Karakoram Glaciers EXPANDING!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
More k00k losing....................

From The Times of India...................

Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding

Reuters Apr 17, 2012, 06.59AM IST

LONDON: Some glaciers in the Himalayas mountain range have gained a small amount of mass between 1999 and 2008, new research shows, bucking the global trend of glacial decline. The study published in the Nature Geoscience journal also said the Karakoram mountain range in the Himalayas has contributed less to sea level rise than previously thought. With global average temperature rising, glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets melt and shed water, contributing to the increase of sea levels , threatening the populations of low-lying nations and islands.

And IM laughing.........................


Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding - Times Of India
More k00k losing....................

From The Times of India...................

Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding

Reuters Apr 17, 2012, 06.59AM IST

LONDON: Some glaciers in the Himalayas mountain range have gained a small amount of mass between 1999 and 2008, new research shows, bucking the global trend of glacial decline. The study published in the Nature Geoscience journal also said the Karakoram mountain range in the Himalayas has contributed less to sea level rise than previously thought. With global average temperature rising, glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets melt and shed water, contributing to the increase of sea levels , threatening the populations of low-lying nations and islands.

And IM laughing.........................


Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding - Times Of India

Laughing at this confirmation of the fact that the vast majority of glaciers are rapidly receding, including most of the ones in the Himalayas?:confused:
But the point Ray, is that people see this stuff and say, "Hey....wait a minute?". Maybe not those focused on AGW but a huge majority arent. Over the past 5 years, it leaves the "WTF?" perception............and to me, thats the important thing.

Im not even being flip when I say...........if January brings a month of 70 degree temps in central Alaska, or tornado's start dumping beach ball sized hail in the midwest, global warming will continue to be somewhere in the 20's on peoples list of major concerns. Every poll shows it. Accordingly, the status-quo will continue in terms of energy production. And not for nothing Ray.........I pay dearly for electricity here in the northeast. Dont need my bill being doubled with carbon ceilings for coal!!
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Yes, you are correct. Until their home is directly affected. Until there is a catastrophe suitably large enough to get their attention. You don't realize how close we were to that last summer when the Missouri and Mississippi were flooding. Some of the upper dams on the Missouri were very close to failing. Spillways taking five times the amount of water that they were designed for, and the concrete in them starting to chunk out. The dams are earth fill, the entire length of the Missouri and Mississippi, and, had one of the upper ones failed, all the dams below would have failed.

But we got through that one by the skin of our teeth. And everybody has already forgotten that.
Yes, you are correct. Until their home is directly affected. Until there is a catastrophe suitably large enough to get their attention. You don't realize how close we were to that last summer when the Missouri and Mississippi were flooding. Some of the upper dams on the Missouri were very close to failing. Spillways taking five times the amount of water that they were designed for, and the concrete in them starting to chunk out. The dams are earth fill, the entire length of the Missouri and Mississippi, and, had one of the upper ones failed, all the dams below would have failed.

But we got through that one by the skin of our teeth. And everybody has already forgotten that.

Ray..........I think there would need to be a catastrophy far greater than anything we've seen, the operative word being "far".
The glaciers are expanding because of Global Warming, it's right there in the model
The ice has been melting for the last 15,000 years anyway

Did the Geico caveman start AGW?
More k00k losing....................

From The Times of India...................

Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding

Reuters Apr 17, 2012, 06.59AM IST

LONDON: Some glaciers in the Himalayas mountain range have gained a small amount of mass between 1999 and 2008, new research shows, bucking the global trend of glacial decline. The study published in the Nature Geoscience journal also said the Karakoram mountain range in the Himalayas has contributed less to sea level rise than previously thought. With global average temperature rising, glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets melt and shed water, contributing to the increase of sea levels , threatening the populations of low-lying nations and islands.

And IM laughing.........................


Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding - Times Of India

Laughing at this confirmation of the fact that the vast majority of glaciers are rapidly receding, including most of the ones in the Himalayas?:confused:

And yet...

if you accept the science that the glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range are increasing infinitesimally then it logically follows that you accept the science that global ice is decreasing at a rapid pace or, or do you pick and choose which parts of the same science you accept and reject --- ehem, please publish your credentials.

"Global average glacier mass balance is unequivocally negative" ~ Glaciologist Professor Jonathan Bamber
More k00k losing....................

From The Times of India...................

Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding

Reuters Apr 17, 2012, 06.59AM IST

LONDON: Some glaciers in the Himalayas mountain range have gained a small amount of mass between 1999 and 2008, new research shows, bucking the global trend of glacial decline. The study published in the Nature Geoscience journal also said the Karakoram mountain range in the Himalayas has contributed less to sea level rise than previously thought. With global average temperature rising, glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets melt and shed water, contributing to the increase of sea levels , threatening the populations of low-lying nations and islands.

And IM laughing.........................


Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding - Times Of India

Laughing at this confirmation of the fact that the vast majority of glaciers are rapidly receding, including most of the ones in the Himalayas?:confused:

And yet...

if you accept the science that the glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range are increasing infinitesimally then it logically follows that you accept the science that global ice is decreasing at a rapid pace or, or do you pick and choose which parts of the same science you accept and reject --- ehem, please publish your credentials.

"Global average glacier mass balance is unequivocally negative" ~ Glaciologist Professor Jonathan Bamber

s0n........you dont quite get it. You think that this is a science debate. But nbobody cares so I need not produce any credentials. Go google ANY poll.........."global warming" is so far down the list of the public's concerns, its virtually off the charts.

From Pew, November of last year................


So.......you see s0n......theres plenty enough out there to make people not take this AGW bomb throwing shit seriously.:D:D
Laughing at this confirmation of the fact that the vast majority of glaciers are rapidly receding, including most of the ones in the Himalayas?:confused:

And yet...

if you accept the science that the glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range are increasing infinitesimally then it logically follows that you accept the science that global ice is decreasing at a rapid pace or, or do you pick and choose which parts of the same science you accept and reject --- ehem, please publish your credentials.

"Global average glacier mass balance is unequivocally negative" ~ Glaciologist Professor Jonathan Bamber

s0n........you dont quite get it. You think that this is a science debate. But nbobody cares so I need not produce any credentials. Go google ANY poll.........."global warming" is so far down the list of the public's concerns, its virtually off the charts.

From Pew, November of last year................


So.......you see s0n......theres plenty enough out there to make people not take this AGW bomb throwing shit seriously.:D:D

Riiiiight, when you thought you had a climate change 'gotcha', you got all puffed up like a peacock in heat -- posted your climate change article In the "ENVIRONMENT" section of the USMB --- then, after you got your ass handed to you, you want to change the subject to the 2010 election?-----okeydoke. One of great things about living in America is you have the right to choose to bail out when you lose a M/B conversation, but dude, I'm SMH @U.


I think this is yours, I found it on a thread titled
"Karakoram Glaciers are expanding!!!"
And yet...

if you accept the science that the glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range are increasing infinitesimally then it logically follows that you accept the science that global ice is decreasing at a rapid pace or, or do you pick and choose which parts of the same science you accept and reject --- ehem, please publish your credentials.

"Global average glacier mass balance is unequivocally negative" ~ Glaciologist Professor Jonathan Bamber

s0n........you dont quite get it. You think that this is a science debate. But nbobody cares so I need not produce any credentials. Go google ANY poll.........."global warming" is so far down the list of the public's concerns, its virtually off the charts.

From Pew, November of last year................


So.......you see s0n......theres plenty enough out there to make people not take this AGW bomb throwing shit seriously.:D:D

Riiiiight, when you thought you had a climate change 'gotcha', you got all puffed up like a peacock in heat -- posted your climate change article In the "ENVIRONMENT" section of the USMB --- then, after you got your ass handed to you, you want to change the subject to the 2010 election?-----okeydoke. One of great things about living in America is you have the right to choose to bail out when you lose a M/B conversation, but dude, I'm SMH @U.


I think this is yours, I found it on a thread titled
"Karakoram Glaciers are expanding!!!"

Thats right...........what was I thinking?

