Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

The right is already thinking up new excuses for why they were robbed yet again by yet another court for when the judge dismisses this case with prejudice. To them of course, it can't possibly be Lake never had a leg to stand on.

I was cheated I tell's ya.....

The problem for Lying Lake is that she is trying (and like the Traitor) failing to create a realistic criminal conspiracy designed to deny her the office she is unfit to hold. She never offered any form of credible evidence to support her empty allegations of Election Fraud.

In order to sustain a charge of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud one must first have evidence of such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. Lying Lake has none. She has an unending list of hair brained conspiracy theories that even she knows she can prove....that is the beauty of her conspiracies, she does not have to have a single shred of credible evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud to promote those conspiracies, just peoeple dump enough to believe them.

MAGA MAGGOT'S keep saying there is proof, if only the courts would allow it. It is the fault of the courts who refuse to accept their bullshit excuses (not evidence, just bullshit) as proof of their non-existent claims of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

Both Lying Lake and the Traitor will always have somebody/anybody but themselves to blame for losing their respective races. Both of loud mouth losers are very reminiscent of Joesph "Tail Gunner Joe" McCarthy. He would wave around sheets of paper, making wild ass and totally baseless claim of "Communists" in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Goverment. He never really proved any of those conspiracies, but he got the fame he craved and in the end that fame became destructive. In the end McCarthy censured by the U.S. Senate and his own alcholism killed him.

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I was cheated I tell's ya.....

The problem for Lying Lake is that she is trying (and like the Traitor) failing to create a realistic criminal conspiracy designed to deny her the office she is unfit to hold. She never offered any form of credible evidence to support her empty allegations of Election Fraud.

In order to sustain a charge of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud one must first have evidence of such Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. Lying Lake has none. She has an unending list of hair brained conspiracy theories that even she knows she can prove....that is the beauty of her conspiracies, she does not have to have a single shred of credible evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud to promote those conspiracies, just peoeple dump enough to believe them.

MAGA MAGGOT'S keep saying there is proof, if only the courts would allow it. It is the fault of the courts who refuse to accept their bullshit excuses (not evidence, just bullshit) as proof of their non-existent claims of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

Fucking Lying Lake Fucking Lost the Fucking Election.

You sound scared.

Isn't it a good thing that you have all the good folks on this board to cry to when the stress just gets too intense?

You're projecting. Just because your ilk is mechanically posting whatever Gateway Pundit tells them to think doesn't mean I'm similarly encumbered.

Kari Lake failed to cite even ONE disenfranchised voter. Let alone all the other standards she had to meet.....and failed.
One thing about you Nazis - you're drones, While that means that none of you have anything approaching thought - it also means that you have a single purpose, whatever the hive mind programs in you.
This is how vegetables like John Fetterman are promoted. No sentient being would want a man who can't even comprehend the most basic sentence in the United States Senate. But you're not sentient - you're a bug, no more aware of your actions than a cockroach is. You're a drone of the democrat Reich. You have no thoughts - you do what your party programs you to do, think what the Reich media tells you to think.

Oh, and you're right to be scared - yesterday was NOT a good day for you Nazis in the Lake trial.

I can't believe it matters. It's all about the grift with them it appears. Even the buffoon knows the splash is coming and his ability to pretend otherwise is only working with some of them. Sure, she can lure them away as he gets dragged off into court for the rest of his life, but how long can she sell them an image?
At some point she'll have to stand for something. Her claims, however fiercely implausible, are nearly tangible to these sycophants.
It's all her making. She must know this, so what could be her hope except to strike while the iron is hot. It might be fast and furious, but the buffoon has shown that it's easy pickin's and highly profitable.
She's just playing a part. It's sad how these people can believe there's a vast conspiracy manipulating everything in the air around them, but cannot see the silly sock puppet selling stupid in their feed.

It's all about the fraud.

You Nazis swore that "no court will hear a challenge" - but here we are.

You Nazis lied for days that "this is nothing and Kari will be thrown in prison for questioning the Reich"



Look, anything Skylar posts is a fucking lie - we all know that.

