Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

but the tough part still lies ahead: proving beyond a reasonable doubt (Count II) that ballot printer problems on Election Day were intentional, designed to affect the results of the election

And here is where I find the court in total bullshit.
  1. No normal trial like this would go to court first without six months for the prosecution to prepare its case, yet this is being railroaded through with only a couple of DAYS to prepare, in an obvious effort to bias the entire case against Lake as judges are risk-adverse and really don't like rocking the boat.
  2. 80% of her points of contention were thrown out including her best one about the faulty signature verification, when I can testify that signature verification is a joke at best with people with no expertise or training just GUESSING. There is actually only about 200 people in this country legally court qualified to be able to truly differentiate a legit signature from a forged one.
  3. Proving they INTENDED to defraud the election may be well near impossible, certainly not without a lot more time, proving the court really isn't interested in getting at the truth. And it should not be the crucial point anyway; just demonstrating that large numbers of people did not get the chance to vote or get their ballots counted properly, whether accidental or deliberate, should be enough to trigger redoing the election--- THIS TIME without Katie Hobbs in charge.
And here is where I find the court in total bullshit.
  1. No normal trial like this would go to court first without six months for the prosecution to prepare its case, yet this is being railroaded through with only a couple of DAYS to prepare, in an obvious effort to bias the entire case against Lake as judges are risk-adverse and really don't like rocking the boat.
  2. 80% of her points of contention were thrown out including her best one about the faulty signature verification, when I can testify that signature verification is a joke at best with people with no expertise or training just GUESSING. There is actually only about 200 people in this country legally court qualified to be able to truly differentiate a legit signature from a forged one.
  3. Proving they INTENDED to defraud the election may be well near impossible, certainly not without a lot more time, proving the court really isn't interested in getting at the truth. And it should not be the crucial point anyway; just demonstrating that large numbers of people did not get the chance to vote or get their ballots counted properly, whether accidental or deliberate, should be enough to trigger redoing the election.
this is a civil trial so theres no prosecutor,,
Kari Lake is awesome! I have this bad feeling the Arizona judge is going to toss the lawsuit right after Christmas tho because that's how Arizona "law" works when it comes to politics.

Wouldn't it be great if Trump won in 2024 and Kari Lake was his VP? :113:

I'd like that! :)
And here is where I find the court in total bullshit.
  1. No normal trial like this would go to court first without six months for the prosecution to prepare its case, yet this is being railroaded through with only a couple of DAYS to prepare, in an obvious effort to bias the entire case against Lake as judges are risk-adverse and really don't like rocking the boat.
  2. 80% of her points of contention were thrown out including her best one about the faulty signature verification, when I can testify that signature verification is a joke at best with people with no expertise or training just GUESSING. There is actually only about 200 people in this country legally court qualified to be able to truly differentiate a legit signature from a forged one.
  3. Proving they INTENDED to defraud the election may be well near impossible, certainly not without a lot more time, proving the court really isn't interested in getting at the truth. And it should not be the crucial point anyway; just demonstrating that large numbers of people did not get the chance to vote or get their ballots counted properly, whether accidental or deliberate, should be enough to trigger redoing the election--- THIS TIME without Katie Hobbs in charge.
4. Only allowed the plantiff five hours total to present their case, which prevented them from putting the corrupt, sputtering, nincompoop Kate Hobbs on the stand.
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That depends. Is Kari's goal *really* to get herself named Governor or a redo of the election?

Or is it to raise herself up with the MAGAts in a pitch to be Trump's running mate in 2024?

Depending on which she's attempting, her success may vary.
I can't believe it matters. It's all about the grift with them it appears. Even the buffoon knows the splash is coming and his ability to pretend otherwise is only working with some of them. Sure, she can lure them away as he gets dragged off into court for the rest of his life, but how long can she sell them an image?
At some point she'll have to stand for something. Her claims, however fiercely implausible, are nearly tangible to these sycophants.
It's all her making. She must know this, so what could be her hope except to strike while the iron is hot. It might be fast and furious, but the buffoon has shown that it's easy pickin's and highly profitable.
She's just playing a part. It's sad how these people can believe there's a vast conspiracy manipulating everything in the air around them, but cannot see the silly sock puppet selling stupid in their feed.
4. Only allowed the prosecution five hours total to present their case, which prevented them from putting the corrupt, sputtering, nincompoop Kate Hobbs on the stand.

Yeah, I know. I think that would have eaten up just too much time, proving once again this whole thing is BS. Can you see any other court case, a murder or embezzlement or other case going to court with LIMITS set for how long you have to present the facts? So little time in fact that you don't even have time to question key witnesses?

But I have mixed feelings on having Hobbs there anyway without much more time to prepare-- -- likely she would only have taken the 5th or given long winded nebulous answers to kill the clock.

Just imagine the OJ trial or Bill Cosby trial and their telling the attorneys: "OK, I'll give you just TWO DAYS to make your case!"

I've been watching a lot of airline accident investigations, and I just continually marvel at the lengths and details the NTSB goes through sparing no expense in investigating and solving every last detail to why a plane crashed, but not so when it comes to elections---- you know, that sacred, vital right of ours to vote and have it count!

