeah, I hear ya. It's the same old line. And frankly, it's WHY they want to get everyone dependent on government (in, seemingly, every way they can think of). Then they control everything.
They don't control you if you don't take their money, you know.

Yeah. I get it. But government encourages these dependencies, and then uses them to twist arms. It's a corrupt abuse of state power. This is why libertarians are opposed to the welfare state. It's not helping the poor we're opposed to. It's setting up government as the master, who controls whatever we do with threat of denying 'benefits' to anyone who doesn't do as they're told.

There is no welfare state.
You brought it up. You were justifying government interference in the operation of the adoption agency based on the presumed fact that they receive government money.
If they do...they cannot discriminate. However if they wish to forego government money, they can certainly do as they wish.

Yeah, I hear ya. It's the same old line. And frankly, it's WHY they want to get everyone dependent on government (in, seemingly, every way they can think of). Then they control everything.
They don't control you if you don't take their money, you know.

Yeah. I get it. But government encourages these dependencies, and then uses them to twist arms. It's a corrupt abuse of state power. This is why libertarians are opposed to the welfare state. It's not helping the poor we're opposed to. It's setting up government as the master, who controls whatever we do with threat of denying 'benefits' to anyone who doesn't do as they're told.

There is no welfare state.

What about a spoon? Is there a spoon?
We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.

It's not odd at all. Discriminating is how we express our values in society. What's 'odd', and actually quite dangerous, is the desire to, instead, force our values on society via government.
So. you are one of the ones crying that we don't allow you to discriminate against your fellow citizens anymore?

Not really, but I do think government deciding these things is really dangerous. It makes personal values a matter of state mandate. Not the kind of government I want.

The problem here with such a belief is these entities take state and federal money. Discrimination is not how we express our values. The government makes the law, so it's kinda hard to be talking about what the government cannot be doing when the government's role is making the rules.

Yeah, I know how you see it. Government as the lord and commander of society, dictating any and all behavior. I don't accept that. Government is the security guard, not the boss.
Personally I'm not gay so if you aren't why are you guys spending time obsessing abut what gay people do. Let them adopt children. Don't pretend that all mom and dad families have produced such outstanding results.

From the outside looking in, I see both sides trying to use government mold society to their vision. Whatever happened to live and let live?
Yes live and let live. Lets gay folks adopt. In Kansas, they are nor using the government, they are being victimized by the government.

The law has nothing to do with the rights of gays to adopt children. This is about the rights of adoption agencies to discriminate, something we should be protecting rather than attacking.

We should not be protecting the right to discriminate.
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.

Yes it is. As a person who has actually faced discrimination, why is it that people try peddling this obviously bigoted argument about how there should be a right to discriminate?
It is odd how some actually cry that they are being persecuted for their religion when they are NOT allowed to discriminate against their fellow citizens.

It's not odd at all. Discriminating is how we express our values in society. What's 'odd', and actually quite dangerous, is the desire to, instead, force our values on society via government.
So. you are one of the ones crying that we don't allow you to discriminate against your fellow citizens anymore?

Not really, but I do think government deciding these things is really dangerous. It makes personal values a matter of state mandate. Not the kind of government I want.

The problem here with such a belief is these entities take state and federal money. Discrimination is not how we express our values. The government makes the law, so it's kinda hard to be talking about what the government cannot be doing when the government's role is making the rules.

Yeah, I know how you see it. Government as the lord and commander of society, dictating any and all behavior. I don't accept that. Government is the security guard, not the boss.

No you don't know how I see it. I look at what government actually does, not what I wish it would do.
Sure... that's the point of getting people on the dole in the first place, right? - to twist arms. That's the scam of the welfare state. Make everyone dependent on government and government controls everyone.
You'll have to explain to me how this became about welfare, Or I'll have to call a red herring fallacy on you.

You brought it up. You were justifying government interference in the operation of the adoption agency based on the presumed fact that they receive government money.
If they do...they cannot discriminate. However if they wish to forego government money, they can certainly do as they wish.

Yeah, I hear ya. It's the same old line. And frankly, it's WHY they want to get everyone dependent on government (in, seemingly, every way they can think of). Then they control everything.
They don't control you if you don't take their money, you know.

They make the money we use regardless of anything else.

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