Your side is dominating the skeptics!! After all..........the science is so compelling, the public is knocking doors down in DC to have their representatives pen legislation to cap carbon emmissions. Clearly, Cap and Trade is about to make a huge comeback!! The public is lurching towards the same mass hysteria that is embraced by the eco-nazi's...........coal will likely be shut down completely by 2013. By 2015, who knows, we may all have windmills on top of our cars and a big solar panel in our backyard!!! That half a degree has really moved public poicy to spend the 76 trilion to go green..........we skeptics dont have a leg to stand on anymore!!!!
I see a future Museum of Scientific Frauds and Hoaxes featuring the peppered moth, Piltdown Man and Manmade Global Warming
Yes, you are correct. Until their home is directly affected. Until there is a catastrophe suitably large enough to get their attention. You don't realize how close we were to that last summer when the Missouri and Mississippi were flooding. Some of the upper dams on the Missouri were very close to failing. Spillways taking five times the amount of water that they were designed for, and the concrete in them starting to chunk out. The dams are earth fill, the entire length of the Missouri and Mississippi, and, had one of the upper ones failed, all the dams below would have failed.

But we got through that one by the skin of our teeth. And everybody has already forgotten that.

Wasn't that due to the fact that there was a heavy melt of the heavy snow that had built up from the cold winter?

How's that flooding coming along this year?
Yes, you are correct. Until their home is directly affected. Until there is a catastrophe suitably large enough to get their attention. You don't realize how close we were to that last summer when the Missouri and Mississippi were flooding. Some of the upper dams on the Missouri were very close to failing. Spillways taking five times the amount of water that they were designed for, and the concrete in them starting to chunk out. The dams are earth fill, the entire length of the Missouri and Mississippi, and, had one of the upper ones failed, all the dams below would have failed.

But we got through that one by the skin of our teeth. And everybody has already forgotten that.

Wasn't that due to the fact that there was a heavy melt of the heavy snow that had built up from the cold winter?

How's that flooding coming along this year?

Flooding is predicted by the model, as it warming, cooling, rain, sunshine, asteroids, solar flares; and all due to global warming
More k00k losing....................

From The Times of India...................

Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding

Reuters Apr 17, 2012, 06.59AM IST

LONDON: Some glaciers in the Himalayas mountain range have gained a small amount of mass between 1999 and 2008, new research shows, bucking the global trend of glacial decline. The study published in the Nature Geoscience journal also said the Karakoram mountain range in the Himalayas has contributed less to sea level rise than previously thought. With global average temperature rising, glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets melt and shed water, contributing to the increase of sea levels , threatening the populations of low-lying nations and islands.

And IM laughing.........................


Warming? Karakoram glaciers are expanding - Times Of India

Laughing at this confirmation of the fact that the vast majority of glaciers are rapidly receding, including most of the ones in the Himalayas?:confused:

And yet...

if you accept the science that the glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range are increasing infinitesimally then it logically follows that you accept the science that global ice is decreasing at a rapid pace or, or do you pick and choose which parts of the same science you accept and reject --- ehem, please publish your credentials.

"Global average glacier mass balance is unequivocally negative" ~ Glaciologist Professor Jonathan Bamber

There are other parts of AGW Science that beg for explanation.

The rate of Sea level rise has recently increased from 2 mm/year to 3mm/year. If that rate of 2mm/year was actually happening, then the sea level would be about a vertical foot higher today than in 1900.

We have pretty clear and accurate records of where the sea shore was in 1900 and it's pretty much right where Teddy Roosevelt left it.

What happening?
And yet...

if you accept the science that the glaciers in the Karakoram mountain range are increasing infinitesimally then it logically follows that you accept the science that global ice is decreasing at a rapid pace or, or do you pick and choose which parts of the same science you accept and reject --- ehem, please publish your credentials.

"Global average glacier mass balance is unequivocally negative" ~ Glaciologist Professor Jonathan Bamber

s0n........you dont quite get it. You think that this is a science debate. But nbobody cares so I need not produce any credentials. Go google ANY poll.........."global warming" is so far down the list of the public's concerns, its virtually off the charts.

From Pew, November of last year................


So.......you see s0n......theres plenty enough out there to make people not take this AGW bomb throwing shit seriously.:D:D

Riiiiight, when you thought you had a climate change 'gotcha', you got all puffed up like a peacock in heat -- posted your climate change article In the "ENVIRONMENT" section of the USMB --- then, after you got your ass handed to you, you want to change the subject to the 2010 election?-----okeydoke. One of great things about living in America is you have the right to choose to bail out when you lose a M/B conversation, but dude, I'm SMH @U.


I think this is yours, I found it on a thread titled
"Karakoram Glaciers are expanding!!!"

OUt of curiosity, are you asserting that the Climate is warming


that the Climate is warming
and that the warming is caused by the activities of Man
and that man can reverse the warming by changing his activities?

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