Says a whole lot about why our elections are the way they are.
Arizona Attorney's: Kari Lake Election Loss Lawsuit Lack Merit.

PHOENIX (AP) — Republican Kari Lake didn’t offer evidence to back her claims of widespread, intentional misconduct on Election Day at her two-day trial challenging her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs in Arizona governor’s race, lawyers for the state said Thursday.

Lake also never established her claim that printer problems at Maricopa County polling places were intentional acts that would have changed the race’s outcome had they not occurred, said Abha Khanna, a lawyer representing Hobbs, who ultimately won the race by just over 17,000 votes. At the trial’s closing arguments Thursday, Khanna said Lake’s claims were based on hearsay, speculation and theatrics. “What we got instead was just loose threads and gaping plot holes. We know now that her story was a work of fiction,” Khanna said.

Kurt Olsen, one of Lake’s attorneys, said officials tried to downplay the effects of the printer problems in Maricopa County. “This is about trust, your honor,” Olsen said. “It’s about restoring people’s trust. There is not a person that’s watching this thing that isn’t shaking their head now.”

Lying Lake never provided any credible evidence that would, on it's face provide reasonable doubt (the legal standard) that Election Fraud did in fact happen. Lying Lake had nothing except accusations, assumptions, conjecture, contention, innuendo, hyperbole and second hand hearsay. Which prove nothing.

One more time MAGA MAGGOTS. In order to support a charge of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud you must first have evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

Fucking Lying Lake Fucking Lost the fucking election.
Arizona Attorney's: Kari Lake Election Loss Lawsuit Lack Merit.

PHOENIX (AP) — Republican Kari Lake didn’t offer evidence to back her claims of widespread, intentional misconduct on Election Day at her two-day trial challenging her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs in Arizona governor’s race, lawyers for the state said Thursday.

Lake also never established her claim that printer problems at Maricopa County polling places were intentional acts that would have changed the race’s outcome had they not occurred, said Abha Khanna, a lawyer representing Hobbs, who ultimately won the race by just over 17,000 votes. At the trial’s closing arguments Thursday, Khanna said Lake’s claims were based on hearsay, speculation and theatrics. “What we got instead was just loose threads and gaping plot holes. We know now that her story was a work of fiction,” Khanna said.

Kurt Olsen, one of Lake’s attorneys, said officials tried to downplay the effects of the printer problems in Maricopa County. “This is about trust, your honor,” Olsen said. “It’s about restoring people’s trust. There is not a person that’s watching this thing that isn’t shaking their head now.”

Lying Lake never provided any credible evidence that would, on it's face provide reasonable doubt (the legal standard) that Election Fraud did in fact happen. Lying Lake had nothing except accusations, assumptions, conjecture, contention, innuendo, hyperbole and second hand hearsay. Which prove nothing.

One more time MAGA MAGGOTS. In order to support a charge of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud you must first have evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

Fucking Lying Lake Fucking Lost the fucking election.
I already said the Reich will never allow her to prevail, this isn't a nation of laws after all.

But this just adds to the reality that NO ONE can deny - we don't have free and fair elections. It's a rigged game that puts in who the Oligarchs chose.

Your fellow Nazi sinkwar doesn't like it - but time to start hanging the Oligarchs from lamp posts.


Yeah, it can't possibly be she never had a concrete lawsuit to begin with. Right, nazi?
Arizona Attorney's: Kari Lake Election Loss Lawsuit Lack Merit.

PHOENIX (AP) — Republican Kari Lake didn’t offer evidence to back her claims of widespread, intentional misconduct on Election Day at her two-day trial challenging her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs in Arizona governor’s race, lawyers for the state said Thursday.

Lake also never established her claim that printer problems at Maricopa County polling places were intentional acts that would have changed the race’s outcome had they not occurred, said Abha Khanna, a lawyer representing Hobbs, who ultimately won the race by just over 17,000 votes. At the trial’s closing arguments Thursday, Khanna said Lake’s claims were based on hearsay, speculation and theatrics. “What we got instead was just loose threads and gaping plot holes. We know now that her story was a work of fiction,” Khanna said.

Kurt Olsen, one of Lake’s attorneys, said officials tried to downplay the effects of the printer problems in Maricopa County. “This is about trust, your honor,” Olsen said. “It’s about restoring people’s trust. There is not a person that’s watching this thing that isn’t shaking their head now.”

Lying Lake never provided any credible evidence that would, on it's face provide reasonable doubt (the legal standard) that Election Fraud did in fact happen. Lying Lake had nothing except accusations, assumptions, conjecture, contention, innuendo, hyperbole and second hand hearsay. Which prove nothing.

One more time MAGA MAGGOTS. In order to support a charge of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud you must first have evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

Fucking Lying Lake Fucking Lost the fucking election.

The right is already thinking up new excuses for why they were robbed yet again by yet another court for when the judge dismisses this case with prejudice. To them of course, it can't possibly be Lake never had a leg to stand on.
This trial is hilarious. The plaintiffs lawyer will get sanctioned for bringing this baseless case to trial. They’ve not identified a single miscounted ballot. Their whole case has been they don’t like how it was done, not questioning the output at all. This will be the end of Kari Lake.

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