Is that the case with you too? Do you just vomit out what the Nazis hate sites like Democratic Underground and CNN say?
You sound scared.

Isn't it a good thing that you have all the good folks on this board to cry to when the stress just gets too intense?


You think so many people are scared; when really, you're just an abject imbecile, as demonstrated here...

Translation: Shit! I'm scared!

7 days


... and here ...

Translation: "November 8 is coming and I'm scared shitless".

... and here ...

God, this shit show just gets funnier by the second. I wish there was a way to objectively quantify all the pure CRAZY of the left. We could track it and marvel at how much weirder it gets exponentially as we get closer to Nov. 8.

Crazy and scared. TERRIFIED!

... so how did that RED WAVE turn out for ya? :badgrin:
One thing about you Nazis - you're drones, While that means that none of you have anything approaching thought - it also means that you have a single purpose, whatever the hive mind programs in you.
This is how vegetables like John Fetterman are promoted. No sentient being would want a man who can't even comprehend the most basic sentence in the United States Senate. But you're not sentient - you're a bug, no more aware of your actions than a cockroach is. You're a drone of the democrat Reich. You have no thoughts - you do what your party programs you to do, think what the Reich media tells you to think.

Oh, and you're right to be scared - yesterday was NOT a good day for you Nazis in the Lake trial.

View attachment 741390

Poor nazi, the defense squashed that claim by pointing out all ballots that were rejected by the tabulators were still counted.
I can't believe it matters. It's all about the grift with them it appears. Even the buffoon knows the splash is coming and his ability to pretend otherwise is only working with some of them. Sure, she can lure them away as he gets dragged off into court for the rest of his life, but how long can she sell them an image?
At some point she'll have to stand for something. Her claims, however fiercely implausible, are nearly tangible to these sycophants.
It's all her making. She must know this, so what could be her hope except to strike while the iron is hot. It might be fast and furious, but the buffoon has shown that it's easy pickin's and highly profitable.
She's just playing a part. It's sad how these people can believe there's a vast conspiracy manipulating everything in the air around them, but cannot see the silly sock puppet selling stupid in their feed.

You sound scared.

Isn't it a good thing that you have all the good folks on this board to cry to when the stress just gets too intense?


Again, of what? The big fucking reveal in the Lying Lake's Election Trial was.....wait for it.....shrunken ballots. For fuck sake get fucking real.

I do not fear ignorant MAGA MAGGOTS like you. I do not even pity you. You exist in your own persecuted world. You people have convenient bullshit excuses when you less than well thought out (face facts, you people do not even know how to think) conspirieces fall flat.
Again, of what? The big fucking reveal in the Lying Lake's Election Trial was.....wait for it.....shrunken ballots. For fuck sake get fucking real.

I do not fear ignorant MAGA MAGGOTS like you. I do not even pity you. You exist in your own persecuted world. You people have convenient bullshit excuses when you less than well thought out (face facts, you people do not even know how to think) conspirieces fall flat.

Thank you for being such a hilarious joke. I'm hating being stuck in the house because of the weather and I got a genuinely delighted laugh out of your post.

Please share more of your funny brand of wisdom with us.

He claims that 19" ballots printed on 20" inch paper were not counted. That's bullshit, they were counted. The defense pointed out ballots rejected by a tabulator were later duplicated and counted.

And of course we actually believe you, demon.

We really do. :laughing0301:

(Now watch this, folks. Here it comes...........................................................)

Wow, the shit revealed in this trial is stunning. Election should be overturned for Maricopa County.

They did not have any documents for chain of custody for Election Day, violating Arizona law. These scum bags need to go to jail.

Thats only what Kari CLAIMED, not the actual facts the defense presented and claimed....

You're only getting one side of the story, and not viewing both sides.....in the trial.
Specifically, which "Nazis" are you quoting? Only one link required to prove yourself not a compulsive liar..

Specifically Frau Eva Braun Skylar

Apparently opposing the Nazi democrat Reich in court is a criminal offense now.

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